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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Chubalso - I don't know. I think the actor (can't think of his name right now) is wasted. The character had potential in the beginning as being a nasty-ruthless type, but has become bufoonish. Like they wanted him to be the comic relief too, but it's not working for me.

I'd read this thread since I joined Soompi, but it's the first time I post here...

I think each Korean drama almost-always has one or some characters who are "the comic reliefs", who are "bufoonish". And then the actors, who get that disadvantage part, will be called "wasted" lolz. If you feel the characters are truly "wasted", just say "I think this character is wasted", not the actors, please. They just act like how they are required. Don't hurt the actors (and their fans v - - v).

PS: Thank all for the stuff, I really enjoyed them :)

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Guest erica1064

I'd read this thread since I joined Soompi, but it's the first time I post here...

I think each Korean drama almost-always has one or some characters who are "the comic reliefs", who are "bufoonish". And then the actors, who get that disadvantage part, will be called "wasted" lolz. If you feel the characters are truly "wasted", just say "I think this character is wasted", not the actors, please. They just act like how they are required. Don't hurt the actors (and their fans v - - v).

PS: Thank all for the stuff, I really enjoyed them :)

Oh, I'm sorry mol!! I wasn't very clear and I'm terribly sorry if I came across as if I was saying Kim Jae Wook was no good as an actor. My comment was really not a negative toward the KJW the actor. I loved him in Coffee Prince! My comment was only about Chubalso the character. KJW has a lot of charisma and appeal and I think that this would have played better had the character of Chubalso been stronger. As it is, Chubalso even though he is charming, is more interested in chasing women for himself or finding a woman for his friends. I think the writers missed an opportunity in not giving the Chubalso character a little more depth.

So again, I'm sorry! :blush: I'm a fan of KJW too and don't want to make anyone on this thread feel bad!

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Just finished read all the comments in here ^^ very interesting but I'll have to wait till I've watching episode 33 ^^

Anyway... thanks selva for providing us again the caps ^^ love the little Hodong :wub: and WITH S2 for the subs ^^

Still waiting for dramaok summary once she was done with her work ^^

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Guest dramaok

Ep. 33:


After the shocking news of Yeon and Hodong, Muhyul who is traumatized by it leaves the palace to think in solitude by Amnok river. Seryu and Goeyu find out about it from Maro and they seek Guchu's help and Guchu goes to find Muhyul to console him and to remind him that a king cannot show his personal torment or else the nation and the ppl would all be confused as well, and Guchu says there will be even greater struggles in Muhyul's life thus he must endure and overcome these things in order to lead their nation. Muhyul says he is frustrated and lost, as if everything has turned upside down, but Muhyul strains to control his emotions and returns the palace. Yiji wants to visit him, but Maro turns her away after Muhyul's decline. Then Yiji goes to see Myeongjin instead and Yiji casts her doubt in his ability to lead their tribe, and Yiji says the king already found out about Yeon and the prince and now Hye-Ap left to be in Buyeo to help their escape and yet Myeongjin knew nothing of it. Myeongjin apologizes and Yiji says she will give him one more chance to prove his use and orders him to go block Yeon and Hodong from coming into Goguryeo land. Then Muhyul summons a meeting with the council and his subjects and announces they must reclaim Namso fortress, which is central to their nation, and Goeyu says he will go battle the Buyeo troops to reclaim the fort.

Meanwhile Dojin is told a slave is begging to see him and Dojin is surprised to see that the slave is noneother than Baegeuk. Baegeuk gets on his knees and begs Dojin to accept him in Buyeo army in order for him avenge and kill Muhyul. Dojin asks why he should believe him and Baegeuk shows his the scars on his own arms, which he carved with his own knife in the last two years of his life as slave, to remind himself everyday the grudge he must avenge, and Baegeuk pleads again saying he's willing to do anything in order to kill Muhyul. Balso and Hye-Ap arrive in Buyeo and Balso comes up with a plan to meet Yeon by going to the street clinic that Yeon runs and there Balso who is disguised as a sick person tells Yeon Hye-Ap wishes to meet her.


Then when Hye-Ap and Yeon meet, Yeon asks about Muhyul's well being and Hye-Ap says the king is healthy. Yeon is grateful to learn this and Hye-Ap says she's here to rescue her and the prince, whom she already saw from a distance away and Yeon says that is too dangerous and the reason why she's lived w/ her head down for the past two years, is because she wants to keep Hodong safe, but Hye-Ap says the world will soon find out about her and the prince and Buyeo is not a place for King Muhyul's son to grow up, and Hye-Ap tells Yeon the only thing she needs to do is to come outside of her place w/ Hodong in five days.

Meanwhile Buyeo army is near Goguryeo border and Guchu dispatches the army of Baegam fort toward the border to fortify their defense, and Maro is summoned by Muhyul in private and Muhyul tells Maro to make a trip to Buyeo to help w/ the rescue efforts. Muhyul says he cannot dispatch an army for him, and if Maro and the gang fall into a crisis he cannot even save them, and Maro says not to worry as he said before he won't die so easily and Maro says he will take care of this matter, while the king attends to the matter at Namso fort and Muhyul is strengthened by Maro.


And in Buyeo Yeon thinks about what to do, when a maid comes to inform her King Daeso wishes to see her and Hodong. When Yeon brings Hodong to the palace, Daeso is giddy to see Hodong who he thinks is Dojin's son, and Daeso tells Yeon how great it is that Dojin already captures Namso fort, and soon when they finish Goguryeo he will hand the Buyeo throne to Dojin, and at that time Hodong will become the new crown prince of Buyeo, and Daeso says he will send more guards to safe keep Hodong and Yeon is heavy-hearted at the thought of increased guards around her. Nearby Namso fortress, Goeyu and his army see a group of Buyeo soldiers dead in a pile and Goeyu's team stops to investigate but as it turns out is a trap set by Baegeuk and soon the Buyeo army led by Baegeuk ambush Goeyu's army and Goeyu has no choice but to retreat as he watches many of his soldiers killed. In Buyeo Hye-Ap and Balso wait for Yeon and Hodong to leave their residence, but Yeon is unable to leave under the heavy guarding and at last Hye-Ap decides to go into the residence to kill off the guards in order to escort Yeon and Hodong out, and they do so successfully, however when they go outside they are met by Dojin who is arriving with a large group of soldiers. Dojin's soldiers successfully kill off Hye-Ap's men and both Hye-Ap and Balso are captured under the swords. Dojin orders for the two to be taken to his private jail and Dojin orders his men not to let anyone know about what happened especially king Daeso or else they will all be killed. Then Dojin goes up to Yeon who is holding a sleepy Hodong in her arms, and Dojin yanks Hodong away from her and when Yeon tries to say something Dojin orders her to shut up and Yeon watches horrified as Dojin walks away with Hoding telling Hodong all is well and all is over. When Hye-Ap is taken away she sees Myeongjin watching with a smirk and Hye-Ap and Balso are shocked.

Mahwang and Maro arrive in Buyeo but they find out Hye-Ap and Balso are captured by Dojin. At Dojin's Dojin drinks nonstop and Yeon watches in fright. Yeon then gets on her knees and begs Dojin to send Hodong to Goguryeo but she in return will stay by his side, but Dojin gets wrathful and breaks all the wine cups as he pulls her up then shouting, "who is Hodong's father? say it! he's mine! he's my child i raise w/ my hands!" and Yeon again is horrified. In Goguryeo Goeyu returns defeated and tells Muhyul it was Baegeuk who led the Buyeo force against them outside the Namso fort and Goeyu says it's his shortsight that he didn't expect the Buyeo force to be outside of the Namso fort, and Goeyu asks to be killed for punishement, as Seryu watches the happening from a distance away, broken-hearted. But Muhyul is told more bad news with Mahwang comes and relates the failed attempt to rescue Yeon and also the capture of Hye-Ap and Balso by Dojin. Mahwnag says Maro remains in Buyeo in order to find out more about Hye-Ap and Balso.


In Buyeo Daeso is happy at Dojin's accomplishments and Dojin says Baegeuk contributed a lot to their efforts and Daeso is at first furious to see Baegeuk again and pulls a sword on him, but when Dojin says Baegeuk lived as a slave for 2 years and now he wants to serve them to defeat Muhyul together, Daeso says on Dojin's account he will give Baegeuk another chance however if Baegeuk betrays them again he will tear apart Baegeuk's heart. Then Dojin talks to Daeso alone and suggests they should invite Muhyul to their upcoming annual celebration and Daeso wonders if Muhyul would show and Dojin says if he shows they will make him regret for coming and Daeso smirks and says to go ahead and invite Muhyul. Meanwhile Baegeuk and Myeongjin meet again and Myeongjin sneers at him but Baegeuk says he will show everyone his great avenge.

Thus, Muhyul receives an invitation from Daeso to come to their celebration and everyone in Goguryeo is against Muhyul going for fear it's a trap but Muhyul says they will not dare to kill him on their land, and he must go in order to accomplish what he wants and Muhyul sets to leave with an envoy entourage. Yiji pleads one last time saying she knows how Muhyul is worried about Yeon and their child and she too would do anything to help save them but it is not wise to risk Muhyul's own life to go to the enemy nation but Muhyul ignores and arrives in Buyeo. Daeso welcomes Muhyul and promises he will take good care of the Goguryeo group during the visit. Daeso also says he has a present for Muhyul since he feels bad he never went to Muhyul's coronation.


Outside the palace, Goeyu meets up with Maro and the two go by Dojin's private residence to take a look and even see Dojin from a distance. Back inside the Buyeo palace Guchu goes to tell Muhyul it's time to attend the feast and Muhyul joins in on the celebration. Daeso introduces him to everyone present and raises a toast to King Muhyul of Goguryeo and Daeso says the feast is his present to Muhyul. Muhyul sees Yeon among the attendee and both exchange a quick look but hide their emotions, while Dojin watches with a stiff face. Just then a maid brings in Prince Hodong and Muhyul watches with a bleeding heart as Dojin goes up to pick up Hodong and smile. Then King Daeso announces Dojin is named the crown prince of Buyeo. Afterwards Muhyul agonized over it, while Yeon also agonizes in her residence.

Later that night, Maro and Goeyu return to reunite with Mahwang. Mahwang says it's too risky to try anything since the residence is too heavy-guarded. Meanwhile Muhyul thinks more and comes up with a plan and summons the chief bodyguard, giving him a pouch to take outside the palace to give to Goeyu. When Goeyu receives it he opens it and sees a message from Muhyul and a capsule inside the pouch. Next day, Muhyul asks to see Dojin, and Muhyul says he knows Dojin's skills so it is a fearful thought to think Dojin would lead the future Buyeo, but Dojin says he will not stand anyone blocking Buyeo thus it is best that Muhyul forgets the past too. Then Muhyul asks Dojin if he would free Hye-Ap and Balso, and in return he would free the Buyeo commander and leader of Sachuldo (Buyeo's 4-sectored government) who are being held in Goguryeo as hostage but Dojin declines. Muhyul then turns to leave, but Dojin asks why Muhyul is not talking about the real reason why Muhyul is here, and Dojin says Muhyul is here because of the matter of Yeon and Hodong and Muhyul turns around to face him again.


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Guest selvaspeedy

omo dramaok thanks so much. You're such a cow (I mean hard working :P ) excuse me for being so cheesy <_<

one thing itches me, where is the drawing Muhyul drew for yeon in Episode 4 :blink: he didn't show it for her at all! (in the preview he sent to her the sculpture in a box, but that would be better if he sent her the drawing :wub:)

poor Daeso hehehehe he thinks Hodong is Dojin's son!! I'm beginning to feel sorry for this old guy :D

awww the scene when he saw Hodong for the 1st time broke my heart :( looks like he didn't recognize him in the beginning until Dojin carried him :tears:

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Guest erica1064

Baegeuk shows his the scars on his own arms, which he carved with his own knife in the last two years of his life as slave, to remind himself everyday the grudge he must avenge,

THAT is one messed up guy.

Thanks for the summary dramaok!

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awww the scene when he saw Hodong for the 1st time broke my heart :( looks like he didn't recognize him in the beginning until Dojin carried him :tears:

Yes, I love that scene too also when Muhyul first turn his eyes on Yeon.... love the expression :wub: I really gonna miss that soon >_<

Anyway... erica love his feet while I really like his fingers :lol:

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Guest selvaspeedy

cecil I love everything about oppa from his head to his toes :D

dramaok I was just kidding. so sorry if I was rude :crazy:

posting some gifs from episode 33 before soompi maintenance :P

Muhyul looking at Hodong walking toward Dojin









and these gifs for SIG and baby Hodong behind the scenes :wub:



source: gall DCiniside KOTW gallery

my god I hope my connection today doesn't fail me :tears:

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Guest rainy75


Yeon didnt follow Muhyul back to Goguryeo ..

she passed Hodong to the lady-in-waiting for him to go with Muhyul Goguryeo .. and went back to Dojin


how cld Muhyul let Yiji take care of Hodong..


the moment Muhyul lefft.. her kind face went :tongue2: at Hodong

now i really wonder if we are going to see any marriage ceremony betw Muhyul and Yeon :tears:

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Guest selvaspeedy


how cld Muhyul let Yiji take care of Hodong..


the moment Muhyul lefft.. her kind face went :tongue2: at Hodong

I know :crazy: she kept screaming at the baby like a psycho :ph34r:

some of my ramblings about the episode :P

awww that scene when he saw Hodong again >___<

Doesn't Dojin feel sorry for Muhyul at all? Muhyul literally broke my heart. He's agonising a lot; lived a crappy adulthood, lost all of his family members and now had to see his love and son living in the enemy land :tears:

when Hye-ap and Balso were lying on the bed together, they really looked compatible for each other :P (OYA was so beautiful today).

the kiss scene again today :wub:

and omo when Muhyul carried Hodong :tears: ahhh his voice was so soft when he was talking to him :tears: and Hodong was quite as well and staring back at him :( aww and he was clinging to the baby the whole time :( and of course stupid Yeon didn't wanna leave Dojin and go w/ Muhyul <_<

and when Dojin confronted Yeon about Hodong, she said he has already gone to KGR. I think Yeon was saying that Hodong is a KGR prince and Dojin was crying too :(

(BTW I have a feeling that Dojin is going to kill Yeon at the end :crazy: he's crazy and can do it :crazy:)

and OMG at Yiji's reactions when she knew Muhyul returned w/ Hodong :P when the maid told her he came back w/ the young prince she asked her whether Yeon is w/ him too hehehe.

so now Hodong is in KGR and yeon is in Buyeo :blink: I don't know how should I feel about that e19376.gif

Yeonhwa gave Maro back the hair buckle :( I think she said she can't love anyone else after Yeojin :( then she left, but when she was leaving she turned back and told him something that made him all giddy and ran toward her and hugged her :blink:

and the final scene: KGR army and Buyeo army are heading to their final war :w00t: (or that's what I think :P ) and the preview was memories of the last wars w/ Yuri and Muhyul's voice's over

the song in the preview is Desire by Gyeon Woo. Love this song :wub:

woot gotta go :D

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and these gifs for SIG and baby Hodong behind the scenes :wub:



source: gall DCiniside KOTW gallery

my god I hope my connection today doesn't fail me :tears:

thanks selva for the gifs. loved the ones with Hodong and SIG bts...so cute and I can really tell that SIG would want to have children right away ^ ^

and thanks dramaok for the summary of Episode 33...just finished watching Episode 31 where Moohyul is now the 3rd King of Goguryeo, still avoiding reading the spoilers here and there though I lurk again most of the time since I want myself to get excited over the last few episodes T_T...hopefully I can finish up to Episode 34 this weekend and post what I think ^ ^


Episode 34 pics...poor Hodong...


By sassygirl17 at 2009-01-08


By sassygirl17 at 2009-01-08


By sassygirl17 at 2009-01-08


By sassygirl17 at 2009-01-08


By sassygirl17 at 2009-01-08

src: KOTW DC Gallery

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Guest tateboe

Awww, Yeon went back to Dijin. :blink: Why? She loved Dojin as they lived together for 2 years? :unsure: She was angry to Muhyul as she thought he forgot about her in 2 years. :wacko: But she made mistake to gave away her son. :blink:

Sooner or later, she will find out who was really sword down his father to death! :ph34r:

I doubt, Yeon's survival at the end. :fury: (This script might be differnt from history books....those are also mostly :excl: guessing.)

Episode 35-36 will be same sequence as before. First lose, then win, but this time story end... :crazy::crazy::crazy:


Thanks to Dramaok for epi 33 summary.

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Guest ardentfrias



source: gall DCiniside KOTW gallery

my god I hope my connection today doesn't fail me :tears:

Don't you think it's about time our SIG has a baby of his own? :rolleyes: It seems he likes kids very much. Paging Mrs. Il Gook. :unsure:

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