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[Drama 2009] My Fair Lady / Lady Castle 아가씨를 부탁해


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Hi! I'm new to this thread and have just seen screencaps of ep8. Honestly, I've only finished ep 1-6 in one whole day!!! That's how addicted I got to the story.

Anyway, back to ep8... not to give spoilers, but it's a bit bittersweet for me. I won't say anything more but I'm soooo looking forward to the next episodes just to see how things will progress with the three characters.

Happy watching everyone!

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Guest zaizai_f4_only

Hello everyone :)

im a new comer to this thread XD

im so addicted to this drama atm.

and im fully addicted to the couple of

TY-HN <33

i donno why i just love that couple.

btw... is anyone here have the same feeling/opnion as me?

after watching MFL so far i think TY's character at the end will fall for EJ ?

i dont know but that's how i feel.

what do u guys think? :D

thanks to everyone who have contributed! pic dl/link etc2!

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Guest damifino

^ The ratings aren't that bad. It has stiff competition and ratings in the teens is respectable.

honestly. its a waste of time. dont read reviews in here they are ridiculous 90% of the time.. the only way to enjoy a drama is to not let other's opinions influence your view. you watch a drama to enjoy it as it is,, not to watch it to discuss whether or not each minute of each and every scene was good, or had the right kind of lighting and temperature etc etc blablabla more b.s b.s.b.s. thats all i see in here.

dont like it dont watch it. not that hard. its gone from constructive criticism to straight up ridiculous-ness ( i dont even know if thats a word, but it fits with this thread)

If that's what you really believe, what in the world are you doing in a DISCUSSION thread? Why not just watch the drama and leave it at that? Just because others view a drama with a different level of detail than you doesn't make their viewing of the drama any less valid.

"dont like it dont watch it. not that hard"... Just because they might not like EVERY SINGLE DETAIL about the show as some others do apparently, doesn't mean that they don't like the show. And if they didn't like the show enough that they no longer wanted to watch it, I'm sure they would stop watching the drama without directions from the peanut gallery.

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Watching episode 8 without subs doesn't do justice. There were so many verbal interactions that subs were needed. I love episode 8. HN's heart is starting to react to DC. But, I don't know what will happen since we're left with a cliffhanger. I hope there will be a more detailed preview of episode 9 over the weekend. There was a part where I really wanted to know what TY had said to HN. It was when DC took EJ home and HN and TY were going home. He said something about DC and being good looking. HN said to TY, don't be ridiculous. I hope somebody understood what TY actually said to HN and is kind enough to share it. Also, I am surprised DC admitted to HN that he came back to being HN's butler because he liked her. However, HN doesn't know that is how DC really feels. So, she kinda took it as a joke and didn't believe him. Wow, that gave me goosebumps in a very good way.

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I so adore YEH...She got my attention when I first saw her in Goong.

I have watched up to epi 6 so far, but gosh, don't kill me. LOL I am not seeing chemistry with her and DC. Am I the only one? Instead their relationship seemed more of a good brother and sister. I honestly, did not want to come to that conclusion but I can't shake off that thought. Unlike, her other co-stars from the past she had plenty of chemistry with them. And that made me so anxious for the upcoming epis.

I don't think the age difference is what made me see it that way. The 11 age gap isn't that far out. All I know is that there is something lacking. I will hang on and continue with the rest because I do miss seeing YEH onscreen.

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Guest ariel_pham

Suddenly I envy you HN-DC shippers with all the romantic scenes between the two ;__; Guess we TY-HN shippers must really treasure these rare little moments =(


Seeing how despondent HN is, TY grabs HN’s hand and assures her, “It will be okay, so don’t worry too much. I will stay beside you.” I just LOVEEEE the way TY holds her hand tightly with both hands. It's so protective and caring. And almost fainted seeing HN grab his hand back. Ahhh those two...........


During the meal, just tooo cute :x


His trade-mark smile, like shining autumn...


I can't help noticing how the girls show some possession xD



Haha, "my Tae-Yoon" "our oppa"..... :lol:

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Guest xsilentangel

hi guys.. I've been silently reading your posts. Sorry I have yet to see episode 8 because of its incomplete subs, but just wondering about the whole "gigolo" thing.. Does that mean like Dong-Chan had like sexual relationships with women and leeched money off of them? o_O.. Isn't that what a gigolo is? =O.. but Dong-Chan is so cute..

I don't like Tae Yoon's hair WHATSOEVER. It does not fit his flawless face at all. Oh yeah.. I don't like Hye Na's too.. but YEH works it nicely since she's so cute. I still don't like her hair color either though!.. makes her seem older :[

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What's with Il Woo new hairstyle? Are they trying to make him look older or something? :mellow:

He was really too cute and even had better chemistry with HN that's why they make him ugly hehe.

I was hoping for HN-TY but I guess that's not coming that's why Im not so interested with the show anymore

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Guest chashkieh

Hi guys, I'm new at this thread. I soooo love this new series of YEH. Also loved her much in Goong.

Anyway, I'm opting for TY but DC is not that bad -- only he looks like her HN older brother or uncle or something. :) Anyway, Looking forward for the episodes next week. Can't wait!!!!

Oh and yeah, I don't like TY's new hairdo. What is up with that? :P

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Guest Dipyramidal

AHH!! I really want to see the next episode like right NOW XD. Anyway, I wish ratings go up because i think it deserves it. I think in the end, DC will become the husband of Hye-Na. And Taeyoon will marry EJ, make hye-na's jealous and also be hye-na's soulmate.

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Episode 8 had some contrived/fake moments like her running up the steps just so that he could hold her close and also the scene where he woke up and grabbed her. LOL. Dramas crack me up sometimes. :P I wish the writers would be a little more creative sometimes but hey, it's all in good fun.

I'm looking forward to what next week brings. I guess TY will get even more jealous and suspicious of their relationship. Again, I don't know why he's fallen in love with her either :lol: The only person whose love is believable to me is EJ and I think that's because they didn't show us how she fell for him. It's all good, though. Oh... also, I think they did a better job in showing us how HN "fell" for TY.

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I love Tae Yoon's charm.

Is it possible if they switch his hair back now though?

Regardless of the hair, I like him a lot. Just seems like a nice genuine dedicated person, both in real life and in the drama.

I hope the next "bad" thing they do to Tae Yoon isn't make him into a "bad" character, acting all jealous, awkward, unreasonable, pushy etc... just to push Haena "naturally" away from him and "naturally" towards DC. It will just seem totally unjust.

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Guest junkiluv

just started watching this drama Love it so far!!!!

Wish the couples were HN and DC and then TY and EJ just the couples like that look so cute together.

man i want more TY and EJ moments

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I went to see at mysoju.com and guess what???

My fair Lady/Take Care of young Lady is no.1 drama of the week :D

Willy Nilly thanks for the caps, I like your caps :)

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Episode 8 is really interesting on how they play the dynamics of women and men in general. It kinda reminds me how they always say that behind a strong man, there is a strong woman. In this scenario, DC is the strong man behind HN, the strong woman. He's the one that advises her how to play the game with those board room vultures. I find that fascinating.

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