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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest Tessellate

An ideal asian guy look..

I've always been super attracted to guys with..

*pale flawless skin, hahaha 'tis true!

*a lighter shade of hair colour? a honey brown imo is gorgeous ;]

*slender and tall body

Mmm.. :rolleyes:

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Guest xl0v3juicy


enough said.

As much as I love Ryo, I'd have to say he's too scrawny to be "ideal" lol.

I wouldn't consider Jaejoong to be the "ideal asian guy" like the other girls here... simply because hes too girly looking...

I think an ideal asian guy would be tall, have a nice/defined jawline, has a cute smile, good style, and nice hair (whatever goes well with his face), and a hot body.

I think most asian guys would aim to look like that lol.

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Guest ZeroFungus

Now Everyone...Let's Try The Kind That We Actually See In Our Lives Not Our minds. :lol:

(This Guy I Saw At A & F, or My Friend's Brother.)

yeah i totally agree, judging from their descriptions it's like their dream guy lol. either that or celebrities which you never see in our lives.

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Guest starnight131


-korean (lol)

-longish hair (the hair that's in style now a dayss)

-cares about wat he wears (not a slacks and tshirt kind of guy)

-i like fobbish style. both on guys and girls

-preeetttyyyy eyes.

-charmingggg smile.

-tall. over 170cm.

-a toned bodyyy (or somewhat exercises)

-and of course the perfect attitude and personality

if only there was guy like thisss....

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Guest .hidden melody.

Jaejoong. LOL. -shot- xDD


_I like guys that are slightly feminine. <3;;

_Nice hair, as in kind of like the asian mullet... or basically what you see every guy with in Taiwan. D: xDD;

_Slightly preppy or jrocker

_Knows how to dress himself. D:

_Is Taiwanese or Japanese! ^^;;

My friend asked me if it would ever bother me if my future boyfriend spent more time on his hair than I did.

And it doesn't. XDDD; So I guess that just makes me strange. It creeps him out for sure. xD

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Guest soo_bak3

The ideal good-looking asian guy?

Flawless skin.

Not huge eyes, but not small, either.

Nice body. Wiry.

Fob style.

Clean and healthy looking hair.

No mustache.

Gorgeous smile.

Has at least one piercing.

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Guest onatoko

As everyone said, height is crucial! At least 180 cm.

I think the cleanclut look works better on Asian guys than the fobby look or the faux-ghetto look. .>.> If you're a short guy, wearing really baggy pants only make you look really shorter.

A clean complexion, honest and boyish face, a nice jawline~~~ (gah, this sounds like a Guiyeoni novel) that's all I ask for.

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Guest muctaisa

-sorry over the look i must say must have AMBITIONS and be smart

-doesnt have to be asian but must be at least 5'9

-toned body not ripped

-athletic or keeps himself healthy weight

-loves to eat haha

-SMALL eyes hahah prolly why i like korean guys too haha

-high nose

-business casual style for the usual, and sweats when we comfy

-looks mature no kiddy face i hate it i mean i celebreties i like george clooney hahah get what im saying. looks nice and clean

-doesnt swear like and most ahem

-have MANNERS... gees how hard is that

-considerate, and honest

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Guest straw.ME


mines is uhmmm---


-sort of long hair..but not too long



-a bit hip hop ishh


-athletic of course.

-asian style.

-japanese er korean.

-KILLER smile

-great personality

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Guest JunRi<3


Clean style

Nice smile

Good skin

Defined facial features

Athletic/Lean body.. but not scrawny or too buff


Okay sorry to bring this type of topic up again, but I don't understand how you can put an ethnicity to an "ideal asian guy look."

So if you saw some majorly hot asian guy that fit your exact standards but he wasn't "Korean or Japanese," would you find him any less attractive? :blink:

Lmao if this were an advice column for asian guys to look good, the mixed and chinese guys would automatically be screwed over.

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