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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest jcsmark

Here's the promo clip for JYP nation concert in Japan

Wonder Girls @ Clip Promote For JYP Nation Concert In Japan

Credit Pikeyenny


Wonder Girls’ Sunmi Preparing for a Comeback?

by Chox on July 13, 2011 at 2:28 am

It’s known that Wonder Girls‘ past member Sunmi has been continuously visiting the JYP agency to receive training. However, sources have been recently tipped off that she has been preparing for a comeback.

Starting last year, Sunmi attended Dongguk University as a first year theater major. As soon as the 1st term ended for summer vacation, Sunmi has been returning consistently to JYP’s studio to hone her singing and dancing skills. Although an official comeback was never planned as Sunmi left the Wonder Girls and began attending Dongguk University in February of last year, JYP and Sunmi continuously prepared themselves for a possible return.

On the matter, JYP comments, “It’s true that Sunmi has been receiving the level of training as if she was completely a part of the agency. Early this year after she enrolled into the university she has been coming to the agency to receive training whenever she’s had free time“.

About Sunmi’s comeback, JYP says, “Specific plans for her comeback have not been arranged. Whether she’s to make a solo comeback or return to a group, no decisions have been made“.

SOURCE: Sports Chosun via Nate


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Guest valentino_rossi46

SunMi always practice in JYPE since she back Korea :), I dont think she will back as solo, if she back as a WGs, we must wait until they finish promo for their 1st album, she cant comeback now cuz she will postpone her study again and she didnt join the recording/practicing with the girls. Maybe if Sun Mi really want comeback, and comeback as a WGs, she will back next year (fastest is next summer) but she can do some activities like acting in drama/movie (even small role) or do OST/digital single to prepare for stage again :)

Lim's dad share this clip in his FB. The clip was recorded in 2006 and very blur, but seems like Lim is the girls dancing on the left :)


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Guest qoxie

Thanks for the JYP Nation updates.

Japanese sources have published individual pics from the session (2AM/2PM's & JYP's here link).

Hopefully we can see WG's soon.

- - - - - - - - - -

Sports Seoul has the Korean industry speculating about a SNSD vs. WG showdown in the fall (Sept-Oct), but both their agencies say their comebacks aren't finalized yet.

소녀시대 vs 원더걸스, 가을 가요계 최대 빅뱅?

입력: 2011.07.13 10:36/ 수정: 2011.07.13 10:36


올가을 가요계 최대 ‘빅뱅’이 펼쳐진다.

가요계를 대표하는 원조 걸그룹 소녀시대와 원더걸스가 가을쯤 나란히 새 음반을 발표하고 맞대결을 예고하고 있다.

복수의 가요관계자에 따르면 소녀시대와 원더걸스는 가을께 새 음반 발매를 계획중이고 이르면 그 시기는 이르면 9월에서 10월 사이가 될 것으로 전해지고 있다. 이에 대해 양측의 소속사 역시 “구체적인 시기를 밝히기는 아직 이르지만 가을께 컴백을 준비중인 것은 맞다”는 입장을 전하면서 “현재 꾸준히 새 음반 발매를 위한 작업을 하고 있다”고 덧붙였다.

2007년 나란히 데뷔한 소녀시대와 원더걸스는 가요계를 대표하는 걸그룹으로 자리매김했다. 하지만 두 그룹의 맞대결은 좀처럼 이뤄지지 않았다. 두 그룹이 새 음반 발매를 앞두고 있을 시기 자주 맞대결 가능성이 점쳐지기는 했으나 번번이 두세달 차로 발매시기가 어긋나곤 했다.

특히 2007년 9월 ‘텔미’. 2008년 6월 ‘소핫’과 같은해 9월 ‘노바디’로 빅히트를 기록한 원더걸스가 이후 미국진출을 위한 프로젝트에 몰두하면서 소녀시대와의 정면승부는 이뤄지지 못했다. 원더걸스가 미국에 가 있던 시기인 2009년과 2010년 소녀시대는 ‘지’. ‘소원을 말해봐’. ‘오!’. ‘런 데빌 런. ‘훗’을 잇따라 빅히트시키며 가요계의 최고스타로 우뚝 선데 이어 이후 일본에서 오리콘차트를 정복하며 가요계를 대표하는 한류스타로 등극했다.

가요계 정상에 오른 뒤 미국과 일본 등 해외활동에서도 성과를 거둔 공통점을 가진 두 그룹이 가을께 나란히 새 음반을 내기로 계획한 것은 올해가 가기 전 신곡을 발표하고 팬들과 만나고 싶은 소망에서다. 지난해 ‘오!’ 등 세 곡을 연속히트시킨 소녀시대는 올해 일본 등 해외활동에 주력해왔지만 연말 가요 시상식과 각종 행사. 팬들의 성원 등을 고려했을 때 늦어도 가을쯤에는 국내에서 새 앨범을 내야한다는 필요성을 느낀 것으로 전해지고 있다. 지난해 5월 ‘투 디퍼런트 티어즈’로 각종 온라인 음원차트 1위에 오르며 팬들의 변함없는 지지를 확인한 원더걸스 역시 꾸준히 공들이고 있는 미국활동과는 별도로 신곡발표를 바라는 국내팬들을 위해 가을께 새 음반 발매 계획을 세운 것으로 알려졌다.

김상호기자 sangho94@sportsseoul.com

Source: http://news.sportsse...tain/955045.htm

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Guest valentino_rossi46

Sun Mi used to go to Se7en chicken restaurant wt Suzy and Joo, hope when the girls back Korea next time, Se7en will treat all of them at his restaurant :)

yay~ Nam Yong "God" 's b-day today~~ happy birthday oppa! QT @WGyubin: @NYPark79 남용신님 생신이시다~~~ 생일축하해요 오빠~

God bless u too! =) buy us some chicken from Yeol Bong Jjim Dak (a chicken restaurant that Se7en recently opened) when we go to korea! *-_-* QT @WGyenny: @officialse7en God bless u too! =) 저희한국가면열봉찜닭사주세요..... *-

count me in for the Yeol Bong Jjim Dak~ lol QT @WGyubin: @WGyenny @officialse7en 저도 열봉찜닭 조인시켜주세요~

haha did the words spread that far already? lol you are always welcome!!^^ anyways.. achieve your dream and come back triumphantly! Good luck!!! QT @officialse7en: @WGyubin @wgyenny 하하.. 벌써 거기까지 소문난거야??^^ 우리 후배님은 언제나 웰컴!!! 암튼 그건 그거고.. 좋은활동하고 멋지게돌아와~ 기대할게!! G

credit yubdot

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Guest qoxie

Japanese sources like Tower Records & Excite web portals are quoting JYPE artistes about the concerts.

「日本のファンと初めての出会い。最高の音楽、ダンス、ステージをお見せします!」 (J.Y.Park)

「JYP NATION in Japanで新しいパフォーマンスを沢山お見せできるように頑張ります! 皆さん、一緒に楽しみましょう!!」 (2PM)

「最高のステージで日本のファンの皆さまに感動をお送りします」 (2AM)

「日本では初公演なのでドキドキして緊張しますが、それ以上に楽しみです! いいパフォーマンスを見ていただくために頑張ります」 (Wonder Girls)

「JYP NATIONのパワーをお見せします!ファイティン^^」 (miss A)

「日本での初ステージですので、ベストを尽くします!」 (JOO)

「JYP FAMILY みんなで一緒に日本のファンの皆さんとお会いできて嬉しいです。いい思い出になるように楽しい時間を作りましょう!」 (J-Lim)

「HIPHOP界のヨン様です!」 (San E)




- - - - - - -

Found the source of the artiste quotes.


Source: http://eplus.jp/sys/...2011/index.html

Video message original source (Sony Music Japan):


Nikkansports released the other family snapshot:


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Guest wonderr23

Wondergirls' Sunye and Yeeun's pure fairy-like pose is 'dazzling'



Girlgroup Wondergirls members Sunye and Yeeun's fairy-like photo published.

Wondergirls' manager on the 13th around 7:00 am revealed on her twitter "it's sad to be alone" along with a series of photos.

On one of the photos, Sunye was seen intently closing her eyes in a praying manner and donning a white one-piece dress.

The next photo published was Sunye and Yeeun holding each other with their eyes closed. Sunye was wearing a white-knitted dress while Yeeun on the other hand was wearing white dress with a blue ribbon which accents her whole look. They look like angels with their hugging pose.

Netizens commented, "They really look like angels", "they really look dazzling in those photos", "those are photos that you want to hang on your room's wall", and "it's really sad to be alone! More photos please!".

Meanwhile, Wondergirls are set to participate in an American film titled 'Wonder Girls At the Apollo'.

Source: Star News

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Guest songbird86

I love the new JYP nation poster. It's more carefree than the past one.

I know this sounds silly, but reading that news about a Sunmi comeback made me tear up just a bit. I know she's been practicing at the offices for awhile, and also going to school. I'm just so glad she hasn't given up on her dream. Now all I have to do is be patient.

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Guest i.said.goodbye

has this been shared?

Wonder Girls Gave Thanks To Wonderfuls For Their Support 2011-07-13


Some screen caps I made from the video...







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Guest wonderr23

Female celebs' new secret to losing weight is jump rope?


Female celebrity diets has always been a hot topic. One of them is T-ara's 'Boram' who had a successful diet plan.

On the 16th broadcast of SBS E!TV's 'StarQ10', T-ara and Secret's self-management methods and diet plans will be revealed to the public.

T-ara's Boram revealed, "I lost 20 kg by skipping and hula hoop". In fact Boram's method was already chosen as the most ideal workout for female celebs. She also mentioned she had skipped 3,000 times and had done 2 hours of hulla hoop.

Yubin of Wondergirls lost weight by skipping 1,000 times a day during her 'So Hot' promotions. Another female celebrity who is known to love skipping is Kim Ah-jung. She revealed, "i skip whether i'm in a parking lot or when i'm free to maintain my figure. I skip at least 3,000 times a day."

In addition to skipping, various celebrity diets will be revealed.

Source: www.naeil.com


JYP Entertainment gave a statement at Star News regarding WG's domestic comeback. BTW this article is about Top 5 most anticipated events in the music industry this second half of the year. Number 1 spot is SNSD-Wondergirls-2NE1 comeback/concerts

올 상반기 주로 미국에 머물며 음반 작업을 해온 원더걸스 역시 하반기 내 국내 신곡 발표설이 꾸준히 제기되고 있다.

원더걸스 소속사 JYP엔터테인먼트는 "원더걸스는 하반기 미국에서 새 음반을 낼 것"이라며 "아직 정확히 결정된 것은 아니지만, 미국 새 음반 프로모션을 마친 뒤에는 국내에서 신곡을 선보이고 활동할 가능성도 있다"라고 밝혔다.


There's the Wondergirls who had been mainly focusing in America. Their domestic comeback is also being highly anticipated.

Wondergirls' agency JYP Entertainment revealed, "Wondergirls are currently working on their album in America" and "although it has not yet been decided, there's a possibility that they'll be promoting their US album in the domestic market."

Source: Star News

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