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[drama 2008] My Precious You 내사랑 금지옥엽

Guest huangsy

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Guest ellabel

Despite being very busy, I love visiting this thread and reading all the contrasting but wonderful insights. Even if I say I'm just gonna peek, I end up writing again. :blush: :lol:

Is this situation too westernize? Of course I think it's the best solution but is it the best (modern) Korean solution?

Just what is the best Korean solution? I'm curious if this westernize idea is acceptable.

BTW - I say it westernize because clear 'ownership' of the child is on a grey line, something that is very acceptable in the States. Where in the majority of kdrama I watch the Koreans like a 'clean' break and a 'clear' line of ownership. There's no sharing. It's either it's yours or mine but not our.

Hmmm.... I agree that the impression wud be it's westernize but then again, I live in SE Asia and per experience/observance, i wud say that there are already a sizeable number of ppl who wud share my opinion. It's a win-win solution but I dont discount the fact that in most K-dramas that I watched, the plot wud tip to the man taking responsibility and falling in love again with the mom. However, in most of them the guy is actually in love with the girl initially and only becoz of the parents or another woman's ploy or misunderstandings, etc. that the lovers were not together. In MPY, SH was never in love with Bori, SR is not a contravida or a scheming b!t-+ch like YJ and hers and SH relationship develop in front of our very eyes, including beating the odds (SR's appa's dislike of SH).

Sweetie, wake up and smell the coffee. The way this is going, no way he's going to marry SR. He's already having second thoughts now that his son has been born. There is no way he's going to let his son grow up without a father.

I don't mean to sound like a richard simmons or anything but it's too painfully obvious where it's going to go. One way or another somebody's going to get hurt and it's not going to be SH or BR. That much I know for sure.

BTW anybody know what happened after poor Jiu spilled hot water on herself? I only saw the previews but the little girl looks like she's in so much pain. DX

Honeybunch, I'm usually awake by 6:00 am on weekdays and I do smell and drink coffee in the morning. With several more eppies to go, it's still a mystery whether SH will marry SR or even BR. Having second thots is one way of prolonging the drama. LOL And, of corz, just so he can be true to his word that he has changed for the better, he will definitely own up to his obligation but that does not automatically mean he wud not marry SR. I wud love to pick up the writer's brain at this time but it wud be nice to be pleasantly surprise with this drama.

I can be certain that there will be more than 1 person who will get hurt with the SR-SH-BR-DW quadrangle. Even if BR and SH end up together, I wouldnt think either of them wud be completely happy knowing that they hurt SR whose only fault is to love SH for the past 8 yrs. SR's parents wud also be devastated for her knowing how she fought for and love SH. SR and DW, of corz will be the most hurt.

I read similar posts before I finally got to see the episode last weekend. The posts made it all seem like SR's fault, that she was the one keeping SH from his baby so that she can marry him. C'mon on! When she first learnt that Bori was carrying SH's baby, she was heartbroken. And her first words to BR was that SH MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! She also told Insun that Insun should not not have kept the secret from SH, even if it means that she and SH can't be together. She was feeling real anguish and wondering what was the right thing to do. And she went against her own consience allowing herself to be persuaded by BR and Insun!

It is only right that SH now has second thoughts after knowing he is a Dad. If he didn't then all his words about changing to be a better man, accepting responsibility etc are just empty words. But I love SH and SR together. They're so sweet together and I hope they end up together. I agree with Ellabel whose posts are always more eloquent than mine and says it so much better than I ever could.

I am disappointed with Inho. She was so meek dealing with the mad woman. When the crazy one went on about IH stealing her husband, why didn't IH retort that the crazy one broke up her marriage by having an affair and leaving her husband and children? She allowed her co-workers to get the impression that she broke up a family. When JS wanted to report the incident to the police, she said that would be stooping to the crazy one's level. She also said she cannot go on in this situation much longer. No wonder JS thinks the only way to help her is to run away. I am more disapointed with IH than I am angry at the crazy one.

Whoa!!! :o It's like you are my twinny and we really have the same wavelength. I thot I was the one who wrote this. Joke!!! :P:lol:

Agree...agree.... this week-ends' eppies reinforce my belief that the writers will not make SR, the typical contravida or other woman. For one, her demeanor and lines are not the usual lines of a b!+ch and the troublemaker between the real lovers. She showed different reactions here from feeling angry, betrayed, depress, sad, troubled, conflicted and resignation.

Somebody mentioned here that in the preview (?), SH told SR that he loves her. I think that should nail it no matter what happens in the upcoming eppies. The end is clear. :lol:;):rolleyes:

YJ is just positively evil. I really feel so bad for Jeonsol. It must be so frustrating dealing with YJ. He finally finds peace and love and here comes YJ destroying everything. He really should have placed her in a mental institute. She is not behaving like a normal person. And IH should have fought YJ when she came barging to her workplace. She should have told YJ that was the one who destroyed her marriage by cheating Jeonsol in the first place. And she should have let Jeonsol report what YJ did to the police.

Sorry to cut your post..... anyway, i also felt disappointment on how IH handled the scene where YJ made trouble in her office. I expected her to at least defend herself. I always thot that she's feisty and strong. I can also feel SJ's frustration. I myself want to s+rangle YJ for being absolutely shameless and evi!. She's so ha+eful! :fury: I pity IH's dad for witnessing that scene. I cant blame him if he will not allow IH to marry SJ.

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Looked up some korean sites....don't understand korean but used the on line translator....... i think they will only extend 2 more epsds...total of 52 epsds.....so looks like the end will be soon......we will know who SH end up with in about one month's time.

i also felt disappointment on how IH handled the scene where YJ made trouble in her office. I expected her to at least defend herself. I always thot that she's feisty and strong. I can also feel SJ's frustration. I myself want to s+rangle YJ for being absolutely shameless and evi!. She's so ha+eful! :fury: I pity IH's dad for witnessing that scene. I cant blame him if he will not allow IH to marry SJ.

When IH realised that she loved JS....she was brave and determined to pursue that love.....because she knew and was confident that she could make JS and the children happy. But dealing with the mad woman YJ is a totally different ball game altogether. That witch is after all the mother of JS's children....she doesn't want the kids to see their mother in the police station......IH loves the kids ....and would never want them to bear the scars of an unhappy childhood and broken home, like she did......and she would never stoop as low as the shameless YJ......

She did try to fend off YJ.....asked JS to register their marriage immediately.....maybe YJ would back off if they were legally married.......But the shock came when JS decided to break up with her instead .......IH was heart broken.....but she understood.....when she found out from the kids about JS's drinking, she said to him......' For the children's sake.........you were so cruel to me. Since you have made your choice........ be responsible.....take care of your health, stop drinking.....the kids need you '. Poor IH.....she is so heart broken......wants to leave Korea....

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Hi Bryan

I did get the protect the children bit. But I still cannot understand how having the children think their Dad is a wife-beater, that Inho is a richard simmons who came in-between their parents, etc. is helping them. If anything, they should make sure the children do not become victims of their crazy, evil mother. Or, even more of a victim since she is already using them as pawns. I don't see how loving the children and having them maintain a false image of their evil mother go hand-in-hand. The most charitable thing to do for the crazy woman is to have her committed so she can receive the help she is so desperately in need of. It is certainly not by helping her to maintain her fake image! Once Jeonseol and the children disappear, that kind of crazy woman will have to seek out another target. So they are really not helping anyone by allowing her to go off scott free. I don't see it as stooping to her low level. Her low level means that they will do exactly as she does or even worse. Protecting the children, protecting themselves and seeiing she gets treatment are very different from payback.

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Guest worldhascertainabsolutes

Hands up anyone who is like me, going crazy waiting to find out if SH will end up with Bori. Biting my nails just waiting for subbed versions and previews to come out :(

Although I'm a SH-Bori shipper, I have a sneaky suspicion that the writer is rooting for SR-SH instead. Why else would she script SH saying that he loves SR now?! And his first conversation with Bori after all this time consisted mainly of his accusations towards her. I think some of you SR-SH shippers are right, the writer has clearly made up her mind. The SH character now loves SR but he feels a responsibility towards the baby.

Why doesn't he realize how much crap Bori went through cos she loves him man. I got a sinking feeling even if he finds out that SR knew about the baby and yet didn't tell him, he wouldn't blame her. SIGH. So its a lose-lose situation for SH-Bori shippers even if Bori decides she wants in with him and he decides to stay with her.

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Guest arielcc

Hands up anyone who is like me, going crazy waiting to find out if SH will end up with Bori. Biting my nails just waiting for subbed versions and previews to come out :(

Although I'm a SH-Bori shipper, I have a sneaky suspicion that the writer is rooting for SR-SH instead. Why else would she script SH saying that he loves SR now?! And his first conversation with Bori after all this time consisted mainly of his accusations towards her. I think some of you SR-SH shippers are right, the writer has clearly made up her mind. The SH character now loves SR but he feels a responsibility towards the baby.

Why doesn't he realize how much crap Bori went through cos she loves him man. I got a sinking feeling even if he finds out that SR knew about the baby and yet didn't tell him, he wouldn't blame her. SIGH. So its a lose-lose situation for SH-Bori shippers even if Bori decides she wants in with him and he decides to stay with her.

Yeah... I watched the raw Ep and SH was crying when he called to tell SR he loves her.. so, he's hurting cos he'll have to give her up in order to take responsibility of the baby. I'm a BR-SH shipper but with SH's feelings so clearly spelt out now, I don't see how they're gonna end up together. Cos BR-SH union would mean 3 people hurting. Correction - likelihood BR won't be happy either if she knows that SH is not.. The script may move towards SH-BR reuniting for the baby but in the end probably they'll have BR to finally discover that she has truly fallen for DW. That seems to be the only good way to resolve. Cos no one will be hurt then and SH will no longer feel compelled to marry BR....

Darn.. that would mean earlier scenes of SH kept thinking of BR is of guilt rather than love.. Unless the writers decide to play with our minds now..

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Guest rainy75

ep 41 c-sub


anyone know the total # of eps of this drama??

Till now 50 Eps & no news about an extends since also the new drama that will replace it will air on March..

it will be extended by 2 episodes to 52. Last episode broadcasting on 29th March.

'내사랑 금지옥엽', 2회 연장..총 52회 종영


인기리에 방송중인 KBS 2TV 주말극 '내사랑 금지옥엽'이 2회 연장 종영된다.

드라마 관계자는 21일 최근 '내사랑 금지옥엽'(극본 박현주, 연출 전창근)이 2회 연장을 결정, 총 52회로 끝을 맺는다고 전했다.

'내사랑 금지옥엽'은 현재 지현우가 홍아름이 자신의 아들을 낳았다는 사실을 예감하는 등 갈등이 최고조에 이르며 시청자의 눈길을 사로잡고 있다. 21일 오후 방송될 41회에선 지현우가 홍아름이 자신의 아들을 낳았다는 사실을 확인하고 혼란에 빠지는 내용이 공개될 예정이다. 더불어 최수린과 이태란의 갈등역시 고조돼, 시청 재미를 더할 것으로 기대를 모으고 있다.

한편 '내사랑 금지옥엽' 후속으로는 '솔약국집 아들들'이 방송될 예정으로 이 드라마에는 손현주 이필모 강은비 등이 출연한다

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Just for the record, how long was it that SH was only physically loving BR?


quite as it's kept,

a lot of marriages for love end in divorce

and a lot of marriage joined together because of responsibility stay together, why, because their in it out of responsibilities.

So, SH marrying SR doesn't guarantee their happiness and SH marrying BR doesn't guarantee their misery.

I just thought I would throw that in here for the record.

One more observation: men whose wife's family is better off than his tend to eventually resent that family especially if he is the first born living with them. Besides, doesn't that situation leans itself to stealing pieces of his manhood on a daily bases? You know, not fullfilling his fillial duties and 'selling' out to his wife family for his pure comfort?????

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I really hope Bori ends up with Dongwoo. After her reaching for his hand in the last episode, I hope that this means she is beginning to fall for him.

I would rather Shinho be with Sera, since they are truly in love with eachother. He can be a responsible father without marrying Bori (of course, JMO.) However, if Bori does move to Chicago with Dongwoo, it would be a really long distance relationship with Healthy.

Unfortunately, Shinho's Mom seems to want to keep Healthy for herself. She insist on doing things that Bori, as a Mom, should and wants to do. I could be wrong, but again JMO.

But really, I can't get enough of this one. Why must I wait until Saturday?! :(

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SH can't just walk away from HIS son and the mother of HIS son. No way in hell. Not so long as he knows they're out there. And thinking of his sister, he doesn't want the same thing to befall SR. He's one man who will not be caught between two women, and the irony is that he is caught between two women. Personally, I'm a SH-BR shipper.

We'll just have to wait and see how it turns out, but I have an inkling of the outcome already. ;)

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Guest mawill150322

I really hope Bori ends up with Dongwoo. After her reaching for his hand in the last episode, I hope that this means she is beginning to fall for him.

I would rather Shinho be with Sera, since they are truly in love with eachother. He can be a responsible father without marrying Bori (of course, JMO.) However, if Bori does move to Chicago with Dongwoo, it would be a really long distance relationship with Healthy.

Unfortunately, Shinho's Mom seems to want to keep Healthy for herself. She insist on doing things that Bori, as a Mom, should and wants to do. I could be wrong, but again JMO.

But really, I can't get enough of this one. Why must I wait until Saturday?! :(

I have to agree regarding Shinho's Mom. In every scene since Bori gave birth she is constantly taking the baby from Bori. It gives me the creeps the way every time Bori enter a room or car with the baby the Mother just grabs him. This is a clear indicator of her true desire to take the child from Bori under the guise of helping Bori and Shinho. She is twisted. I hope Dongwoo can stop that crazy lady.

Although it is unlikely given that this is a typical korean drama, I would like to see Bori end up with Dongwood and Shinho with SR. You should never marry just for the sake of the child. In the end you just end up emotionally damaging the child who will never understand what it is like for his parents to love eah other. So sad...

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Darn.. that would mean earlier scenes of SH kept thinking of BR is of guilt rather than love.. Unless the writers decide to play with our minds now..

I never got the impression that SH loved Bori. He said many times, mostly muttering to himself that he felt sorry for BR and guilty for the way he treated her.

I hope BR realises that she had actually fallen out of love with SH but for Healthy's sake, she continued thinking she loves him. And that BR realises the one she actually loves is DW. Then SH and SR can be together. BR and SH are not on equal footing. Her regard for him is more like hero worship. She and DW sincerely care for each other and he has always been there for her. I think he is lonely too and she and the baby will give him the family he has always wanted. SH and SR are good for each other. The more I see them together, the more I feel they should be together.

Although it is unlikely given that this is a typical korean drama, I would like to see Bori end up with Dongwood and Shinho with SR. You should never marry just for the sake of the child. In the end you just end up emotionally damaging the child who will never understand what it is like for his parents to love eah other. So sad...

Lately there have been a few "untypical" kdrama ending. So until the final scene is shown, the ending is still up there. But I hope it ends this way too.

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Guest ellabel

Yeah... I watched the raw Ep and SH was crying when he called to tell SR he loves her.. so, he's hurting cos he'll have to give her up in order to take responsibility of the baby. I'm a BR-SH shipper but with SH's feelings so clearly spelt out now, I don't see how they're gonna end up together. Cos BR-SH union would mean 3 people hurting. Correction - likelihood BR won't be happy either if she knows that SH is not.. The script may move towards SH-BR reuniting for the baby but in the end probably they'll have BR to finally discover that she has truly fallen for DW. That seems to be the only good way to resolve. Cos no one will be hurt then and SH will no longer feel compelled to marry BR....

Darn.. that would mean earlier scenes of SH kept thinking of BR is of guilt rather than love.. Unless the writers decide to play with our minds now..

Hi arielcc.... I was thinking on the same lines with you. I guess we both love happy endings. ;):lol:

I've always thought that SH thinking of BR before from time to time is more of guilt than love. It's but natural to think of the woman who once lived with your family and was going to be the mother of your child tho he thought she abor+ed it. But, of corz, I'm also not discounting the fact that it can be a prelude to him realizing that he missed her presence and the love and attention given to him so eventually he will fall for her.

Just for the record, how long was it that SH was only physically loving BR?

Hi gerryg!

SH met Bori in an island where he did his rural/community service as a doctor. That wud be around May-June, i think they mentioned. He went back to the city after that and completely forgot about her until she showed at their doorsteps.


quite as it's kept,

a lot of marriages for love end in divorce

and a lot of marriage joined together because of responsibility stay together, why, because their in it out of responsibilities.

So, SH marrying SR doesn't guarantee their happiness and SH marrying BR doesn't guarantee their misery.

I just thought I would throw that in here for the record.

There is really no certainty in marriage and the different scenarios are endless. There will always be problems, issues, situations, temptations, etc. that will test it's strength. But, marrying for the right reason is a good initial step. Staying married even for the longest time does not necessarily mean you are happy being in it.

One more observation: men whose wife's family is better off than his tend to eventually resent that family especially if he is the first born living with them. Besides, doesn't that situation leans itself to stealing pieces of his manhood on a daily bases? You know, not fullfilling his fillial duties and 'selling' out to his wife family for his pure comfort?????

Good thing about SR's family is that although they want SR & SH to stay with them after they married (they have the bigger house and SR's mom wants to teach her how to be a good wife as she grew up kinda spoiled), they allowed them to stay with SH's dad, knowing he has no wife and SR can take care of him too. Also, SR's family genuinely loves Sin ho now esp. the dad becoz he is the son he never had. The dad can be irritating & demanding at times but you know that he only wants what's best for SH and SR.

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waduuh. . . (a kind of sad) the picture and the resolution too big make me spend my bandwith :( . . . while i want to see more many at this forum. . .I only can see without any can't comment... I am sorry if me (newbie) only can see and bes awaiting some times just for seeing picture...

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Good thing about SR's family is that although they want SR & SH to stay with them after they married (they have the bigger house and SR's mom wants to teach her how to be a good wife as she grew up kinda spoiled), they allowed them to stay with SH's dad, knowing he has no wife and SR can take care of him too. Also, SR's family genuinely loves Sin ho now esp. the dad becoz he is the son he never had. The dad can be irritating & demanding at times but you know that he only wants what's best for SH and SR.

Yup :tongue2: SR's Mum wanted them to live with her because she says SR won't have a MIL to teach and guide her. But when SR explained why SH and she wants to live with his family, her parents immediately accepted. No hesitation at all. The Dad was pleased that his SIL-to-be is family oriented, the Mum hopes SR can lessen SH's Dad's burdens. They are a quirky bunch and the Dad as you said can be soo irritating and demanding. But they're good people who have genuine love for each other. When SR's Dad objected to SH, he never once talked about social class or SH coming from a poorer background. He only wanted to be sure the man his daughter marries is a good man who will love her and be good to her.

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LOL Kapneemo..

i think there are only a few of us who are SH-BR shippers here from the start..lol

for some reasons and even with the crying and all. I'm still not convince that SH loves SR.

Personally, SR is like imposing her love on SH so that SH will love her back..her character

is beginning to have this possessive,manipulative and desperate feel. But IDK..maybe it's

because im for SH-BR.

and for the record i think it's too long for SH to only feel "GUILT towards BORI.

and I agree with gerryg

So, SH marrying SR doesn't guarantee their happiness and SH marrying BR doesn't guarantee their misery.

There are so many factors that SH-BR marriage could possibly work well for them. I'm not saying

this only because of their CHILD but because of the bond that they will have for their child.

Plus i don't think it's IMPOSSIBLE for SH to love BR...

DW is nice but come on... it would be more romantic for SH to get Bori's love again and cherish her forever.

Finding love in TRYING times is more memorable especially after all SH and Bori had been through.

Fighting for the one you LOVE..is one classic plot that doesn't wither even up to this era and that

is something i see with BORI and SH.

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Has anyone noticed the way Dongwoo looks at Healthy. He beems. I think Dongwoo has fallen in love with Bori and Healthy.

I have been going back and watching some of the previous episodes w/English (thanks mysoju). I don't find Sera manipulative at all. Yes, she wants/love Shinho, but she is for the most part open and honest with him. Yes, she tried to trick him into liking her, but told Shinho the truth once she saw how slow he was to realize what was going on.

When Shinho was asking Sera about him Mom, she told him the answer was there, all he had to do was look for it. This made me realize that Shinho is use to things/people coming to him and him not really having to work hard for anything. For expamle: Jinho cooks and takes care of his domestic needs. Hence, Shino affectionately calls Jinho 'Yeobo'. He always takes the easy way out. Hence, Inho telling him he 'never takes responsibily and runs away.' which is the reason why it was so easy for him to tell Bori to have an abortion.'

This makes me wonder about Shinho's character and motives towards Sera and Bori.

:tears: When will Saturday get her?!

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Has anyone noticed the way Dongwoo looks at Healthy. He beems. I think Dongwoo has fallen in love with Bori and Healthy.

I have been going back and watching some of the previous episodes w/English (thanks mysoju). I don't find Sera manipulative at all. Yes, she wants/love Shinho, but she is for the most part open and honest with him. Yes, she tried to trick him into liking her, but told Shinho the truth once she saw how slow he was to realize what was going on.

When Shinho was asking Sera about him Mom, she told him the answer was there, all he had to do was look for it. This made me realize that Shinho is use to things/people coming to him and him not really having to work hard for anything. For expamle: Jinho cooks and takes care of his domestic needs. Hence, Shino affectionately calls Jinho 'Yeobo'. He always takes the easy way out. Hence, Inho telling him he 'never takes responsibily and runs away.' which is the reason why it was so easy for him to tell Bori to have an abortion.'

This makes me wonder about Shinho's character and motives towards Sera and Bori.

:tears: When will Saturday get her?!

I need to do as you do and review some of the past episodes to get a better perspective because I still see SH as a selfish selfcentered calmier version of YJ who doesn't deserve anyone especially a Healthy baby boy! :ph34r:

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I need to do as you do and review some of the past episodes to get a better perspective because I still see SH as a selfish selfcentered calmier version of YJ who doesn't deserve anyone especially a Healthy baby boy! :ph34r:

Oh yeah. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. Shinho is selfish and self centered. :lol:

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