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Annoying Things Girls Do

Guest JASH

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Guest Lady Violette

- when they act stupid

- when their boobs are about to fall out of their shirt

- when they add "like" to every other word, it's hard to follow what you're trying to say...

- when they act all that and think they're all that

- act really close to you so they can use you

- criticize you and then they do it themselves

- weigh 90 pounds and still wanna lose weight

- roll their eyes

- give unnecessary attitude

- when they fish for compliments

- when they copy a friend who they hang out with often (i really really hate this, personal experience argh)

- make whiny, weird noises to catch attention

- talk really loud when it's really quiet and when i'm right next to them...

- when they say: "omg are you stupid?" when she's the one who said something stupid

- pretend to be drunk and act like a richard simmons

lol sometimes i wish i was a guy cause some girls really give us women a bad name...

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Guest xxngociexx

girls who

-talk smack about their own friends

-talk smack about others, and when thye see them act like its their best friend in the whoel world -.-;

-girls who think that they're a "good girl" -.-;

-talk nonsense

-paint their face, and think they look attractive

-ATTENTION W.H.O.R.E. omggg..-.-;

-stare at you for no freaken reason.. like wth, is wrong wit you -.-;

-are freaken over dramatic, and act like their life suck when it doens't -.-;

-say they NEVERRR wear make up, but see TONS of eye liner and whatever else on their face..

-who talk sh.it about other people, and think that they're better then them.

-act high maintenance when they are NOT

-who act rich, when they're broke as HELL.

and the list goes on.. i agree wit ^^^^. sometime i wish i was a guy. some girls just give other girls a bad name..

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note: i'm a girl.

but i just really reallyyyyy don't like it when you're walking behind them, but don't say anything because you know they won't give a damn about you anyways. and they they go like, OH! DIDN'T KNOW YOU'RE HERE. WHY DON'T YOU SAY ANYTHING? YOU DON'T WANNA TALK TO US?

and when you join them in the walk, they continue their little conversation and exclude you.

wth. x_x

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Guest dare2move



gossip to the point where it's not gossip anymore but rather, personality dissection--pointing out everything that is terrible wrong with the other person.

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Guest ly*chee

Some Girls are annoying because they...

-backstab for entertainment [The ultimate low]

-flirt with guys, major change of tone to a helpess, innocent thing

-complain that some chick "gave her the look"


-they say they're fat.

-they go "omg like today this guy like totally smiled at me and like i was like".

-a girl goes into a game store to "check out a game"

Totally agree with this!!

Especially when they have a boyfriend o__o;

And then they blame the other guy for "flirting" with them instead of the other way around >_>;

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Guest supa'Wanki

1. When girls list out everything they want in a guy, when they dont even deserve 1/10th of that list.

2. Girls that don't have an appetite. I love girls who can eat! yeeuh.

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create drama.

girls can get so jealous/envious/malicious/wrathful.

and when they get like that they often gossip/spread rumors/spread hate/talk lies.

including myself.

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Guest resolution.se7en

Uh...get jealous easily

not being able to let go of things...until a year has passed...then uses that thing in an argument.

Not being straight up when girls are mad-#1 at the top of le list...cost me a friendship.

OH OH-try and find MR PERFECT...when its pretty much next to impossible..or if they skip over the guy whos good enough to be their bf, and STILL looks for MR PERFECT.

Taking guys they like (who they barely know), over guys who are already their friends-still dont get that one lol...

I understand its girls nature lol...I,Being a dude,having experienced some of those things first hand...so its not really a bias, most guys know what they do wrong...i think theres a thread floating around of things that guys do thats annoying..but im sure that can be found just about anywhere on the internet LOL

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the whole "OMG IM SO FAT" or "IM ON A DIET"

and they're like one of the skinniest ppl i know.

when they talk crap about other ppl.

its hard to sometimes but when its excessive

and theres no reason to.

its really annoying -.-

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When a girl is born. I mean I AM a girl, but other girls, ugh, being another girl is annoying! lol.

But here's my list:

-being tough or trying to prove themselves

-being cute and acting like they dont understand

-BEING that cute/dumb, d*mnit go to school or something! Who learned you to live this way?

-Literally painting their faces, i have friends that i have never seen their bare faces, EVER!!!!

-Smelling like a whole lotta non-sense

-being malicious

-thinking they're players and then falling in love. BAH!!!!

-getting their hair and nails done every 4-6 weeks, seriously now, cheeses!

-Wearing flip flops to a hardcore show/concert where!

-wearing skirts/flip flops in the winter time



-when they think they look hott, and they're simply just WAY too easy and are wearing too much make-up

-when they think they can wear heels, and look like a idiot chikcen walking on ice! so gross, just give it up, you're not attractive.

-when they whine about pretty/skinny/hott/sexy/tall/awesome girls(who happen to be their best friend)

-when they whine about not getting any, of any kind

-when they think they can get anyone.

-sl*tty girls

-prude girls

-when they show off their boobs

-when they complain about how no one understands them, yeah because we're not idiots! No one can understand an idiot!

-when they dont know how to do laundry,vacuum, cook, clean, pick up after themselves...

-showing too much skin thinking they're hott richard simmons, when they're simply sh*tty

-being lame

-when you take them out to eat and they take two bites of their food and say theirr full, seriously now, thats a $27 steak, eat it d*mnit!!

-when they dont eat in general!

-when they fish for compliments

ugh, i can go on for days.....

Wow, you have a lot of anger in you.

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Guest lolololitslight

gossiping, get all fan girly with the whole "OMG BIG BANG IS SOOO HAWT, ZOMG" **DROOL DROOL DROOL DROOL ORGASM.

LOL @ fangirls

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