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Your Phrase

Guest sparklnshine789

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Guest halcyondays

ive recently started to use the word freakin up to 3 times per sentence when im pissed. i try not to swear so very limited vocab when mad.

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Guest Kyohei

Tashimo [tah-shee-mo]

I created the word one day and now I keep using it. It has no real meaning and I use it when I am confused or when something does not make sense.

I wonder if it an actual japanese word..... *goes to Japanese thread!*

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Guest .oOLimOo.

What da do!!!!

my brother and i came up with it. lol its really just an inside joke. I don't say it in public, only at home.

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"OMGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Made it up when my friend and I were talking about saying "omg"

I also say the word "poop" or anything related to it a lot. ._. I kinda forgot how it happened.

Another word I use constantly is "aish" but I think that's more like an Asian slang. HA. x]

Oh, speaking of Asian slang.. I say "psh", "pshaw", & "pfft" very, very frequently.

Occassionally I say normall-er stuff like "farthead" or "dork" and some stuff like that~

And I don't know if this counts but I say very actions out loud. ._. ie: "wave wave" or "run run"

It's a habit I picked up from watching anime? Or not. I can't remember. I've been doing this since forever.

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Late on you/Late to you or just saying "laaaaateeeee" <- my new coined phrase =).

It covers everything pretty much. When something inconvenient, bad or weird happens.

I'd use it for something like this: Friend fails an exam. That's "late on them." Or a friend gets beat really bad in a game, I'd say "laaateeee." Or a friend gets rejected by a girl we say, "Late to you!"

My other slang term is, "Who says/does that? Honestly... Nobody says/does that." When someone says or does something that no one else really does =p. Like a friend in a conversation says, "I like compact discs." You would say, "Who says that? Honestly... Nobody says that." Or a friend eats pizza using a spoon -> you say, "Who does that? Honestly... Nobody does that"

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Im starting to use the word "Fudge" alot.

Like, instead of cussing im like "What the fudge!" or "Fudge!" when I like spill something or fall. LOL. I dont know WHERE I got it from. But after my friend starting saying "Snicker Doodles" I developed FUDGE. Lol(:

Other then that, when I someone says something thats like related to K-Pop or lyrics of a Korean Song, I sing it.

For example, when someone says "Baby." I go "Baby Baby Baby" from Last Farewell of Big Bang O_O

Or when someones says "Oh." I go "O~, O, O, O, O~" From DBSK's Jung.Ban.Hap. LOL.

And when they say Dont, " Dont Don~" comes on(: So random. And I cant even consider it slang, but it is a overused phrase of mines.

Folks, this is what happends when you get addicted to K-Pop. ^.^

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Guest xqtpi

What the heeeyyll. [ Haha, my favorite ]

& Instead of saying "cool" I say "chill". But since everyone's been saying that lately , I've been saying "classic". o__o

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Guest s i m p l ynotme


ive been really in love with this


that gets all my friends worked up LOL

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Guest musicismylifey


Can be used many different ways.


Bomb. and Bam.

and But.<--very useful.

When someone says I'm so sorry or I'm sorry,

I think "But I love you da guhjimal."

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