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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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thanks a lot everyone for all the pics & infos... i was at the show too on Friday... saw a lot of Wonderfuls there... i was so lucky to be standing so close to the stage (1st row)... WG are so hot~!!! great show...

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Hi everyone~ This is not really a news ^^ But I was watching SNSD's new MV and I saw Jessica's outfit and it reminds me of Sunye's outfit for JYP Nation ^^ I just think it's cute because I love both of them (Sunye is my favorite female idol, and Jessica is my favorite female idol just after all WonderGirls members ^^) and they're my favorite WonderGeneration pairing ^^ So here it is -

(It looks more similar when you watch Sunye in videos...)


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Guest yubin4ever

@qoxie-Thanks for translating those articles. Both the praising WG articles and the bad ones lol. But honestly you cant really blame the WG for that as people on this thread have already stated.

@mana.smile-Yeah i see what you mean with the outfits lol. I love some wondergeneration every now and then.

And its so cool that the WG "Nobody" performance reached over 50 million people. Last week the girl who was preparing my income tax for me looked like Lim and I told her that. She wasnt familiar with the group so I assured her that she would the WG and to look up the Nobody video when she got home. I like to believe that she was the 50,000,000 viewer :lol:

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Guest VenusValentine

lol so happy that Nobody reach 50 million, has been waiting for this number in awhile :D

@jcsmark: maybe it's him cause according to the translate, Lim meet that producer once when they started doing 2DT (filming ? promoting ?), so the chance the producer is him is pretty high ^^

@qoxie: about the Indo comment, what i mean is the general public, because i read on akp comment once that kpop is not a mainstream in Indo. So if the girls perform in MTV world stage in Indo, then they may get Indo general public interested. :w00t: And although i voted for no, but it's also refreshing when read negative report once in awhile lol so you don't need to run. :D

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Guest my2wonder

Sohee tweeted !! :w00t:


@JANEyjK @mimimimi0502 난유부초밥- 은근조인했어 - 키키

@JANEyjK 외장하드를 좀 더 하드코어로 늘려서 업데이트를 해줘야해*

@WGMARKPD 저도감기로고생ㅠ 감기조심하세요-* -판피린소녀소희-

So glad that she had a lot of fun there :D thanx MYwonderful <3 :wub:

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Guest onedaymaniac

@mana.smile...it's kinda look the same

but i think this look much more similar.

she's one of jewelry member...but idk her name.


@qoxie...wow.nobody is still doing strong even after

2 and a half year now.

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Guest jcsmark


Hmm, intriguing. Was this before/after the CES show in Vegas (Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind & Fire, et al), when WG went to LA to "meet a producer" (& Nick Jonas)?

The tweet was after Wonder Girls had performed in Las Vegas which was on January 8th. However I'm not entirely sure when WG actally met with the producer cause WG took a quick stop in LA before and after the Vegas show. My guess is that they met with Nick and the other producer after the Monster Cable event.

Saying I Love You HD Fancam

Sohee should speak more English cause it's really cute :)

[080411] Wonder Girls at Twin Towers Live KLCC - Saying I Love You [HD close-up fancam]

Credit MrBingiHongi


Credit http://www.flickr.com/photos/kluanglunatic/


Credit http://kennyyeoh.net/2011/04/10/awesome-twin-towers-live-2011-free-concert/






Credit http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2010974152620&set=a.2010974112619.2120307.1191738902&ref=nf#!/album.php?aid=2120307&id=1191738902

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Guest makihiro

Just read from some tweets in twitter that yenny, mimi and sohee (along with jane) are planning to meet up today..so cool, how they make their friendship alive and kicking :)

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Glad the girl were happy here in Malaysia!!!^^

The concert was really great and I was dying from standing too long. LoL.

Btw, regarding to the article, I really don't understand why they need to blame WG for that. If they need someone to blame, then do it to their agency. Is not like the girls asked their managers to not let them do the PC or what. If they some sort of arrogant diva, they wouldn't even bother to entertain us when we asked for autograph. I do think this problem with the Korean agency and the media here. Korean agency knows for their high demand and Gosh, media here ( i mean, most of them, not ALL) don't even bother give the full coverage when the concert or fanmeeting was successful, why bother when the girls don't want to give an interview.

EDIT: oh ya. I forgot about this. I do think WG is a last addition to the concert because in the original list, WG is not in them. KLCC@live is different with concert at Sepang. although both are for promoting F1, the concert at Sepang is the official annual after-race concert which is similar to the other country who participate. Not to say that KLCC@live is unofficial but KLCC@live is more like for public enjoy the f1 fever, that's why it's free (KLCC is own buy Petronas anyway) and sometimes they do it in big scale, sometimes in small scales and sometimes they didn't even do it (the concert i mean). So, back to WG, yeah, I think that's the reason why they're not promoting WG as much as Rain with the fact that many other International artist who come too.

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Guest uchix_francois

agree. those critics are only by unsatisfied media who cant stay to watch until the end of performance. from my experiences during SE showcase, fans were happy when the reporters and photographers were ushered away after the 2nd song, because they were unorganized and often blocked our cameras and phones who want to take fancams and pics. in my opinion professional media photographers and reporters should be able to capture pictures effectively during those 2 songs and write their report from beside the stages, so there's no need for them to stay in the front for too long. its us fans who wants to see WG's performances and not them :P

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I'm back !! lol , wanna share pics courtesy from my unnie ! Kak Bahie ~

I told u , I cursed alot coz rite before WONDERGIRLS perform my phone died on me !

I was like WTEFFFFFF ~ lol ~ Again, thank you Kak Bahie ~

Its just normal camera so dont expect a HQ pic ~ we're not using DSLR ~ lol ~ :P




At this part , Park Yosa was at the end of the stage to wave at the audience ~ ^_^

More under the cut ~ w00t.gifw00t.gif










Cre: Bahie_Bae @ Twitter ~

We have Minjokkie's and Yenny's pics but all of 'em are too blurry ! :(

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Guest wonderr23

qoxie - just gonna post this one. All of them are saying the same thing. 9 billion loss and surplus in stocks. 2pm and 2am are the money makers with their domestic and overseas activities. On the other hand Wondergirls' US advance is costing the company a lot. But not much of a concern because there will be no deficit like the ones they had in the past.

JYP, 美에서 쓴 90억…얼마로 돌아올까

[엔터&머니]美법인 89억 손실 '자본잠식'…해외브랜드 제고 긍정론도

편집자주|'음악·영화·드라마·뮤지컬·게임…' 엔터테인먼트는 우리 삶에 점점 깊숙이 침투하고, 한류열풍은 전세계로 뻗어가고 있다. 하지만 '산업'으로서의 엔터는 아직 베일에 가려져 있다. 한국의 엔터테인먼트를 이끄는 기업과 돈, 스타의 운명적 만남. 그 궁금증을 머니투데이 엔터산업팀이 하나둘 풀어본다.

JYP엔터테인먼트(이하 JYP) 실적이 가파르게 성장하고 있지만, 약 90억원의 손실을 낸 미국법인에 대한 우려감도 현실화되고 있다.

7일 JYP의 감사보고서에 따르면 JYP의 미국 법인(JYP Entertainment Incorporation)은 2009년부터 자본잠식. 투자한 45억원을 포함해 총 89억원의 손실을 보고 있다. 2009년에는 40억원, 2010년에는 36억원의 손실을 봤다.

미국법인 손실이 커지면서 59억원의 영업이익을 거뒀지만 순이익은 9억원에 머물렀다.

원더걸스와 JYP의 미국진출은 많은 화제를 모았지만, 대규모 손실로 속앓이를 해야 했다. 한국에서 활동시켰으면 좋았을 것이라는 삐딱한 시선들도 많았다.

미국법인의 2009년 매출액은 2억원, 당기순손실은 40억원에 달했고, 2010년에도 매출액 8억원, 당기순손실 36억원을 기록했다. 지난해 세운 JYP중국법인도 4억6000만원 정도의 손실을 냈고, JYP일본법인만이 2억4000만원 정도의 이익을 거뒀다.

회사 측은 그러나 최근 2년간 대부분의 미국법인 손실을 상각처리했고, 앞으로 비용 절감을 통해 비용효율적인 구조를 만든다는 계획이다.

JYP와 JYP Ent. (4,025원 195 5.1%)의 대표를 맡고 있는 정욱 대표는 "미국에서 진행 중인 프로젝트가 있지만 과거처럼 대규모 손실이 발생하지 않을 전망"이라며 "효율과 집중, 비용절감을 통해 손실규모를 최소화할 계획"이라고 밝혔다.

476%의 높은 부채비율, 45억의 외화차입금, 매니지먼트(60%)에 의존하는 매출비중 등도 리스크로 지적됐다. 매니지먼트 매출이 30%미만인 에스엠 (18,400원 1050 -5.4%)에 비해 수익 변동성이 클 수 있다는 이유에서다.

한 증권사 연구원은 "미국시장의 경우, 에스엠의 보아와 YG의 세븐도 실패했던 전력이 있다"며 "JYP도 숫자상으로만 보면 원더걸스가 진출한 미국법인이 가장 큰 리스크인건 사실"이라고 밝혔다.

그러나 미국시장에서 거둔 '투자'가 지금의 JYP를 만들었다는 긍정론도 있다.

한 업계 관계자는 "미국법인에서 손실을 보고 있지만 JYP라는 브랜드를 전세계에 알리는 데는 도움이 됐다"며 "당장 원더걸스의 소니에릭슨 광고나, 박진영의 HP광고 등은 글로벌 브랜드 이미지가 작용했기 때문"이라고 분석했다.

Source: http://www.mt.co.kr/view/mtview.php?type=1&no=2011040615201526030&outlink=1

JYP's 9 billion loss...how much will it gain?

[Enterprise&Money] 8.9 billion won worth of impaired capital...and overseas branding theory

Editor's Note|' Music, Movie, Drama, Musical, Games....' The entertainment industry permeates our life little by little and it is spreading to the world. But 'as an industry' it is still shrouded in mystery. The enterprise and the money which leads the entertainment of Korea, the fate of the stars. Money Today team will try to gratify the curiosity hidden in this industry.

The JYP entertainment(JYP) stock market results is growing steeply. But the loss of 9 billion from the American corporate has been concerning as well.

According to the JYP audit report which was released on the 7th, the JYP American corporation (JYP Entertainment Incorporation) had an impaired capital from 2009. Loss of 4.5 billion and 8.9 billion in total. 4 billion won in 2009, and 3.6 billion won in 2010.

The American corporation loss became larger although it gathered an operating profit of 5.9 billion won, the net profit stayed at 900 million won.

The wondergirls and JYP's American launch might've gained respect from critics, but it also had a negative affect. They suffered quiet a loss in terms of investments.

In 2009, the American corporation had 200 million won in sales, during this term the loss reached 4 billion won and in 2010 sales were recorded to have reached 800 million won but suffered 3.6 billion won worth of loss. Last year, the JYP China corporation was also built. It had a loss of around 460 million won. The JYP Japanese corporation gathered profit of around 240 million won.

The company is mostly paying the loss they had at American corporation for 2 years. In the future the curtailment expense will be the structure for their efficient plan.

JYP and JYP Ent. (which currently has a 4. 025 won and 195.1% increase in stocks) representative Jeong-Wook said "although there is a project which is processing in the United Stated, the past perspective of big loss will not occur" and he added "efficiency and focus, this will help with cost reduction and will minimize the loss".

A recorded 476% of high debt ratio, 4.5 billion foreign currency loan and management (60%) can also be a risk. Compared to SM (18.400 won 1050 -5.4%), the management sale is under 30% which can be a reason for big fluctuation of benefits.

One stock company researcher said, "in the case of US market, although SM's Boa and YG's Seven failed. They had power" and "JYP and Wondergirls are actually risking a lot on their American advance."

But JYP is optimistic as they had gained "investors" in the US market.

One industry executive said, "although there is reported loss in US corporate brand, JYP showed awareness to the global market" and "Wondergirls advertised the global brand Sony Ericsson and Park Jinyoung also had the HP advertisement."

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Guest qoxie


Thanks. The 3 articles I tweeted to you were published round the same time.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Sohee tweeted !! :w00t:

So glad that she had a lot of fun there :D thanx MYwonderful <3 :wub:

I don't re-translate WG members' tweets much -- unless it's newsy -- but here are the 3 from the Chinese translations (by sally @ Baidu WG Bar).

@JANEyjK @mimimimi0502 난유부초밥- 은근조인했어 - 키키

Sohee: I want yubu chobap (tofu-wrapped rice balls) - count me in

@JANEyjK 외장하드를 좀 더 하드코어로 늘려서 업데이트를 해줘야해*

Sohee: Upgrade your external hard drive to [something] more hardcore

@WGMARKPD 저도감기로고생ㅠ 감기조심하세요-* -판피린소녀소희-

Sohee: I was miserable after catching a cold too ㅠ Please be careful -* -Panpyrin (a cold remedy) Girl Sohee-

Yeeun tweeted to invite Sohee & Sunmi to go cycling at a park today.

LIM responded to missA' JIA's puppy twitpic to say she wants to adopt a canine too. (JIA absolutely spams her dog pics on weibo, not so much on twitter.)

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Guest V.Wonderful_Mike


Thank you for the news. I thinked Wonder Girls gained much money for JYPe but the true isn't :(

Hope this upcoming album will be a big sucess ♥


I heard that Wonder Girls won't attend the Dream Concert this year. Is it true? Any information about DC 2011? It will be held in China as the rumor?

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Guest qoxie

A brief WG mention in Oriental Daily's entertainment roundup.


Source: http://orientaldaily...ubdate=20110410

Rankings of singing ability lack credibility

2PM's fellow disciples WG performed in Malaysia the other day. Yeeun, Yoobin & LIM were having fun taking selcas before the show; they eagerly tweeted them to share with the fans online. A Korean TV program also recently asked some Korean music teachers to rank Kpop idol groups in singing ability. WG member Sohee was judged to be the worst singer, which made many fans unhappy. They also questioned the ballot's credibility, alleging the voters were biased against idol singers.

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Guest wonderr23

i made some gifs.









[080411] Wonder Girls at Twin Towers Live KLCC - So Hot [HD close-up fancam]

[080411] Wonder Girls at Twin Towers Live KLCC - Saying I Love You [HD close-up fancam]

[080411] Wonder Girls at Twin Towers Live KLCC - 2 Different Tears [HD close-up fancam]

[080411] Wonder Girls at Twin Towers Live KLCC - Eebabo [HD close-up fancam]

Source: MrBingiHongi

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Guest qoxie

Non-WG pics omitted.

Wonder Girls – “Twin Towers @live 2011″

April 10, 2011

Alex, kaggregate Media

On April 8th, an international concert hits Kuala Lumpur town with Wonder Girls, Hoobastank, Colby O’Donis, Bunkface, Mizz Nina to name a few. The best thing about it is a free concert, no tickets are require to enter (exclude fanzone). Wonderfuls are able to see Wonder Girls once again with their last minute confirmation on attending this concert in Kuala Lumpur.

The concert started off with the first performer of the day – Yuna, a talented singer-songwriter from Kedah. When first she stood on the stage, she was holding an electrical guitar. Yuna strummed away and started to sing her songs. She even played an unusual electrical instrument as I have never seen it before.

Sam (vocal), Kudu (drum), Izal (bass) and Ajam (synth) from The Azenders heated the stage up. As they are the new band in town, not much of people recognize them but I believe after this concert their reputation will increase.

The third performer was Bunkface. A band that consists of 3 members and they are Sam (vocal), Pa’an (guitar) and Youk (bass). Their hit song Revolusi & Situasi heaten up the stage and they even sang one of Katy Perry’s song that day. Guess who’s next?

Yes, Wonder Girls were the forth on the list. 2 Different Tears was the first song performed by them. Followed by So Hot, Irony, Ee Babo and few other hits. “Save the best for the last”, Nobody performed last, end up with 8 songs in total. This made they was having their solo concert at that time. What do you think of Yenny’s hair colour?

Hoobastank, the last performer of the day. Nothing much to say as they are popular around the world. So why not check out the images below. As conclusion, day one of this concert was definitely an experience for every single one that attended it and remember that this is a free concert for everyone. No matter you are Malaysians or foreigners, you’re still able to attend it.

“Twin Towers @live 2011″ was organized by Jojo Events Sdn Bhd and presented by Petronas Malaysia, KLCC, Mountain Dew, Concorde Hotel and Hard Rock Cafe.















Source: http://www.kaggregat...wers-live-2011/


Cr: Malay Mail

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Guest qoxie

JYPE staffer Randy Chung (chooney7 on twitter) updated his egloos blog.

He posted some fanpics of WG in KLCC & also a 1-minute video of the hotel restaurant band serenading Yeeun, Sohee & (I think) Yoobin during their meal.

Screenshots of the latter.

LOL at Sohee. She was ignoring the music behind her until, upon noticing everyone else was clapping along, decided to clap along too!








Source: http://chooney7.egloos.com/2739687

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