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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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too bad i was too late to catch up!! :lol:

i'll be watching KOTW 28 tonight. i say goodbye to MUHYUL for tomorrow! haha!


oh, i'll be joining the RAMPAGE HATRED around the CROWN PRINCESS! LOL! haha!

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Guest selvaspeedy

wow mol thanks for the caps mwah and thanks for baby Hodong pics too. I also can't find any pics for CJW w/ the baby :blink:

snoopyvkd I know what you mean :tears: I was already crying by just seeing the caps T_T

thanks for the links cute girl, but lol I'm waiting for MU link cause I can't deal w/ torrents and CB -_-

what I understood from the preview is this:

yeon is going to die and somehow Dojin will be responsible for this >_< (the voice screaming in the preview saying :Yeon, it's his voice, right?!!!!) so basically Yeon is going to die, and Dojin is going to throw himself from a cliff and Muhyul won't see Yeon even for once before she dies :crazy:

ok if this is the end, then I will throw a shoe at the writers (sorry!!!) I mean it can't be >_< that's just so brutal T_T

I think I will always cry whenever I see Muhyul and Maro's scenes together, but I MEAN IT I can't handle the end if it was what I predicted :crazy:

guys what do you think?

and again I won't also be able to watch live tomorrow, cause I have loads of work in my college and I won't be back until 7 pm T_T that sucks >_<

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Guest valmylove

ohhhh everyone...hugs....

i am just tearing up and shock to see eveyron'e posts about Maro.... he is such a good friend from beginning to end... i can 't seem to grasp on it.... i cna't wait to see the two final episodes... my heart is aching along the the characters and you all here.. :(

thanks all for the summaries, recaps and spoilers... be back to comment.

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Guest dramaok

this was a very difficult episode to watch. i feel like puking....

Ep. 35:

Goeyu and Maro lead a special task force and crosses the border first to attack a Buyeo detached force successfully and when Dojin hears of this from central camp, Baegeuk is there by him telling Dojin now Goguryeo gained the upperhand in the war. In Muhyul's camp they await the council army to arrive in 5 days time, while Hye-Ap reports from her finding that the central army of Buyeo is numbered 20 thousand, and they are away by 4 days travel time. Muhyul says they must at once seize Dae-Ahn fortress and the Hwanna chief says that is too big of a task since Dae-Ahn is one of Buyeo's more powerful forts and the path leading there is treacherous but Muhyul says they have to wager everything in this war and Muhyul says he will first lead a small group toward the fortress through a desolate and dangerous terrain since he and Maro have gone through it before as assassin trainees. Muhyul and Maro are about to depart but Muhyul tells his subjects to keep his departure a secret since there must be some spies w/in their camp watching. Sure enough a spy goes back to Dojin and reports Muhyul has not been seen in 2 days time and Dojin is alarmed. Meanwhile in Buyeo fortress, Daseso sends Maeggwang to escort Yeon and Hodong into the palace since it is war time but Yeon tells Maeggwang to go back and tell the king she wants to stay outside the palace and Maeggwang who senses something's strange threatens Yeon's maid and finds out the truth, and goes back to tell Daeso Yeon sent Hodong to Guknae in Goguryeo because Hodong is Muhyul's son. Daeso is furious by this and summons Yeon at once.


Muhyul leads his small group through the freezing and stormy terrain, when suddenly Muhyul senses something and orders the group to retreat however it is too late as Buyeo force led by Dojin start to shoot fire toward them with many of Muhyul's soldiers burning alive. Then Dojin comes out w/ the soldiers and the two groups engage in sword fights. Maro sees things are looking gloom, and urges Muhyul to flee at once while he stays behind to fight off the Buyeo force. Muhyul resists but Dojin takes the opportunity to shoot an arrow puncturing Muhyul and Balso pulls Muhyul away, as Muhyul mutters Maro's name, while Maro gets beat and captured by Dojin. When an injured Muhyul returns to the camp, Hye-Ap and Goeyu are startled, but Muhyul is more concerned about Maro than his physical wound, and despite the doctor telling him he can't move Muhyul insists on getting up to fight again. Goeyu and Hye-Ap try to console him saying this won't save Maro, and Balso also tells Muhyul to worry about his health as he promises he will go and save Maro no matter what, and Muhyul gets teary agonizing over Maro.

Meanwhile in Buyeo camp, Dojin returns with Maro all tied up, and Daeso welcomes Dojin back saying he already heard about Muhyul getting wounded by Dojin's arrow. Daeso then dismisses everyone and talks to Dojin alone, asking him why he tricked him and Daeso tells Maenggwang to bring Yeon in. Dojin is startled to see Yeon and Daeso asks if it's true that Hodong is Muhyul's child, but Dojin replies Hodong is his. Daeso says Dojin is pathetic to think he could make Hodong an imperial heir of Buyeo. Dojin says the matter doesn't concern Yeon, but Daeso says he brought Yeon here to show her Muhyul's death infront of her and Daeso warns the two to see clearly who is in charge. Hwanna chief asks Hye-Ap about Muhyul's condition and Hye-Ap says the king's suffering more because of Maro more than any physical pain can. In Buyeo camp, Baegeuk tells Daeso Maro is like Muhyul's real brother that grew up together and went through assassin camp together, and they should use Maro to lure Muhyul out. Daeso then summons Maro and offers Maro title of nobility for him and his offsprings in Buyeo and riches to come, if Maro pledges loyalty to Daeso from now on but Maro mocks Daeso and says Daeso is a pathetic king who foolishly killed his own faithfuls and Maro says to him Muhyul is the only king. Daeso is irate by this and says he will burn Maro alive if he won't and Maro is unwavered, while Dojin watches in weary.


Then when Maro is kept inside a cage outside, Dojin goes up to him and asks him to change his mind saying Muhyul won't beat Buyeo and soon Goguryeo will perish, but Maro looks at Dojin and says while Dojin is surrouded by ppl who would betray him at any given chance, Muhyul is surrounded by ppl who will be faithful to him forever and Maro says Dojin cannot beat Muhyul, and Maro asks Dojin to allow him to kill himself on the account they were once friends, but Dojin who is angered by Maro's words leaves. However when Dojin goes to Daeso's side he asks Daeso to reconsider about Maro's fate saying what Maro did was simply what any general would do for his king, but Daeso insists he cannot let Maro die in peace after having mocked him, and Daeso says to dispatch a messenger to Muhyul at once to tell Muhyul about Maro's inpending death. When Muhyul reads the message he is shocked in horror that Daeso would do such cruel thing and when the messenger says the death will happen tomorrow Muhyul pulls a sword and slashes the messenger. Muhyul then tells his men and Hye-Ap about Daeso wanting to burn Maro alive and everyone is horrified. Muhyul is unable to contain his emotions and wants to go after Daeso at once, but his faithfuls beg him to calm as they pull him back. But afterwards Hye-Ap goes to grief alone by the fire as she thinks about Maro's fate.

Next day comes and Maro who is about to be set on fire flashes his life before him as he remembers the ppl in his life including Yeonhwa whom he promised he would come back to. In Buyeo camp the men find Muhyul missing and Goeyu, Balso and Hye-Ap hurry to go after Muhyul's trail. Then the four of them watch as Dojin sets Maro on fire after asking Maro to reconsider one last time and Maro simply saying 'hurry and finish me off'.. and the four who are watching from far distance away are horrified and traumatized as Maro is burning to death. Then Maro finally mutters Muhyul's name one last time as he dies his cruel death. Meanwhile in Guknae fort, Seryu is about to depart toward the battlefield w/ the supplies gathered by Mahwang when Guchu comes w/ the news of Maro's passing. Seryu and Mahwang are are also traumatized to learn of Maro's cruel death and Yeonhwa who finds out as well slowly walks into the river as she asks Maro why he couldn't keep his promise.. Queen Yiji learns Muhyul is injured and summons Myeongjin right away and Myeongjin says this is an opporutunity for their tribe to set a merit and Myeongjin also reminds Yiji, Prince Hodong is Muhyul's first born and he may become a threat to Yiji's future children but Yiji tells Myeongjin not to get involved and she vows for as long as she lives Hodong shall never be named crown prince.


Muhyul continues to be haunted and traumatized by Maro's death, and Muhyul orders for their troops to withdraw from the war. His advisors are shocked by this but Muhyul says right now the Goguryeo army morale is high while theirs is the opposite so they must retreat and rethink their strategy and Muhyul orders for a quick withdraw. Then Dojin hears news Muhyul is withdrawing and reports this to Daeso, and Daeso says he will go back to Buyeo fort, and Dojin says he will not let Muhyul withdraw in peace and he promises Daeso he will go after Muhyul and bring back his head to Buyeo palace. Dojin then arranges for Baegeuk to escort Yeon back to Buyeo fort, while he goes after Muhyul and Yeon asks if it's true that the Goguryeo force has withdrew and Dojin replies yes and that soon Muhyul will end up in the same fate as Maro. Baegeuk complains about getting an unimportant task but Dojin reminds him he is in charge and Baegeuk stops his whinning and prepares to leave with Yeon.


Next, Dojin goes after Muhyul with a small force but they are instead ambushed by Goeyu's men, and Dojin watches his group of men die off and is left w/ no choice but flee. When Dojin returns to the central camp he is told more bad news that Muhyul who is supposed to be withdrawing toward Goguryeo is instead headed toward Dae-Ahn fortress. In Dae-Ahn, Baegeuk and Yeon arrive to rest there for a night, when suddenly they are told Muhyul and the Goguryeo force are coming to attack the fort. Baegeuk is shocked by this but he sees w/ his eyes Muhyul fighting of the Dae-Ahn guards and Baegeuk hurries and pulls away with Yeon, and Yeon who sees Muhyul from a distance away tries to get away from Baegeuk but Baegeuk puts a sword infront of her as he drags her away. Then Balso sees them and alerts Muhyul, and Muhyul watches in shock Yeon being pulled away.


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Queen Yiji learns Muhyul is injured and summons Myeongjin right away and Myeongjin says this is an opporutunity for their tribe to set a merit and Myeongjin also reminds Yiji, Prince Hodong is Muhyul's first born and he may become a threat to Yiji's future children but Yiji tells Myeongjin not to get involved and she vows for as long as she lives Hodong shall never be named crown prince.

Just like that, the person, who deserves to live happily, passed away. And the person, who is so unworthy to live, is still here and will plan to kill someone. Why it turned like this? :mellow:

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Guest selvaspeedy

I saw the episode.

dramaok thanks for the summary. I won't blame you cause I felt the same too. this episode and the last episode will haunt me forever. I feel my heart is about to explode! if yeon really died in the last episode, I don't know what I'm going to do! maybe I shouldn't watch the episode tomorrow cause I have an exam next week and I really need to focus, but then I don't think I can! I don't know what to do! I'm seriously crying right now while I'm writing this. I keep reminding myself that this is all acting, and Muhyul and Maro were probably laughing and NGing when they were shooting that burning scene, but I just can't forget! it's all my fault for watching this drama in the 1st place. I should have watched some goofy comedic drama instead. I can't take this anymore! sorry guys I'm so depressed right now! please I'm still hoping for at least a single happy scene in the last episode. I don't care about Dojin dying (burn in hell forever). I don't care about Baeguk dying (you should be left to rot). I don't even care about Yiji playing on everybody else. I just want Muhyul to have a single happy moment with Yeon! please let this happen. I can't stand the bad guys running away while the good guys are suffering. I can't handle another EOTS ending please!

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Guest erica1064

this was a very difficult episode to watch. i feel like puking....

Thank you for watching it dramaok. I don't feel so good either after reading all that.

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Actually, I have some hope now. With Maro's horrifying death and Yeonhwa's suicide, I think (hope) that's enough tragedy. The writers and director can't be too cruel to us, the viewers. Now that Muhyul sees Yeon being pulled away with his own eyes, he would do everything to rescue her, since he's being torture for not being able to save Maro. The good guys have died, now it's turn for the bad guys to disappear. We know it won't be Yiji, but I really want her to be confined in her chamber forever. Of course, she must be pregnant by now, and will give birth in prison. Muhyul will take her way her son and have him raised by Yeon... OK, that's enough imagination :wacko:

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Guest snoopyvkd

Yes, let's have some hope! Yeon might not die, if it's Baegeuk with the sword. Let's hope he mess up again, like always, and miss her ^_^

Muhyul, poor guy, lost almost every single person he loves. How can one be still sane after all theses sufferings.

selva, fighting! *hugs* exams are more important!

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Guest GiantBoile

dramaokI don't know what I'm going to do! maybe I shouldn't watch the episode tomorrow cause I have an exam next week and I really need to focus, but then I don't think I can!

I'm sorry this is too funny, because I'm in the same boat!

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Oh no, I just watched eps 36 preview, looks like something happened to Yeon, and Dojin was screaming her name. I don't understand what Muhyul was saying. My worst nightmare might become reality. Oh no!!!

Can someone shred some light on this preview?

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Guest avonmarissa

Badboyz, I think there is a problem with MU today. A lot of users have not been able to download anything, myself included. It either stops downloading in the middle or it takes forever... and I mean forever. I will try again in an hour or so.

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Guest Badboyz

Badboyz, I think there is a problem with MU today. A lot of users have not been download anything, myself included. It either stops downloading in the middle or it takes forever... and I mean forever. I will try again in an hour or so.

It's good to know that it isn't my computer that is all wrong...

Thank you for the info...

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Guest cantonhina

Ok Now why is this happening????? MR. Director and writer If you think that by giving Maro this horrific death we will all remember KOTW as a great Drama ever. and we will be gladly saying to our friends that "please watch this Drama" or" You have to watch this Drama other wise you haven't watch anything" or "I'll lend you my DVD set Once I buy it." then You are wrong!!!!!

You guys have made me realize that it was my biggest mistake to ever consider watching Kotw. :tears:

I remember the day when I accidentally watched this Drama on our KBS WORLD channel , It was Episode four, and I found it so interesting that after the Episode ended, I found myself smiling and I felt really really happy that after a long long time I have watched something substantial. I watched all the previous Episodes online and have been telling all my friends about this wonderful Drama.

You guys Do you have any slightest idea what you are doing to us. This is not just a Drama anymore, The characters of KOTW have become part of us... We cry with them, we laugh with them, we feel their agony, their yearning, their love, frustration...... :tears: :tears:

now I feel like a part of me is burning with maro. such an innocent and loving person....this is too much to bear... I have not watched the Episode 35 yet..... I don't have courage.. If I do I will skip Maro's part.....

And, I am so afraid about Muhyul and Yeon. We have been patiently waiting for past 15 episodes to have a happy ending for them, instead they got more and more sufferings...... To Muhyul no one is left now that he can pour his heart to. And, Yeon she is been suffering ever since her father was murdered by her "oraboni".

Please let her be with her son and her love. Please........ These are good guys!! Please give them what they yearn for. Please....

This will still be a Good drama if it has some happy ending..... Please.......

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After reading the summary of episode 35, it makes me feel that there is nothing to be waiting for the last episode >_< it was like all been drawing as a tragic ending >_<

Just like the other, I've been promoted this drama to my friends but if they ask about the ending, I think they never want to see this >_< sad for SIG coz we want to see him with a good ending.

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Guest dramaok

well whew.. after a few hours of tummy turning.. i got over the maro scene from tody's episode after going through his cyworld and recognizing that it was just acting, and for an actor, it was a very challenging scene and maro, jang tae-seong did an excellent job.. and hopefully that will give him more credit as a serious actor and not a throwaway side character. aja aja jang tae-seong.

i took some pics from his cyworld. seems he's into bikes.




^ this is from china. something about it is quite hilarious to me.


jang tae-seong took this from the resting room. it's gongchang and chubalso.


this is what they often ate for breakfast. instant noodle. :tears:


his toy.


heh. a makeover?


this would be so hot if it weren't for the pink phone. :blink:


recent shot of him as maro.

now he finished filming and went home to rest after months of working so hard in the harsh weather.

tomorrow i don't know if yeon will die or not it is not confirmed but who cares i don't care about her that much. i think usuually these historicals tell the more tragic side of korea's past kings, esp. their sacrifices and solitude... and since records tend to show the deaths, and successions, and battles won and lost, and not so much the personal joys and loves, i'd rather think we just didn't see the happy moments, but that they existed. one thing though.. i think the actors on the set learned a lot through their hardwork and they developed quite a bond. i think that's hard to achieve in your professional career so it's very special.

well it's been fun sharing the drama w/ you guys here. tomorrow the drama ends but hopefully we'll run into each other in another drama. currently i'm watching sbs wkend drama 'family honor' and i plan to pick up a new drama soon after my work slows down. i'll post tomomrrow's recap after i watch but i'm in PST so quite a bit behind than most of you here. maybe you guys can post spoilers and pics before i get to watch. aja!

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Thanks dramaok for sharing the pics above and summaries for the whole episode so we can understand quickly. You've helped a lot and I really thank you for that ^^

As for others... I also enjoy staying here and share with you all... anyway, there's another dramas I've been watching but still I will be around for another week in here ^^

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