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Posts posted by KTHubbybunch


    wu chun's english is not that bad... he's pretty fluent, but has an accent though. But it's pretty good :) some of the press conference questions were a bit weird though...

    ya i agree! instead of bringing interpreter.... & the silly questions especially asking if they have a GF? its been repeated so many times! quite persistent for them to answer the press. :blink: oh ya they even mentioned about their hair dressing that it took them 2 hours? haha silly! i can make mine like theirs for just 20mins! -__-"

    wonder if KangTa went to Philippines he might bring along an interpreter with him for sure. >_< such a hassle.

    hey Wu Chun fans, are they leaving today or still promoting for 2 more weeks here in Manila malls? :mellow:

















































    embarrassing sometimes when people look at me while laughing randomly out of nowhere :sweatingbullets: especially when a curious person came asking you: "What are you laughing about?" & just replied: "nothing......" :blink:
























































    more NBA bloopers! :lol:
































    hahaha results more on kungfu-ing muttleyhihi.gif

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol yeah Cassell looks like he's from Planet Alpha Regina Trio or something :sweatingbullets:
































    just look at these pix really made me laugh so hard!! smiley64.gif he's now a part of coneheads movie!
































































































































    some of the NBA players & who they look alike lolsmack.gif
























































































































































































    if i had a time machine, i would definitely want to go back to my past & change all my miseries in life & start younger again. :)
































    i don't want forwarding it to future coz i'll be old & wrinkly. :(
























































    NBA Bloopers :lol:

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wow..... I want to see the lyrics to this.

    Shaq just congratulated Kobe for getting the MVP award before the Finals started..
































    Yeah I think Kobe isn't going to respond to this..































































    how advanced! biased kobe sorry to say but its Paul Pierce who got the Finals MVP. smiley65.gif
































































































    Ron Artest Wants Money, Not Championships
































    We need more athletes like Ron Artest.
































    And when I say that, I don’t mean mentally unstable with a molester mustache and a failing record label. I mean “honest”.
































    Recently during a radio interview, Ron Artest was asked if he’d be willing to take a pay cut, and receive less money in exchange for being on a great team who can win a title. The normal athlete would say “absolutely”…. but Ron Artest isn’t the typical athlete:
































    Ireland: “Would you be willing to take less money to go to a contender?”
































    Artest: “Oh, never. Not in a million years. Actually, not in 10 million years.”
































    Ireland: “Really?”
































    Artest: “Make that more like 3 million years.”
































    I love how he suddenly decides he stepped over the line by saying 10 million years, and reduces it to 3 million. Ya know… because that would be too much…
































































    GLEN DAVIS on a CELTIC private celebration :lol:
































































































































































    How Dirty Is Too Dirty When It Comes To Sports News?
































































    Over the Memorial Day weekend, theres been lots of drama regarding The Dirty.com and their claims that Kobe Bryant is cheating on his wife (again) with a Laker Girl by the name of Vanessa Curry. Word of the affair leaked out into the Lakers organization and Vanessa Curry was forced to resign. Kobe had his lawyers send over a cease and desist letter, and requested they removed any and all references to Bryant from the site (which appears to have been ignored).
































    This is what The Dirty alleges:
































    “DIRTY ARMY intel was received about an alleged torrid affair between Kobe Bryant and Vanessa Curry (not his wife, Vanessa Bryant). The Dirty Source stated this was definitely a cloak and dagger affair… completely covert. The Dirty Source is holding images as well. This alleged affair lead to the forced resignation of Vanessa from the 07-08 Laker Girls Squad. We reached out to Vanessa and the Laker’s organization to get statements. The Lakers claim that Vanessa resigned from the squad to pursue a “hosting career”. Vanessa obviously did not want to speak… though BTW she has a sexy voice!”
































































    Dwayne Wade Buys His Mom A Church
































    I spent a lot of time giving attention to things that don’t really matter like videos of drunk fans, and Kim Kardashian, so it’s necessary to have a little balance. I caught this story about Dwayne Wade buying his mother a church and thought you guys should see it.
































    For many years Dwayne Wade’s mom Jolinda abused drugs, wasted her life, and her activities eventually placed her on the run from the law. Things changed when she was persuaded by her daughter to attend church. The day in church sparked a chain of events that led to Jolinda turning herself in to the cops, going to prison, dedicating her life to god, and starting a ministry behind bars.
































    Jolinda Wade is now seven years sober and the proud owner of a church thanks to her son Dwayne.
































    “I respect my mother so much, from the life that she used to live and to see her today in the life that she lives. I’m so proud of her,” Dwyane Wade told The Associated Press before the service. “Everybody thinks I’m the miraculous story in the family. I think she is. I think what I’ve done means I’ve been very blessed, but she’s been more than blessed. She’s been anointed.”
























































































    Mine says: [adjective] Like in nature to a banana peel :blink: ?@#$!%
































    & as a type KangTa here's what i got!! :w00t:
































































    haha mmmm~~ DELICIOUS OF COURSE!!!! smiley60.gif

















    Shaq gets slapped by sheriff for rap about Bryant

    4 hours, 56 minutes ago
































    In this Jan. 5, 2006 file photo, Shaquille O'Neal is "sworn in" as a special deputy captain with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office by Sheriff Joe Arpaiol in Phoenix, Ariz. O'Neal will lose his special deputy's badge in Maricopa County because of language he used in a rap video that mocks former teammate Kobe Bryant. Arpaio said the Phoenix Suns center's use of a racially derogatory word and other foul language left him no choice.
































    PHOENIX (AP)—Shaquille O’Neal will lose his special deputy’s badge in Maricopa County because of language he used in a rap video that mocks former teammate Kobe Bryant.
































    Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said the Phoenix Suns center’s use of a racially derogatory word and other foul language left him no choice. Arpaio made Shaq a special deputy in 2006 and promoted him to colonel of his largely ceremonial posse later that year.
































    “I want his two badges back,” Arpaio told The Associated Press on Tuesday. “Because if any one of my deputies did something like this, they’re fired. I don’t condone this type of racial conduct.”
































    Shaq was seen in a video posted on the celebrity news and gossip Web site TMZ.com rapping that “Kobe couldn’t do without me.” O’Neal skewers the Lakers’ star, with whom he won three straight NBA titles from 2000-2002 while with Los Angeles, for not being able to win a championship without him.
































    “I was freestyling. That’s all. It was all done in fun. Nothing serious whatsoever,” O’Neal told ESPN.com Monday. A call to the Suns on Tuesday seeking comment from O’Neal was referred to his public relations firm, which didn’t immediately respond.
































    Arpaio, who describes himself as “America’s Toughest Sheriff” and is best known for feeding jail inmates green bologna, clothing them in pink underwear, and making them work on chain gangs, said he didn’t expect his actions would teach Shaq a lesson. But he hoped he learns that as a role model who wants to someday be a full-time sheriff, he needs to know his words matter.
































    “Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I don’t think that either conduct should be out there publicly, even if media wasn’t there,” Arpaio said.
































    O’Neal previously served as a reserve officer with the Miami Beach Police Department while playing for the Miami Heat. He also volunteered with the Tempe Police Department after being traded to the Suns in February.
































    credits: Yahoo!































































    he still can't get over it -__-"" Shaq Move on Man!!!
























































    OMG!!!! i can see it in his facial reaction that he's saying the "SHxT" word! xD;;;;; hahahaha
































    holy wowww more pix!! :w00t: hahaha now they ride a truck this time xD








    that's a good shot of Paul Pierce right there holding his MVP trophy B)








    Thank you so bunch for sharing this wonderful pictures with us! xsilentangel & IMAJynXed1 you all have a wonderful experience right there! smiley68.gif
































    wow those are good shots!!! :D Wonderful celebration!! Thanks for sharing it with us








    another long term rest for NBA again.. :sweatingbullets: its the women's turn! WNBA! ^-^









































































    Woot bandwagoners united!!!!

    Ahem. Yeah.
































































































































    See, I told you all. Just like when Miami won it.
































































































































































































































































    Now sub in Boston Celtics.































































































































































































































































    LOL xDD how i wish i can turn back the time... :rolleyes:
































































































































    i can't believe I have waited for 8 years for my Zo authentic jersey to take pride of being a champion team xD;; & it still fits me perfectly! :w00t: haha
































































































































































































































































































































    ah i finally watched the most crappy laker game! ;P
































































































































    yes #5 is the luckiest number!! GO KG!!!! :w00t:
































































































































    Ray Allen kills everyone with his 7 3pt shots!! 0.0 LAKERS GOT DEMORALIZE WITH THAT! xD
































































































































    haha that's silly Pierce pour the gatorade on Doc rivers the last few secs of the game. xD
































































































































    & the fans they all thought Kobe was the MVP so they start boo-ing when starting to announce the name of the player. then they got "YEAH!!! YEHEY!!!" when it was mentioned Paul Pierce as the finals MVP! xD
































































































































    Remember to consult the fengsui Kobe. #24 (d c) means "YOU DIE" in chinese. bad luck for you now. "8" made you lucky before & now you're going down with your "24" smiley63.gif
































































































































    wow the celtics benchers had did good efforts in leading the game all the way too! Posey what the hell you lucky one! you had 2 rings now! :blink: why did Miami had to let you go like that. I hope that serves them a lesson.
































































































































































































































































































































    i'm chinese & i'm more on english than maths. -__-



































































    ^ That gif of the chick rofling is creepy..

    Holy crap, took Celtics 2 quarters to get settled and play.


    Lebron was ice cold the second half :w00t:, but he had an impressive first half.


    Big Baby made some crucial points!!


    Exciting game


    Now for the Lakers and Jazz game.



    haha yeah & her legs wide open looks so tactless doing the evil laugh xD


    Bron & the team won game 5. one more game to go. will it be Bron or a Choke? :P


    Seen that game 4's hilarious scene? when Lebron's mom made a scene entering the court & telling Pierce to leave her "BABY" alone after Pierce made a hard foul on Lebron. hahaha :lol:





    DOC: All right, guys, listen up. I want to go over the game plan so we're clear on everything.

    RAY ALLEN: We have a game plan tonight?


    DOC: Absolutely! We're trying something different. Tom Thibodeau and I were up late last night trying to come up with a new wrinkle for tonight.


    THIBODEAU (confused): Um, we only talked about it for 10 minutes, then you said you had to go because you were taking your wife to "Forgetting Sarah Marshall."


    DOC: Well, same thing. Before we get to tonight's plan, I want to apologize to our bench guys for coaching us one way for 82 games, then changing things in the playoffs, yanking everyone around and killing your collective confidence to the point that you're all useless except for Posey. If it makes you feel any better, I did the same thing in 2005 when I blew a series against an undermanned Pacers team that beat us with a washed-up Reggie Miller and Jermaine O'Neal playing with one shoulder. I just can't help myself. I'm a big hockey fan and sometimes I get overexcited during the playoffs and think that we have to change lines every few minutes. Again, I'm sorry.


    EDDIE HOUSE (excited): Does that mean we're back to the old rotation?


    DOC: Not exactly, Eddie. I know we're something like 61-12 with you as our backup point guard, and I know Sam [Cassell] has been murdering us to the point that one of our owners asked me if he was "The Mole" last week. But let's keep things the way they are for one more game. To be honest, I really enjoy the expression on some of your faces when I don't play you in the first half, then you've checked out of the game mentally and suddenly I'm looking at you and telling you to go in. Let's keep that going as long as we can.


    CASSELL: What about me? Am I out?


    DOC: No way, Sam. You give us veteran experience down the stretch -- sure, it's been the experience of blowing playoff games against inferior teams, but, still, it's an experience. And honestly, I think you give us the best chance to completely destroy Rondo's confidence for the season. We aren't quite there yet and I feel like there's more damage that can be done.


    RAJON: Coach, no offense, but my confidence is destroyed. Every time I do something wrong, I look over at the bench now because I think Sam is coming in.


    (Doc studies him intently for a second.)


    DOC: Nahhhhhh ... I don't believe you. If we end up losing to Cleveland, I'm gonna need to start blaming people, and if I tell people that we lost because "our young guys just didn't have enough experience," my lackeys covering this team might actually buy it. I need a 10-turnover game from you, Rajon, and I need it soon. Sam, you just keep doing what you're doing -- hogging the ball, taking us out of our offense, forcing horrible shots and yelling at your teammates if they do anything wrong.


    SAM: You got it, coach.


    DOC: All right, let's talk about our offense. We won 66 games by always making the extra pass, running on every rebound and getting easy baskets. In the playoffs, we've gone into "I gotta get mine" mode -- the ball is constantly stopping, and everyone is either firing up 20-footers or trying to take their guy one on one. Again, it's the complete opposite of how we've played all season--.


    POSEY: Coach, can I say something?


    DOC: Sure, James, go ahead.


    POSEY: I'm the only Celtic who's won a title other than Sam, so I feel like I know what I'm taking about here. The playoffs are all about matchups. Atlanta didn't have a single guy who could defend KG, but we never really exploited that. Against Cleveland, we should be attacking Szczerbiak with whoever he's guarding; that dude couldn't guard Oprah at this point. When they play Boobie Gibson and Delonte West at the same time, we should be going bigger with Paul [Pierce] at the 2 so he can post those guys up and punish them. When they put Ilgauskas on KG, we should be clearing out for KG so he can just go right by him every time. Big Z moves like a mummy; he can't handle KG facing up. I mean, it's all common sense, right?


    (Doc nods slowly but seems confused.)


    POSEY: I don't want to toot my own horn, but I give us the best chance to beat Cleveland because I defend LeBron so well. We have to go small against Cleveland -- our best lineup against Cleveland is me, KG, Ray, Rondo and Paul playing the 4 because none of their forwards are good enough to post up Paul, but he can make them pay on the other end. We need to force them to adapt to us instead of constantly reacting to what they're doing. That's what winning teams do.


    DOC: Wait a second ... so if we put the right personnel out there, then I won't be able to over-coach and pull KG 25 feet from the basket to passive-aggressively double-team LeBron so KG can't rebound or protect the rim?


    POSEY: Exactly.


    DOC: I don't know if I agree with you, James. Look at what happened in the Atlanta series -- Joe Johnson got hot in the fourth quarter of Game 4 because I left our worst defender on him for the entire time, so I overreacted by changing our defensive schemes, using passive-aggressive traps to "contain" Johnson and leaving their other guys wide open all game, and they ended up shooting 47 free throws in Game 6 because we were always one step behind every time the ball moved. Some people said I overcoached, but if we won conventionally, how would I get credit for that? They'd just say anyone could have coached you guys. Besides, you can't say it's not working -- we're 6-0 at home in the playoffs! We've won 72 games!


    POSEY: I guess ...


    P.J. BROWN: Coach, I gotta speak up. Maybe I haven't won a title, but I've been around the league forever and have a pretty good feel for what works and doesn't work at this point. I don't mean to step on your toes, but it's not a good idea in a close playoff game on the road to play a lineup of guys who have never played together before. In Game 4, I started the fourth quarter with Big Baby, Posey, Pierce and Sam -- the only other time I've interacted with those guys as a quintet was when we ordered the "Family Dinner" at Maggiano's three weeks ago.


    DOC: So what are you saying?


    BROWN: In the playoffs, you kinda want to go with what's worked in the past, you know?


    DOC: You're saying I should scrap my plans to start the fourth quarter by playing Rondo, Sam and Eddie at the same time tonight? I really thought that would catch them off guard. Three point guards! There's no way they'd expect that!


    BROWN: Nah, it's not a good idea.


    DOC: You just wait. Paul, let's talk about you -- you made third-team all-NBA by playing efficient, unselfish, all-around basketball and repeatedly getting to the rim, and you had a real knack for coming up with big rebounds in big moments. Then the playoffs started and you stopped rebounding or getting to the line and now I'm using you as our defensive stopper on LeBron even though we have Posey and even though you never play well against LeBron because you guys have that dumb feud that always knocks you out of your game. But no matter how badly you're stinking out the joint right now, and no matter how much it looks like you have mono or something, I want you to know something -- I'm not telling you to change a damned thing. You'll figure it out. You're a winner and you've been here before.


    PIERCE: Actually, that's not true -- I've only won four playoff series in my entire career.


    RAY: Yeah, I'm not a winner, either. I've only made the conference finals once. Even in college, I didn't win. The only big victory I've ever had was the time I housed Denzel in "He Got Game."


    (Doc seems completely confused.)


    KEVIN GARNETT: While we're coming clean, I haven't won anything either -- I've won five playoff series in 13 years.


    DOC: Seriously? Wow! (Shaking his head.) I didn't realize that. I'm stunned right now.


    GARNETT: It's easy to think we've won something because we've been giving interviews about winning for eight straight months to everyone with a camera or a microphone, and we've been allowing people to call us the "Big Three" even though Boston already had a "Big Three" that won three titles, and I have that Gatorade commercial that makes it seem like I've won something, and I just did that interview with Bill Russell where we talked about winning ...


    DOC: Have any of you even played in the Finals?




    DOC: Really? Wow!


    GARNETT: Doc, you didn't notice that we play totally different when we're up 20 than when we're up one? I can't speak for the other guys, but I have so much adrenaline going in close games that I practically black out. In fact, I can't even remember what happened in the last few minutes of Game 4 against Atlanta. I remember someone called a timeout, and the next thing I knew I was on the plane eating peanuts.


    ALLEN: Yeah, maybe we should stop giving so many interviews about winning until we come through on the road one time.


    DOC: Don't be crazy, we need the media! Hell, I butchered the 2005 playoffs, coached an underachieving team in 2006, and lost 18 straight games in 2007 -- the only reason I kept my job is because the media loves me. You gotta take care of those guys. That's the key to everything!


    ALLEN: Well, let's stop using the phrase "Big Three" then. I'm not that type of player anymore -- really, I'm a spot-up jump shooter and that's it, and if I don't have my legs for a road game, I'm useless. There's not a ton of difference between me and Szczerbiak at this point. Two years from now, they'll be changing my name to "Ray Allen's Expiring Contract" unless somebody gives me a bionic pair of ankles.


    DOC: What are you suggesting?


    ALLEN: Instead of "The Big Three," couldn't they just call us "The Big Two Featuring Ray Allen?" That would take a ton of pressure off me.


    POSEY: Excuse me, Ray, I gotta say something else. When I played for Pat Riley, we hated his guts. But he did coach us. In the Finals, he kept pushing D-Wade to get to the rim and yelling at him to be a man and telling him nobody on Dallas could guard him. He got D-Wade so fired up, I think he was getting to the line 25 times a game. Doc, you could be motivating KG that way and you're not even trying.


    DOC: Whaddya mean?


    POSEY: KG should have destroyed Atlanta, and he should be killing everyone on Cleveland except for maybe Varejao, and yet he disappeared in Atlanta and Rondo took more shots than him in Game 4 at Cleveland. That's ridiculous. KG, you take pride in being so unselfish, but we need you to be selfish sometimes, you know? And Doc, part of your job is to make KG do the things we need him to do. That's called "coaching," you know? When Ray broke the play for KG at the end of Game 4 in Atlanta, defied your orders and bricked an off-balance three when we only needed two to tie, you didn't stand up to him, bench him or anything. That's called "coaching." Coaching is simple -- your job is to motivate your players and put them in the best position to succeed. That's it.


    DOC: So you're saying I should be pushing and prodding and challenging the Big Three?


    ALLEN (annoyed): "The Big Two Featuring Ray Allen."


    DOC: Sorry, "The Big Two Featuring Ray Allen," instead of not laying any blame on them whatsoever, then blaming every loss on the referees, or our defensive schemes breaking down, or our young guys not listening, or us not getting a certain bounce ...


    POSEY: Exactly. Look, KG, you're my boy and I love you. When I hug you right before every tipoff, I hold onto you so tightly that it makes everyone in the first few rows legitimately uncomfortable. But everyone needs to be coached sometimes, and really, you haven't had a good coach your entire career.


    DOC: James, I'm right here. I can hear everything.


    POSEY: Sorry, but it's true. KG, listen, it's OK to take 27 shots in a playoff game if you have Josh Smith, Zaza Pachulia and some dude named "Solomon" guarding you. It's OK to complain that it's stupid to be pulling our best rebounder and shot blocker 25 feet from the basket and wearing his legs out for a gimmicky double-team that we don't even need to be doing. It's OK to call for the ball because Ben Wallace's dead body is defending you. Anyone who's ever won a title, to some degree, has been a little selfish. What you do as a player and a teammate is absolutely fantastic in the regular season, but the playoffs are different -- sometimes, you have to take over these games. You make $23 million a year. You're the most talented guy on the team. If you don't step up, we'll either lose this series or Detroit will beat us. You need to step up the same way Duncan steps up every time the Spurs need him. You need to step up. Is it in you?


    (KG turns to the camera intensely and takes a big swig of Gatorade.)


    DOC: Kevin, was that a "yes" or a "no?"




    To reader Dos in D.C., who sent me the joke about changing the name of "The Big Three" to "The Big Two Featuring Ray Allen." Had to give credit where credit was due. That was a good one.


    GARNETT: Fine, fine, I'll step up. Is this almost over? I promised TNT that I'd give them three minutes before the game to talk about how much winning means to me. You know, as long as I can win without going within 10 feet of the basket in close games.


    DOC: Sure, we're almost done. Tom, you have anything to add?


    (We see Thibodeau sitting in the corner working on his resume for the Phoenix and Chicago jobs. He glances up.)


    THIBODEAU: No, I think we hit everything.


    DOC: Fellas, I want you to know that I'm gonna keep doing the same things I've done for the entire playoffs -- showing you guys up on the sidelines after every mistake, blaming everyone but myself after we lose, making crazy adjustments that have no relation to one another from game to game, yanking our rotation around, losing my composure with referees in pivotal moments, and throwing you guys under the bus to the TNT announcers between games when they ask me why you aren't playing.


    LEON POWE: Wait, is that how Mike Fratello knew about the five defensive assignments that I blew during Game 2 of the Atlanta series?


    DOC: Yup. Sorry, Leon. I gotta cover my own richard simmons with the press. You understand.


    LEON: Well, not really.


    DOC: Shut up. One last thing ...


    (Doc glances at the TNT camera to make sure it's still recording.)


    DOC (more animated): I want you to leave everything you have on the court tonight. Play hard, feed off the energy of the crowd, and if we take a big lead, don't be afraid to pound your chest, scream at the roof, tug at your jersey, bully scrubs who won't fight back and do everything possible to add to your reputation as a bunch of front-running a-holes who act totally different when they're up 20 points than they do when they're down by three. If we lock this game up early, do whatever you need to do to get yourself some attention, even if it ends up ticking off the Cavs and motivating them for Game 6.


    TEAM (together): Got it.


    DOC: Everybody gather in.


    (The team stands up and moves into a tight circle.)


    DOC: Guys, we have a chance to make history here. We can become the first NBA team to win a championship with an 0-12 record on the road. It's right there for the taking. On three ...


    (Everyone sticks a hand in the circle.)


    DOC and TEAM: One, two, three ...UBUNTU!



    one word!........


    HILARIOUS!!!! hahaha1.gifhahaha2.gif








    wow LeBRON is not yet LeCHOKE! :w00t: haha they choked the celtics last 2 games! xD its a series tied 2-2 now. let's see is if a BRONCHOKEsaurus exists... :P hehe



  19. LOL, anyone see Cassell get kicked in the head by Ilgauskas.. hilarious hahhahaha.

    Anyways, I'm pretty happy how we played.

    Only bad thing was our constant turnovers (Oh well, Cavaliers had a truckload too) and the ICE COLD Allen and Pierce!

    Weird offensive rhythm... But James couldn't get into the groove either.

    Gibson and Ilgauskas had good games.. And Szerbiak had this killer 3 blink.gif

    Garnett helped out a lot (as usual)

    I think Pierce was too focused on watching James. James was too focused on watching Pierce too.. Posey and Pierce did a great job watching him.. like 3/4 of his points were from free throws.

    Ray Allen had 0 points ohmy.gif blink.gif .... Oh well, I know what this means! He's going to be a big factor in game 2.

    What a weird game overall.....

    yeah Ray Allen seems to be cursed. :P he scored a perfect 0!! haha it seems only the BIG 2 is working hard tonight.

    & that cassell ilgauskas thing that ain't surprising why Cassell got a frowny face. :sweatingbullets:

    The game was pretty close fight & low scoring. Lebron is selfish in the last 24 secs. -____-; he could had done better if he shoots a jump shot instead. -0-

    glad i got to see NBA back again on our tv.

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