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Nintendo Ds Thread - Only Talk About Ds Here


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Guest eximius

^ You might just need to buy a new Micro SD card.

My R4 "broke" and it was just the Micro SD that broke... I replaced it and it was juuust fine.

But this Christmas, I changed to an Acekard 2 and I think it's much better than R4.

It's not easily skinnable, but the default skins are decent enough.

That, and it can use 8GB micro SDs, which (apparently, I had no idea...) R4's can't...

I'm not sure where you could buy it... but I know for a fact that they're sold for under $30, so make sure you compare prices with other placed before you buy.

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does anyone know how to change the skin or theme on R4?

please PM me :(

i really want to know T-T


and language *not as important*

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Guest ix3katz

^ ohh you finished it already?

did you play the special modes and boss modes?

i still haven't finished the game cuz i need to get a gold on every stage xP

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Guest darkbahamut

does anyone know how to change the skin or theme on R4?

please PM me :(

i really want to know T-T


and language *not as important*

Hold on, are you using default skins? And one more thing, by pressing select, you can manually switch skins if that's what you want to know. List out what you want here and I can help. =)

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im sorry if this has alredy been asked :sweatingbullets:

but msn on Ds. does anyone here have it working?

i dlded beuplive3 but in the process of signing in it dies on me TT"

^ I've tried it a long time ago and never got it to work.

I read somewhere that the server (or something) got taken down.

i got my beup working..

but now i cant seem to connect nemore.

if the server really did get taken down.. that could explain why mine doesnt work :D

anyways, beup was a real drainer to type on

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Guest strawberrylove

^ you had it working? dang it all -_-

i wanna try it out for the sake of trying it out~

but i guess the server did get taken down if its suddenly stopped working for you TT"

Hold on, are you using default skins? And one more thing, by pressing select, you can manually switch skins if that's what you want to know. List out what you want here and I can help. =)

i know how you can switch from different skins alredy on the r4. but is it possible to like download another one or add your own? cus the skins they have are ugly <_<

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Guest darkbahamut

^ you had it working? dang it all -_-

i wanna try it out for the sake of trying it out~

but i guess the server did get taken down if its suddenly stopped working for you TT"

i know how you can switch from different skins alredy on the r4. but is it possible to like download another one or add your own? cus the skins they have are ugly <_<

Yup. It's possible. You can down skins by searching them up on google or something. R4DS skins or whatnot. In your r4 folder in your mem card, there's a folder called _system_. In that is a folder called themes. Whenever you get a skin there would be 5 files. Just copy and write over the files into theme01, 02, etc. etc. Hope that helps.

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Hmm BeUp wouldn't work on my DS :( I tried many times to go on MSN with my DS but the programs never worked... So I gave up and went on ebuddy instead by using the DS Internet Browser :/

Typing is a pain on the DS though, but it was useful when I accidently broke my laptop and was able to go on the internet on my DS >< haha

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Guest strawberrylove

^ i still need to download a web browser for my ds >.>" LOL. i dlded the DS organise thing but the web browser on that didnt work D:

and thanks darkbahamut, i now have a spongebob skin :P

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Guest strawberrylove

now im having trouble deciding which one i want to set the skin as. theres so many D:

i changed it agn :P now its an onion~ maybe by tonight ill change it agn ;;____;; LOL

and im waiting for kingdom hearts!! time goes by so slowly >.>

-happy lunar new years ^^

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Guest amydien

I just read on the lj comm about this new game coming out in US 02/9/09. It's called Retro Game Challenge.

Here's a youtube preview clip:

Im sooooo excited about this! I loved the classic games I've played on my famicon and I would love to have this on my ds! :D

This is gonna replace my Namco Museum XDDD

I just started playing Mario Slam Basketball this morning. It's a fun game, but I kinda dont like the use of stylus too much. Very little button functions....

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Guest strawberrylove

mario slam basketball is a hard game >.>

cus i cant seem to rember what im suppose to do :sweatingbullets:

although i love using the stylus~ cooking mama :P


could anyone post a link to dl a web browser (not apart of Ds organise)

cus i dlded ds organise a few times but the web browser never worked and i googled it over and over and still cant find it TT"

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I think for the web browser to work you need the expansion pack. I bought my DS browser and it came with the expansion pack, but I was too lazy to keep changing game cartridges whenever I wanted to go on the internet so I just downloaded it onto my R4.

You can download it at romulation.net but it won't work without the expansion pack

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Guest justwildbeat

^Actually just started playing it today, it's pretty interesting and I like the pretty colors ^_^. had a bit of trouble at Kamikura since I forgot I had to use those homing missiles haha

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