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[drama 2006] Great Inheritance 위대한 유산

Guest xosandy

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Guest hopesofgreen

Kim Jae Won in a new drama?! Ahha, gotta watch it! Thank you everyone for uploading and especially for translating and the subs. Oh no! Why are the ratings so low?! :(

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Guest shahju

is there any english sub for this drama?..i want to watch it but if there's no english sub i don't think i'll be able to understand..and it's kinda waste of time to download it..

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haha no problem~ i'll try to translate more..

ummm i hope the little boy is not kjw's son. but at the same time, the story line seems too easy now. kjw and hjm.. no conflict. but of course, i could be wrong. i have been poisoned so much with other dramas, i am always thinking the 'hard way'. haha i really hope kangho isn't his son.

ahhh i found scripts. i shall start translating :]

I like dramas better when the lead dun have conflicts. Too many misunderstanding gives me a headache. And it kinda slow the drama down, making it drag. But at this point the kid better not be his son :phew: . The mother is starting to get jealous already and if the kid is his :huh: she'll use that to tie him up. And surely, it'll be a BIG mess :vicx: . Of course by conflict what I like best is too see KJW get jealous B)

Can't wait 4 ur translation, Thanx :w00t: .

Kim Jae Won in a new drama?! Ahha, gotta watch it! Thank you everyone for uploading and especially for translating and the subs. Oh no! Why are the ratings so low?! :(

A new member. Welcome :D

Dun sweat about the ratings. The drama is too good to be missed. U'll enjoy it :sweatingbullets:

is there any english sub for this drama?..i want to watch it but if there's no english sub i don't think i'll be able to understand..and it's kinda waste of time to download it..

There's sub for episode 1 @ d-addict ;)

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is there any english sub for this drama?..i want to watch it but if there's no english sub i don't think i'll be able to understand..and it's kinda waste of time to download it..

yes, With S2 subbing team is subbing this series. :)

episode 1 has recently been released - if you look back a page or two, you should find the link for it. have fun watching! :D

edit: ah, Ana got to it before me. :)

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okay, i'm officially in LOVE with this series, especially after episode 7! :wub:

i originally started to take only a few screen caps, but i ended up taking a lot! :sweatingbullets: i hope no one minds if i post these up to share - they're caps of my favorite scenes from episode 7. :D

warning: there might be spoilers ahead!



ok, first off, can i mention how much hotter kim jae won looks now that he's shaved? :D



i loved this scene... :tears:


of course, you can't walk around so coolly in the rain without paying any consequences. kang hyun se (kjw) catches a fever. :(



yoon mi rae (hjm) to the rescue!


and who does he see first upon waking up?


...kyung ho and his mother (also hyun se's first relationship/possible mother to his own child) <_<


yoon mi rae has already left quietly, leaving the medicine and food she's prepared for him behind...


um, just wanted to note that kjw looks really good for someone who's just been deathly ill ;)


but wait! what is this awfully familiar headband that seems to have been left behind at hyun se's house...




these two are just too cute together. :P



hyun se eventually finds out the identity of the owner of the headband, and both feel a little embarrassed :blush:


hyun se's boss schedules for hyun se to lead a beat down during NK's (rival company's) anniversary celebration


just had to throw in this picture bc kjw looks really cool here lol


i'll add more pics later if ppl enjoy looking at them!

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It's 5:24 a.m and I just finished episode 7. I stream it since it wasn't up 4 d/l yet. Usually, I dun like streaming cuzz I like to FF. But this drama there wasn't much to ff anyway. I so wanted to see what happens to the 3 of them [KJW, HJM and her bf] so I just quickyly stream the beginning of episode 8 :lol: . I thought there was gonna be more to it But there wasn't much. Yet, it was still cute :P

Episode 7 was cute..hehe..

I dun think it's a spoiler....but....

I was screaming inside quietly [dun wanna wake anyone up..lol..] when KJW thought the kid mother was the one taking care of him when he's sick :rolleyes: . When he handed her the head band, I'm thinking if she say it's hers then I will really HATE her. Luckily, she didn't and he eventually knew it was HJM :P .

I was glad that he didn't when and beat up those guys. He soften cuzz of the kids but most of all cuzz HJM was there B) .

@ the end of 7 :w00t: I was like OMG!!!!!! OMG!!! So excited :lol:

2morrow-well later today I'll watch 8 :sweatingbullets:


Thank u, soooooo much for the caps, angeldreams. I enjoy them. KJW is so much cuter shave. And HJM is adorable :sweatingbullets: . Please, post more :D

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TW1NKLE!!! Thanks so much for your summary of episode 8!!! I've been watching it raw and don't really know what is happening. Like everyone, I was dying to watch episode 8 after how episode 7 ended. :w00t:

Maybe the thread starter can add your summaries to the first post in case other people who need the summaries miss it.

And I didn't realise KJW shaved until someone mentioned it... I thought something was missing though. :blush:

I hate Han Ji Min's bf... omg what a jerk. He ALWAYS appear when KJW and HJM are together and just say 'ka ja', grab her hand and leave with her. Does HJM know his intentions of why he got close to her? (He got close to her because he wanted the kindergarden's land right?) Seems that way to me during episode 7 when she got all angry at him. Anyone can help me to confirm this?

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Guest doryish

THIS IS THE CUTEST DRAMA EVER ! i love this drama. seriously, i think this is the only drama that's out right now worth watching. it's the cutest and it gets BETTER by episode 8 !! hahahhaha i love this drama!

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Guest jerilee


Ahhh!! Thanks so much for the summary. I knew he said something about the kids, but then I missed that whole bit about her being there too. They're so cute!

And I didn't realise KJW shaved until someone mentioned it... I thought something was missing though. :blush:

I hate Han Ji Min's bf... omg what a jerk. He ALWAYS appear when KJW and HJM are together and just say 'ka ja', grab her hand and leave with her.

Haha... you're not alone. My sister pointed it out halfway that he looks less gangster-ish because he shaved. Then I felt stupid for not noticing. But you're right I kept thinking someone was truly missing.

As for Mirae's ex. OMG he needs to learn another line. He's always there to interrupt a sweet/cute moment and all he does say is "ka ja" "ka ja" "ka ja." I was squeeing like crazy when KHS did what he did at the end of episode 7. This drama just gets better and better. I don't know yet about the other girl. She doesn't seem as bad as other villains that I've seen in other dramas. She just walks in on really cute moments between the two main characters.

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Guest charles0702

this drama is really funny

and the lead actor and actress is cute together

i know.. hello everyone..my name is tammie and i love this drama even though i don't understand most of it.. i go by what you guys post (thanx to all) and subs for the first episode.. i downloaded all 7 episodes from via clubbox and love watching it..

the children are too adorable.. and the two leads have great chemistry..

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-mirae:you didn't do it cuz the kids were there. Just look deep within yourself and you'll realize that you're lying to yourself.

and right when she was trying to leave, kjw says.."the kids weren't the only ones there. you were there too."

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! mother of god. it was amazing. i went cuhrazyyy.


He said that... that's why she run away from him!!! :w00t:

But in the next scene they started to try and outrun each other on the stairs before the gangsters came! They are so weird... they can ignore each other in the kindergarden but can behave so *ahem* when they are outside? LOL!

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continued from before...



hyun se is greeted by his biggest fans. :D



"teacher...are you going to go play sports?" rofl


this little girl is too adorable.


the children's faces after hyun se yells at them. awwww... :tears:


han ji min looks so pretty with her hair down


mi rae leads the children away, clearly disappointed in hyun se...


he looks troubled, feeling guilty...


...and ultimately does the right thing by leading his gang away-yay! :)


hyun se waits to talk to mi rae: "why are you always in my way?" (when he really means: "why are you always on my mind?" ;))


...except the evil boyfriend makes his appearance


evil boyfriend tries to take mi rae away :angry:


hyun se doesn't like what he sees...


"let go of her" hyun se pulls mi rae over! :D


end of episode :wub:

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angeldreams nice caps of the drama you have there! Please do some on episode 8 too and comment! :D

'Are you going to play sports?' LOL... I guessed the little girl said that when the camera shifted to the bat...

As for Mirae's ex. OMG he needs to learn another line. He's always there to interrupt a sweet/cute moment and all he does say is "ka ja" "ka ja" "ka ja." I was squeeing like crazy when KHS did what he did at the end of episode 7.

I totally agree with you... its like the only thing he says. 'KA JA!' :rolleyes:

By the way, what are the ratings for episode 7 and 8?

My goodness this drama is getting so sweet, can't wait for episode 9!

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Guest Nic-

here you go..

Streaming link for episode 7

Click here to watch

Streaming link for episode 8

Click Here to Watch

or copy & paste direct link into your window media player

Streaming link for episode 7


Streaming link for episode 8


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i'm glad that everyone enjoys my caps! :blush:

i already started taking caps of episode 8, but sorry guy, i probably won't be able to post them up until monday since my family is going down to north carolina for the weekend. :(

see everyone then!

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Guest sarangie


:lol: your caps and explainations are soooo cute~ ^^;;

'cus of you...i'm starting to like kim jae won

i didn't really like him..but now.. :blush:

i haven't seen this week's eps...but can't wait to see it

after your post~ ^^;

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