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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Ahem. The following post is an attempt to lighten the mood, so please be kind. I hope it makes you smile.

Hmm. Well, I have carefully read all of the 3,247 posts since yesterday (what's with this forum? I leave for a day to run some errands and I come home and the place is trashed! No more rabid squirrels let loose in here, 'kay?) and I have learned the following:

- the new vocabulary phrase for the week is "massive pinkberrying." (thoughtfully provided by touchthesky!)

- based upon dawnded's fabulous gif, Jay will be "goin' to Korea in a cardboard box." For detailed instructions on how this is accomplished, please see "Going to the moon in a cardboard box" on Youtube.

- a useful troll math formula: the amount of truth and reason in a post is in inverse proportion to the number of capital letters it contains.

- Happiness is a nice long post from Kabler.

As Kabler says, peace out, everybody.

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Warned for trolling. You always cause trouble on this thread. Suspended 1 week.

If you have nothing to do with this thread, please leave silently. If jay doesn't come back then he will not. Don't make a fuss about 2PM that will disband, because I always believed that 2PM will be together again plus, I think you're just trying to catch people attention and you want to be that so famous, ah ? Sorry, but I think all the stuffs you post are just ridicolously stupid. I just can't stand reading your comment without responding. just stfu, if you don't want this thread, and as I see, 2PM is a fail product? THEN WHAT ARE YOU? A demented trash can? Psh, just shut up your mouth please. If they are, they shouldn't be having a full schedule.

Warned for member bashing. You should report all troublemakers to mods instead of taking matters into your own hand.


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Guest mochie93

In case anyone is feeling let down by all this rubbish right now, I just want us to stay cool and think through the questions I am listing. Once you have answered them, I believe we will all gain some rationality to the subject:

1) Did Jay kill anyone from JYP's family, a dog, his maid, or his mum?

2) Was his crime so huge that it cannot be explained away that a 'death' sentence on his career is a definite must

3) Did Jay perhaps steal JYP's stash of dduk or did something to this producer who has faced many setbacks and backstabs in his entire career with other proteges to cause him to single out jaebum and HATE him so much that he needs to plot his revenge against a 22 year old kid at the expense of his profit margins.(remember that bad blood ran deep when him and Rain parted. Where are they now?)

We're actually dealing with smart people here, people who are so good in what they do that they have single-handedly taken a homegrown company and brought its fame international.

I really hope this is my last statement on this subject till end Feb. The new album is not what everyone expects and Jay will be back likely by Feb. All those spotting rumours of this JYPE staff and she said, he said. Just wanted you guys to know that in our entertainment world, we also deal with underhand methods used by rival companies called corporate espionage. It doesn't really spell like a mission impossible movie but its normal practise for rival companies to go into forums and fan sites to spy on the sentiments at hand and do their best to create dessension in order to bring trouble-- a case of lessening of power for one to create a window of opportunity for another. I am sure many of you have heard this term that the entertainment business is the dirtiest trade in the world. Just want to reinforce that we don't get this reputation for what we do without rhyme nor reason.

One other thing, for 2PM to disband within the next 3-5 years is harder than asking the weather not to snow in Dec. If you only had any idea the number of offers coming in for the boys worldwide at the moment, you cannot even imagine the plans that the company has in stall for them. The knowledge I have on them probably occupies the tip of the iceberg. This will be the year of 2PM, possibly next year and year after and I am telling you this as an industry insider.

Keep the faith, dump out the rubbish. The truth will all be clear way too soon. Companies don't answer to fans on a whim because they work on timelines. Theres a time for everything and the key to understanding how our business works is patience.

This whole thing is playing out like a slippery slope fallacy. Stop, think and always remember the grounds to why he left, the circumstance then, the circumstance now and apply rationality to his supposed "crime" before coming up with ludicrous acceptance of the garbage supposedly on how JYPE is against JAY. Why would there be an overhwleming need for the company to "finish" him when the tide has clearly turned.

His return is the most anticipated news of 2010, do you honestly think JYPE is going to let go of the biggest headline to make entertainment news this year and the possibility to milk that news to the hilt just because he is PMS-ing?

Peace out!

thank you so much for this!

i've seriously started to lose hope, all of the rumors that have been spreading has made me think about how some of them did come true and i was scared that Jay not coming back would be another one of those 'rumors'.

but scratch that!!! thank you so much for bringing back my hopes.

hottests, let's be one again.. i really dont want us to be divided into two...

although i know we all have different opinions, at times like this we really need to become one.

HOTTESTS are amazing <3

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Normally, I don't upload pictures since I never find any. But here are some!


Sorry for the repeats.


I just find this whole picture awkward. Woo reading a book with a peace sign, Jay holding who knows what, looking at the flap that is Woo's collar.


Eye candy. *Molest. This might've been in the last stream of macros, but my memory fails me.


Taec... Be normal :)


Perfect capture. Still doesn't have the creepy vibe, if you ask me. Sorry if it's a repeat ^o^


^ Chan, I don't even know.

Anyways, just wanted to mention a few things.

*It's fine if you think 1:59 is cool all on its own; you have the right to your own opinions. However, please don't go as far as disrespecting other fans. A lot of people in here have followed 1Day since Hot Blood times, so it's offensive if you say 6 is better than 7, that Jay isn't needed, etc. etc.

*If someone says Jay is their favorite and admits to not following 1:59's activities, that's fine too. Don't bash 1:59/the remaining members/fans. I don't know if anyone has done this yet, but just saying.

*It's also cool to share information you've learned with others. But everyone, keep in mind that not everything you hear is true. Nothing is certain until the time comes. It seems kind of tedious/pointless to be talking in circles... Everyone has their theories, but no one knows the truth. I think we just have to be patient.

*We're all fans, so we should speak to each other in friendly tones. We're bound to disagree, but it doesn't always mean one side is superior to the other. Let's not be aggressive and go so low as to call each other offensive names. Keep the peace, we're equals. :)

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Guest uh-ohxev

I think this is my last post today, so I will say this:

I read a couple of posts saying that the boys have forgotten Jay, or don't seem to care anymore, etc. Reading that really hurt me... and for the sake of the boys feelings, I hope none of them lurk here and saw that.

What leads you to believe that they have forgotten Jay or don't care about him anymore? Because they smile in interviews? I mean... I don't see why anyone would think that. The boys have to move on IN THE MEAN TIME, with their 1:59 album promotions, whether they like it or not. They're not going to go to interviews and act depressed. Just because you let a smile out, it doesn't mean they've forgotten Jay or anything. My goodness... please do not think that.

You're saying that about 7 guys who've been through thick and thin together... went through so many hardships together... do you honestly think they'd forget, just like that? They'd never forget. And they have such a brotherly bond. So, I think it'd be best for this thread and just in general, that you don't say those kind of things. Even if I'm not any of the boys, I still feel hurt as a fan reading that people feel that way...

And again, nobody here should judge other fans for having different opinions. There is no such thing as JaebumPM. There is 2PM and 1:59PM. Most of us fell in love with 2PM, so we're going to be use to seeing 7... seeing 6 on stage is GOOD, but we know it's not the best they could be. I felt more union and stronger performances when they were 7. That doesn't mean I don't care about the boys... Jay isn't even my bias, but I still prefer seeing 7 then 6, because while 6 may be ok/good... it's not their BEST. So come on now. Seriously? I've supported them since their debut. It's not like I hate them now. I love all 7 boys EQUALLY. So, let's not judge each other. Nobody should tell someone what makes them a true fan or not. You don't decide that. Everyone has their own definition.

I support the boys as 6, but I'm not exactly "satisfied" with it either... because whenever I see them I can't help but notice there is someone missing... I feel incomplete and empty. I just love all 7, and enjoy them most when I know they're ALL there. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

I'll end this post like most of my posts...

LOVE&RESPECT. Keep the hope and don't let go of it! And thank you Kabler for your positive posts... you're one of the reasons I continue to be positive and hopeful. Thank you!

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Guest mika.16

ah the whole jay incident,

i think everyone (or 'most') has realized that it was a relatively small incident which got WAY out of hand... mostly because it occurred online, and everyone who made a ridiculous comment or signed the suicide petition was doing it out of fun, anonymity or just 'going with the flow'...

If politicians, social commentators, fellow entertainers (seniors & juniors included) support jaebum, Koreans will (again) go with the majority and support his comeback.

I'm korean too so Im not saying it as a racist comment. Its true, Koreans like to act as a group, and usually follow the status quo. When some people got angry at Jay, everybody got angry together... when some people calmed down and realised it went too far, everyone calmed down and agreed that netizens were to blame (wtf).

If jay comes back and celebs/ public figured support it, it will be like... the new communal issue of the year, and like sheep everyone will support him. Thats how korea works. its sad but its true. We have a realllyyyy strong GROUP mentality.

But i think thats why if Jay comes back it'll be fine... just depends on the timing.

Were there any photos of Junsu in Daegu?? I saw heaps of wooyoung in Busan and a few of Junho in Ilsan but none of junsu =(

and omg AOM! theyre so cute, i wish theyd mention Jay... but i guess its better not to.

ooooh they had a shoutout for mina kwon!!!! i loved her stickers too!

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Guest xclueless

Can someone please enlighten me who Kabler even is and how does he/she know the information they're providing to us? Does this person have connections with JYPE or what? Or are you just somebody that happens to be in the music business industry and is making assumptions based on personal experience? I really appreciate what you're trying to do, bringing the mood up and all but I'm just curious as to how you know the things you are telling us and whether the information is truly legit or not. I'm not doubting you, just wondering where your connections lie :)

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Guest Stephy18

Spris Photoshoot BTS




OMG you have good eyes. I didn't even notice it. One of the boys must have put those letters/numbers together like that.

Our boys and Hottest all believe in 6 + 1 = 7. So stay positive guys. I feel that patience is key and eventually Jay will be back.


100109 Some Guy on SGB Fan of Taec Abs/Body

100909 UEE Picks 2PM

But I dont know for what...dont understand korean. LOL

100909 Eun Ji Won Picks 2PM as Rivals

100102 Park Myung Soo As 2PM Taecyeon Sings My Ear Candy

I believe the lady with the short hair and laughing once mentioned that Taec was her ideal type too.

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Guest Unnursvana

In case anyone is feeling let down by all this rubbish right now, I just want us to stay cool and think through the questions I am listing. Once you have answered them, I believe we will all gain some rationality to the subject:

1) Did Jay kill anyone from JYP's family, a dog, his maid, or his mum?

2) Was his crime so huge that it cannot be explained away that a 'death' sentence on his career is a definite must

3) Did Jay perhaps steal JYP's stash of dduk or did something to this producer who has faced many setbacks and backstabs in his entire career with other proteges to cause him to single out jaebum and HATE him so much that he needs to plot his revenge against a 22 year old kid at the expense of his profit margins.(remember that bad blood ran deep when him and Rain parted. Where are they now?)

We're actually dealing with smart people here, people who are so good in what they do that they have single-handedly taken a homegrown company and brought its fame international.

I really hope this is my last statement on this subject till end Feb. The new album is not what everyone expects and Jay will be back likely by Feb. All those spotting rumours of this JYPE staff and she said, he said. Just wanted you guys to know that in our entertainment world, we also deal with underhand methods used by rival companies called corporate espionage. It doesn't really spell like a mission impossible movie but its normal practise for rival companies to go into forums and fan sites to spy on the sentiments at hand and do their best to create dessension in order to bring trouble-- a case of lessening of power for one to create a window of opportunity for another. I am sure many of you have heard this term that the entertainment business is the dirtiest trade in the world. Just want to reinforce that we don't get this reputation for what we do without rhyme nor reason.

One other thing, for 2PM to disband within the next 3-5 years is harder than asking the weather not to snow in Dec. If you only had any idea the number of offers coming in for the boys worldwide at the moment, you cannot even imagine the plans that the company has in stall for them. The knowledge I have on them probably occupies the tip of the iceberg. This will be the year of 2PM, possibly next year and year after and I am telling you this as an industry insider.

Keep the faith, dump out the rubbish. The truth will all be clear way too soon. Companies don't answer to fans on a whim because they work on timelines. Theres a time for everything and the key to understanding how our business works is patience.

This whole thing is playing out like a slippery slope fallacy. Stop, think and always remember the grounds to why he left, the circumstance then, the circumstance now and apply rationality to his supposed "crime" before coming up with ludicrous acceptance of the garbage supposedly on how JYPE is against JAY. Why would there be an overhwleming need for the company to "finish" him when the tide has clearly turned.

His return is the most anticipated news of 2010, do you honestly think JYPE is going to let go of the biggest headline to make entertainment news this year and the possibility to milk that news to the hilt just because he is PMS-ing?

Peace out!

I don't think I can thank you enough for writing this post, it kinda made my day. this thread has been going crazy for a little while and rumors about then disbanding are coming from every direction -_- and it is scaring me so much that sometimes I just don't wanna come here because all of this drama, it makes me sad. We shouldn't fight among ourselves because then we are doomed.

thanks you Kabler, now I can go to sleep without a heavy heart... it made me feel so much better.

I miss Jay but I won't give up on the rest ^^ I have watched all of there performances and CFs and even if it is a little different or weird I still love these guys no matter what. I think we just have to leave it to faith or something now.

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Guest happylove00

missy wooyoung


remember this? :D


top search: kim bo peep



u miss taec right? no mc for inkigayo today... but there is always junho!!! cant wait to see him and wooyoung!!!





last but not least, unseen pic (at least for me)


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Guest jjoanne

omg it's only a week that I did not come to this thread and was surprised and disappointed by all the chaos and rumors here. Well, no matter how other people try to bring hottest down, I am gonna believe that Jay would come back eventually and wait for him, without getting tired.

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Guest kay01dee

Kabler, are you jjit-Taec? haha, just kidding. but thank you sooooo much for allowing us to breathe. with all these rumors going around, i seriously kept refreshing a bunch of websites, hoping that good news will come up about the guys. call me a crazy or whatever, but i went on youtube and watched 2PM tribute videos that i knew would make me cry-because i really needed to get it out and i really miss all 7 of them together. i've been telling myself to stay positive, but i think i almost hit rock bottom because i really couldn't feel happy. again, thank you so much!

& about the 6+1=7 picture, COOOOOL. they're so sneaky. i actually tried to find some hidden messages in their "you're beautiful" paraody, but i couln't really find anything special. i mean, the bed scene with khun & wooyoung, there's a poster with all 7 of them and at the bedside table i think is a picture of their ending pose for again&again with all 7. and at the very beginning when wooyoung is introduced there's a ledge with 2PM pictures (i think one of them is a picture of jay only? not sure) & their first single. yeaaaah, i might be seeing things..oh & i heard that the dog is wearing bunny ears? lol

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Can someone please enlighten me who Kabler even is and how does he/she know the information they're providing to us? Does this person have connections with JYPE or what? Or are you just somebody that happens to be in the music business industry and is making assumptions based on personal experience? I really appreciate what you're trying to do, bringing the mood up and all but I'm just curious as to how you know the things you are telling us and whether the information is truly legit or not. I'm not doubting you, just wondering where your connections lie :)

The identities of members here are never clear to anyone. For all we know I could be your next door neighbor and you can be my anatomy professor. So it's always up to each individual whether or not we believe what is up on soompi.

From what I've gathered, Kabler works for an entertainment-oriented company. Perhaps an advertising firm, a distribution company, or a publishing co, or a media communications enterprise, a lot of different companies are involved in the business. Either way, it seems that her company's clients include many entertainment companies such as JYPE.

Whether or not any information we read on the net is true or not or to what extent it is true is ALWAYS up in the air. I think that is one thing we've all obviously learned from the Jaebum incident, which came from an internet scandal that spread like fire because people were not using their heads to evaluate what was written on the net.

Like always, I really appreciate Kabler for her insights and what she privvies us to, especially because if what she posts here is true, she is taking a big risk to put out a spoiler like that since Jay's return is, in a financial sense, a tremendous piece of insider info that can bring profit and deficit to various individuals. Of course, we all need to keep our reservations about each piece of news we get. But I think that perhaps in this case, we should just say thank you to her, and move on.

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Guest chong000

I know this question is very largely unrelated to the debates going on for the past few pages,

but can somebody tell me where 2pm has been on music shows?

I know they're promoting "Tired of Waiting" but for the last episodes of Music Core and Music Bank, I haven't seen their performances and I miss them. T.T

So where did they go?

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Guest happylove00

I know this question is very largely unrelated to the debates going on for the past few pages,

but can somebody tell me where 2pm has been on music shows?

I know they're promoting "Tired of Waiting" but for the last episodes of Music Core and Music Bank, I haven't seen their performances and I miss them. T.T

So where did they go?

the boys are on vacation...

taec in boston, junsun in daegu, junho in ilsan, wooyoung in busan, khun in thai for promotion, chansung at home alone...

however, u will be able to see them perform "tired of waiting" for today (it's pre-recorded)

they will be back on full force to finish their album promotion...

the end of promotion date has been officially annouced as 17 Jan (next sun)...

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Guest chocolateanh

hey, anyone has the link of show which our boys meet some old ladies? I do not remember the name of the show clearly, something like School of...Our boys did that show with Boom and it's MBC programme! Thank you so much :)

And everybody, cheer up! what will be will be and remember always keep the faith..Our Jaebummie will come back soon :)

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