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Posts posted by Zaileigh

  1. On 14/03/2016 at 7:34 PM, maryofbethany said:

    @Zaileigh  hi. Am so glad to see your name flash at many of the top of those wondeful posts, was really anticipating as i read. Amongst these, this post really tug at my heart string n ache a little. Amid the 'oh how did he overcome without demand special treatment', was triple portion of respect. 

    Oh Lord, bless the lad who fought so hard to live like a normal lad, taste life beyond the screen, and only want it silently and without even publicity to show off his humility. While he never ever demand any one who knows him in personal life to advertise for him, he IS even against it. 

    Thanks for a peep into such an extra ordinary that is MORE than the 'star' we see all these 16 years. Some stars may even use their enlistment to make fans yearn for them, make a show-time out for publicity, he even entered quietly, so respect him for his low key spirit, very down to earth. you know, reading about his real life things (which is not much though) some times is even more aching (till you want to cuddle him to comfort him), than watching his much tragic roles went thru agonies. yes, reading about him, has this slight pain tugging... he just don't go thru the easy way out, like anyone everyone.... that's what make him different right?

    he can get want he wants, thru fans, one fast way the other Starlets did is advertising themselves thru instagrams, short-talked to fans thru twitters, instagrams, facebook, tumblr... and fans will fight for them, protest for them when they murmur or sick or get unfair treatment.... but Yoo just refused to claim this "Fan-Weapon", which indeed make me (us) respect him a great deal. he can just post some instagram, and seniors at Army (internally amongst themselves) will know "what to do" right?



    When I first read this article, I got worried about his health and how is he doing but at the same time I'm so proud of him because at last he completed his service. I didn't expected someone from there will post things like this though I'm thankful that he did so. As much as possible he wants to be treated ordinarily.

    Yeah, he doesn't sell his self to the fans and to the entertainment industry. He's a person like "If you like me, Thank you. If you don't, *shrug shoulders* can't please everyone tho."(just my opinion.)

    • Like 3
  2. 14 hours ago, maryofbethany said:

    Yoo Seong Ho Doesn’t reject Noona Romance.

    After fulfillment of his National Services, Korean Actor Yoo Seungho's spirit is ready to fight on ever.  His first come-back project entitled "Joseon Magician" is currently screening country wide at Hong Kong. He evolved into the role of the most sought after magician who can fake death. Nonetheless he mourned that this mesmerizing magician role is rather hard to take on.  Behind that cool stunning visual image of deep blue eyes, and swaying mane that half covered his charming visage, there are unseen 'hard-ship' in between takes: "especially when it comes to meal-tmes, it is terribly inconvenient !"

    "Joseon Magician" depict Joseon Dynasty's most renowned magician Hwan-Hee (Yoo Seung Ho), who suffered tremendous physical abuses and was emotionally scarred during his childhood under the circus troupe master, Gwi-Mol.  Till that day, when he met a Joseon Princess Cheong-Myung (Go Ara) on her way to be shipped off as a political Bride for the Qing Prince of China.  Thus he falls into a forbidden love, and decided to puts everything on the line to alter his fate.

    In Comparison to the tough action scenes, Yoo Seungho laughed while revealed that pulling off the convincing technique of the sleight of the hands are even harder. He was anxious till that extend of diaphoresis (Cold-Sweating). The aged 22 Yoo Seungho in the show used much determined efforts to woo the 26 years old Go Ara, the two actors even have some romantic kissing scenes.
    Yoo Seungho declared that his true nature is as meticulous as Hwan-Hee in his real life, but is not as romantic as the character he portrayed.  Regarding whether does he accept Noona Romance? He shared that he doesn't reject (resist): "My Ideal Partner must be benevolent (or Kind-Hearted) and Modest (or Simple) and diligent (or Hard-working)."

    (Caption for Couple pic: "In Joseon Magician, Yoo Seungho's character puts everything on the line to love Go Ara's character."
    Caption for Yoo Seungho pic: "Yoo Seungho's swaying mane visual though cool, but causes much inconveniences behind scenes.")


     Wow did you translated it on your own @maryofbethany?

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  3. A man who's discharged from the military shares his story of witnessing Yoo Seung Ho

    November 7, 2014
    Pann: Account of Yoo Seung Ho in the military

    "Hello. I'm not a fan or a friend of Yoo Seung Ho ahjusshi (everybody's called an ahjusshi in the army) but I'm going to write an account of him in the army because he seems to be a really good person.
    First of all, I'm a guy who just got discharged from the same unit as Yoo Seung Ho-ssi. I've seen him for about 6 months. You're free to spread this on Facebook and whatever. He's too different from someone who says "miss me or diss me".
    First story: It was at the military p.x. I went to p.x (convenience store in the army) and Yoo Seung Ho was there. I was thinking, "woah it's Yoo Seungho. He has a freaking small head." He had an aura and everybody was staring at him. Isn't it obvious? A top celebrity is right in front of you. But Yoo Seung Ho-ssi never cared the staring. He went on his way and took care of his seniors. I kept glancing at Yoo Seung Ho as I was shopping. I went to a drink section to buy a drink and he was there. I waited behind him and he was holding the fridge door open. I was wondering why he wasn't leaving and he asked me, "are you gonna pick a drink?" richard simmons ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I was so touched. He was holding the door for me to pick a drink. I said yes and picked one and he shut the door. Only a few non-celebrities do this ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    Second story: Everybody must be thinking that Yoo Seung Ho must be slacking off somehow even though he chose to join a hard unit as a celebrity. But from what I saw, he was totally the same as other soldiers. There is a task of being a gatekeeper, and the gatekeeper I saw the most during winter was Yoo Seung Ho-ssi ㅋㅋㅋ He was shivering and was standing guard with a gun in the freezing cold ㅋㅋㅋ I felt so bad watching him. As I was watching him with other soldiers, we said that this is the reality of Korea ㅋㅋㅋ The top Korean celebrities are the same when they come to the army. 
    There was this major cold weather training. We had to go to a mountain and sleep in a tent when it was -30 Celsius without any warming products. The infantrymen must participate in it and the trainig soldiers like Yoo Seung Ho are randomly selected to participate because there are too many of them. The ones that are picked are extremely unfortunate... We completed the training in the cold richard simmons weather. The last day was warm, at least. We were folding the tent and preparing to leave. There was a group of soldiers walking towards us. We were wondering who they were. Apparently, there's this night walk between 10PM until 8AM. The infantrymen hate it the most because you can't use a flashlight and have to hike the mountain in the dark when it's -20C. It's not easy. The group was just getting back from the walk so I was like, "woah... they're working freaking hard..." We were lucky because my group didn't get to do it. But then I saw Yoo Seung Ho in the group ㅋㅋㅋ Your heart will break if you see how he looked. He was camouflaged and had black paint all over his face and was breathless. He took off his bulletproof helmet and his hair was so greasy. I'm a man but even I felt bad.
    There was a spare time so I kept watching Yoo Seung Ho-ssi. As soon as he got back, they had a short snack break and folded the tent. While they were having the snack, he kept asking the seniors, "OO-nim, did you have a drink?" "OO-nim, did you eat this?" and took care of the seniors. Crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even I didn't do such a thing when I was a training soldier ㅋㅋㅋ So called the "aces" only do that. His body was still struggling but he managed to take care of the seniors. Anyways, they had to leave and went to fold the tent. He volunteered to fold the tent by himself. Hah seriously ㅋㅋㅋ His personality is insanely perfect. His position was about to become a corporal and it's the timing where he can be friends with the seniors. But he snowed no sign of a celebrity and was just like any other soldier. I heard the stories before but I didn't know it was like this... He was totally amazing. 
    Please greet him when Yoo Seung Ho gets discharged... I think I'll start watching Yoo Seung Ho-ssi's films... I feel sorry because I feel like I had an easier military life than Yoo Seung Ho-ssi ㅋㅋ One last thing, I heard this in the army... Yoo Seung Ho-ssi has never dated!!! He's motae-solo!!!"
    cr: Kpopkfans
    • Like 2
  4. 5 Male Child Actors Who Have Grown Up Well Into Handsome Men

    Posted on October 6, 2015
    Yoo Seung Ho - Grazia - Samsonite RED official Facebook Image: Grazia / Samsonite RED Official Facebook

    Netizens on Pann recently discussed several male child actors who’ve grown up from adorable children to very handsome young men. 


    Despite originally being cast to play young boys, many child actors are now transitioning to playing the male lead in dramas and movies. Seeing the young stars grow from adolescents to young men, fans could not help but compile a list of several currently popular male actors who originally started their career playing child roles.

    Yoo Seung Ho (08/17/1993)

    default (2)(

    Notable Works:
    The Way Home (2012)
    Missing You (2012)

    default (4)

    default (5)

    Currently In:
    Joseon Magic (2015)
    Kim Seon Dal (2015)

    default (6)


    [+77, -3] Even though they’re younger than me, I want to call them oppa… I just want to call them oppa ㅠ  I don’t have a conscience! If they are handsome, they are oppas!

    [+-61,0] They all grew up so wellㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


    cr: Koreaboo

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  5. [Pann] Yoo Seung Ho's cute but thoughtful interview when he was in 5th grade

    Thursday, December 10, 2015


    6.Aren't you rich in real life?

    I act not for the money but for the experience. 

    7.But aren't you richer than most kids your age?

    I get $2.50 in allowance every week. 

    8.What do you think is important for the advancement of the Korean movie industry?

    A good script. I want more people to participate in the script writing process and be able to express what they don't like about it. 

    9.What is a good script to you?

    Something that starts out funny but touches your heart in the end. 

    10.It will be harder for you to both act and go to school.

    I was only going to act from 4th grade to 5th grade but my mom keeps forgetting that. I bet she'll say let's start acting again in 6th grade so I'll probably continue acting. Until I'm an adult.


    1. [+87, -0] I burst out laughing at his allowance ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Thank you for continuing to act, Seung Ho-ya

    2. [+82, -0] He wanted to tell the director to do it himself ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    3. [+74, -1] $2.50 allowance a week (so daring)

    4. [+49, -0] He sounds so angry in his interview ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ especially at the end, how his mom keeps forgetting that he was only going to act up to a certain grade ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    5. [+43, -1] I'm glad his mother kept him in acting. Imagine that we would never get to see this handsome actor today if he only acted up till the 5th grade ♥

    6. [+39, -0] He thought he was only going to get poor kid roles ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ but now he's oozing with luxury

    7. [+36, -0] I'm sure he didn't use the tone we're reading it in but it's hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    8. [+26, -0] Even from a young age, you can tell that he had strong standards when it came to acting. As expected of Yoo Seung Ho.

    9. [+20, -0] His mother ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ told him he'd only get poor kid roles ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    10. [+13, -0] Thank you Seung Ho's mother



    • Like 2

    Posted on 4:03 PM by kei z
     post response:
    original post: here
    ㅇㅇ |2016.01.12 19:30 
    There's subtle distinction between those 2 faces, in their aura? But it's an overwhelming win for Yoo Seungho, as an actor he has the face that can go for the long run. His face looks deeper(?) so his expressions are more rich


    다크 |2016.01.12 16:44 
    please don't compare Yoo Seungho nim mindlessly


    ㅇ |2016.01.12 21:08 
    Park Bogum is trendy, but ever since I was young, I liked Yoo Seungho, so we can say he's been trendy all his life


    ㅇㅇ |2016.01.12 22:15 
    Yoo Seungho's overwhelming just with his aura


    ㅇㅇ |2016.01.13 00:09 
    more than being born as them, I wanna be born to become their girlfriends
    cr: Pann
    • Like 1
  7. Since there's no new update for our YSH yet, let's do some throwback first. :grimace:


    Posted on 5:15 PM by kei z
    Post response:
    ㅇㅇ |2015.02.04 21:26
    his smile still makes him look like a kid, so innocentㅠ
    승호야누나야 |2015.02.04 21:00
    he's manliness is dropping off, my heart flutters if he looks like that.. seriously why are you cute like this ? Seriously all the noonas want to put you in their pocket♡
    ㅇ |2015.02.04 22:00
    God-Seungho, I'll always support you

    ㅇ |2015.02.04 22:20

    heart attackㅠㅜ

    유후 |2015.02.04 22:32

    I really envy your future wifeㅠㅠ

    ㅇ |2015.02.05 14:13

    He's F*cking handsome in the MV......♡heart attack
    Cr: Pann


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