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    Please indicate correct source in future so as not to create unnecessary misunderstanding.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I want to share some pics. from EOE ending dinner party. 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  4. o.o whoa no way..where'd you hear this?

    I also heard that the detail are as below. :unsure:

    According to MBC latest TV schedule,due to sports program scheduled on Mon,

    EOE Ep 55 will be moved to Tue, i.e. 2 episodes to telecast on Tue.

    Hence Ep 55/56 will be shown on Tue, 10 March starting 8.55pm

    The broadcast is only 1day...??

    Two stories are broadcasted on 10th??

    You must come home early.


  5. I am very disappointed with the story of east of eden. It is so confusing . Also The actress that play YR is so bad.I get goose pimple when I see her cry. It is so emotionless.Her speech is just like reading from the card. This character she plays is too old for her. She can only act in a young role. Not in EOE.Sorry If I offend her fan but this is what I think.I always skip the part when she is in.

    Would you mine to read this rule of soompi.


    (Subject matter of a racist/stereotypical tone or topics that will incite hateful responses will not be tolerated.)"

    If you disappointed with the story of east of eden don't come here again. We are suffering with your words

    because we are DC&YR shipper please don't make me get plain with your words any more. <_<

  6. I feel bad for DC, nah.... i reckon his a moron to be honest. A truly stupid idiot, who cannot control his emotions with YR. Now even his uncle left him, because he sees no hope in DC.

    YR isnt the only woman on this planet, theres plenty of prettier girls with a MUCH nicer personality. Why stick around a woman who got married, and got pregnant especially bearing the child of his once friend! Only chickens with headless head would do such a thing. Can you even imagine the reaction it will cause his mum? jesus!

    LOL, and if YR really loved Dong Chul. SHE should leave DC forever, dont even bother calling him in worst case. Dont go close to him!~~ thats true love. DC should snap out of it, but emotions is a pinkberry... hoping he snaps out of it soon. YR is the type i wouldnt go near, she is more than dangeorus and will bring more trouble than Gook himself.

    You dont have to directly kick someone out. Indirectly kicking someone out is just as bad, even worse because it messes with the persons feelings.

    Up to you I don't want to talk about it anymore because you and me are in the opposite that can make other

    people had boring goodbye. :rolleyes:

  7. I really like your message ! thanks

    look at this picture


    Lee da Hae is the main cast why they kick her out too soon ? I'm not Lee da Hae 's fan , but I think may be something weird or conflict from the crew, the writer or someone else .....

    If it's fair for LDC , He will meet some one simple , nice .. like his stepmother

    I really do not like a married woman YR who has one hand with her husband and another hand with ex-lover ! jealous of other woman who close with her ex-boyfriend ! and trying with her tears making him going around around her ! like YR :sweatingbullets: I'm too tired of YR :sweatingbullets:

    like a father Gook , like a daughter YR :sweatingbullets:

    Nobody kick her out but she decides to leave by herself. :rolleyes:

  8. YR always tells DC to leave her alone, but she always comes to him and won't let any girl comes near him. So selfish!

    From the begining i already didn't like her. Seeing her appearance too often make me so angry. :tongue2: I feel so bad for HR.

    Now YR is pregnant, i think she and her father will bother DC again.

    I'm disagree with you all I want DC&YR end up together anyway I'm DC&YR shipper. :tongue2:

  9. Yr being married isn't end of her role, she could always get a divorce, don't make judgment yet, there might be a chance for Yr and Dc together...

    I'm hope you'r right,so sad to see DC & YR separately. :(

    I STOP WATCHING THIS DRAMA BECAUSE OF THE STUPID TURNING POINT BETWEEN DC & YR to DC with HR. Korean drama these days need to get a new fresh feel of underrated actress like LEE YON HEE, let the chemistry go on they are so cute together majority loves them and enjoying them both. She did a great job....her chemistry with DC is above superior perfection! I mean come on its half way through the series...what r they waiting for...YR and DC must end together!!! I have come all this way because of them two, and no one else besides. I mean HR is a high profile actress but why giving her a chance wit DC this late???? I see no chemistry between DC and HR...i see no HR in DC's eyes at all...r u people blind or what...i know u guys love HR but lets put it this way how would u feel if HR plays YR's role or position, will u happily agreed to let them separate too! people say its only half way through but i call it over to start a new relationship...and they need to get to the ending point already. Plus...at least give DW a chance with love. Overall, i desperately want YR and DC together for real...FOR SURE!!! they made the storyline powerfully survive. Producer really need to think over DC and YR again...wide eye open...and take action for their relationship seriously or else they are just gonna lose viewers just like me...i don't care if i'm the only one disagree with the separation of DC and YR. If it really gonna stop like that...i rather had DC die at the end....so it worth the reason why they got separated ...i have a feeling someone is gonna die towards the end already for saving someone else's life....to make it fair for YR...i am more than happy to see no more DC.


    I'm agree with you. I'm love storyline of DC&YR I'm impression of their lovestory.

  10. I am jus guessing. For I think Mr. Gook is Jh's father and Yr is her sister wow what a coinsident then the happy ending is there DC to Yr and MH to JH, what a happy family. What do you think? I think I like this plot more.

    Viewers Hoping for Dong Chul and Young Ran Happy Ending

    I'm agree with you two :rolleyes:

    I don['t think JH is STH daughter. If she is, why didn't STH force JH's mother to get an abortion? (Rebecca was forced to go through abortion, yet JH's mother wasn't?!) I still hope for DC YR pairing. If its going to be HR and DC, i'm not going to watch the drama anymore....
  • Create New...

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