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Official/ U-kiss Shin Dong Ho (신동호) Thread!

Guest SoshiTaeTaeLover

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wooow he look's older in the last one...

but anyways...i can't believe........!!

he's probably the most cutest maknae ever!!

maybe it's because he's the youngest one...

(not only in Ukiss, but compared to other idol groups)

i feel like a sinner...

i'm a noona...

that can't resist the charm of a kiddo.. xD


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Guest mz simmonz

I first saw this kid yesterday while watching "Champagne" (guest-starring Uee) and omg he is too too too cute for words! when he did his aegyo for Uee..I think if I was her I would've just been so overwhelmed by the cuteness LOL. I'd buy him anything he wanted!! loll. I feel like a pedophile searching for him on youtube but you can't blame me, he's so adorable..although he seems kind of self concious/not confident on "Idol Maknae Rebellion" but probably because he's so young and the youngest on the show. Oh well it just adds to his adorable-ness. Hopefully the media will let him grow, hate to see him have to maintain the baby cuteness forever. I have a feeling his baby face will eventually go away by the time he finishes high school..he just has one of those faces you know will mature quicker than expected.

ok enough Dongho analysis. but he's like...male HaRa..so cute you'd think he was a doll LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG i love this child

i just want to take care of him

his smiles make me happy

and he reminds me SO MUCH of se7en during his debut days (come back to me, passion)

the same warm smile, cute personality, and slight hunchback......SO CUTE!!!

noona loves you!!

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  • 3 weeks later...


I find Dongho on idol maknae rebellion and I was falling for him more and more! kekeke

so I was searching.. &love his group U-Kiss falling for them too !

such a cutieee. following them on vampire too! such a DORK is he

love his bangs up like this. but I saw on the new teaser him with WHITE/BLONDE hairr =(

I just have to get used to it its maybe very HOT

I like it just now lil red ghehge still love him tough <3


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest simpleandpink

d'aww. I love love his white hair. (Heard he went through like...15 bleaches to get it D: yikes) He gave me a shock in the "Bingeul Bingeul" video :o so hot x_x;;; Why is he so young ;__; He is the first idol to make me feel so old...I don't want to be a nuna to an idol yet D: LOL

Anyhow...love this boy in their Vampire show <3 Him hopping around in bunny PJs and getting snow in his face by Eli are the cutest scenes EVER.

And he's my fave on Idol Maknae Rebellion XD Dongsoon, anyone?

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Guest FragrantWhisper

I never thought anyone would look so cute with a mushroom cut.

I think Dongho was really adorable in his early teens. It looks like he's growing into a bit of his full potential.

I like his blonde hair in 'Bingeul Bingeul,' but now I'm liking it less after hearing how his scalp burned due to the 15 bleach sessions. Talk about harsh. :(

But yeah, hard to believe he's ONLY fifteen D:

Fifteen-year-olds should not be allowed to look like that -_-

lol, hope to hear more about U-Kiss & Dongho soon. I love their comeback! :D

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UH! I like him so much and yet he's so young for me. He's '94. I'm '90.

Sniff. Totally reminds me of Minhwan from FT. Island. He's '92.

Why does all the maknae has to be soo cute?? (3

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest janeym

^ Wow. Dongho? For reals? Lol.

Interesting pictures. Very cute and adorable when he's a baby

and still now too. Keke~ ^^ Thanks for sharing.

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