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Sony PSP Thread

Guest Dah_jOkA

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Guest TrainDriver

I just bought a PSP with a 4 gb memory stick 2 days ago and I am enjoying it thus far. I have a DS too and I like them both. That would be awesome if you can emulate PS1 on it (FF7 on the go ~!!). One thing which sucks is that I thought I'd be able to fit more games on a 4gb stick. Didn't realize how much data UMD discs hold.

Also fyi, for all you unfortunate people like myself who luckily got stuck with a ta-082, hend was released a few days ago. Good times.


omg is an admin talking about warez? piracy is wrong :phew:

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This is a must have game for your PSP!

What exactly is this game? It looks like a bunch of random mini games sort of like Wario Ware. Is it as fun as Wario Ware? The title sure did catch my eye. XD

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Guest Evil_Monkey666

What exactly is this game? It looks like a bunch of random mini games sort of like Wario Ware. Is it as fun as Wario Ware? The title sure did catch my eye. XD

WTF is about basically a Japanese Humor Parody and parody. Some might be funny...that's if you understand what the heck is going on. I don't speak Japanese but I recognize some of the icons in the parodies. You can play as HG the miniature concert security, have no idea who HG is? Look it up. See how long you can "lift" the soccerball with Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Junichiro Koizumi. Then there are video game icons that you'll recognize. Also some of the games are just whacky, you'll play as a bar hopper that attempts to guess a girl's last 4 digits of their phone number. Or a professional "rock scissors paper" player and you'll soon enough find that "rock scissors paper". Oh yea... and the famous muscle man ramen timer (he's not a game just an utility).

it adds all types mini game Now to let the people know what kind of mind bending, side splitting mini games are there. There are short games and there are long games, games with no apparent goal and games that you can screw up in 1 second. Games that require intellect and games that require listening skills. Games that have a time limit and games that count by stages.


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WTF is about basically a Japanese Humor Parody and parody. Some might be funny...that's if you understand what the heck is going on. I don't speak Japanese but I recognize some of the icons in the parodies. You can play as HG the miniature concert security, have no idea who HG is? Look it up. See how long you can "lift" the soccerball with Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Junichiro Koizumi. Then there are video game icons that you'll recognize. Also some of the games are just whacky, you'll play as a bar hopper that attempts to guess a girl's last 4 digits of their phone number. Or a professional "rock scissors paper" player and you'll soon enough find that "rock scissors paper". Oh yea... and the famous muscle man ramen timer (he's not a game just an utility).

it adds all types mini game Now to let the people know what kind of mind bending, side splitting mini games are there. There are short games and there are long games, games with no apparent goal and games that you can screw up in 1 second. Games that require intellect and games that require listening skills. Games that have a time limit and games that count by stages.


HG? Seriously? I think I might buy the game just for that. O:

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omg is an admin talking about warez? piracy is wrong :phew:

It doesn't mean I didn't buy the game. I just hate long load times and high battery consumption of the PSP. :)

The single biggest advantage of playing the games off the memory card is battery consumption. I've noticed, I get at least 1-2 hours more game time from not using a physical UMD.

Also, I CANNOT BELIEVE Sony requires you to have a PS3 in order to download PS1 games from their services. That is so ridiculous. 1) Not everyone can afford it 2) Even if ppl could, the thing is like harder to find than a needle in a haystack. 3) What if you don't want a ps3?...Errrr...

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Guest SongBird

WTF is about basically a Japanese Humor Parody and parody. Some might be funny...that's if you understand what the heck is going on. I don't speak Japanese but I recognize some of the icons in the parodies. You can play as HG the miniature concert security, have no idea who HG is? Look it up. See how long you can "lift" the soccerball with Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Junichiro Koizumi. Then there are video game icons that you'll recognize. Also some of the games are just whacky, you'll play as a bar hopper that attempts to guess a girl's last 4 digits of their phone number. Or a professional "rock scissors paper" player and you'll soon enough find that "rock scissors paper". Oh yea... and the famous muscle man ramen timer (he's not a game just an utility).

it adds all types mini game Now to let the people know what kind of mind bending, side splitting mini games are there. There are short games and there are long games, games with no apparent goal and games that you can screw up in 1 second. Games that require intellect and games that require listening skills. Games that have a time limit and games that count by stages.


I got the North American version at Ebgames for like $25 CND.

It's so addictive, it's not even funny :ph34r:

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Also, I CANNOT BELIEVE Sony requires you to have a PS3 in order to download PS1 games from their services.

according to a Japanese site, you will be able to download games directly to the PSP in future.

i look at it as more of a marketing strategy. :mellow:

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Guest ryisakooguy

whoa WTF is fun?!?! plus hard gay is in it?!?! NO WAY!!! must get...maybe?!?!

neways, i believe two great psp games just came out. gutariooman lives and mgs:portal ops!

both getting pretty good reviews, especially mgs. a 9 for a portable game, which in fact beat zelda:TP score. the only thing ive heard about mgs is everything is GOOD, except with the camera. i think im might cop this today...im not sure tho cause my 25mb stick is running outta space...lol yeah i still got the 25mb...and it requires a upgrade. ughh...i swear i cant save up for a ps3...

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^ ya MGS: PO is definitely a must-have. i should be fine with any type of 3D cam after watching my roommate playing CS. the way she spins the cam... god, i almost vomitted when i saw it for the 1st time. LOL

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Guest ryisakooguy

^bwhahaha thats funny

actually guys i got myself mgs:po. if you liked snake eater...daymn you'll love this game. i wasnt expecting much from it but theres sooo many things that make this game good.

i havent been playin with it much cause of work and finals but what ive liking what i have been playin so far. im still getting used to the controls cause moving and switching the camera around is impossible. sometimes i move the dpad hoping to move right or left but instead moves the camera. the thing that sucks about this game is that you cant really look around in some areas and not get spotted just cause you dont know where the enemy is. also in snake eater i loved it when big boss just grabs the enemy and slams them on the floor...i cant seem to do that automatically anymore. i guess big boss got weaker cause they dont get dazed after one slam.

other than that...awesome game. still tryin to pass this one part but i keep getting caught. haha stupid nurses. ill play with this somemore after finals is done and over with.

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^ there's a thread specially for PSP cam in the Playstation US official forum. i will post the link when i saw it.

from what i heard, it's a pretty decent cam with above avg pic quality, but shares similar problems as the rest of the digcam. eg, poor lighting w/o flash.

in fact, the main purpose of the cam is not really for capturing pics/videos only... but games and new functions in future.

the GPS is pretty new and i haven't heard much about it.

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GPS is gps... can be inaccurate for like 10 yards -_- sounds bad, but when you're driving, it makes up for it just fine.

Portable OPS is so fun!

-_- im a bit impatient for the stealthing... I go for a direct approach and hope the guards dont see me or I miss with the tranquilizer and get pwoned.

Have you guys tried the AP scan feature? I was madly clicking away at the O button as we went to lunch today got like 5 characters ^_^ those are usually better than a generic soldier. Usually with some talent.

O_oa dunno what to do for the password page though I get this 4 digit hint thats pretty useless...

Dunno why you guys liked wtf, that game was sooo bad that I felt bad for wasting the write cycle to my memory card for the save.

Oh fyi, people with 1.5 still I have read the official psx emulator stuff doesn't run on ours even when we emulate the 3.02. Dunno why... but so far that emulator feature has a lot against it. I sorta wish I could just pop in my PSX games to convert but they have to make life difficult =(

Oh one other thing about dumping the umds to your memory stick you can delete those movies. I hate in game movies, intro movies, and in particular the ones in the beginning like EA.

One of these days lets go have a online battle. Maybe MGPO if I ever figure it out. ^_^

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Oh fyi, people with 1.5 still I have read the official psx emulator stuff doesn't run on ours even when we emulate the 3.02. Dunno why... but so far that emulator feature has a lot against it. I sorta wish I could just pop in my PSX games to convert but they have to make life difficult =(

from what i read, it may be caused by the certificate utility problem. anyway, you only need 3.00 to play PS1 games. the nxt 2 upgrades are just for solving some bugs in 2 japan PSP games respectively.

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