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Do you ever get your ETHNICITY mistaken...?

Guest eminemjamesuk

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Guest lea11

yea. ignorant (nonasian) ppl always think asian= chinese, therefore always goes 'nihao' and asks if im chinese. like i live in a stupid city. when they say 'nihao', i usuallly go, 'shut the F-ck up, i aint chinese.'

this mexican lady spoke spanish to me at wal mart... and my friends think im hawaiian and latina.

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Guest kiss_bunny

everyone thinks im like hispanic...

even my parents got mistaken as hispanic..

iono where they got that from.

i dont think i look hispanic.

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Guest Sammiie__x

If I say anything else than chinese, they be like,"Oh..", with expressions like they never heard about the place before. .__.

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Guest kimma

I'm dark with really curly hair so people always think I'm Mexican or am some type of ethnicity that originated from South America.

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Guest femme.fatale`

everyone i meet thinks im japanese. im korean

even koreans think im japanese. i think there was only a handful amount of time when someone got my ethnicity correct

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Guest aznlily

people think I look hispanic too or cambodian >_< cause i'm a dark asian xD. But I'm vietnamese lol

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Guest miso_ramen

haha. i'm chinese.

but i've been mistaken for mexican and filipino sometimes.

and mistaken for japanese and korean more often.

mostly korean -____- idk why. i dont look korean.

and ive been told i look like naruto many times :D haha.

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Guest Airporte

A lot of people think that I'm Pakistani (or some kind of ME nationality), but I'm not. As far as I know, hispanic+caucasian =/= middle eastern, but I just go 'lolno' and explain.

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Guest Ching Ching

I'm part Cambodian, part Chinese, so I obviously do not have round eyes. Yet people keep

mistaking me for a Filipino/filipina. Yah, I'm pretty oblivious as to what I should use. They all

practically have some Spanish in them, so yeahhh~ More round-shaped eyes.

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Guest hungrycollegeboy

I'm Hmong, but some people say I don't really look Hmong.

It's funny when people try to guess my ethnicity. :sweatingbullets:

Them: Are you Chinese?

Me: No

Them: Are you Japanese?

Me: No

Them: Are you Korean?

Me: No

Them: Are you Vietnamese?

Me: No

Them: Are you Thai?

Me: No

Them: Are you Laotian?

Me: No

Them: Are you Filipino?

Me: No

Them: Are you even asian?

Me: Yes.

Them: What are you then?

Me: I'm Hmong.

Them: What's that :blink:


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Guest BattleRoyale


im vietnamese but peopple usually mistaken me for chinese and start speaking chinese to me and id be like err wahh? :blink:

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Guest xGingerTea


i'm filipino.

but people think i'm like..

some other asian ethnicity like japanese -_-

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Guest shigo

I've been mistaken as a Korean before, which is really weird for me because I look the exact opposite of what Koreans look like in general. I mean we're talking brown skin, "healthy" size, and almond shaped eyes. And the thing is, the person who made that remark was a Korean.

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Guest fcsol

I'm filipino and it boggles my mind how people think I'm either ..

Chinese (people from work - "you're too light to be filipino" - what?)

Japanese (some old creepy dude on the subway - "hello, are you japanese?")

Half white (this girl in my class - "are you asian? there's something about you that's very asian but not really. you look like a happa!")

It's just that I think I look very filipino lol

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Guest §ξЯ��̃ξňf

Almost everyone thinks I'm Chinese even though I'm Korean.

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Guest UnknownMelody

I'm Chinese,

But everyone who sees me guesses everything but my own race.

They go on to the point where someone asked if i was mixed.

It's really frustrating because I have super dark hair and my skin is pretty pale.

Most mix people have really fair hair. Sigh.

Some people are just really stupid.

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Guest kimshizzle!

Usually I take it like compliments. : D. But i get mistaken

1. Filipino

2. Hispanic- usually its this the most

3. mixed-usually hispanic

I honestly don't really mind when people mess up. This one time i got mistaken as an Iranian, which i thought was pretty sweet.

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Guest Ailes Noires

Haha, I haven't had anyone ever guess correctly. I've gotten a dozen different people think I was Asian, and two of them were my (native) Japanese teachers. Most people say it's because I've got "Asian" or "squinty" eyes. :P My eyes are gray though! I've gotten Mexican a few times too, but mostly from white friends who are like half and just look white. I went to a friend's house who is as white-bread as it gets, and her mom is full Latina. I was like o.o

I'm actually a LOT of things. I'm 1/2 French, 1/4 from basically all over Europe, and 1/4 Native American (and fairly mixed in that respect). People are just like "Me too! I'm like 1/43" or some strange number. That's cool, but it does not make you "one with nature" or something. xD;

I dunno, I guess because I'm brown I identify more with the Native side of me than the white, but I'm cool with whatever. Although I have lots of "white looking" relatives who have more Indian blood than I do, and they're more active on the reservations... It's not my fault I live on the other side of the country! ;-;

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