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[drama 2005] Love I Want To Kill/ Ijuksa 이죽일놈의사랑


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this thread is so filled with love for the soompiers who love IJUKSA. ther's always a link, a sub and caps. thanks guys for


what a tag-line!

anyways, i finally get to see the first ep. it was brilliant. i thought i was watching a movie. the cinematography was great especially the one where SMN and BI were underwater.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. I'm in awe, the scenery is just beautiful!

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Guest `soliloquy

Im awestruck.

Just speechless..

the cinematography is breath taking...

*floats into oblivion*

I love the pilot episode tons...

my god..my heart was beating so dang fast...

Downloading of this one HQ is so darned worth it.

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Hi eulicid :)

I took the liberty of making a softsub out of your translation... I hope it's okay? :)

Enjoy! ^_^

thanks so much for translating.... your translation is so GOOD ^^

Here's the first 28 mins of the drama... (version 1, I guess hehee. I kinda do this too fast.. so I hope the timings are a-ok :D)

Ep1.v1 subs


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Episode 1 Summary


credits to me :)

I'll get the names when i watch a couple more episodes. ;)




Bi is lying in the grass while his friends are playing around. Shin Minah is lying on the beach because she is shooting a drama/movie. Bi is lying down when his friend points to a girl standing on the ledge of a bridge. His friend urges Bi to stop the girl from committing suicide. He slowly walks up to the girl and says "Are you a pervert?" "I can see your underwear from under the bridge." The girl says, "I'm gonna jump.". She wants to hear Bi say, "I Love You" However, Bi encourages her to jump off the bridge and walks away from the bridge. The girl asks what she doesnt have that the other girl has. Bi doesnt answer and walks away. The girl jumps off and disappears in the deep river. Meanwhile on the beach, Shin Minah is on the set of a movie/drama. Minah walks toward the water and continues to walk deeper into the ocean eventhough the director said "cut". Back at the bridge, Bi gives CPR to the girl who fell off. The girl awakens and Bi tells her that he won't save her next time. Shin Minah's car is heading back to Seoul when they run into Bi and his friends. Start of Episode 1. Minah arrives at a hotel and is bombarded by media members. From a distance, someone is looking at her. Minah knows that the guy is brother or boyfriend. (i'm kind of confused)

Bi is in the ring and remembers what his brother told him. "Even if someone hits you, do not hit back and just let them hit you." The round starts and Bi's opponent starts beating Bi up. Then Bi starts fighting back and nearly knocks his opponent out. The round ends and Bi learns that this match is the "Championship Match". The final round starts and Bi intentionally loses the match. After the match, his opponent asks,"what is your purpose in life?". Bi smears his gum all over the other guy's face.

Minah makes her way up to her brother's house. There she meets a close friend. The old lady tells her that she doesn't look good with her brother or boyfriend. She gives Minah a bottle of Soju and tells her to forget about her oppa. Later that night, Minah is at a screening of some sort. She drinks a lot of wine and heads out to the balcony. Minah calls her oppa, but he does not answer multiple ties. She says to herself that she cannot break up with him. All she wants to do is meet Eun Suk once. Meanwhile, someone is outside (the son of some CEO) and calls a couple of clients. He comes back in and sees Minah. He tries to help her up but she falls backwards and he lands on her. Minah yells and runs away but there was someone who captured the whole incident on his/her cellphone. The guy tries to catch up to Minah and calls her name. Minah calls him a "pervert and tells him that if he comes near her again, she will kill him".

Bi and his friend are roaming the streets and start trashing a market. Bi's friend asks a market lady for the money but she refuses. Bi backs her friend up by saying how scary she really is. They continue to visit businesses and collect their payments. Back at Minah's house, her brother* sees the video some guy made. He calls his friend and asks who the guy on top of Shin Minah is.

The "pervert" is explaining a project when his father gets mad and throws a notebook at him. His dad leaves and the French clients tell him why his father may be mad. Back at Minah's house, her mom is crying about her daughter's image. The "pervert" calls Minah and asks to meet her privately. They're at a Aquatic Center and start talking about what happened that night. They start arguing and Minah tells the "pervert" to take care of the situation alone. Bi works out and meets a girl. The girl asks, "Why do you never call me?" Bi tells her that he never calls girls. The girl tells Bi that she is gonna get married. Bi doesn't care because he already has a girl. The girl starts to cry because Bi used to love her. I guess Bi is going out with her because she saved his life.

Bi is heading home when his friend tells him that he found Bi's brother. Later that night, Bi starts talking with his brother and his brother apologizes for not being kind. His brother sees Minah on the screen and reaches for her. Bi says, " are you a cha eun suk stalker?". Then in a split second his brother falls of the ledge.


horrible summary but i'll make it better next episode.

WOW - Albert....never knew u were a Bi Fan...and Kim Tae Hee isn't in this drama....Hehe!

What an effort - thanx so much! B)

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hi ayu n other Biers..

i juz came back frm the mall..

i left mah pc open juz 2 download the IJUKSA...

arhhh..i came back 2 find that it was only downloaded 50% only...

but I LOVE It!!!! rain was really good!!! altho i dun understand a thing he said!!! woahhhhh..i love it i love it!!!!!!

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Guest `soliloquy

hi ayu n other Biers..

i juz came back frm the mall..

i left mah pc open juz 2 download the IJUKSA...

arhhh..i came back 2 find that it was only downloaded 50% only...

but I LOVE It!!!! rain was really good!!! altho i dun understand a thing he said!!! woahhhhh..i love it i love it!!!!!!

OMG Jo! hello!

at least you got to watch half of it! ^^

aish..id better keep quiet already. feeling real sorry for those who hasnt watched.


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You are sure fast.. ..wow.. ...that's what we call love.. ..hehe.. ...wow.. ..admire! :rolleyes:


Thanks thanks for making it SRT!!! just hope someone can help me by letting me dl with english sub SRT format too?


btw, the ther part of it all...

SM drinks

SM PA comes running up

SM PA: Because of you, everything is messed up. Do you know that?

Are you trying to drive me nuts?!?

At the function, and SM is drinking. Guy with specs and white suit slips her his red wine… after the film show, SM has left her seat

SM alone at the stairs and calls

Message on the Phone: “I am Kang Mingu. I’ll return the call once I get your message.”

Your messages says: After getting your message I will reply. And that is why I keep leaving hundreds of messages. Why haven’t you returned any, you heartless bastard. It can’t be. Who allowed you to do this? I can’t break up just like that! I can’t, even if it means I die! Let’s meet for one more time, just one more time… Oppa..

Si Xi, meet Si Xi one more time please. How can you do this to me? How can you?!?!


Scene back at the function:

Client: I understand… very interesting

Mr Smith: (WOW, this guy quite cute huh????)

Specs delivers his spiel on the product…

Specs goes to chat on the phone…

Specs: Yes, on Sunday, there will be arrangements to fly to NY.

I hope to see the article by then. Ok. I know… then, see you in a week’s time.

Specs sees SM…

Miss Che Si Xi? Miss Che Si Xi?Miss Che Si Xi

Falls over

Specs: you ok?

Back at the function, Specs chased her there…

Specs: Hey, Miss Che Si Xi

SM: You sick pervert… One more time and you are dead

Market scene

Gangster Girl – Dan Qing (DQ) : Where is the money you owe me?

Stall owner lady: Ruined, all ruined… There is no Money. No money.

Not a single cent

DQ: Oh, there’s money to send all your sons to USA to study, but no money to rturn me my hard-earned money eh? If I do not show you my prowess you wont relent huh?

It’s not my money used for studies. It’s his father’s! SO what? So what?

Since you are so stubborn, I have to deal with you to show you

Kill me. Kill me. I have no money. No money.

Why can’t there be peace?

Silence her and that’d be ok… (in a humming tone)


Old lady, she is a woman of her words, don’t you know that? Let her see how much you are capable of. I am a man who isn’t afraid of anything.

Apple is pinned to the beam…

BG: But I am scared of her…Very scared…Scared to death

Lady hands over cash

DQ: Nice, here’s one for you…

Montage of the extortion scene… a KTV bar

DQ: 10 won, quick take the money out. Are you giving me the cash or not? If not, beware that you get whacked… You are 5 won. Give it here. You too, 5 won. Quickly.

I must count yours,,, hmmph..

BG is in a reverie, humming

BG’s thoughts:

Brother, sing a song for me

What song?

Isn’t there one that goes in the distant…

In the distant sky,

The clouds are drifting

In the fields,

The little cows

When they moo

Mother’s face…”

Humming music fades away… Return to the present; BG sees the GG staring at the wedding dress

Passer by: Wow! Beautiful.. when I get married I want to wear that…

BG: Dan Qing, when we get home, let’s eat BBQ meat.

DQ: Ok. Good idea. Let’s visit one more house before we head home…

Walking down the flight of stairs..

DQ: That idiot guy, that dog, caught him!

BG: Why go down?

DG: Let that dog off? Why should we? Wasn’t he the one who threw seafood soup at you a few days ago? He is too cocky!

BG: So?

DQ: We must have revenge! I will use hot seafood soup to scald him!

BG:It’s my vengeance; what’s it got to do with you?

DQ: What?

BG :Don’t go.

DQ: Don’t you remember how embarrassed you were? On that busy street… Why, the minute I think about that incident…

BG: Enough!!!! Please stop talking about it! Don’t do anything for me. No matter what it is, don’t do anything for me. Do not do anything.

DQ: Bokgu…

BG: It’s too troublesome to cook. Let’s buy (ready to eat) food instead.

On the motor bicycle…

Scene cuts to guy on the net…

SM Brother (SH Bro): What is this? Where did you get it from? Is it everywhere on the net now? Everywhere? The guy who is all over my sister… Who is he?

What? The son of the owner of Chaoguo enterprise?

Specs delivering spiel, presentation

Specs: The new product has many good points, its cleaner and has 3 other advantages…

It can keep things warm..

Director throws something at Specs…

Director: You dared to embarrass the company! Think about how this company was established… and yet you embarrass the company!

Specs: Sorry. Our Director is angry with me.

Director: After this, get out! Our home doesn’t need a person like you! I already have one son. That is enough.

Sir, sir!

I apologise. We should be purely objective…That was embarrassing and awkward

Is it because of the Internet pictures about the female star and you?


We all saw it. It is on the net!

Specs reads the papers…

Headlines: Super star “C” gossip….

SM: ahhh

SH PA: I told you to drink in moderation! I knew you would get into some kind of trouble due to drinking. Great… just great!

It hurts! You have no idea how much it hurts! I am the one who is hurt!

SM Dad and Mum. SM’s sister, and SM Bro

SM Mum:I can’t survive.

SM Dad: Drink this porridge, wife.

Mum: NO.

Dad: Not even a sip? How can that be?

Mum: My life is horrible

Sis: Why? Has the sky collapsed?

Mum: Yes, it has.We are done for! What are we to do? A celeb’s reputation is the most important thing! Ooohhh… Husband, what are we to do?!?! Our Si Xi is done for! What do we do? I’m going mad!

Bro: But Big Sister (SM) never really wanted to be a star anyway… Mrs Pu, you are just worried about not having money to give me…

Dad: Zai Shi (I think that is brother’s name.)

Bro: I’m used to having money. You are used to it too. It’s because of the money my sister can earn, that is why you, Mrs Pu, are still by my father’s side, isn’t it?

Mum: Zai Shi… You…

Dad: You idiot.. YOU!

Sis: But Zai Shi isn’t wrong, dad! Mum herself is very aware of it. Anyway, I’m going off first…

Bro: The front door is sure to be full of reporters. Sneak out from the back… sigh… Why is she so dumb- who does she take after? She should take after her real biological father right, Mrs Pu?

Dad: Shut up.

Reporters: Che Si Xi, Please explain… please Miss Che…

Specs: Jin Secrteary, Please help me make an appointment with Miss Che Si Xi. No managers or anyone else. Just Miss Che alone. Yes… Immediately.

At the turf club

SM: Since you asked me here, say something! One whole hour has passed!

Specs: since water has been spilt, we should think of a way/plan to salvage it

SM: What plan?

Specs: There was a witness, and there is video evidence… So it is very hard.

SM: Why did you do it? You look normal. Were you drunk too? Is that why you did that?

Specs: I didn’t do anything. Nothing. I’m not the kind who will jeopordise other’s ricebowl/livelihood.

SM: Ricebowl? Miss Che Si Xi… Is your ricebowl?

Specs: It was just an analogy…

SM: If I am your ricebowl, I wonder what is your ‘soupbowl’?

Specs: That is not the topic of concern here! Haven’t you been to University, Miss Che?

SM: Yes… I have not been to University. Whatever. I am leaving. About the plan, you do whatever you wish to salvage it Since you went to University before. OK?

Specs: Didn’t you plan it? That day, you did it on purpose right? To get into the limelight? It’s too coincidental. Our Jin secretary suspected it.

Isn’t it so?

SM: Hey. Are your wires connected wrongly?. Does Nuna (SM herself) look like she is so easy to bully? You, with your screw-loose, if I hear those words again… you will get it from me

BG Training scene with sandbag…. He sees girl in White.

Girl: Its been a long while since we met.

BG: Yes. Its been a while.

Girl: Even the phone lines don’t work. I’ve been waiting for your call.

BG: Do I look like the type of man who will call you?

Girl: True. Bokgu, you aren’t that sort of man. I’m getting married tomorrow. But if you were to disallow me to do so, I wont get married.

BG: Matters such as marriage; just because someone doesn’t allow, does it mean you can choose not to marry? Get married! It’s good! Yes, you have my permission to marry. Get married!

Girl: You intend to discard me in that manner?

DanQing appears and eavesdrops…

BG: I… I have a woman. Remember?

Girl: Yes, I know. It is because of her that you broke up with me. Although we like one another.

BG: Aren’t you busy? You should be preparing for your upcoming marriage.

Girl: Love isn’t a duty or obligation. Giving me up, you will still choose the one you love to be with the one you love…

BG: Miss Lee Shi Xing…

Girl: That woman, I heard she got burnt because of you. And because of that, to thank her, to show gratitude, you become like a man who whittles away his life in order to repay something expensive.

BG: Shut up

Girl: You can’t live like that. Why live like that? Why be with a woman you don’t love, burning and tormenting yourself in hell?

BG: Didn’t you hear what I said – Shut up! I think you got it all wrong – Miss Lee, I have never loved you. Stop daydreaming about such nonsense, please go. Actually, I wanted to just bear with what you said , but it was too gross… Made me want to vomit.

Girl leaves…

Repetition: Voice Over

Giving me up, you will still choose the one you love to be with the one you love…

Apples roll down

BG sees DQ squatting there.

BG: Are you i can't readting there?

DQ: Yes…. Having diahorrea

BG: Once you are done, get up, before others discover you

DQ: I forgot… Didn’t buy soya beans. You should go to the supermarket to get some.

BG walks off…

DQ stares at herself in the mirror while the memory of the voice of the white girl comes on… voice over:

That woman, I heard she got burnt because of you. And because of that, to thank her, to show gratitude, you become like a man who whittles away his life in order to repay something expensive.

Love isn’t a duty or obligation


Today’s episode:

BG is humming to self, friend runs up and says:

Hey didn’t you hear me call you? Finally, I found your brother,


Your brother, the one you were looking for 10 years…


Really! I’m not lying to you! I found your brother!

Scene at rooftop:

MinGu: Why are you sitting here? The weather is cold. Go inside the house. Is Big Brother a dog? I am sorry.

BG: What can I do – Still using my fists… In fact I use my fists to eke out a living… If you want to threaten me: not to see me if I use my fists, then carry on.

MG: I am sorry. Big Brother is really sorry, Bokgu.

MG sprays beer all over BG

BG: Stop that! Hey…

The 2 play…

(BG while peeing mumbles some vulgarities)

BG: ^%^@$*...

Shot of SM on the big billboard, with the headlines:


MG reaches out to touch her face…

BG: Are you crazy… Look at yourself and your abilities. What’s the point of living? You are so old already….

MG falls off

BG: Hyung? Hyung!

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WOW - Albert....never knew u were a Bi Fan...and Kim Tae Hee isn't in this drama....Hehe!

What an effort - thanx so much! B)

i remember back in FH days, albert was one of the top posters in that thread. almost 1000+ posts. i'm not surprised he's here.


i was watching KBS. no lagging. and what did i see? the ep 2 preview of IJUKSA. i was so giddy...

but then i remembered. i might not be able to watch it later on. so much lagging!!!

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