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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest thealien.

I just need to let something out, a few thoughts of mine about 2PM.

Before all this happened I believed that this was 2PM's year. They did absolutely great with AAA and they found their place in the music industry. I thought that with the release of their 1st official album in October that they would be a strong contender for the MKMF Artist of the Year Award. Not just a contender, I know they would've won. I imagined them at MKMF, performing, their happiness and excitement when their name was called for the artist of year award, their tears, and their thank you speech. Now because I know none of this will happen I'm extremely sad about what could've been. How this could've been their year to shine but because of one selfish person and a group of unforgiving people the dreams and achievements of all the 2PM members have been shattered.

I strongly agree with you. I seriously thought this year was going to be 2PM's year considering the fact that they were super active and gaining popularity all over. However, just because Jay is gone does not mean we must lose hope. I believe 2PM still stands a chance at winning "Artist of the Year" award this year. However through all these circumstances, we've became stronger. 2PM and Hottest became stronger, right? I know we are all shocked and filled with mixed emotions now that Jay is gone, but there's still the rest of 2PM we must stay strong for and support wholeheartedly. What makes us fall will only make us stronger, right?

edit: I couldn't remember the word when translating but this underground movement is basically BOYCOTTING ALL 2PM ACTIVITIES AND RELEASES.

^OMG! This is bad. Really bad. I'm glad they want Jay back, but why must they do that to the other members? I really hope this isn't going to go on.

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Guest Banana Peel



SO WRONG. Why are they doing this?

Don't they know any better? Like this is going to make the situation any better :rolleyes:

And this is more ridiculous imo that 20+ fans are doing this o_o; Shouldn't they be more

mature about this?

All I can say is that JYP better say something about this situation soon enough before

these fans go chaotic :x *sigh* The craziness never ends, does it?

All endorsed items, concerts, informal concerts, TV appearances, albums, releases during Jaebum's absence... ALL WILL BE BOYCOTTED by kHOTTESTS.

*cough* 'kHOTTESTS'? >_>;

they sound more like an anti to me.

I have a horrible feeling about this year's dream concert ;_;

thehazyfiasco, thanks for all the reports & translations!

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I get that people feel that 2PM is one and 7-1=0 but it's really really unfair to the rest of the boys to BOYCOTT them...like really now. they need HOTTEST support now more than ever. I never once considered stopping my support for 2PM regardless of Jay's leave. it won't be the same without him but I still love Taec, Wooyoung, Khun, Chansung, Junho, and Junsu.

I'm so anticipating JYP's official statements....I have a lot of hope actually.

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Guest h0ney_xT_1

I don't know if anyone brought this up but

people are saying it was so easy to find

all the good things that Jay said about Korea

in his myspace, I don't understand why JYPE

didn't just show those comments to the public...

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Guest xazngurl

Usually a silent reader but ...

WHY are a bunch of people blaming JYP and the company including some other artist in it too?

they had nothing to do with blaming jay, i'm sure all of them supported him even if it wasn't shown.

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One of the sweetest things I've read since this whole fiasco started :) Your uncle's message is really cute too ^^

I find it incredibly alarming that netizens have so much power over public figures in Korea (and apparently, the media as well). But given their adverse effects on a person's life, isn't it about bloody time they change how things work? I understand that it isn't easy and that it will take time, but I couldn't imagine how many more lives or careers are to be ruined with a single click of a mouse. Besides, these netizens have power only because people allow it. Also, the media was quick to feast on Jay's comments about Korea because they were supposedly offensive, but the whole process of his maturity conveyed in his positive entries just wasn't juicy enough for them. I'm aware of bias being present in journalism, but netizens/forum posts/online entries being considered as sources, as well as lack of proper research, is unacceptable. I hope this incident serves as a turning point, a wake up call of some sort, or even a tiny step towards change.

I'm just grateful that things seem to be looking up. I also appreciate all these celebrities coming out and having their say. No word from JYPE or the boys as of yet, but I'm hoping they're okay.

Thank you for the translations :)

It's going a little bit off topic but I just need to rant... I agree w/ the fact that due to the rampant use of internet in our age today, journalism has really taken a turn for the worse. This is the case in Asian countries and even in the US.

I read the news in Korean, Chinese, English and Japanese, and it amazes me how many times netizens are quoted as primary sources in Asia, or how many times there are articles on "big breakout on so-and-so website/homepage," "controversial post on Naver/Yahoo" I thought journalism was about reporters going out and digging for the truth BEHIND a certain social occurrence, not just reporters web-surfing and summarizing for me what happened on the internet? If I wanted to see what's being said on a certain webpage, I can just go there myself and read it, I don't need some reporter to copy and paste netizen replies for me.

None of the journalists went and completed the truth about this incident. They heard half of the story, and didn't bother to listen to the ending. They were just quick to criticize, quick to point fingers, quick to jump down people's throats so that they get more clicks on their article link.

These netizens and journalists should be ashamed of themselves... Jaebum took responsibility for himself for what happened even though it was extreme. He tried to do so from day 1 when this thing broke out by being a man and admitting that he was wrong. He never tried to say, please forgive my actions. He said I'm sorry, I will work hard so that this does not happen. But vicious people like to kick others when they are down, and insisted that he was insincere... accusing him of being some sort of national traitor, when in truth, those netizens were the biggest traitors... not just to their nation but to the HUMAN CONSCIENCE.

So Jaebum had to take responsibility the only way he knew how. I can imagine his motivations for leaving... if he stayed, 2PM album activities may have been postponed (even though now they still might be), and as he said, as a leader, he couldn't become the burden for his members... so he left, thinking that w/ him out of the way, 2PM can have a clean slate, at least with the media and the producers.

But seriously, how are the media going to take responsibility now for their irresponsible reporting? Are they going to pay JYP back for the losses that the company received as an aftermath of this (losing endorsements, postponed activities etc)?

What about that thoughtless girl who started this whole thing? She slandered Jaebum, used circumstancial evidence to portray him in a false light. Shouldn't she be responsible to Jaebum for the losses that he's incurred because of this accident? Both monetarily (if his contract w/ JYP gets terminated), and mentally as well (people telling him to commit suicide.. that's got to mess with your head.)

Jaebum was responsible for his actions, although not in a way that we wish him to be. But who is going to be responsible for the netizen's actions? This is why I despise people who easily bully others cruelly online. If you people were really such "nationalists," why don't you make signs and picket or something? They don't dare to show their faces. All you can to do is sit behind your computers and cover your faces.

The people who attacked Jay (and all those other Korean performers who were driven to suicide because of internet slander and bullying), are cowards, and I hope they receive their due on judgment day.

"if it was a mistranslation, why did he leave? there's obviously something bothering him"

Sometimes I can't help but scoff at how stupid some of these netizens are.. OF COURSE something was bothering him.. there was a petition out telling him to commit suicide.... how would the netizens like it if fans sent out a petition telling all netizens to die too? AND his band's activities were being cancelled, endorsements were being pulled, as a the TEAM LEADER how are you not going to be bothered by it, knowing that you were the cause? These netizens really have no brains...

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Guest Yume_no_Miyavi

Hey Hottest ~

I just wanted to say that i as a 2PM fan am doing my best to

keep a positive outlook on things.

to show my support for 2PM and Jay Park i made a support shirt !


My heart is with all Hottest and of course with Jay and all 2PM members.

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Oh no. How can they boycott all of 2pm? That's plain unfair to the other boys! I get that they're main target is JYPE, but by doing so... don't they realise they are hurting 2pm as well? I'm sure Jay wouldn't want to see his fellow brothers being affected because of him. All the more he won't come back if sees himself as a further burden. Someone stop them!

I can't help but feel a bit annoyed and disappointed at the lack of JYP's involvement in the issue. I hope he says something of some sort soon. Anything! He's done a good job raising the sales and all with "Might come back" and "Only you" topping the charts. But he's broke the heart of so many hottests and granted those antis with more power. It just seems all wrong! And yea, I was pissed when he cut jay out of the WG vid. It was pre-recorded! Was there a need to take Jay's part out? o.o


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Guest SjRyeoWookSj

I don't know if you guys know this, JYP has released a statement talking about Jay's incident.

It's really long so I can't translate it right now, but in the statement, Jay sent JYP a letter before leaving saying, "I've been a little punk in the past. I just want to let you know that it was a life changing experience. It made me much better, much stronger person, and I'm thankful for everything you have done for me, real talk."

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I am not in agreement with the Underground Movement. Boycotting JYPE and banning all 2PM merchandise (without Jay) is going to set the ball rolling for a new group or a sub-group.

We don't even know if Jay wants to be back in 2PM with the recent happenings. As devastating as it is, we gotta respect his decision before forcing our resolutions down their throats!

I read that they want JYP to get on his knees and apologize to Jay's parent?

We dont know what happened behind closed doors, so I don't think we should be so quick to judge that JYP has done nothing to help Jay.

Maybe it's my wishful thinking or whatever you want to call it but I think there are plans and minds working to get around this mess. Pray on it people!

The people that should be getting down on their knees are:

1) the people who started the Suicide Petition,

2) the person who sold out Jay to the reporters and,

3) the media that did not explain the situation and lingo of a teenage American boy.

HECK! I try to be politically correct and all that stuff but in high school I used to go, "That's so gay". I don't do it anymore, and I am sure Jay has grown up since then too.

The person he used to be doesn't necessarily define his current state, it's a part of the past. I am sure each and every one of us has skeletons in our closet, however big or small.

Now...if I could only bump into Jay... :P

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Guest uh-ohxev

Wow, I'm so disappointed in the way some of the K-Hottests are doing this. I understand they're upset, but omg, don't make "6 member 2PM" feel this way... they need alot of support right now. How do you think they'll feel when they find out fans don't want to go? I'm sure in some way they'll understand, but it's going to hurt them alot - because if Jay ends up not returning (which God, I hope he does... keeping faith. Just saying a "what if"...) then is this how it'll be forever? Fans stop supporting the boys? I don't think its fair to punish the rest of the band for this incident. Jay left FOR 2PM because he thought it'd be bad (even though it's actually worse that he left
) if he stayed.. so how do you think Jay will feel if he hears this?

Please, just keep supporting the remaining members T_T

Yes, keep fighting for Jay. But, don't do this to Khun, Taec, Chansung, Woo, Junsu, and Junho. They do NOT deserve this...

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Guest xpanduhh

they are going to do what now O_O... they cant boycott the rest of our boys! thats not good... reaaaallly.. not good : ( we need to support them a lot too! Jay would be really.. upset if he heard that T__T oh gosh.. and omg.. T__T as if jays part in the WG video is cut off! they didnt really need to do that D:

Let's keep supporting ALL of them <3 they dnt deseve anything like that! what they need most if our love and support for them.

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Guest x_JiEun_x

what do you mean back on?

his name is back on the list of 2pm members

i disagree with the boycotting thing.

from the info we have jaebum is the one that asked to leave and jyp released him from his contract.

jaebum wasn't kicked out.

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Guest Jaejoongsgirl<3

I am really also frustrated with JYPE as well the fact that they should release some sort of statement of reassurance or the bad news we don’t want to hear. But something anything would make hottest happy. I understand that even JYPE is confused on what to do but any statement would make me happy.

About the boycott thing the dream concert is not until end of OCT and I hope by then everything gets resolved and I also do not think that JYP is planning to release anything for the time being. If the worst of the worst happens I am really worried for the rest of 2PM because this may end up tearing the group apart. The last thing that JYP wants. I hope JYP does the right thing and bring Jay back to 2PM.

What really bugs me is the fact that what Jay did was not that bad. Nothing punishable or criminal. There are other idol group members that did things that were indeed criminal charges worthy and yet their still on air and get to perform. This one incident one scandal is not that big to tear a group apart. This was all hyped by the antis and the media and made into a huge deal. Seriously, at this time last week did we even think that in a week 2PM might not still be the 2PM, as we know it now? It was blown out of proportion. I hope antis and the media realizes that they really do have the power to tear a group apart. To snatch a persons hopes and dreams apart in a couple of days. I

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his name is back on the list of 2pm members




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Guest thehazyfiasco

I wasn't going to translate this because it seemed to be a rehash, but over 5 articles have popped up in the span of 10 minutes with his name in the headlines so here's the gyst of it..

정치논객 변희재(35) 빅뉴스 대표가 재범사건에 대한 자신의 생각을 밝혔다.

변 대표는 9일 자신이 운영하는 빅뉴스의 기고문을 통해 "이번 사건의 원흉은 네티즌이 아닌 연예기획사 JYP의 이중적 혹은 기회주의적 처신"이라고 주장했다.

이어 "JYP는 어떠한 노력도 하지 않고, 박재범 개인의 사과글 하나 올려놓고 여론의 추이를 보고 판단했다"며 "외부적으로 볼 때 JYP는 모든 책임을 박재범에게 떠넘겨버린 셈이다. 그리고 그 책임이 멀쩡한 네티즌에게까지 전이돼버렸다"고 주장했다.

마직막으로 변 대표는 "이번 사태는 상술논리에만 빠져있는 JYP 측의 처사가 일차적 비판 대상이 돼야 한다. 그러나 JYP측은 비판 대상에 완전히 빠져있다"고 지적한 뒤 "연예권력과 언론, 포털 등등에 대한 매카니즘의 기본도 모르면서, 이번 사건에 대해 상투적 수준으로 함부로 진단하는 것은 금물"이라고 목소리를 높였다.

Byun Hee Jae (35), a Big News executive has expressed that the target of this mess is not the netizens but JYP Ent. itself. JYP has made no effort whatsoever other than a poorly crafted apology letter that even leaves the public unsure whether Jaebum himself wrote it or another company employee.

After that apology, JYP Ent. has thrown all of the responsibilites to Jaebum himself and let Netizens take the blame for JYP's mishandling.

JYP MUST be publicly criticized for their poor response and lack of action.





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Usually a silent reader but ...

WHY are a bunch of people blaming JYP and the company including some other artist in it too?

they had nothing to do with blaming jay, i'm sure all of them supported him even if it wasn't shown.

Because Jae wouldn't have been able to leave w/out the consent of JYP. I'm still reserving my judgment for JYP but it's not looking good. If there's news that Jae will be officially released from his contract then I will have absolutely no respect for JYP. Because there's no way that Jae would be able to break the contract by himself, it takes a lot of money to afford the kind of lawyer who could do that. The only person who could release Jae from his contract is JYP. If JYP thinks that Jae is "ruining" the image of 2PM and that Jae is the reason why 2PM can't continue to be popular/make more money for JYPE, then he'll release Jae from his contract. It's as simple as that. JYPE is still a business, their main focus is to make money, they won't care if they're destroying one person's dream...they're the same as any other entertainment business (SM for example).

And for the people who think that Jae left voluntarily, I'm still not buying that, for a guy who was so remorseful, who kept on appoligizing to his mom for letting her down, who mentioned in the past that he's supporting his family, why would he leave his only career path? It doesn't make sense to me. Jae is not that selfish or cowardly where just because there was tension in Korea, he would run away like that. He would only leave if something/someone is forcing him.

For now I'm not going to say more, and I'm just hoping that JYP allowed Jae to come back to clear his head and for the situation in Korea to get better before letting Jae comes back. I'm just really hopping for that. Who knows JYP might surprise us and have Jae back in time for their album release.

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