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When People Are Racist...

Guest kawaiimagic

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Guest shattered_teardrops

I am pretty open minded...

I do know that each person has his/her opinion too...

If I come across a racist, I would say, "That's so racist!"

But then again, if it doesn't concern me, then, do whatever you want.

But if he/she involves my friends/family or people I care about,

I can get pretty sarcastic with my retorts...

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Guest MikkiNe

If it's aimed at me I just ignore it but if it's aimed towards one of my friends or even worse a family member I'll go completely off in their face

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Guest lovettelaughs

What kind? The "mean" kind of racist or the kind when people are just joking around?

To the "mean" kind: I sort of just try to ignore the person, or give them an annoyed look. Most of the time it works, but if it doesn't, I just stick to ignoring them. They're just a waste of my time, anyways.

To the "just joking around": Well, if it's funny, I guess I'll laugh (but I basically laugh @ everything haha). But if it's offensive to me, and I know the person, I'll more than likely say something back.

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Guest mextaus.

if anyone made a racial comment on a friend, i would definitely lash out

but for me, i haven't had too many experiences

i usually ignore because nothing they say or do will change who i really am

sometimes my middle finger and foul mouth gets used

when people joke, i laugh along with it

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Guest Starberriee

Well first of all, I try to avoid these situations. I usually ignore and leave, but it the insults get too bad I won't hold back. I hate it when people call me a "richard simmons" or a "Chinese Immigrant". I get really really fired up. I ask them things like, "Why do you care?" or "So what if I am Chinese, at least I am not ________ (you)"

Or if I am feeling nice that day I say, "OK!" and try to avoid them as much as possible after that. Or until they apologize.

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Guest daisyink

well yeah, people in my school can be quite insensitive to race.

most of the time it's just joking around, but others...meh.

like, because i'm dark-skinned and have big eyes (i'm filipino), people tell me i'm not asian.

well, i grew up in the philippines, and we all considered ourselves asian. so it's weird that people who AREN'T asian are telling us who is asian and who isn't. stuff like that.

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Guest candy_rocks

Sooo I'd thought I'd share something that happened earlier today that really bothered me and caught me off guard. When I was coming home from work, I had just exited off of the highway. I was waiting at a red light, when the car next to me shouted the following:

"Hey Asian! You are such a F*****g B****! Asians need to f******g die! F**** you!"

This continued for what felt like quite awhile. I didn't reply, I didn't even look. They didn't deserve my attention. When I got home, I was actually quite sad. Not for me, not that this happened to me, but the fact this still went on in the world. Now that I think about it some more, it actually hurt MORE because of the fact, that every single person in that car was screaming at me, or what it sounded like every person. Might I add that the car was hugely packed?

So have any of you guys had anything like this happen? How did you handle it?

OR just feel free to vent your thoughts about this topic :)

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There's always going to be people like this in the world.

How you deal with it is up to you.

There is much more acceptance in races nowadays then there was.

But with the war and everything, there's such hatred for anyone other than caucasions.

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Guest creaturedreams

What they said wasn't really racist, more of just a derogative comment. Either way I'd just ignore It If I were you.

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That's pretty light racism compared to the stuff people would say in some parts of the world.

Just saying "all asians should die" is only racism if it's because he hates them. It would be inaccurate to say that, because he wishes for all asians to die, that he is racist. He may have gotten in a fight with an asian gang, all bruised and hurt, and he's just saying whatever. If I got in a fight with a human and I wished all humans should die and the whole world should just explode, does that make me a terrorist?

I used to be pretty racist. I used to have this belief that all black guys were thugs, low-life insignificant creatures that only knew how to mug, pillage, and steal everything they can, kill others for fun, and destroy things just to laugh. I used to support it when a group of kids ganged up on the black kid. I didn't like them, I wished they would all die.

But now I'm more tolerant of humans in general. or at least, their existence, not their opinions. I realized most of us are equally stupid no matter where we're born, what genes we possess, and what kind of background we come from. If I don't like you at first glance, it's not cause you're black just cause you have black skin, it's cause I don't like how you look. Does that mean I don't like you cause you're black? No, that's stupidity talking and poorly concluded. You probably wouldn't like it if I took the time to specifically explain that your eyes are shaped weird, your nose is all fugly, your lips are just too big, your ears are not aligned, your hairstyle is fail, your fashion sense is horrible, your brand names suck, your shoelaces don't match, your socks are too high, etc etc etc.

Overall, I think most people in multi-cultural places tend to be more tolerant cause they're more exposed to people of all sorts contrary to some people that argue that multi-culturalism actually promotes racism. Meeting a black guy is a lot different than seeing how they're portrayed in the media, and I strongly believe media is only trying to stir up controversy by promoting racism. After all, conflict is a big money maker.

It doesn't matter HOW MUCH has changed, it only matters that humans are capable of changing and becoming more tolerant.

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Guest seonnie

if it was directed at me i'd probably slap that person in the arm and say , "not cool."

and give them the stare down.

B) B)

but most "racist" comments i've experienced are just light remarks from guys trying to be all cool or insulting in front of their friends. <_<

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Guest skycheerio<3

Last year, I said asked something like this to one of my friends..

"don't you think yogurtfruitflavored people smell bad?

And she just glared at me and said "Why would you think that?"


Ummmm 2 years ago, there was this meanie kid in my class.

He always said "ching chong" to me.

And always pretended to talk to me using weird sounding noises that were suppose to sound asian.

I just ignored it and was annoyed.

These days, if anyone did something like that.. I would stand up for myself!

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Guest Everlasting Melody;

I try my best to ignore it and not result to violence >_>;;

It's really hard >___<;; Sometimes, I snap but oh well.

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Guest kawaiiai

when directed at me..It depends on the situation..& how far they've gone with their comments..i usually ignore..but if they've said something really rude.i insult them in a 'polite' manner..

If directed at a friend..i would take the comment more badly..and tell the person..a thing or two about themselves..i react more..when people are rude to others..then when they are rude to me..

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Last year, I said asked something like this to one of my friends..

"don't you think yogurtfruitflavored people smell bad?

And she just glared at me and said "Why would you think that?"


Ummmm 2 years ago, there was this meanie kid in my class.

He always said "ching chong" to me.

And always pretended to talk to me using weird sounding noises that were suppose to sound asian.

I just ignored it and was annoyed.

These days, if anyone did something like that.. I would stand up for myself!

What are yogurtfruitflavored people?

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