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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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sunmi i miss you :(

what's wrong with girls style these days ?! i dont like yubin red hair

and about lim honestly i dont see her as wondergirls member

i hope the girls song will be a hit :D

Thank God you're in the minority :lol:

She's looking better than ever imo.

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Guest littlechocolate

i think the girls style are definitely at their best these days.

very mature, out of typical cutesy type of girl. they have their own style, the real fashionista indeed!

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Guest Marilori

If Lim was a cheerleader, that definitely explains why she's more built on top. That's pretty cool =)

Congratulations Yeeun for making top hot idols for CFs. Love how she's the life of the party when they go on shows or have interviews, can't wait to see the episode with the kissing game Hahaha

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Guest valentino_rossi46


Anyone know what show is it?

They were given the lucky bracelet?

I wanna see the more high quality photo of this, cuz it look like my lucky bracelet, that my friend gave me when i traveled China ^^

And i love Sun Ye's top, so femine, but also sexy

Yu Bin = So Hot, her style in China always stand out , i love her hair, her style, her shoe, her face her body during this promotion lol, new fashionista symbol

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Guest qoxie


It was during their Channel [V] interview on the morning of their fan gathering.

Here, I just completed the translation of 2 newly published articles.

EDIT: Frankly, WG looked very sleep-derived here; the makeup can't hide their eye bags.

Hopefully the TV pictures will be more forgiving.



WONDERGIRLS is startled after trying 'pig blood cake' (black pudding), shrieks after spotting beancurd, sincerely prays & then rushes to fasten talismanic red threads


WONDERGIRLS shrieked after eating beancurd, so the show stopped & let them eat their full! When WONDERGIRLS was in Taiwan the other day, Channel [V]'s 'Top 20 Countdown' show host Candice Liu took advantage during a break & surprised them with Taiwan delicacies at their hotel. [Taiwan boyband] Choc7's Louis & Vibo first performed an altered version of 'Nobody'. The duo sang & danced while blending in hand-play claps, kissing mimes & other tricks. WONDERGIRLS said aloud: "Very fascinating! First time witnessing this kind of performance."

Next was the food presentation. WONDERGIRLS ate the 'pig blood cake' (black pudding) & said it was very good. When told it is a dessert made from pig's blood, they were [momentarily] startled, then continued to eat with relish. When Candice Liu brought out the beancurd, WONDERGIRLS unexpectedly began shrieking happily upon hearing "beancurd" in Chinese. It was Candice's turn to be startled & dumbfounded. Actually, before their trip some Taiwan fans had written to them recommending beancurd as a must-try. But their packed schedule had left them with no tasting opportunity as yet. Channel [V] happened to deliver some straight to their door, prompting the quintet to grab the beancurd & chomp away. They were half-eating & half-pronouncing 'MASHISOYO' (Korean for 'delicious'). In order to let the beauties properly sample authentic local fare, the cameras stopped rolling & WONDERGIRLS got to satisfy their cravings before the interview continued.

Candice Liu had also brought along another irresistible goodie for WONDERGIRLS: talismanic red threads [of destiny] that can improve business fortunes, interpersonal relations, personal popularity & [mythically] can lead wearers to soulmates & future spouses. WONDERGIRLS was very interested after hearing this &, even as Candice spoke, wanted to fasten them on. But for the red threads to be 'effective', WONDERGIRLS had no choice but to obediently bear with Candice's demonstration. She placed a red thread on her palm, made a wish, & then fastened it to her left wrist. The 5 girls understood & followed suit with closed eyes & sincere prayers. Candice Liu asked Sohee who was next to her about her wish, & Sohee said: "I hope for every success with the album release in May!" Clearly, WONDERGIRLS is more dedicated to their professional ambition than their love life! Who do they feel can make the most money from shooting sexy pictorial books? Everyone unaminously said it is Yoobin, because she is the oldest, has tanned skin that is very healthy-looking, has super-taut skin, & has fuller lips that are very sensual!

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Wilber Pan invites WONDERGIRLS to tour Taipei

April 26, 2010 17:18

Super-popular Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS's 4-day, 3-night trip was packed with activities. After completing the fan event at CPcity Living Mall, they went their staff to 'Din Tai Fung' to feast on steamed dumplings. The original plan was to entertain WONDERGIRLS with this delicacy on their day of arrival. But the hectic schedule had caused them to return to their hotel for rest instead. Yet their staff continued to praise the delicious dumplings, tempting the group members to vow about sampling some before their departure. Still, LIM & Yeeun were dieting & missed out on the tasting.

Wilber Pan also showed up at the celebratory meal. His manager & WONDERGIRLS are well acquainted, & Wilbur got to play host & invite WONDERGIRLS to a treat. During the feast, WONDERGIRLS divulged they wanted to wash up & dress down so as to hit the Taipei night markets. Thereupon, Wilber took out travel cards & enthusiastically invited them to take the subway down together. WONDERGIRLS was looking forward to it, but the weather was not good & the plan was canceled. But WONDERGIRLS & Wilber Pan chatted merrily at the celebratory meal & mutually hoped to work together in the future. They even agreed to roam Taipei together next time. The group members' relish for steamed dumplings were written all over their faces. Sunye specially spoke in Chinese: "I've eaten my fill!" When departing, she even ordered several boxes of red-bean buns as takeaway, full of praise for Taiwan food!

For this Taiwan trip, WONDERGIRLS got to sample many kinds of local fare at the press conference. They were most won over by the pineapple cookies, even requesting their staff to take along 20 boxes before their departure. 4,50 [typo] enthusiastic fans gathered at the airport to send them off, endowing them nonstop with gifts. WONDERGIRLS is very fan-devoted & carried all the goodies ad-hoc into the flight, consequently exceeding their luggage limit. They will fly to Shanghai next for further activities, taking with them beautiful memories, the fans' & media's warm responses, while hoping to return & meet up with Taiwan fans as soon as possible!

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Guest girls2girls

hello :)

wow thanks for sharing all the news and the pictures...

lol i'm always lurking here but since you guys never stop posting all the news, i might should come out and say thank you for your search on wondergirls, thanks again especially to qoxie and mia_mia ;)

they're really pretty...i miss them already, haha i really can't wait for their new song..it's been two years now and the song nobody is still alive, i feel pity to some of my friends and relatives though...they just knew the song in this year whilst me, back in 2008... :P

for some reason my love to wondergirls will never fade away, there's a time where i said to myself that i should just forget them because i barely heard any news about them during their stay in US, well in other words i almost became a migrated bird but not really, i've never really into any k-pop groups other than them...haha

honestly these girls made me teary-eyed, wondergirls yeah they always make me cry, and i don't know why? i've followed them ever since i got hook with them so it was completely hard to leave them after they gave me such a huge impact, a very tremendous effect..and that's why i'm still lurking here :P so my question is who are these girls anyway? who are they?...and the answer, i'll keep it to myself...thanks wondergirls.. ;)

although sunmi is on leave, i still can see her spirit, her dreams with the wondergirls, sunye, sohee, yubin, yeeun and hyerim..i still can see her...call me crazy but i'm not, haha...and thanks to wonderfuls..you guys, we are the best fans ever -it's a quote from yeeun...and yes we are!!! are we?? XD

anyway happy posting - :) -

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Guest vietboi_tuan

Once again, their stylist didn't disappoint. Especially SoHee and YooBin.

SunYe look so feminine and pretty. YeEun and Lim look nice also.

It's so great that each girls have their own style and not uniformed

like other girl groups when they go to event. So glad they haven't wore

any Nobody outfit to any function yet. Wonder what they will be wearing next?

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Guest Bubbly_Millionheiress

Wonder Girls are really rocking their Youtube videos. That Mnet Nobody performance gets over 100,000 views every SINGLE day! I swear that by the end of the week the video would have reached 24,000,000 views! :o

congratulations to MinAhn for receiving millions of votes on the Korea’s Most Beautiful Woman poll & getting the 4th & 8th position respectively! They both totally deserve it! Sun Ye is so damn gorgeous while So Hee.. there is no one cuter than her! MinAhn are LOVE! <333

congratulations to Ye Eun as well for appearing on the list for the most favored celebs for CF endorsements! with her innate elegance & bubbliness Park Yosa is the perfect candidate for CF endorsements. <3 oh and those pictures of bare-faced Ye Eun at the airport.. SO beautiful! she has such sparkling glowing skin! <3

not forgetting congrats to Yu Bin for creating waves on Daum over her looks at the Shanghai airport! <3 Binnie is so smexy & beautiful! who is crazy enough to resist her sexpot charms? Heck even I go nuts for Yu Bin despite being a girl. LOL!

talksound – I feel better after hearing your explanation about the Dream Concert seating arrangements for Wonderfuls. I think that we can expect many high quality/close up fancams of Wonder Girls performing since Wonderfuls are gonna sit up close to the stage! :D

The amount of seats given to Wonderful doesn’t bother me as much as it did before. knowing how much Wonder Girls were & still are loved by other fanclubs I think they will all cheer for them. :)

True. The DC organizers do treat Wonder Girls nicely for a relatively new girl group who have been around for only 3 years and have only been active in kpop for 1 year 10 months. Is there any news about Wonder Girls being given the climax slot for the concert? Or are the DC organizers gonna go back on their word? :mellow:

Oh my god.. Ye Eun had to safe kiss Chen Han Dian? I do like Chen Han Dian but Ye Eun kissing him.. hmm.. that’s an entirely different matter. :lol: LOL! Ye Eun is really good-natured. She let Jang Dong Min hold her hand & even kiss it during the Every Idol Show & now this.. I can’t wait for this episode. Seems like a lot of fun! Hehe.. Taiwanese & their Sun Ye bias? Hehe.. I LIKE! <3 :P

Lim used to be a cheerleader? That means that she is quite flexible & athletic eh? Can’t wait to see her do a cool dancing solo during the Wonder World Tour. My oh my.. Yu Bin has the same favourite Wonder Girl song as me! :o ‘I Wanna’ is SO catchy that I can’t stop listening to it!


^Aww.. they are all so pretty! Sun Ye in yellow again! <3 Yu Bin is wearing the same leggings as Sun Ye did in one of their EXR photoshoots. YuMin are sharing clothes too eh? :P Ye Eun elegant & flawless as usual, So Hee is adorable & Lim is cho cute! <3

I just LOVE the EXR paprazzi styled photoshoot. the girls look really good! and I spot my 2Ye riding bikes together! aww..:blush: Appa & Omma together! <3

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& Sohee said: "I hope for every success with the album release in May!" Clearly, WONDERGIRLS is more dedicated to their professional ambition than their love life!

Oh my, Sohee turned into an entrepreneur!! This is JYP effect on the girl!! :lol:

Now I understand KHD when he was joking that by frequenting their mentor the Wonder Girls would have become like him. B)


Few days left to Hollywood Bowl and less than 3 weeks to the new single... it's going to get better and better :)

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Guest songbird86

The girls are out of Taiwan right? Just got news there was an earthquake there, and I got concerned. Just hope the girls (and everyone in Taiwan) are ok.

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The quake should've had a limited effect (just shaking buildings).

The girls left on the 24th, spent the 25th in Shanghai and then left after the Bazaar charity attendance. They should've returned to Korea by now.


Maybe this video has not been seen yet, it shows how jam packed was the fan meeting in Taiwan (and the public was really participating)

Cr. irene8470@youtube.com

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hey wonderfuls don't forget to let us know if your going or not!


we will have a spectacle family meet up :)

not only that but has anyone made a fanbanner/fansign yet? I'm planning to make mine sometime this week before korean bowl. can't wait! five more days until i get to see the girls again :).

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Guest qoxie

Looks like they won't be pre-celebrating Sunmi's birthday (May 2) together with her.


KpopLive transcribed the Hankooki article about the new EXR pics.

EXR reveals Wonder Girls’ Wonder Style 2

April 26, 2010

Last year, Korean clothing brand, EXR, partnered up with Wonder Girls and “Wonder Style” was born. With summer just around the corner and a new addition to the Wonder Girls’ team, everything is set for the revealing of “EXR’s Wonder Style 2″.

“Wonder Style: Wonder Toys” met with huge success, helping EXR achieve record sales. The girls were featured posing as dolls and wearing colorful clothing, accessories and wigs.

Now EXR will be revealing a new pictorial entitled “Wonder Style 2: Want the Girls Style”. The pictorial will introduce four fashion styles: romantic, sporty, beach and casual which will be featured on their website and stores starting in May.

On the paparazzi style photo shoot the Wonder Girls show a more mature side of themselves on the streets of Seoul.

During the shoot, Sohee was the least camera conscious among the Wonder Girls and was the most engaged, with a style similar to Hollywood star and showing her improvisational skills; while YeEun with her sporty look, shot actively for 30 minutes.

The girl who “can’t ride a bike”, cute leader Sunye, met many troubles during the photo shoot. She had a hard time with the bike’s handle, losing her balance and falling. The crew even said “Sunye dances intense dances; how hard can it be to ride a bike?”.

Yubin getting out of a luxury car was said to able to have real paparazzi all over her with just one look at her expression as she gets out of a luxury car exuding the presence of a star.

Meanwhile, the newest member, Hyerim, with a concept of a fashionista being stalked by paparazzi during her stroll on her free day, perfectly pulled off her look and it’s said to be on the climb as a fashion model. Could Hyerim turn out to be the 2nd fashionista in the group?

After being away from Korea for so long, the girls listened attentively to the explanations for their new paparazzi style photo shoot while having some laughs, especially Sohee who was told to put on a “Paris Hilton expression”.

What we can see of the photo shoot so far is definitely really interesting; who knew the girls could pull off the sporty look so well. What do you think? Do you like it?

While we wait for more photos, let’s take a look at the batch that has already been released.

Source: Lee HyunA@sporthankook.co.kr, Daum, wondercuty

Translation: mocha@kpoplive.com

Link: http://www.kpoplive.com/2010/04/26/exr-rev...wonder-style-2/

Rain, Hyori, Wonder Girls to appear in Dream Concert

Korean Herald 2010-04-21 17:36

More than 20 big name K-pop groups and singers are set to perform at a large-scale joint concert next month.

The star-studded line up for the 16th Dream Concert includes: Rain, Lee Hyori, the Wonder Girls, Girls’ Generation, SS501, Super Junior, 2PM, Shinee, Kara, U-Kiss, After School, Four Minutes, Tiara, Davichi, MBLAQ, Beast, f(x), Rainbow and F.cuz.

“It is an event to vitalize the slumping K-pop music market and encourage Koreans to enjoy performances. The concert also aims to cheer for the Korean soccer team which will participate in the 2010 World Cup,” said the Korea Entertainment Producers’ Association, the organizer of the concert.

Profits from ticket sales will be donated to an organization for the needy.

The Dream Concert will take place on May 22 at Seoul World Cup Stadium in Sangam-dong, Seoul. Tickets are 5,000 won. For more information, visit www.dreamconcert.kr



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iFensi.com did a photo essay (9 pics) of the WG press conference in Taiwan.

Not sure if it has already been shared, but here's the link:


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Guest qoxie



WONDERGIRLS likes Show Luo, piously fastens red threads

China Times update 2010/04/27 02:26 Zhang Ya-wen / Taipei news

WONDERGIRLS had come prepared for this Taiwan trip. When asked which Taiwan artistes they wished to most collaborate with, the quintet spoke with a heavy Korean accent: "Luo Zhi Xiang (Show Luo)!" Evidently, they have practiced this.

The other day, Channel [V] 'Top 20 Countdown' host Candice Liu surprised them with local delicacies & talismatic red threads at their hotel. The quintet ate so inattentively that filming was stopped to let them have their fill.

Sampling 'pig blood cake' (black pudding) for the first time, the oblivious girls praised it as delicious, only to be startled when told it was made partly using pig's blood. They then switched to the beancurd, which had them shrieking excitedly. It turned out Taiwan fans had tipped them off about the delicacy being a must-try during their trip, but their packed schedule had not created any opportunity yet. The TV station took the initiative to deliver some to their door. They half-ate & half-pronounced 'MASHISOYO' (Korean for 'delicious') in appreciative tones.

In addition, the show had prepared red threads for them to pray for good luck. The quintet obediently followed Candice Liu's demonstration: placing the red threads on their palms, making their wishes, & then fastening them to their left wrists. Sohee was asked about her wish, & she chose to put work first: "I hope for every success with the album release in May!"

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WONDERGIRLS scrambles to fasten the red threads, shrieks at the sight of beancurd

2010/04/27 10:33

Reporter Cai Jing-yi / Taipei news

Popular Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS blew into town like a cyclone the other day. The girls were unfamiliar & curious about all things Taiwanese. On hearing that wearing red threads can improve their career & romantic fortunes, the quintet promptly made their sincere prayers. In addition, Taiwan is known for its food & WONDERGIRLS did not forget to sample the local fare. Spotting the beancurd, they were shrieking in happiness.

When WONDERGIRLS was in Taiwan, Channel [V] 'Top 20 Countdown' host Candice Liu took advantage during a break & surprised them with Taiwan delicacies at their hotel. She got them to try the 'pig blood cake' (black pudding). They said it was delicious, but were startled when told it was made using pig's blood. The producers next brought out the beancurd, which greatly cheered up the girls. Actually, the fans had recommended this local delicacy before their Taiwan trip.

Candice Liu also introduced the Taiwan custom of 'fastening red threads' to them. On hearing that it can bring good luck, the 5 girls eagerly wanted to tie them on. After watching Candice's demonstration, WONDERGIRLS followed suit & made sincere prayers. But the maknae appeared to favor professional ambition over romance, with Sohee saying: ""I hope for every success with the upcoming album!"


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