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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest qoxie

r1988 -- Chicken & duck talk (lol) I am dropping the topic & moving on.

- - - - - - - - - -

This showed up in Naver search today.

I had tweeted Wonderr23 to confirm since she understands Hangul, after which I checked around the Chinese grapevine.

Apparently, it's true: Hong Kong director Wilson Yip (SPL, Tiger Dragon Gate, Ip Man franchise) did an interview with Korean movie portal Max Movie to promote his 'A Chinese Ghost Story' remake.

He said he wants to cast WG & Lee Seung Gi (who acted in a similar fantasy in the 'My Girlfriend is a 9-Nailed Fox' TV series) in the sequel!

Lee Seung Gi's fanclub at Baidu just picked up the news too.

Here is the article quote:

차기작에 이승기와 원더걸스를 캐스팅하고 싶다고 들었다.

영화를 기획하고 있는 단계라서 아직 정해진 것은 없다. 시나리오가 완성되면 보여줄 생각인데 어떤 답변이 올지 궁금하다. 그들을 캐스팅할 수 있는 좋은 시나리오를 만들어내기 위해 노력 중이다.

Source (last paragraph): http://www.maxmovie....id=MI0092210187

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Guest wonderr23




I hope they can. I mean that would be awesome don't you think? Although i don't see the possibility of it happening at the moment.lol


2PM-원더걸스 "우린 국산차 타요"

입력 : 2011-03-29 17:46:00


[이데일리 SPN 조우영 기자] 일명 ‘연예인 밴’이라는 차가 있다. 대표적인 차종은 쉐보레의 ‘스타크래프트 밴(Star craft VAN)’. 캠핑이 대중화 되면서 꼭 연예인이 아니어도 누구나 탐낼 만한 차종이지만 아직은 대부분 연예인이 주요 수요자이다.

하지만 연예인이라고 해서 모두 외제 고급 밴을 타는 것은 아니다. 연기자들에 비해 차에서 분장을 하거나 의상을 갈아입을 일이 적은 가수들은 국산 승합차를 선호한다. 특히 요즘 그룹들은 멤버들의 개별활동이 많아 여러 대의 차량을 이용해야 하는 이유도 있다.

그래도 대형 기획사나 정상급 가수들은 여전히 ‘스타의 전유물’처럼 인식되고 있는 밴을 선호하는 경향이 강하다. 바쁜 일정과 장거리 이동이 많은 연예인에게 차는 단순히 이동수단을 넘어 휴식공간이자 침실이기에 상대적으로 실내 공간이 넓은 수입차량을 선호하는 것이다. 또 차가 곧 해당 연예인의 위상과 인기 척도로 받아들여지고 있는 현실상 자존심 문제도 있다.

그런데 이마저도 예외가 있다. 가요계에 따르면 2PM, 원더걸스, 미쓰에이 등이 소속된 JYP엔터테인먼트(이하 JYP)는 단 1대의 외제 차도 소유하지 않고 있다.

JYP의 수장 박진영은 기아자동차의 모하비를 타고 있고, 정욱 대표는 아예 개인 소유의 차량 없이 대중교통을 주로 이용한다.

개인 차량뿐만 아니라 렌터카 업체에서 대여, 운행하는 밴도 없다. 소속가수들의 이동 차종은 모두 현대자동차의 스타렉스와 기아자동차의 카니발이다.

JYP와 함께 소위 가요계 '빅3'로 불리는 SM엔터테인먼트와 YG엔터테인먼트 역시 국산 승합차를 주로 사용하지만 일정과 상황에 따라 밴을 이용할 때도 많다. 이들의 대표가수인 동방신기와 슈퍼주니어, 빅뱅 멤버들은 아우디와 벤츠 등 대부분 고급 승용차를 애마로 삼고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

이와 관련해 JYP 정욱 대표는 “특별히 국산 차만을 이용하도록 회사에서 강요하는 것은 아니다”며 “보다 실용적이고 효율적인 차를 선호하고 있을 뿐”이라고 설명했다.

그는 이어 “한창 멋도 부리고 싶고 차에 대한 욕심도 많을 나이의 멤버들에게 무언의 압박이 되는 것은 아닌가하고 가끔은 미안한 생각도 들지만 아직 우리 가수들은 검소하고 순박한 것 같다”고 덧붙였다.

이러한 JYP의 국산 차 사랑은 광고주와의 관계에서도 찾을 수 있다. 원더걸스는 지난해 기아자동차 세단 ‘포르테’의 광고모델로 활약했다. 다만, 실제 소유하고 있는 차량은 '쏘울(SOUL)'이다. 2PM 닉쿤 역시 최근 같은 회사의 차량 구매를 검토했다. 나름대로 광고주에 대한 도의적인 이유도 있는 셈이다.

그렇다고 JYP의 국산 차 사랑과 비교해 다른 연예인들의 외제 차 운행을 비난할 일은 아니다.

한 기획사 관계자는 “스타의 외제 차가 사치와 과시욕으로 비춰져 종종 오해를 받기도 하지만 자신만의 개성과 안전 등을 고려한 측면도 크다”고 말했다.

그는 이어 “어느 연예인이 고가의 외제 차를 탄다고 알려지면 일각에서 비난의 목소리도 나오지만 아이러니하게도 같은 차종에 대한 구매 문의가 증가하는 경우가 많다”며 “자동차 회사에서 이를 마케팅 전략으로 활용하기 위해 파격적인 할인이나 협찬을 해주는 예도 있다”고 전했다.

이데일리 SPN 조우영 기자 fact@

2PM-Wondergirls "we go for the domestic ride"

Date of entry : 2011-03-29 17:46:00


[E Daily SPN Jo woyoung reporter] there is a so-called "celebrity van". The typical example of this is the 'Starcraft Van'. Certainly this camping van is exclusive but still the major consumer of this product are celebrities.

There are celebrities who don't go for foreign-made high-class van. Some still prefers the domestic van as they state they're more efficient and practical. Especially those groups who have the most active members in the industry.

And those who are under a large company or top stars have "exclusive control of the car". The car is a means of moving the entertainer to busy schedules, long distance transports and the of course key element which is comfort. As the popularity scale of these entertainers rise, there are more pressure in the company to please them.

There are those who are not in exception. Particularly 2PM, Wondergirls, and Miss A and its company JYP Entertainment(JYP). They only own 1 American foreign-made car.

JYP head Park Jinyeong rides a Kia Mohave car, and the representative Jeong-wook often uses them for transportation.

The mobile car models that are assigned to these artists are Hyundai's Starex and Kia Motors's Carnival.

Included in the "Big Three" are SM Entertainment and YG Entertainment, they too uses domestic vans as well, depending on the schedule of its artists and the availability of the van. Singers like TVXQ, Super Junior, and Big Bang uses Audi and Mercedes-Benz luxury cars.

The JYP representative Jeong-wook stated "I like cars who can give us advantages" and "I prefer more practical and efficient ones".

He added, "Sometimes i worry for the older members because the appearance of the car can affect their image."

JYP entertainment has a close relationship with Kia Motors as Wondergirls endorsed "Forte" last year. However, they own the 'SOUL'. 2pm's Nickhun also recently purchased a vehicle from the same company. It is evident that the entertainment company have business integrity.

However, JYP Entertainment's love for domestics ones can't be helped.

One agency official stated, "most people misundertood our preference. Foreign-made brands are not just for the status but for the uniqueness of it and most importantly it's for the safetiness of the artists."

He added, "there are criticisms about artists who rides the most expensive foreign brand and also those who endorses them. But ironically, those who endorses them receives a lot of increasing sales", and "it's such a great marketing strategy as it gives advantages to the sponsor and the endorser."

EDaily SPN Jo Woyoung reporter fact@

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Guest wonderr23

Hi, everyone. I'm a newer but I often access this thread.

and I see  @wonderr23 's question on  page 1504  >>  Which video about this captured pics?

It was 080704 Wonder Girls @ Boom MBC Section TV but captured pics were on the first.

Full show was 6:37 mins length, but almost video for download or on youtube only 6:19 length. 

That's right!! the part of captured pics was disappeared about 15 seconds.

I can't find any download links for full video, but I can find stream vid from korean web >> http://pann.nate.com/video/201436809

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

Hi kwanmimi ^^ Welcome to the thread! Thanks for replying to my request. I was looking all over the net for that interview. I'm glad you found it. Thanks again ;)

hohoho too much Yenny hotness in our thread :w00t:

This is my favorite shot of her. She looks so hot and pretty. If am not a Sunye fan, i would definitely be a YeParkie or maybe a yubinian. 물론 이죠.. Team Unnies are the hottests. :wub: Not that the maknaes are not. I don't want them to be sexy YET. Too much competition for me :ph34r:


And this...please don't think of me as a strange person but...i think Yenny have a sexy armpit hahahahaha


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Guest r1988

I found article that is talking about idols who are going to school and sunmi was mentioned in the article


here is the link


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Guest wonderr23


it was a brief mention.kkk but i'll try and translate it.


그룹 원더걸스 전 멤버 선미도 지난달 24일 동국대학교 입학식에 참석하며 대학생으로 거듭났다. 그는 지난해 1월 학업 매진을 위해 위해 원더걸스 탈퇴 의사를 밝혔고 5월 고졸 검정고시를 거쳐 동국대 연극학부 수시모집 1차 전형에 최종 합격했다.

Also former Wondergirls member Sunmi attended the Dongguk University entrance ceremony last month on the 24th, she is now a college student. Last year in January, she withdrew from Wondergirls. In May she passed the high school equivalency test and is now under the Department of Theatre and Arts in Dongguk University.



i'm still waiting for the Thai Wonderfuls to confirm it for me since they say the Thailand media revealed that the broadcast will be sometime around in May. *sulks* But their answer on the exact date was rather vague. Some say May 13th, and some say May 17th.

Does anyone know the exact date of the broadcast?

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Guest r1988

@wonder23 oh okay I guess its better if just translate sunmi part ... I was wondering do u know when the MBC Thailand concert will be aired? I thought it will be aired in last Saturday but it did not

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Guest imokay

hey Wonderfuls~

tdy one of Thai-Wonderful (Natcha_WFs) went to JYPE in Korea and she met 2YE!! >< She gave Yeeun a snack too! kk

She saw JYP and "Neyo" walked into the office together!!! maybe we can hope to see the collaboration from the girls n Neyo!???

I don't know abt it but i'm really exciteddddd!!

(source : TH_Wonderfuls , Natcha_WFs @ Twitter )

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^So the girls is in Korea right now? And I know that Ne-yo is in Korea right now so that would be totally cool if

he coming to work with our girls. Or anyone in JYPE honestly :)

I went to the JYPE building (HQ) here in NY. As big of a WG fan as I am I never really considered actually going over there and stalking them when they're in the city. LOL. I think I've only gone one other time which is a shame since it's literally a 30 minute walk from here. Anyway, I went by the other day - by chance - of course the girls weren't there, I wasn't expecting to see them either since I knew they'd be overseas. I saw about five other fans around and some staff. I went with my cousin who seemed to charm over one of the staff since she spoke to us a bit. She didn't really say much, just that the girls are focusing on choreography really hard now and it'll be different, she used the term "slick", and they're "adding some new choreography to old one" - her words, given the context of that statement I think they're doing a new dance maybe for a remix of an old track?

Also said there will be a party after album release that fans can go to. Kinda excited for this, maybe a launch party like they had for 2DT? I know here they usually do a "release party" which would be great for the girls since they get lots of media coverage and there will no doubt be big names present if they do one.

We said our goodbyes after a few minutes and she assured us that the girls are busy with preparing for this album and are really excited about it!

So not much there but I thought I'd share.

Oh wow! Haha that sound like it going to be amazing. The girls must be working hard right now, I wonder when everything will come together. I mean their comeback is in June right? So it be 2 months to get everything together. Ah I can't wait any longer (oh please do not push back the date anymoree)

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Guest lovepapupi

Nobody ft Jackie Chan, Kim Yuna, Ariel Lin, Jordin Sparks, Honor Society, Jay Chou, Park ChuYoung etc


* source: OmonaBonjour @YT

* credit: JYP ent , WONDER GIRLS

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

^ Haha! I love that window. Really shows how big 'Nobody' is. Goes down in history! :D

Wonder Girls @China Mobile Concert















Credit: wondergirls world

^ So pretty~

I really love Sohee's make up here.

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Guest my2wonder

Hi guys blush.gif I didn't check soompi for TWO days ago tears.gif because I was SICK ..

I know you'll cry for me :sweatingbullets: but I'm fine now .. so keep your tears -_- "LOL"

few days ago I finshed my comic for teacbin couple :wub: (I know it's not good and full of bad english) LOL

just enjoy it :sweatingbullets:


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Guest ekin2612

@my2wonder lol... the comic was so funny.... hahaha... you also include sunmi there... thanks... sohee have heechul's bodyguard around her... kkk...

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@kwanmimi the video you're asking about was a fanvid taken during the Wendy Williams show.

It was showing Yubin dancing to BEP's "Boom boom pow" during a pause (probably a commercial break moment). The rest of the girls was waiting behind. The interesting fact is that one year later Yubin performed Boom Boom Pow for her solos on tour.

I've searched that video on Google but it seems disappeared. I remember the original was not uploaded to Youtube, it was on Vimeo.com. Not 100% sure about the author, maybe enigMatt.

Sorry that I could not find a video link.

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That's what I've been thinking. I really adore Yeeun's voice. No offense to Sunye (hey, I love Sunye very very much!) but I think Yeeun got the strongest voice in WG. Its a pity she rarely been given chance to show off her voice. 

I agree with you it's such a shame, even in nobody for yen's high note they hold her back to fit with the style of the song sigh. So when they get the chance to sing songs like 'love you I do' they bring it aha. both of them actually don't get a chance to show off :/


I think Yeeun has the strongest voice in the group but Sunye has more emotion when she sings. I think they are both amazing singers that really work well with and compliment one another in terms of their singing. 

This, I never really thought about it until the girls went to america but Sunye and YeEun just work so well together vocally (sunmi too the trio of them balanced out really well IMO) but sometimes I'm still surprised that YeEun was picked last and from an audition, in irony 2ye were just like peanut butter & jelly aha


& that fan account ommggggg I love that they went to rain's concert but Sunye rapped the tell me? I want to see that so much -____- I also miss sohee's rapping not that I don't love yoobin but sohee is really good too.


the picturess you posted of the girls were simply gorgeous. sunye's profile pic…flawless. and sohee that pic….<3 actually all the girls! they look so healthy too!


that comic you made is so cute!lololol at the end with yenny doing 'so hot' haha

thanks everyone for the pics and video's! 

got a little disheartened by some of the comments with the girls being ,for now at least, 'done' in korea. just seems very short sighted to me for jype to keep them out of korea for so long imo as big as china is, korea is still a key market and although the girls have won big awards and been at the top in korea...being away has damaged their fan base (even though I hate that fact) <- a bit poorly articulated -_____-

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