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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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Guest Mani4ever

Well, if it calls I pick it up, but normally it would be my boss

But with Alarm, well there's a funny story :D ;

Hahahah! well, it's quite funny!

Whenever I have morningcalls (on my cell), I pick the phone up and connect the phone directly to my ear without pressing any button like =.= ("...H....e.......l.......(?))

Hahaha! Don't know why, but I always think it's ringing! Man, I hate it! (_ _)

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Guest poopiexpooo

Ughhh I hate it! while dreaming something nice then you hear a phone call. But normally i would just ignore it and go back to sleep

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Guest alisagomi

Everytime someone calls me in the morning, I accidentally think that it's my alarm going off, so I press a random button which picks up the call, but of course I'm still sleeping on this end so the person just keeps going "hello? hello?" and then eventually hangs up lol!

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Guest strawberry_hit

if i just fall asleep and was that tired i wouldn't even hear the phone ring. -_- yes i could probably sleep through an earthquake.

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Guest tray songz!

lol I'm always the one giving the morning calls

I always call my friend to wake him up for church/school/etc.

when I called him a couple weeks ago at 5ish, he was just like, "heeeeellooooo."

and he said it in the GROGGIEST voice ever

I just started laughing, and he's like, "okay..."

and just threw the phone down and it hung up lol.

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Guest Humilious

I answer the phone and talk. I like talking to my friends, and it could be something important. I haven't had the best experience with morning calls though. My friend once called because she forgot our locker combination. -_-

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Guest shubr0om

"Welcome to Good Burger. Home of the Good Burger. Can I take your order?"

and then I do the grudge sound, "ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh"

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Guest Courtknee

I wake up... and pick up if it's a number I recognize.

And I speak all sleepy/weird.

And they ask 'Did i wake you up?' and i go 'Yeaaaaah.'

And they say 'Oh, sorry. I'll talk to you later~' and I go 'byeeee'

and yeah (:

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Guest apwish

ignore it =.=

even im not

just finished studying and went to bed around per say 3 am, and then 2 hours later someone calls you. and in 1 hour you have school

i hate morning calls

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Guest photo.ollie

Badly. I always sound awful in the morning, so if its an important call, i just try and wake up in the 5 minutes i have,

to answer the phone!

If its not important, i just ignore it XD


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Guest WildSevenGirl


I sound drugged up in the morning.

Parents=*pick up*whutthe****doyouwant.omgdon'ttalktomeaboutmylanguageyouknowI'malwayssleepinginthemorning.Nocandyafterdinner.okay.bai.

Friends=*pickup*Herro. Yes do you need something. YES YOU WOKE ME UP. D< NAO WHAT CAN I HELP YOU WITH?!

Strangers=Wrong number, bye.

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Guest Jaejoongx3

I'm not a morning person.

Eventually i always wake up at a bout 11am - 2pm.

My friends like calling me at 12. And it's so dam irritating.

They will go "Hey wanna go out?"

I will be like "Call back later. Or even better don't call back"

But if it's my parents i'll just go "Yea." And go back sleeping with the phone on my ear.

Sometimes i just turn off my phone! ^^v


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Guest CaramelSweetie

I left the hand phone in my room once, and my cousin called in the morning. xD

I was still sleeping, but the damn phone ringing woke me up so I answered it. I told him to 'go away' and 'call later'. xD

and went back to sleep :)

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Guest vindemi

in bad mornings...

-rings; feels around for the phone-

Me: WHAT?!

in okay mornings

-rings; feels around for the phone-

Me: whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut?

good mornings

-rings; feels around for the phone-

Me: hello...? mhmm....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm okokokokokok

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