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[drama 2006] Great Inheritance 위대한 유산

Guest xosandy

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Guest aznchocol8luver

no streaming link either?


i can't watch it until 2morrow.. cuz of my history project T_T

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Guest annababy

wow, ratings are so low, i think its because there are soo many good dramas out, "smile again" and "one fine day"...

too bad the drama is doing bad...

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Just finished watching episode 9 and OMG!!! Best episode so far!!!

Anyway the part in yellow are not spoilers, just some questions but I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't watched it yet.

-so did MR's bf sent people to beat HS up?

-the scene when she told him to take off his top so she can apply medicine for him is so funny, and the morning after when they shared food from the same bowl. Cute.

-when they were in the bookstore and MR grabbed HS at the back of his shirt... lol.

-that hug!!! but MR looked uncomfortable... like she can't wait to wriggle away from him. What did she tell him after that hug?

-and OMG!!! HS's boss proposed with a HUGE DIAMOND RING! I was literally hyperventilating at the size of that rock. It's HUGE!!! :w00t: Did she accept?

-did MR break up with that jerk??

-she called HS straight after!

-but... the boy's mother told MR she likes HS?

-HS waited for MR the whole night...

-I guess the whole 'gangster revealed' thing was done by the jerk right?

Does anyone know the ratings? It's not been updated for the past 2 weeks...

Can't wait for twinkle's translation! Thanks! :D

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-so did MR's bf sent people to beat HS up?

-that hug!!! but MR looked uncomfortable... like she can't wait to wriggle away from him. What did she tell him after that hug?

-did MR break up with that jerk??

-but... the boy's mother told MR she likes HS?

-I guess the whole 'gangster revealed' thing was done by the jerk right?

answers to your questions..

-yeah SW sent the mobs to beat up HS.

-She said, "I don't know what your problem is, but just wait and let time figure that out. Usually time does that part of its job.."

-YUP MR broke up with SW. she told him that she found another person who she worries about, thinks about, and needs in her life.

-Yeah i'm pretty sure YJ told MR that she liked HS. i'm not 100% sure cuz i was sooo mad i was yelling at my comp. the whole time <_<

-Yes, i'm also pretty sure SW leaked the info that HS was a gangster.

hope those helped :] i'm working on the first half of the translations right now~

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hey you guys~~ here's the first translation part of episode 9. i might have to divide it up by three parts cuz i have finals these week and i'm not sure if i could finish everything in two sections. sorry :]


HS is fighting the gangsters. One of them grabs MR and yells at HS to stop.

HS: Alright. Do you whatever you gusy want. But just please leave the girl alone.

the gangsters continue to beat up HS as he stays still and falls to the ground.

Gangster: Why are you acting weak in front of the girl? Kang Hyunsae teacher..hah (HS looks up) Are you going to school to be a teacher or to date the girl teacher? Think about it carefully. Who and what are you risking in order to act like a teacher? (he walks over to MS, pats her head, and looks at HS)You know who's going to be next right?

HS: If you touch her, i'll kill you.

Gangster: You bstard! Shut your mouth! (kicks HS)

MR is screaming the whole time while HS is getting beat up. She's yelling his name and for the gangsters to stop. the gangsters leave and MR crawls to HS's side.

HS: Don't cry..

MR: You're so stupid... Why did you just stay still?? Why did you just get hit, you stupid!! (she cries in HS's arm)

HS: I'm never going to use my fist again. I promise you and the kids.. I'm not going to use my fists ever again.

-Inside HS's room-

MR helps HS get in bed.

MR: Who were those guys? (HS stays quiet) Do you know them?

HS: Just wipe your tear strains~ Did you know that you look really funny right now?

MR: Can you joke right now? Oh yea, where was the medicine cabinet again..

she turns to leave, but HS grabs her arm

HS: I'm sorry. You were shocked right?

MR: Did you straighten up after you got beat up? You're worrying about me.. (MR leaves)


SW is drinking coffee with a lady.

SW: I heard your father and Ildo are good friends.

Girl: They were good friends since college. But i heard that you were very talented. (SW smiles) Ildo talks about you alot and always compliments you.

SW: He just takes care of me as his son and is always looking out for me. (SW's phone rings)I'll be right back.

SW: Yes..? Ok. (hangs up)

-Back at HS's room-

MR: Take it off.

HS: What?!

MR: I have to put on the ointment.

HS: You woman...Why are you trying to see a man's naked top?!

MR: Hah i guess you feel better now. 'you woman??' (starts rubbing ointment on HS's injury) Stop acting childish. Hurry up and take it off!

HS takes off his top

HS: Better??

MR is shocked to see HS's wounds. She starts putting on the medication.

MR: It's amazing that you can still sit.

HS: Stop overreacting. It's not my first time getting hurt like this.

MR: Like that's something to boast about!! Well, don't forget the promise you made with me.

HS: (winces in pain) What (promise)?

MR: Does it hurt a lot?

HS: No..

MR: You promised to never use your fist again. You said you made that decision because of me and the kids.

MR's phone rings. She doesn't get it

HS: You can go now.

MS: It's ok. I don't need to get it. (phone rings again. she turns it off and continues putting on the medication)


SW is annoyed that MR is not getting her phone.

-Morning: HS's room-

HS wakes up and finds MR next to him.

MR: YOu woke up.

HS: YEah.. BUt what are you doing here?

MR: Huh? Oh i didn't feel comfortable just going.. (yawns)How are you feeling?

HS: Wipe your drool, miss.

MR: (wipes her mouth but realizes that he was joking. HS smiles)Yah... I cooked some rice porridge. Aren't you hungry?


MR is mixing her rice and HS is just looking on.

MR: And lastly, a drop of seseame oil. Ohh i put too much!! Haha but who cares, it still looks delicious. (starts eating. HS just stares)Why aren't you eating?

HS: You can eat first.

MR: Fine then don't eat. (HS starts grabbing for the food) See, you can't resist something when you know it's good. Even your mother like my cooking. Anyways, your mother would've been soo happy if she knew that you weren't selling the nursery! She probably knew that and handed the school over to you.

HS: Damn, you talk a lot.

MR: WHy are you eating everything by yourself.

HS: It's mine.

MR: No, it's mine! That's yours! Hand it over! (They fight over the food)

-Walking to school-

MR: Kang Teacher! Umm.. Do you have time tonight? (HS smiles) If you have nothing to do, you should go somewhere with me..

HS: Where?

MR: You'll know if you go with me.

HS: Is this a date request?

MR: Date? What date..? (continues walking)

they bump into nalchi

Nalchi: Why are you guys coming together? (sees HS's face) What's wrong with your face?!

HS: I need to talk to you.

Nalchi: Really?? How did that happen?

HS: I've never seen them around before. Do a background check on them. They're probably somehow involved with NK.

Nalchi: Then.. i need to start doing a background check on -- (i didn't catch that name. i think it's SW though.. not sure)

-inside ALREUM ROOM-

HS walks in

Kids: TEACHER!!!

HS: Why are you guys here?

Princess girl: Teacher, what happened to your face?! Does it hurt?

HS: WHat? Oh this, i was drunk and i fell. Don't worry about it.

Dongjoo: Drinking, again?! You and my dad are the same. It drives me crazy.

Princess girl: Teacher, please don't be hurt. If you're in pain, i'm in pain.

HS: Alright, i'll remember that.

The boy with the crazy mother (sorry forgot name): Teacher, at the other school, i thought i was going to die from boredom.

HS: Why were you bored?

The boy: Because you weren't there at that school!

Princess Girl: Mirae Teacher wasn't there either.

The boy: You're right!

HS and MR both smile

HS: You guys listen to me carefully. If you miss another day of school, i'm not going to forgive you, ok?

Kids: OK! (nae! nae! nae! nae! nae!)

-SW's office-

Ahra is waiting for SW in his office. SW comes in

SW: What are you doing here this early in the morning?

Ahra: I wanted to tell you something. (SW sits) HS promised me in front of the parents that he's not going to sell the nursery. He said he'll protect it.

SW: Is this the truth?

Ahra: Yes. That's why i want to take back my promise of giving over the development contracts (of the nursery) to NK.

SW: Do you trust him right now? He's putting on a show right now.

Ahra: In that case, i want to trust Kang Teacher. He's changed into a different person. He's part of the nursery family now. Of course, i won't acknowlege him as a teacher. But, still, i'm talking on a general basis here. We're going to combine all our efforts to protect the school.

-Ildo's office-

Assistant: It seems like what the nutrionist said was right. According to the hospital records, your exwife had a child after your divorce. I've also found out that she was pregnant with Kang HS when you were getting divorced.

Ildo: Alright. You can go out now.

Ildo takes out a picture of his wife and son.

Ildo: (looking at the picture of his wife) You are as cruel as me.. (flashback of HS)

Female Employee: SW wants to see you now.

Ildo: Tell him to come in. (puts away the picture.)

SW comes in a sits down

Ildo: What's the problem?

SW: HS has promised that he wouldn't sell the nursery.

Ildo: I guess he has the right to not sell the school.. The nursery is something he inherited from his mother, no? No matter how cruel he is, he does make a person have second thougts about him.

SW: The property is soon going to be in the control of HS. I think we should settle this asap and as quickly as possible. Yesterday he received a small warning but since he changed his mind about the school, i don't think that warning was strong enough. I need a better strategy...

Ildo: Stop worrying about HS. I want you to change your focus to Dongpa. HS is Dongpa's right hand. If we bring down Dongpa, HS is going to fall with him.

-SW in his office-

SW: (to his assistant)Find out how Ildo and HS's mom know each other. I want to how the woman suddenly changed the opinion of Ildo.

Assistant: Ok, i'll get right to it.

SW: Do some background check on HS too. I want to know everyone who is involved with him. Oh and this is should be a secret from Ildo.


Ok done with part one. i'll try to do the second part asap.

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Guest flyfany89

Omgosh thank you so much gloria for uploading episode 9 onto sendspace link~

can't wait to watch it

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Guest emilyjx1692

gloria 83--Thank you so much for uploading it in sendspace. I'm downloading it now. I can't wait to see this :w00t: . I feel so bad for him--I hope he and his father somehow makes up...soon :tears: .

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Guest jerilee

The usual THANKS! to TWINKLE for keeping all off us non-korean speakers from being completely lost. I can now understand why you were so excited on your last post. That opening scene was sooooo sweet and so did everything that followed it. Thanks again! I can't wait for my episode 10 to finish.

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Guest june_showers

ahhhhhh just finished skimming through ep. 10..it's a killer..hmmm is it too soon for caps?...haha k will post links..brb...just found out how to caps, so kinda going crazy with it haha..



here are the first five pages, i put the caps on a sheet just so it's easier to upload...haha i'll let angeldreams take care of the comments =P..will finish the rest tomorrow, have to go study now..so enjoy and like i said it's quite spoilerish..so please click at your own risk...and yea..enjoy! it was an amazing ep! can't wait till chiense subs come out..

o yes, it's my first time capping, so it's not that great; i tried to make it flow somewhat..haha..but i only decided to do that like halfway, originally it was just cute mirae and hyesung moments..but yea..enjoy!

01- http://img462.imageshack.us/img462/1921/gr...ceep10013tl.jpg

02- http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/2971/gr...ceep10023zc.jpg

03- http://img462.imageshack.us/img462/2420/gr...ceep10033de.jpg

04- http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/1043/gr...ceep10046ek.jpg

05- http://img462.imageshack.us/img462/8735/gr...ceep10059oy.jpg

06- http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/1175/gr...ceep10064bm.jpg

07- http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/1587/gr...ceep10072ct.jpg

08- http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/6196/gr...ceep10083sg.jpg

09- http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/6793/gr...ceep10098hq.jpg

10- http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2029/gr...ceep10106ys.jpg

11- http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/3741/gr...ceep10111bf.jpg

12- http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/5949/gr...ceep10124ia.jpg

here are the rest of the caps, umm haha i guess they're not totally telling the story, but hope you guys enjoy it!..o yes i might perhaps actually post the pics instad of just the links tomorrow or sunday, just in case some people haven't watched it yet..cause it's kinda hard to skip over all these pics haha..

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Guest jinandjuice

Ratings went up!!


National Rating 8.4%

Seoul Rating 8.5%


National Rating 10.1%

Seoul Rating 10.9%

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