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Twilight The Movie

Guest yurikah

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Guest Jah nee nee x

Twilight Poster at Comic Con and also 3 cut outs of the Nomads!

my friend vic just landed in San Diego (and is planning to go to Comic-Con)!!!

I can't wait till she tells me what is going on!

I hope they have some comicon vids on Youtube. They always make me feel like I was there xD but not enough. lol. I wish I was in San Diego :angry:

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Guest babieblue545

I meant to mention this a while ago, but it slipped out of my mind.

Has anyone watched Smallville? I like the way Tom Wellings played Clark Kent. He had the right conviction of strength and speed. When I watch the trailers of Twilight and whatnot, I wish that Robert put as much conviction as Tom Wellings did, because to me, it seems the punch to the car doesn't have enough strength. The stunts aren't Robert's fault, but I wish it was more like Smallville's. And as well, I wish the way Clark speeds away was the same as Edward's in the movie. It's not that Robert is doing a horrible job at it; it's just the editing and the effects, etc.

Does anyone feel the same way? Don't get me wrong; I still like the other stuff that is in the movie. I'm just unsure about how the stunts and the strength is being put out.

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Guest DazzledInDarkness

Twilight Poster at Comic Con and also 3 cut outs of the Nomads!


my friend vic just landed in San Diego (and is planning to go to Comic-Con)!!!

I can't wait till she tells me what is going on!

I'm leave for SD in eight minutes! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE ALL THE STUFF THAT IS GOING TO GO DOWN!!! I'm seriously about to richard simmons myself in excitement. No really ahhaha!

Thanks for the pic...hopefully I get some vids uploaded to my youtube acount for peeps to see....omg...this is really happening to me.


I never get to do stuff like this.


<3 Dazzled.

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Guest Christinaisweird

they better not ruin the seattle part in the part of the book twilight because seriously that was my favorite.

dang why'd they have to make a movie. i mean most movies skip hella parts. my imagination is going to be ruined.

i must go watch it.

i must say alice is pretty.

i imagined when edward drives bella in his car, his car would sort of be like a sort of a batmobile or a ferrari . some sort where the door slides.

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and to Christinaisweird

they always have to make changes when they adapt a book to a movie...

its impossible to fit a 100+ page book to a 1hr movie...

also about Edward's car... he mentions himself that he wants to blend in...

so a Ferrari type car for the movie is definitely out of the question!

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Guest jessyjess

I meant to mention this a while ago, but it slipped out of my mind.

Has anyone watched Smallville? I like the way Tom Wellings played Clark Kent. He had the right conviction of strength and speed. When I watch the trailers of Twilight and whatnot, I wish that Robert put as much conviction as Tom Wellings did, because to me, it seems the punch to the car doesn't have enough strength. The stunts aren't Robert's fault, but I wish it was more like Smallville's. And as well, I wish the way Clark speeds away was the same as Edward's in the movie. It's not that Robert is doing a horrible job at it; it's just the editing and the effects, etc.

Does anyone feel the same way? Don't get me wrong; I still like the other stuff that is in the movie. I'm just unsure about how the stunts and the strength is being put out.

You know, I never actually given that much though. I LOVE smallville and yea, now that you mention it, I kinda have to agree.

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Guest babieblue545

Those pictures are gorgeous. Anyone think that the November picture should be the poster instead of the current one? I think that picture showcases Bella and Edward's relationship more.

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^it looks as if for the comic con poster

that they just copy and pasted the picture to a black background...

but eh w.e

im retarded... i didn't realize that it was a cut out... *slaps forehead*

hahaha my friend was like in less than 24 hrs i'll be breathing the same air as Robert...

*rolls eyes*

to babieblue545

i totally agree but i like how his eyes are shown in the current movie poster...

maybe if they put some light so that his topaz eyes could be shown then im sure i'll like the picture even more...

when i see the november one i can't help but go AWWW

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Guest jessyjess

^ The November picture is sooo gorgeous <3

I really want the calendar XD.

Is it only available online?

It's exclusively only at Border's so Canadians will not be getting this which SUCKS because I REALLY want one! I might just have to ask my cousin to buy it for me hold it for me until I see her at Xmas.

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Guest lshluvr

OMG! The calendar pics are so HOT!

and I'm sorry, but trading cards? Trading cards? Like Pokemon? O_O

-_-;; LAME

it's okay though. i'd probably buy one with rob :lol:

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Guest sweet_hunny

DAMN! All the Cullens (plus Bella :P) look soo HOT!

Haha I'm shocked there's trading cards and it's too bad the calendar is only exclusive to borders! Maybe I should visit the States again to hopefully snatch up one :lol:.

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Guest Jah nee nee x

^it looks as if for the comic con poster

that they just copy and pasted the picture to a black background...

but eh w.e

im retarded... i didn't realize that it was a cut out... *slaps forehead*

hahaha my friend was like in less than 24 hrs i'll be breathing the same air as Robert...

*rolls eyes*

to babieblue545

i totally agree but i like how his eyes are shown in the current movie poster...

maybe if they put some light so that his topaz eyes could be shown then im sure i'll like the picture even more...

when i see the november one i can't help but go AWWW

What Robert will be there?! WTH man I should've known. So close! yet so far away. lmao. Only 332 miles :tears:

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