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Ivy (아이비) [Official Thread]


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Guest ruby_lee

son of the **** !! wish he dead :angry:

this abject guy is so crazy :angry:

I can't stand to think about he treated badly with Ivy :angry:

when I think about it , I want to kill him immediately !! :angry:

dont know why Ivy like him <_<

may be , in the first time him & Ivy dated , he proved nice with her

and then , his cruelty vile came out :angry:

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wow thaks suejin for the update though it's something that I didn't want to hear about =OO

oh no, this guy is totally crazy. I think there is something wrong inside his head, man...he's freaking dangerous & scary...pshhh, i can't stand his guy anymore... :angry:

About joinning Ivy fanclub, i'm stuck at the log in thingy, i couldn't log in because it said Unrecognized username or password. I tried to retype my username + passwords so manytimes but still not working <_< even i did the registion again...guhh...i don't know whats wrong with my account, need help please :(

^pmed you

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Guest suejinners

More News.

she will not attend any of the end of the year Awards T___T.. fantom confirmed it again.

they also said shes at home.. and doesn't have contact with anyone.

albert- you can upload pics, youtube videos, start topics, put up news and etc etc.

if you do upload pics/videos just remember to add them to the ivy fanclub. its an extra step.

esther-! your staff!!! cool beans! hahah

never_seen1- there are only rumors out there saying that they have dated. most netizens believe its true. neither sides have talked about it though.

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Guest .:LaUrEn.:

More News.

she will not attend any of the end of the year Awards T___T.. fantom confirmed it again.

they also said shes at home.. and doesn't have contact with anyone.

:( okay i'm REALLY sad about this. i loooove watching the award shows at the end of ever year, even though i know they're full of crap and biased/corrupt beyond belief... but that's beside the point. i was SOOO looking forward to seeing ivy at the award shows and seeing her win a bunch of awards... well, we all know ivy's talented, so i'm sure that when all of this drama passes, we'll see ivy at many award shows to come in the future. i guess right now, she just needs time to herself to heal.

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Guest cindel25

I'm late but am I reading this correctly?

He had gf that he was marrying and yet he continue to harass Ivy over their break up because he found out she was cheating on him? That does not make sense whatsoever!

The crazy is really CRAZY!

Anyhoooooooo, Congrats to Ivy and sad to hear that she won't be attending the awards. I think she should make at last one appearance to tell everyone to suck it.

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Guest eloretardo

This seems like it's been blown out of proportion by EVERYONE. I feel really bad for Ivy, especially with all the negative comments from the netizens... But I can't help but feel bad for the guy, too. I mean, think about having to keep your relationship with this famous singer a secret for two years, and then you find out one day that she's been cheating on you. I'd be pretty pissed. I mean, two years is a long time. However, I do think that he's acted WAY too childishly. There are a lot of better ways I can think of for him to have settled his differences with her, but I guess he's gotten what he deserved, with his arrest and all. I can only hope Ivy learns from her mistakes, but also is able to gain popularity with Korea again. I really hope her career doesn't end with this. :(

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Guest .:LaUrEn.:



so ivy will be performing in vancouver, canada on the 25th!!! her company's saying this was arranged a long time ago, and therefore they can't just back out of it. tei, dj doc, and others will be performing there as well. i'm glad she'll be performing again!!! ivy's always the most charismatic and appealing when she's on stage :)

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Guest kellyngt

lol, first of all, i'm glab that Ivy'll coming back to stage soon ^^ even in Korea or others countries,. it doesn't matter...

I had heard about this before (from a friend), she said that Ivy won't come to Vancouver so i was so richard simmons but now, she'll come...so i'm happy...besides happiness, i feel so bad that she doesn't come to Toronto >.<'' i hate cnd...geezzz its so unfair that most of celebrities are coming to US not Canada...i wonder whats wrong with cnd then =( oh plzzz hopefully Ivy'd come to Toronto so i could meet her...Ivy hwaiting!!!

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