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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest qoxie

Claiming right to reply before moving on.

II_borderline -- Yes, I do try to weigh the context & timing of the tweets &, no, I wasn't specifically recriminating those yesterday.

But this is WG's 4th time in SG since March (counting the one-day return from Jakarta) & let's just say I do not turn to the local fansites & their social media for scoops.

In fact, I started my Twitter cuz some local WFs were alienated by their attempted news blackout some time ago.

Their decree was very odd: indeed, the antithesis of the superb rallying & pre-publicity done by the Indonesian & Malaysian netizens more recently.

YEI was not part of these self-appointed suppressors. I had posted about this & also pointed out they are arguably the most earnest fans here.

I realize YEI is partial towards Yeeun but, at the same time, their enthusiastic antics (eg. the way they hogged the Ilumi autograph session & MBS game segment while wearing their club T-shirts) were not always positively received by neutrals, by my observation.

Perhaps the lack of common sharing/bonding is more of a SG trait (self-centeredness) than anything.

WGkeon -- Yes, they lurk here. Up to them on whether to share info.

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Starry, starry night

By Ng Suzhen, Malay Mail

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010 14:20:00

IT was a wet, sticky and steamy affair at the MTV World Stage Live In Malaysia 2010 at Sunway Lagoon.

Oops,  that didn't come out quite right, did it? But with Katy Perry around,  it's hard not to be influenced by the cheeky I Kissed a Girl singer.

The  song had local censors blanking off the word 'girl' on air, and Perry  made it clear that she didn't kiss a 'blank' in the song.

"In  case anyone was wondering, I kissed a 'girl'. But 'I kissed a (blank)'  sounds so much naughtier," said a perky Perry, who read most of our  minds re­garding the song at the Press confer­ence last Saturday before  the concert.

"In my world, I would have everyone line up and kiss them," she added.

The sporting Perry of course, did not forget to remind the crowd what the missing word was at the concert.

Many  miserable souls who braved the rain and the really long wait (there was  close to a one-hour gap between each act) were revived from their  grumpiness and misery the moment Perry appeared. The singer, who is  currently engaged to actor Russell Brand, was right when she said that  she puts her heart and soul into everything she does.

It was  literally candyland on stage as Perry, the last act for the night,  ap­peared in a leotard and tutu singing Cal­ifornia Gurls in front of a  giant dummy of a banana split. Complete with lollipops, muffins and  backup singers in candy stripes and a band, Perry did not skimp on  presentation.

It was a colourful occasion as Perry belted out her  best hits such as Waking up in Las Vegas, Teenage Dream, Hot n Cold and  dedicating Thinking of You to the 15,000 audience from the bottom of  her 'wannabe Asian heart'.

The biggest surprise was debuting her  highly addictive new song Peacock in Malaysia, which we have a feeling  will somehow be another victim of local censors with the lyrics going  "Peacock, richard simmons, richard simmons".

"It's all right, it's just about a bird," said Perry with an innocent look on her face.

If not for Perry as the saving grace, MTV World Stage would have been a better event watched in front of the television screen.

Bunkface,  who opened for MTV World Stage, warmed up the crowd with their popular  hits such as Prom Queen, Rev­olusi, Through My Window and Situasi.

After  a half an hour wait, Wonder Girls, made up of Sohee, Yubin, Sun, Yenny  and Lim broke out of five sepa­rate cages on the stage with a medley of  their hits I Wanna and Goodbye. Of course, the real song that everyone  was looking forward to was their catchy hit single Nobody, which had  even created a wave in the United States where the girls had recently  toured with the Jonas Brothers.

Looking really good in their  get-up, the girls sizzled on stage, pulling off a very cool look  complete with sunglasses and heating up the crowd by taking off their  outer gear. They proved that guys aren't the only ones who could pull  off that act.

The girls fooled the crowd for a mo­ment when they  disappeared behind the stage after performing their latest offering, Two  Different Tears. The crowd were pleasantly surprised when they  re­appeared on stage in full gold sequined get-up, mirroring their  costume in their Nobody music video.

And this is where the nightmare starts.

Wonder  Girls ended their act at around 8.30pm. And for more than an hour,  nothing substantial hap­pened on stage. Many had to grit their teeth as  it rained, while booing at the stage (a majority of the audience was not  given ponchos).

Even with four VJs on stage hosting the event,  the live show neither heated up nor paci­fied the crowd during the  agonising wait for the next act, Tokio Hotel. Hardly ap­pearing after  their custom­ary pok­ing their heads to throw MTV merchan­dise onto the  crowd, VJs Utt (Thai­land), Chris (Japan), Juju (China) and Sean (South  Korea) were absent most of the time during the wait.

They  prob­ably were not to be blamed as there was a glitch with the sound  system, where it once again went ber­serk on the VJs mid-hosting, even  after Tokio Hotel's act.

Tokio Hotel ap­peared around 10pm  belting out crowd favourites such as Monsoon, Automatic and World Behind  My Wall. This time, the boys brought with them production materi­als  from their UK tour, giving their per­formance a boost compared to their  last gig in Malaysia on Labour Day.

It was like a complete  concert for the German boys as lead singer Bill Kaulitz had three  glam-rock costume changes and at one point appeared on stage rid­ing a  bike.

The night ended at 12.30am with a surprise added performance from Won­der Girls with Nobody after Katy Perry.

It was lucky this year's MTV World Stage had Perry. She saved the night for all of us.


"GAINING  POPULARITY EVERYWHERE THEY GO: Wonder Girls performed their  chart-topping hit 'Nobody' which got the crowd excited"

Source: http://www.mmail.com...t?quicktabs_2=0

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Wonder Girls spread the wonder at MTV World Stage 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

By K-popped.com

So, you were there at the Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach on July 31, huh? It was a wet and humid affair as the rain didn’t let up until close to midnight. The music fans were awesome, the performers ranged from OK to spectacular, but the waiting between the acts was a chore.


VIP ACCESS: The uncrowded VIP entrance to the MTV World Stage Live in Malaysia 2010.

Due to the bad weather, the huge LCD screen malfunctioned when Korean girl group the Wonder Girls performed their set, so there was a retake of Nobody after the party ended. There were many technical problems throughout the show as well. At one point, the MTV VJs mics malfunctioned and some of the TV screens around the VIP area showed nothing but a black screen.

MTV VJ Utt had the thankless task to apologize to the crowd for the many technical problems. He was booed at, which was understandable as those who were in the Normal Zone had to endure hunger, exorbitantly-priced food and drinks, and being squashed in a sardine can-like environment for six to seven hours.


RAINY DAY: It rained the whole night. The ponchos provided by MTV kept us dry

K-popped! was there for one reason only – the Wonder Girls! And boy, the girls sure did not disappoint (I dug Katy Perry too. That Peacock song was cool, it’ll be in her upcoming album).

The Wonder Girls’ retake of Nobody turned out to be a bonus for Wonderfuls who hadn’t left right after their set that night. The girls sent us off with loads of well wishes and a great promise – to return to Malaysia for their very own concert!

Read on for a more in-depth look at the Wonder Girls’ set and Nobody retake.

Wonder Girls entertain with retro pop

A little after 8pm on July 31, the Wonder Girls appeared on stage behind huge cages. Each of them did a sexy little dance in the cage before busting out and launching into I Wanna. Next, the quintet donned cool shades and sang Goodbye.

K-popped! fans went wild as So Hot came on and many sang along with the girls. The quintet then got the crowd competing between the various sections as they taught us how to sing the chorus to Tell Me. They then perfomed the song once the crowd got the part down pat.

After Tell Me, they dived right into their latest single 2 Different Tears complete with a rock interlude where the Wonder Girls brought out their power guitars. Too bad the girls were just “air guitaring” :-P.

Before they rocked off stage, the girls teased with an appetizer of Nobody. The crowd went wild. Lights out, exit stage left.

During the break, interviews of the girls by MTV Iggy were shown on the big screens. A while later, the Wonder Girls exploded onto stage again in all their glittery glory for Nobody. They wore their famous gold-sequined dresses. Beautiful.

Their smash hit was extremely well-received by the crowd and the Wonder Girls' set, which lasted about 40 minutes, ended with a bang!

Retaking Wonder Girls’ Nobody

MTV World Stage Live in Malaysia 2010 was recorded and will be aired around the region on the MTV channel. Due to the rain, the giant LCD backdrop screens malfunctioned so the Wonder Girls had to retake their Nobody performance.


TAKE 2: See the screens at the back? It's working!!

It was already past midnight after Katy Perry ended the music extravaganza with fireworks and fanfare. Music fans started leaving. The MTV VJs were already working the crowd at the post party at a club nearby. A technician/stage manager filled in their shoes and made announcements on the re-appearance of the Wonder Girls.


WARM WISHES: The Wonder Girls sending out their love to the fans

Wonderfuls stayed back for the retake, and those in the VIP/back were asked to “don’t mind the security” and move up to the front of the stage. If was supposed to be a 5-minute wait, but it took like, forever, for the Wonder Girls to appear again. Here, watch their “encore” performance below.

After the retake, the Wonder Girls sent us off with warm wishes. Yenny said, “Kami akan merindui mu” (We will miss you) and the crowd roared. The girls were surprised at the response. Sun then said that they will definitely return to our shores for a concert.

Yes, please do girls. Give us a proper Wonder Girls concert where there won't be any arduous waiting time.


IN LIVING COLOR: Check out the designs on the screen. That was the effect needed for TV


TAKE A BOW: The Wonder Girls say Goodbye ;)

Next up: An exclusive look at K-popped! readers meeting the Wonder Girls!

[Omitted MTV Asia pics & embedded video.]

Source: http://k-popped.com/...-mtv-world.html

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2DT MV playing at McDonalds NYC, dated 7/27.


Cr: 9812040 (minihompy) http://bit.ly/9Vf27c + Wondercuty

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So Hot MV playing at McDonalds NYC, dated 7/30.


Cr: yesyesya (minihompy) http://bit.ly/db4SGe + Wondercuty

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Tell Me MV at McDonalds Times Square, dated 7/31.


Cr: 31815743(miniphompy) http://bit.ly/aBcy0l + Wondercuty

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2DT MV playing in Justice store, dated 1/8


Cr: granny123 (minihompy) http://bit.ly/92tjti + Wondercuty

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Guest sunmikiwangjang

Sunmi and Yeeun's twitter convo

@WGyenny 맛있겠다..요즘왜그렇게 자꾸요리해!!시집갈려구??ㅠㅠ

@WGyenny that sounds good.. why do you keep cooking? to get married?

@mimimimi0502 나중에 남친생기면 해줄려고.....ㅋㅋ

@mimi0502 To cook for my boyfriend later

@WGyenny 안돼..꿈깨..결혼식장에 뱀 풀어버린대..누구누구가..

@WGyenny No..wake up..I'm going to release a snake at your wedding..how could you..

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Guest valentino_rossi46



thanks for translating, still have 2 more ^^


@WGyenny 우와 물분자들 같아..


@mimimimi0502 ㅋㅋㅋ 만들어줄까??

LOL Mimi want to release a snake at Yenny's wedding? She want Yenny is hers, nobody can marry Yenny :P

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Guest ll_borderline

qoxie- even if for you we are the most earnest, you cannot use that against us

to label as us "selfish about monopolizing such info for their own cliques". we never

do such things! ofcourse we are yeeun bias, but there is nothing wrong with it, we all

have our biases. even though we have names like yubinians, sunlights, yeparkies,

sunmijjangers, mandoofuls, LIMits, but we are all WonderFuls! we all have the same color

we all bleed pearl burgundy! we love wonder girls! not because thats your observation that

makes us selfish monopolizing fans. its so wrong.

moving on...

lol eunsun! so cute! no boyfriends allowed! :lol:

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Guest thinker_L

first of all i do not want to start a fight here. it's not that nice afterall. but there are some things that have to be discuss and clear up especially for the WF in SG. thanks qoxie for bringing up the issue because that is also something that has been bottling up inside me...

selfish or not i can't comment because i don't really know how and what people of their own clique do exactly. but i do sense people (not pointing fingers at any groups) keeping info to themselves instead of sharing. i understand some good intentions of keeping the info. but i feel that way too little things are shared among all WF that make different groups of fans all disperse. also, i don't see the point/harm of not sharing some of the relevant info. anyway, the main point there is not about sharing info but rather like what MissBoAngel mentioned - staying united and support each other.

Anyways, guys all these stupid fan wars are getting ridiculous. I feel like Wonderful is limiting their bond and support for the girls over such irrielveant things. Who cares what websites and cliques we hang around and support? Who cares if you have a bias? Really, we've become so dispered it's hard to even find Wonderfuls anymore and we're making it look bad to support the members individually and have sub-fandoms within. The creatores of the sites didn't mean for it to become this way. Fans need to find their balance and know that sub-fandoms should be fun but also know when to come together for our girls. Which really is most of the time, considering that they are first and foremost a group. I hope to see Wonderfuls start helping and supporting each other way more often. I think we all mean well but somehow end up being mixed into stupid situations. Wonder Girls are international now, they need a strong international fan base probably more then any other K-pop idol or group.

This wasn't directed to anyone or anything in peticular. Just a bit of fustration and concern that's been building up for a while now.

i totally agree with MissBoAngel. it doesnt bother me what groups/cliques/websites/bias are formed. but the main aim is to support the girls and make them feel like coming back. WG as an international star should have a strong fan base but  slowly i am seeing the bond and strength of WF in sg disappearing. i like how WF in other countries how out together for the support... i believe there are many WG supporters out there but i don't see it coming out strong. i see how fanbase of other idols can be united to welcome their idols warmingly in SG. as a WF i feel sad for WG that their fans in SG turn out to be like this...

i believe that releasing relevant info, interaction through a common medium (with all the sub groups going on as their wish), getting everyone together and support each other is good to build a strong and good fanbase in SG. i know everyone out there doesnt want things to turn out bad this way or had even tried their best to improve the situation. i hope creators and admins look into this situation and our fedbacks seriously, coordinate among various groups to improve the situation. i don't wish to see the support for the girls here in SG going down.

don't we all love the girls? it's just my one cent worth of thoughts.

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Guest qoxie

Il_borderline - I saw your tweets to others about me. Water off a duck's back.

karatefeelings -- Ah, you & me have opened a Pandora's Box :(

But there is some info if you surf around.

Predictably, some sources have since denied access (privatize their twitters, lock their blogs). *shrug* Singaporeans....

But some stuff did get out.

From what I can tell, WG was at rehearsals last night (supposedly until quite late) but this source surprised Sunye with a birthday mini-celebration.

Unfortunately, the blog is now locked (its older, cached airport fanaccount is here), but not before Baidu Minsunye did a Chinese translation & then Soompi Minsunye did a English version of the latter.

This guy also had dinner with WG, not sure before or after the practice but the following tweets were sent at 1am-plus.

# It was wonderful to have the girls over and hopefully enjoy their dinner# fb

about 18 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

# @WGyubin great seeing you again. And yes Amos was right, your eyes were wide open :)

about 18 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to WGyubin

# @WGsohee hope you enjoyed the beef and tomatoes

about 18 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to WGsohee

# @WGyenny hope you enjoyed your dinner. You know you'll always be welcomed there

about 18 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to WGyenny

# @WG_Lim I hope you enjoyed the dinner and the birthday cake :)

about 18 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to WG_Lim

# @WGsun hope you are feeling better

about 18 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to WGsun

Cr: http://twitter.com/danielyong

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Mandoo also went to Raffles City. This twitterer said she & her friends saw her.

Are they staying at the Swisshotel after all?

10:10  AM Wonder Girls @ Singfest 2010 today :'(( and temen gw ketemu Sohee di  Raffles City's Christian Dior and Chanel! *jealous*

 about 8 hours ago  via ÜberTwitter 

Cr: http://twitter.com/ivylovesiwon

Got it. WG is staying at one of the Raffles City hotels. The Fairmont is next to the Swisshotel.

The sender also locked his account, but his tweet was forwarded.

BTSS alert! RT @chsaeba: Spotted the Wonder Girls in a bus at Fairmont Hotel.. They are heading to Singfest tonight...

10 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Cr: http://twitter.com/dchieng
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Guest qoxie

Fanpics of WG at Universal Studios yesterday afternoon (Aug 2, 3pm plus).

The fanaccount said the tourist party consisted of YeBinHeeLim & 2 staff.

Sunye wasn't with them. (She wasn't in Yeeun's 2:22pm photo either.)

LIM looked like she had changed her clothes in the interim too.










Cr: a_tinggg @ Baidu

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Guest cheeryls_1

The girls are in singapore! anyone noes when they are flying off ? I really hope to be able to catch them tis time!

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Guest ♪ LeeNa ♪

i know this is nothing but this video hurt me ALOT :(

JYP let them comeback :tears::tears:

and don't tell me that ""i don't want them to rest""

because i don't mean "i want them to comeback in this moment"


when i see other groups have fun and appear in shows i feel bad for the girls because you can see how tired are they :tears:

i love the k pop because of them and i'm not big fan of any group except the wonder girls

i'm not a big fan ,,,,,i'm HUGE fan ;p

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Guest tiffanydawn

OMG! Georgina Wilson loves the Wonder Girls! w00t.gifw00t.gif


For those who don't know Georgina Wilson, she is a Filipina VJ who was invited to appear in 2PM's upcoming music video. I guess she's in Singapore now and she saw our girls.

Let's thank her :Dhttp://twitter.com/ilovegeorgina


i know this is nothing but this video hurt me ALOT :(

^To be honest, it kinda hurt me too. :( But anyway, at least our girls are gaining more international fans, right? ^_^

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Guest qoxie

WG finished their 50(?) minute SINGfest set just now.

I think they performed the same songs as per their showcase, but will confirm.

They were 3rd on the bill. Tokio Hotel & Katy Perry have yet to perform.

From what I saw of the earlier photos, there wasn't a big crowd. Plenty of room at the back to sit & lie down.

But it is a weekday, & I guess many concertgoers are still filing in.

Tweeted concert pics.


Cr: winstonlumenta @ twitter


Cr: Raynatambunan @ twitter


Cr: fitrifarina @ twitter


Cr: faultyatlarge @ twitter


Cr: madsuki @ twitter


Cr: DanceSignal @ twitter



Cr: valdanoR @ twitter


Cr: SarcasticIrony @ twitter


Cr: xoxojoyyie @ twitter


Cr: kiroshiivan @ twitter


Cr: iambenedictlee @ twitter



Cr: elsiechrysila @ twitter


Cr: TH_Indonesia @ twitter


Cr: DesireeLai  @ twitter (local radio DJ)


Cr: inanoss  @ twitter

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Guest XiangLan

i know this is nothing  but this video hurt me ALOT  :(

That video made me sad also, but I didn't mind 'bout it 

because the popularity, it didn't measure up by a handclap, but proficiency :))    

I so <3 Georgina Wilson also, because she love the Wonder Girls ^[]^

Aww~ I wanna go there T^T 

Thanks for sharing pics ;)

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Guest karatefeelings

@qoxie Thanks for sharing all the wonderful info!! I really really appreciate it. :D

And lol, I can definitely identify with the self-centered quality being a possibly SG thing. I don't know what to say about it and since I don't want this to be dragged further, let's just leave it at that. Heh.

I'm glad the girls are having fun in Singapore! I hope they get to stay and relax here longer. And it's nice to know that Yeeun has time to bake cookies even! That's awesome.

I don't know how long will their show Made in Wonder Girls be (I am looooving this show btw and it's only been 1 ep and no subtitles) but I spot a lady with a video camera and here's to hoping that this Singapore trip gets documented and aired too!

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Guest valentino_rossi46

Yenny twitter


Swim at night gives you a good comfort. Mo 2 minutes ago via twidroid

Finished performing just now !! Thank you all!! :) about 1 hour ago via twidroid

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Guest adikkeluangman

Oh, my god.... I still high from Wonder Girls on the weekend. I want to share my fan account during the weekend. I don't join other forums except Soompi and some info are sharing by my friends from twitter and others.

On Thursday afternoon, I got SMS from my friend said that the girls arrival was at 10pm in KLIA. At that time, I still in debate whether I want to go to KLIA or not due to transportation. After much thinking and managed to persuade friends, we went to KLIA. Arrived there just before 10pm and we wait at international arrival. I saw some fans already came, saw banners too. I think the blue one with SunYe name or something. Then, we wait... After almost one hour waiting and saw many Korean people arrival. I wonder where is the girls. Saw also security team from the event company. Then one of my friends got a call from another friend that the girl already left KLIA through VIP entrance like 20 minutes ago. Why, why, why, the organizer do like that. I think the fans at airport like 50 peoples and of course we would not do anything bad to the girls. My friend check out the security team and waiting area and realized they also already gone. After much waiting, I saw the groups that came before looks very sad and disappointed.

On Friday, we were working and have class so not much can be done. I just read updates from here and notice that, the girls only stay at the hotel and practice and not going out. Come one, the best theme park is just next door and shopping mall too. Someone saw JYP on Friday. Maybe he left early coz 2PM had a concert on Saturday too.

Saturday, the world stage. The weather, the queuing and other things that stress most of us. I saw some dedicated fans that queue very early. We managed to get to venue just before Bunkface ending song and the stage been dark for the girls prop preparation. I got place near the big screen. Then girls came out and dancing. You can hear the fans screaming and everything. I'm just near a group of fanboys. Yoo Bin and So Hee were crowd favorite. Fans scream like mad whenever the camera focus on them. Not too forget that the camera guy were pervert too coz only focus on some part of the girls. I didn't notice about the glitch technical error during the girls perf. I love the nobody rock version. I'm so hype up when SunYe mention that they will come again soon. When the girls end their perfs, it took almost one hour before Tokio Hotel start to perform. Then after Katy Perry perf, the MTV VJ announces that Wonder Girls will do one song before ending the show. We wait like almost 20 minutes for that. Half of the audiences already went back and others fill up to the front.

The girls sang 'Nobody' and people sang to it. It was so great to hear that they will coming back again for a concert. I'm not sure if the girls when to the after-party concert coz they arrived back to the hotel just before 1am. I read here that the girls saw their fans during the breakfast or something. I hope they don't mean about my friend coz she managed to talk to Sohee and said something about their great perfs. Sohee looks dazed and confused like that and her English is good.

I didn't know that the girls went to SG on Sunday afternoon. I will go to airport if I know about it earlier. Never mind there still next time. :)

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