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What Made You Smile Today?


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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9

I hugged Oliver today, like.. two times.

because it was so cold outsite and we hugged for a long time.

he held me at my waist, gahhhh -happy- and i said "i can stay here forever" while hugging him.


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Guest doll face

my friend, Johnny, was feeling sick and he looked so out of it this morning.

well, me and my friend, Melissa, saw him coming out right after lunch and we sorta talked.

I kinda asked him if he was feeling ok from this morning and tried to make him laugh a little. and it worked! :D

but we were almost late for class because we were outside too long. lolol

he gave me a biggg hug and smiled for real for once today at us.

and on the bus, when he saw me, he looked ten times better from before

and I don't normally get this from him, but he called me one of his bestfriends and gave me a hug before leaving, too.

I felt really happy because he looked so much better right after(:

and Johnny's one of those ghetto tough kind of asian guys, he really grew up from a tough life.

so seeing him happy atleast once from just me being there to cheer him up made me feel really good about myself. n____n♥

edit, woo. got to own p121 today, too ! :D hahahaa.

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Guest starstung

This boy was singing a silly song about me, using my name and complimenting me as I walked down the stairs to lunch. He was singing a random tune and when I passed by, he incorporated me into the song. It was really cute :) I used to have a crush on him too.

And my friend got side bangs! She's even cuter than before!

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Guest itsyumey

My physics class. Though I'm failing quite horribly, that class always puts a smile on my face and sunshine in my day.

Today, my teacher was talking about introducing Japanese guys to this industrial park thing and then he says he broke his leg. Apparently, he was running too fast and he had too much inertia to stop his "big self," LOL. Even though it's not funny, I laughed at the thought of my teacher running because he always seems to move so calmly. XD

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Seeing my boyfriend's adorable face on the webcam, pulling faces and doing weird disturbing dances just to put a smile on my face. :)

Ahhh I love my boy.

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Guest ephemeral.

Watching some East of Eden cut.

I can't believe Dennis Oh did not laugh at her English.

No offense, but I would have rofled. ^^;

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Guest crashandburn

Eating Crunchy Nut. LOL. It's so good~

I LOVE Crunchy Nut :lol:

The fact that it might snow again tonight, heavier than monday, and there won't be no school tomorrow

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