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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest loveeeWG

The interviewer asking about Sunmi’s departure and the aftermath.

Lim : I thought a lot about whether joining the Wonder Girls was the right thing to do or not.I started to feel more and more sorry towards the members after me joining.

After finishing her sentence,Lim couldn’t hold back her tears.The members seeing Lim cry,burst into tears and the whole interview became a mess.

Translations : WonderGirlSoul@Tumblr

The reason why Lim cried.

Lim thought a lot before joining WG.

She is my idol, for being so strong, knowing all the hate that she will get even after joining, but nevertheless, joined.


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Guest albi-albi-albi

Omg I am a sone.. but but WG has my full support. The album is awesomeeee.

Really i am supper dupper impressed with Sohee and Hyerim. Sohee has improved so much.

And I am really glad Hyerim joined WG.. the girl can sing, rap and her english is just :wub: :wub:

When listening to the songs i couldnt help but be like omg omg WG is finally back.

Me, in should have been the title song.. its such a kickass song.. but be my baby is good too.. gives me the christmas feeling.

Really looking forward to their live shows and WonderGeneration interaction :wub:

Lets all support them and buy their albums. ^^

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Guest loveeeWG

"Sunye also responded towards Teddy Riley issue. During Girls' Generation's comeback, Teddy Riley caused quite a ruckus on Twitter which somewhat offended the Wonderfuls. Sunye responded, "We were rather surprised that he knew us. And a lot of people know that we lack in many ways, not just Teddy Riley. So that's no surprise. It's just that it came to be known that way because he's so influential. We're rather thankful that he mentioned us in time with our comeback."

CR: Dailykpop news

My angel sunye! :wub:

Saying those words in a kind way. i love you sunye. :wub: :wub:

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Guest evilishus



cr:written in the gif



If they had asked me that question: lajdsjflsjifjowjeoir TEDDY RILEY aljdflsjflsjflajldxjfldsjf GO BACK TO YOUR CAGE lasjdfljfldsjfljdslfjldjfcldsnsfljflkkjfdjlfjldsjf MY WONDER GIRLS lsdjflsdjfldjfl.etc.etc. :D

but I much rather go with Sunye's response because we are WonderFul.

Lim,from day one I knew this girl must have had a heavy burden on her shoulders the day the company approached her with the proposition of joining the Wonder Girls.I really feel for her.But don't cry anymore Lim,you're a Wonder Girl and I LOVE YOU <333333

Talking about Lim....

In "Act Cool", I seriously laugh so hard at what is 'supposed' to be Yoobins voice.Its soooooo deep.Too funny.

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Wonder girls on twitter trending now ..oh

i so glad to see many cover .. why they re so fast , the song just came out yesterday

not yet 24 hours ...cool

cant stop listen Act cool from Lim ... this girl can do many things lot more than i expect .. more i see her .. i love her more

hope Me In will be the MV soon ... very soon

and this friday ,.... 3 performances !!!~ omg . i wanna see the Me In choreography !!~

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Guest evilishus

One of the things I love about the music video is the lack of face solo shots.The whole video really showcases the girls through out as a group and really shows off the dance.

It really is a high quality video.

and the girls are on the front page of Youtube :D

because i topped the page and because I now envision the Wonder Girls as tigers thanks to Lim...



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Guest Mexicooh

It's my first post since the MV and album came out. Just wow. The teaser was deceiving because I absolutely love BMB. I just can't get it out of my head! The MV was amazing they looking so pretty. And I do not mind SunYe's hair at all, all that panicking over nothing.

I lurrrrrrrve G.N.O. JYP needs to watch his back someday YeEun will overthrow him and take country of JYPE xD

I'm so happy about this comeback. I love that they are promoting two songs and singing a third song at Music Bank I can't wait. I hope there will be more MVs for the songs on this album. If not at least Me,in.

About the how boycott/scheming what ever it is. I don't care they are just pathetic and if they want to waste money then good on them. It is a compliment that they feel threatened by our girls that they need to do this. As a Wonderful I'm happy that we don't have people like that (hopefully!) in our fandom.

Overall I am so happy it has had an excellent response from Koreans. I just can't wait to see the live performances. Best COMEBACK IN YEARS!!

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Five Rumors and the Truth about Wonder Girls

Did the Wonder Girls really have to go to America?

There is no other way to express hardship. Whatever was thought as suffering could not match what the girls went through in America. In 2009 the Wonder Girls were a nationally treasured girl group in Korea. They were the best of the best, the very tip of the top. However, in less than two years, their high profile status was upset and flipped over. Their rivals have moved into their place and even their juniors have fought their way up to stardom.

People cocked their head to one side, and put a question mark to JYP's strategy of leaving the home turf. Why not just stay at the top in the K-pop world? Even fans were disappointed and didn't understand why the Wonder Girls had no other plans but to start activities in America.

To get to the point of the message here, the Wonder Girls' activities in America were not a waste of time. Instead of being safe at the top, they tackled (and still are tackling) a challenge. Although it was a tiring and relentless two years, the pain from their experiences in America eventually became medicine. The girls' musical foundation has definitely matured and developed and it shows in their new album "Wonder World."

On November 6 the Wonder Girls were interviewed by Dispatch News at Imperial Hotel. The girls were asked to comment and tell their sides of the story in response to five popular rumors.

Rumor # 1: The Wonder Girls Failed in America

From "Tell Me" to "So Hot" to "Nobody," with each song the girls took the nation by storm. Therefore their departure to America in 2009 was a bit of a surprise. Two years of activities away from home just seemed like too long a time, and the reaction to the mini-album last year was at best mediocre. There can't help but be a lot of talk of the Wonder Girls having failed in America.

Sun Ye: We understand why people question why we left Korea. One can say it is because the expectations people had of us were big, but our side of the story was different. Two years ago, we were completely exhausted. We needed time to slowly reenergize and progress in our development. Our time in New York was probably the most important period of my life. In a diverse environment with a lot of cultures and people present, we learned a great deal. If it wasn't for that, there would have been no producing or rap making in the new album. We are truly grateful for our time in America, and it was an important one for us as a group.

Ye Eun: If we went to America now, things would have been a bit easier. The most important thing I learned is that if you want to succeed in foreign activities, the key is learning the language. You have to be understood in order to communicate your intentions. We have no trouble understanding and answering questions now, therefore we have acquired both the language and culture. Our clearly defined goals and visions for America, give us the confidence we need to move on.

It was also a hot issue when famous American producer Teddy Riley (who produced SNSD's "The Boys") posted on his Twitter that the Wonder Girls were "flops in America" and that "no body cares about them." The girls have responded by stating that they "understand his statement" and showed mild indifference by stating "if you get hit on the right cheek, offer them your left."

Sun Ye: There are a lot of people that think our activities in America are a failure, but things just got heated because Teddy Riley is a famous icon. Every single person out there is not going to like us or be our fans. The fact that Teddy Riley even knows who we are is an honor. But the thing is we aren't even thinking about closing promotions and activities in America. It is too early to judge whether or not we have failed or succeeded. On the outside it may seem like we aren't attaining the desired level of achievement, however there are many things we have learned and gained. All we ask is for fans to hear us out until the end and to support us.

Rumor # 2: The Wonder Girls Delayed Their Comeback Because of SNSD

The girls have stated that they had the confidence, but the way their comeback was implemented has fans questioning that confidence. The Wonder Girls decided to delay their comeback by three weeks, although an obvious competition between both girl groups was anticipated. People are saying that the comeback got delayed due to fear of this competition against SNSD.

Sun Ye: There was a lot of debate on how to implement plans for our new album even after the decision was made to make a comeback in Korea. In the end, the album was produced, but there were a lot of different opinions on regularities and irregularities. The decision to even make a comeback was not planned in advance, so the time we had to prepare was a very short one. For our fans in Korea we decided to make a comeback, and it was just a matter of the amount of time it took to have good music made and ready.

Yoo Bin: We have been in the business for four to five years, and this is the first time our comeback coincided with SNSD, so we are fully aware that both groups are going to be compared and pitted against. But that doesn't mean we have to always be conscious of it and plan deliberately according to this competition. In popular media there is a diverse demand for what people want. What we can't produce and supply, SNSD is there to fill that empty spot, and vice versa. We are just happy and grateful that we can take part in such a energetic market called K-Pop.

The girls have also expressed that SNSD were great colleagues and friends that worked towards the same goal of spreading and influencing the K-Pop scene. The girls have monitored SNSD's work with their latest single, "The Boys," and are excited to be working alongside each other this time around.

Rumor # 3: Retro Doesn't Work Anymore

Ye Eun: There was a great deal of dispute over our title track. What people want within mainstream pop culture is very diverse. While some people wanted to see retro Wonder Girls, others wanted to see a different side to us. It was our challenge to come out with a fresh concept without losing the Wonder Girls touch. We found that middle ground with "Be My Baby" - the song falls somewhere in between trend and retro.

Yoo Bin: "Be My Baby" is not our usual retro music, but it is fresh with a retro touch to it. It's a very soulful and uptempo song, but at the same time it has a 60's style retroness to it. The outfits also follow the same concept. We made a change by adding leather, but polka dots kept a retro foundation. We got a lot of help from Beyonce's choreographer and Katy Perry's stylist.

Rumor # 4: Wonder Girls Can't Sing Live

After music, fans demand live performances. It is known that less vocally talented Sohee and Hye Lim are given little singing time, and main vocals Sun Ye and Ye Eun are known for their frequent off note incidents. People say that Wonder Girls are poor live performers.

Sohee: For this album we tried a lot of new things while dividing songs into parts. We decided to change things up and not follow the template we followed before. In "Be My Baby," I sing more than four lines during the introduction, and it is the same for Hye Lim. There was a lot of pressure, and we had a lot of difficulty with some parts of the song, but I developed a sense of responsibility and it was a chance for me to practice a lot more vocally. Fans can be sure to expect a lot of things from our activities.

Sun Ye: We tried hard to produce our own sound. We tried a new soulful and fresh singing method. When you listen you might think the new sound comes from higher notes or the increase in ad-libs, but it is actually from a more relaxed and comfortable style that we adapted.

Rumor # 5: Wonder Girls are Outdated

Although there are great expectations for the girls on one side, there are also those that are more cynical. There is talk that Wonder Girls are out of season. Because of spending time in America, many fans have slowly started to forget about the Wonder Girls.

Hye Lim and Yoo Bin: Waiting two years is a long time. So we wanted to make a comeback that filled in all of the empty spots that fans developed during the wait. We satisfied from the fact that people are happy and excited after hearing our music. We also plan to appease fans and become closer to them by trying our best and participating on music programs and variety shows.

Sohee and Sun Ye: There is a benefit to having been gone for such a long time. We can comeback with an outlook of a new comer. It feels exactly like the days when we got nervous from seeing the red light on the camera go on. We see it as an opportunity to grab people's hearts. Our goal is to give a positive influence under the name "Wonder Girls." Every day has a beginning and an end, and we still have a long ways to go.


love all their answers. it showed how matured they are musically..

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Guest fashionista.

Wonder Girls have put together an East meets West masterpiece that is not going away anytime soon! Congratulations Wonder Girls!

You always make your fans proud..

And you've earned a lot of love from me.

I'm officially a fan wub.gif

Signed up here, just for you ^^

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI


^thanks for sharing. that was a really great interview. the girls are all so well-spoken and seemed to have matured so much in the past 2 years. i really enjoyed reading that interview and i love how the girls were able to tackle difficult questions with such poise and grace.

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I'am feeling like a spy because I check SNSD the boys today!

I read many comments like: 


Seems like Sones are afraid of the Wonder Girls comeback! And the fans will be buying alot of CD and download as much as they so they can  keep


So my question is have we international fans and korean fans a strategy to keep our queens on top?!

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@fashionista. WELCOME :)


"Sunye also responded towards Teddy Riley issue. During Girls' Generation's comeback, Teddy Riley caused quite a ruckus on Twitter which somewhat offended the Wonderfuls. Sunye responded, "We were rather surprised that he knew us. And a lot of people know that we lack in many ways, not just Teddy Riley. So that's no surprise. It's just that it came to be known that way because he's so influential. We're rather thankful that he mentioned us in time with our comeback."

CR: Dailykpop news

My angel sunye! :wub:

Saying those words in a kind way. i love you sunye. :wub: :wub:

Speak like a true leader, so honest. I am so proud to have Min Sunye as the leader.

So there will be 3 performance on MB, which mean 3 different outfit or just one? I don't know but I can't wait to see them on stage. Plus to see them interact with other idols. YAY

I been watching We Got Married and man I wish one of our girls can be on the show. I know their promotion is short but I been thinking about it like crazy. Also I keep thinking how great is it if Junsu (JYJ) and Ye eun as a couple. =OOO Amazing! Blah to bad I don't think that will happen. T.T My dream and wishful thinking lmao

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I love that interview! Their answers are really WISE and MATURE! 

From this comeback I can tell the girls have improved and matured in every way possible!  For me it just REINFORCED my love for WG even more. And for some doubtful fans I think it will restore their faith in the girls. I even see a lot of people saying they didn't have much interest in WG before , but the new album finally made them become a fan!

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Guest beceshawtti3

I'am feeling like a spy because I check SNSD the boys today!

I read many comments like: 


Seems like Sones are afraid of the Wonder Girls comeback! And the fans will be buying alot of CD and download as much as they so they can  keep


So my question is have we international fans and korean fans a strategy to keep our queens on top?!

Well the fact that they're going crazy is pretty funny since that means they feel threatened. That's just pathetic for them to buy more haha, but I don't really worry since that's not important. It's clear that WG was always loved by the GENERAL public and not just by their fanbase. It's pretty surprising to me though that their album is number one on Hanteo seeing that they never sold well with physically with their albums but well digitally always. And now they're doing well in both! YAYYY!

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Guest freakloverxx

well no worries derfuls.never underestimate the power of good music.

and this time around wonder girls' comeback is stronger than ever.imo this is their best album so far and most all of their new songs are well received by the public.Ive read some reviews online and most of them rate the album as one of best albums of the year. Im sure once the girls perform live again in local TV, the whole nation is going to have Wonder Fever all over again.im sure the girls are missed dearly by koreans.

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Guest TheArchangel

Wonder Girls: U.S.A - Part 1

Reporter : Han Yeo-Wool.

Editor : Jessica Kim.

Wonder Girls leader Sun said, "I'm nervous as if we're newcomers" and Sohee said, "I've been thinking of our mindset from when we were newcomers." Wonder Girls, making a comeback with their first studio album in four years in Korea, after leaving for the U.S. when at the height of their career back home, are probably more nervous than when they made their debut in 2007. Because while they focused on their career in the U.S., many Korean girl groups gained popularity and expanded their career overseas. Hence the Wonder Girls that media outlets met with at a press conference held on November 4 could not hide their nervousness and excitement. Yet they had also learned as much while in the U.S. and were eager for their activities in Korea. The result of their hard work and steadily gained experience may not show immediately yet they seemed to stay faithful to what is going on for them now. Below are excerpts from the press conference.

U.S. debut album

Sun: We've been working on it for a year now. And every song we received while working with famed producers was so great that we wanted to set each song as the title track. We've already finished recording about ten songs. The album will probably come out in time with the release of our movie. In Korea, you need to go on televised music shows when your album comes out but in the U.S., you need to have your song played on the radio a lot first and tour the U.S. to get to appear on TV. We don't have any detailed plans as of yet but I think this is the system we'll move by as well.

American musicians

Yenny: We worked with David Stewart of Eurythmics. And we met Katy Perry at a concert and from her we learned how to stage a performance. Through the Jonas Brothers tour we learned about the various stage settings and how and to what sort of music the American audience responds.

Choreographer Jonte

Yenny: Jonte is the person who made the choreography for Beyonce's "Single Ladies" and we had a lot of fun working with him. He made a lot of the choreography for our U.S. movie as well and it was nice to work with him because he's always cheerful. We had a lot of fun working with him.

What we gained in the U.S.

Yenny: Living in the U.S. has had a lot of influence on our music. We spent a lot of time among the public and met with people from a variety of countries while going to clubs by ourselves and going to eat good food. We also came in touch with various genres of music by listening to South American music when we met with South American people and European music when we met with European people.

Yubin: Rock is more popular in the U.S. than in Korea so we listened to a lot of rock music.

"WonderGirls at the Apollo"

Yenny: It's our movie which will get released in the U.S. next year. It was almost all of our first times acting except for Sohee. And the movie itself was about us just having gone to the U.S. from Korea but there was so much slang in the script that we didn't know. It was hard to pronounce our lines as well since we're not from the U.S. We had a hard time fixing our pronunciations. [laughs]


Yubin: With singing, you pour out all of your energy for three minutes so it was difficult to maintain a single emotion a number of times for acting. I think actors are amazing.

Yenny: I played myself but I also became my character a lot too. Singing and acting in particular seem to help each other a lot. In the U.S., our act ing teacher would tell us to sing before acting when we're taking our acting classes and our singing teacher would tell us to act before we sing. Singing would help us understand our lines when we don't understand them and acting as if we were singing helped us too.

Meeting fans

Sun: I think it was after we were done with touring with the Jonas Brothers. I was at a library in New York with no make-up when an African-American woman recognized me and asked for my autograph. She'd already been interested in K-pop but it was amazing to see that something that would only happen in Korea happen to me there.

Yubin: My father does business in the U.S and his partner's daughter knew us. So I once gave her a CD with our autographs. It was amazing to see that young people recognized us too.

Pursuing activities in the U.S.

Sun: Our U.S. debut actually got decided on pretty quickly. It's been two and a half years but it feels like we're on an unending road. And regardless of the results we've seen, there've been a lot of precious moments. So we're looking forward to there being more 'wonderous' moments in the future. We asked "Are U Ready?" in the teaser for our album which we weren't asking just to our fans but to ourselves as well. It was a time during which we were able to learn English and a lot mentally as well.

Lim: Personally, I didn't know we'd get to pursue our singing career in the U.S. so I hadn't thought of it ever happening. But I think my dreams regarding the U.S. have been growing since joining the Wonder Girls. I've learned things regarding their culture while working with a lot of people there and I increasingly want to keep working there. I hope that we'll continue to do a lot in the U.S.

Sohee: I started at this job at a young age so I've had less time to study than kids my age. And both my parents and I are really disappointed about this. But it's also been great getting to learn English while working in the U.S. I would've probably neglected both my studies and learning English had we continued work only in Korea. And in the past, we hadn't had time to spend with each other because we were so busy but we live in the same building in the U.S. now so it's been good to be able to talk to each other a lot and depend on each other.

Yenny: Debuting in the U.S. had been my dream even before I joined our agency. I'd also looked up a lot of videos on American artists so getting to pursue our activities in the U.S. has been the process of achieving my dream. I've been able to learn a lot from the artists and producers we've worked with and I've come to value our fans even more.

Yubin: We've learned a lot of new things while working with a lot of artists and it was nice to get to look at performances from a new perspective from doing a lot of concerts. I'm also very grateful to our fans for rooting for us and being understanding despite us having been away for a long time.

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Guest lovely_mi

OMG..I'm so happy with this album..

I knew that this album is going to be GREAT!! As I expected..

I love most of their songs..my favorites are G.N.O, STOP, Nu Shoes, Me In, Girls Girls

And I really love BMB MV - it's one of the best MV in Kpop..

I think the choreography is really smooth and interesting to learn..

Can't wait for their performance this Friday..they will perform 3 songs?? Wow!! what a blast..

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Guest TheArchangel

Wonder Girls: Back to Korea - Part 2

Reporter : Han Yeo-Wool.

Editor : Jessica Kim.

Girl groups

Sun: A lot of new girl groups appeared in the local music scene while we were absent from it so I looked up videos on all of them which I had a lot of fun watching. And they motivated us in pursuing our activities back home. There were certain things we'd been desiring while preparing our album so we worked even harder. We'd like to end the year well with our album that we worked hard on.

TV cameras

Sohee: We actually did a pre-recording for MBC's "Music Core" just yesterday (November 3) but it was really awkward and hard to know where to look, probably because we haven't been on TV for such a long time. I've come to be more nervous and awkward in front of the camera. But I'm also grateful that I've been able to be reminded of how I used to be nervous when I first debuted.

Sun: We stood in front of the camera for the first time in a while. So it felt a bit awkward although we'd performed at concerts from time to time. Luckily, having performed in various environments helped us make our second studio release. In the past, we were busy just showing what we'd practiced but we've come to enjoy ourselves these days, getting absorbed in the music first.

Girls' Generation

Sun: To start with, they're such beautiful girls. [laughs] They're amazing on stage but fun on entertainment shows as well which I'm envious of. None of us are good speakers or particularly good on entertainment shows. And them being of a different style from us is motivating. We'll be promoting ourselves at the same time for the first time in maybe four, five years so it seems like a lot of people are looking forward to this but we regard ourselves as comrades, not competitors. I'm hoping we'll get to prepare some good performances for the year-end together as well.

Wonder Girls

Sun: It's true that we're not perfect in our choreography, vocals or looks. But we try to do our best for every performance. I think our biggest strength is that men and women of all ages can enjoy our music. We're grateful that people, ranging from little kids to the elderly, know "Nobody."

Teddy Riley

Sun: We were rather surprised that he knew us. And a lot of people know that we lack in many ways, not just Teddy Riley. So that's no surprise. It's just that it came to be known that way because he's so influential. We're rather thankful that he mentioned us in time with our comeback.


Sun: A lot of people have asked us, "You're making your comeback for the first time in a while so hasn't your presence lessened?" But we're hoping to be a presence that will be where we are needed, not where we need to be. It helps that there are still fans of ours in Korea that haven't forgotten about us and want us to pursue our activities in Korea. We gained strength from the responses we saw after our teasers were revealed. I'm sure there'll be a lot of judgement regarding us after our first performance is aired but that too is part of the interest they have in us

so we'll accept it with a humble mindset.

To our fans

Yenny: I think our fans had a really hard time. Their hearts in particular [tears]. Sun Sun Sun Sun: Of all the people in our group, Yenny is the most considerate of our fans. She recently even made a song for our fans while practicing her guitar. I was very moved by it as well. Yenny Yenny Yenny Yenny: I'd like to tell our fans that I truly thank them a lot for waiting for us for such a long time.

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