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[tw Drama 2008] Fated To Love You 命中注定我爱你

Guest ripgal

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Guest ripgal

^ HAHAHA.. typical reaction... :lol:

Sometimes I think Cun Xi's more of the immature and childish type altho he's holding a somewhat high position in his company. I'd expected a more reserved and serious character, one who'd seriously think over stuff before making decisions and one who would actually be calm when trouble comes in his way. It seems like he's more of the rash and hard-headed type..They way he reacts to things and screams just shows how young at heart he is.. :P

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Guest asianromance

current thoughts on episode 4: i'm a bit peeved with Cun Xi- he didn't have to look so reluctant to marry her! the way he just shoved that ring onto Xin Yi's finger made me want to slap him and then give Xin Yi to Dylan! I would rather be a single mom than be married to him, at this point. And the way he forgot to pick her up after she collected her stuff from work-and when she called and asked if he was busy, i think he was like"if you knew i was busy, how could you call?"- my mandarin is practically nonexistant so the translation is rough but he said it in a "why are you bugging me?" type tone. this is xin-yi, she wouldn't call unless something was the matter! Show some compassion! she's pregnant! And her coworkers are such a-holes. now that xin yi's not there anymore- i hope they all screw up on their work and get fired! i'm definitely looking forward to more dylan + xin yi interactions. it seems like dylan would really see xin yi's worth and make cun xi open his eyes! remember what he said in episode 2? abt how he liked the hidden gem type of girl?


another gripe: now that i watched parts of it again, i realized that Cun Xi thought Xin Yi was in league with her brother in law and set up this whole thing....how could he think that -cuz in the 1st episode- he did think it was a set up for a few minutes until he barged into that confrontation between Xin Yi and Gucci and realized she was telling the truth--and now he thinks it's a setup again?!!!! :fury:

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Guest je_amourx

I'm not a fan of TW dramas but I'm really liking this one. I love how it's not overreacting and the camera doesn't freeze ever moment and replay like in a lot of TW's dramas I've seen. Ethan is quite charming![He has a bit of eyebrows going on huh! Lol] The female lead is ordinary and simple. So far, I really enjoy watching it because it's simple, camera doesn't give you a headache, nothing is being over the top; so far and cute actors.

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Guest Rainie

Episode 4 was a good episode...I'm also quite peeved about CunXi...he's so mean and careless to XY...especially when she phoned him. I don't understand why he thinks she also tricked him that night...

I can't wait to see CunXi get jealous of Dylan next week...haha...

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Guest lilswtangel

thank you for the youtube links! I can't believe there are youtube links already! *jumps with joy*

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Guest starrysmile

watching episode 4 got me so mad! how can CX treat XY this way? he knows that she doesn't really want to marry him... she's doing it for the good of the island. i really hope there will be more scenes of dylan and XY so CX can get really really jealous!

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Guest ripgal

^ I haven't watched Ep 4 yet..but I'd already felt a lil bit disgusted over how CX treated XY when I watched Ep 3, at the part of them being locked in XY's store room. There were times when I wanted to shut CX up.. because he kept sayin' how disgusting the place was and how he was supposed to be enjoying his sweet time in his high class bed room and stuff... I knew those were shown purposely to set up his character, and that he was meant to change in the later episodes after having influenced by XY. But I still thought it was a bit rude and impolite of him to treat XY with no respect.. shouting and screaming at her.

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Guest iceey_blu

i was glad that they finally got married in the episode, but i was definitely NOT impressed with the way cunxi acted in this episode. he was so callous and harsh with her in this episode. like even tho he's reluctant to marry her and he's being forced into it, at least don't act like a complete richard simmons

:( and at the end, the whole selling of the factory was mean! and i can't believe he sent her divorce papers already!! and i was so angry at XY's coworkers! they were SOO mean when they were making fun of her! i kept waiting and waiting for CX to show up and save the day, but he DIDN'T! and then the phone call? he totally brushed her off!! >.< He better start caring more about XY! I can't wait to see him jealous in the next episode!

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Guest aglpr1ncess

^^ i agree with you.

i think he could have been more nice about it, and not so rude. from the past episodes, i thought his character was really nice and helpful towards her, but it sort of seemed like this episode changed his character completely! which is sad... because i liked him being nice to her. i cant believe he didnt pick her up after! but im excited for the next episode... when she moves into the house!!! :D

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Guest *beccas

daang. i wana watch it so bad now...cuz of all the spoilers everyone has been writing here.

but theere are no subs nd i dont understand anything...

the subs are coming out tom right?

i want wait...its getting better and i hope cun xi treats 4eyed better.

i think dylan is really cute thou...i kinda hope 4eyed liked him...

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Guest Syjfan

I think CX was upset with the whole situation and the fact that he was forced to marry XY by his grandma and ended up taking it out on XY. Not forgetting XY also used the pregnancy as a bargain chip to force CX not to retrench any workers.

The rating of epi 4 reflected viewers' unhappiness with CX too, haha....rating was very good for the first 30 minutes which was above 5 and then continue to slide to 3. Average TV rating still maintained above 4 for the whole episode which I think is not good.

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i am really pissed with CX in ep4. esp the part where they got married and he was supposed to say the vow and put on the ring for her. it's like everything happened becos XY and he is the only victim here. den at the part where he was supposed to fetch XY after she finished packing her stuff from the company, he purposely promised her and den left her waiting there, letting her get humiliated by her former colleagues.>.<

and oso, wads with the divorce papers?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? he kept XY in the dark and got his lawyer to get all the papers done. marriage isn't just a 1-sided affair!!! it involves 2 ppl!!! i already suspected it when the lawyer passed the documents to XY and said some very strange stuff to her. but when i saw the part where Dylan picked the document and the words were imprinted big and bold, i got so freakingly angry. OMG!

anyway, i can't wait for next ep.:) Dylan is just like a guardian angel to XY. if CX is going to continue treating her like this, Dylan shld just "kidnap" XY and take care of her. a good girl like XY doesn't deserve to be treated like tt by CX.

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Guest dionne_wu

CX getting jealous :)

I think at this point of time, it's more of CX feeling irked that XY can actually have attention lavished upon her by a terribly eligible man (especially if it's Dylan) and not so much he's falling for he so he can't stand the sight of another man around her (which will probably be the case in future episodes).

That said, CX seems to see Dylan as a threat; I wonder if they always had a silent rivalry thing going on, since nothing has been said about them yet...

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I have got ep4 uploaded onto filesend just in case anyone wants it.:) this is the ydy version. there may be parts which are not very clear but do make do with it unless we can get a clearer version.:)


to dionne_wu: hmmmm, i think there's a mixture of jealousy together with wad u say of him feeling irked tt XY got attention from a terribly eligible man like Dylan. Remember in ep3, he said tt he feels very amazed how he can feel so comfortable in front of a Plain Jane like XY and even falls aslp in front of XY even without his blanket which he claims to be unable to sleep without it?? I think he does have a tiny wee bit of feelings for XY even though he doesn't know abt it becos he is still very much in love with Anna.

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Rating for Episode 4 gone down slightly but maintain top position..... :D I think the following episode's rating will pick up. :blink:

Fated to Love You- 4.49

They Kiss Again- 2.96

Wish To See You Again- 1.12

So I'm Not Handsome- 0.60

Source: Chinatimes Showbiz

Credit chillyperson@asianfanatics.net

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