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Posts posted by swong2330

  1. 7 hours ago, ryokise said:

    Surprise! No one stalked you :D  (yay) Your twitter account tweeted a FJY versus XWZ comparison tweet which HASHTAGGED yuzhou and had weizhou's name in it, that tweet also provided link to a youtube video (comparing their singing in iqiyi theme song ) which you re-uploaded from a user on Weibo. Here's a receipt of your deleted tweet:



    And pray tell what is wrong with that tweet? XD It is a very simple tweet. Infact, i deleted it cuz Zhou Zhou was sounding "not good" in that video and I didnt want to hurt the feelings of the YuZHou fans is all. 

    Point is when you screencap, make sure you are screen capping the right things to prove your point and not something that makes you look like a fool. 

    6 hours ago, joycemay said:


    @swong2330 Hmm -->    Some-of-the-most-poisonous-people-come-d

    WHen did I even disguise as friend and family?? Hahaha. Please. I just speak the truth is all. Either deal with it or just ignore. You guys multiple times went and complained to soompi admin behind my back, for protecting qingyu when someone here said that QIngYu are ugly etc. THere are people in this thread who go to QIngYu thread and show support and come back here and say QingYu and QY fandom are insecure and jealous of YuZhou (which makes me lol). So, guess who is the poisonous person disguised. as friend and family? Yup. thats right.

    If I had to spread poison, instead of posting a reasonable critique on work, i would post many other personal things that antifans and haters post all the time. But, I have said this multiple times, I dont post on someones personal life. I just post and criticize or praise their work, as appropriate. So, deal with it.

  2. 1 hour ago, crystalclear18 said:

    Just so we know (especially ppl who haven't seen the person in question post yet)..  Good intentions = false. If you have any questions about this just message privately.

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    Just ignore the person they are talking about if you see them posting. They are up to no good. The comments on this post tell you everything.

    I'm sorry to bring this up but thought it's worth noting. Sending you guys happy YZ thoughts after this. :cookie::cookie:



    I wonder how you guys stalked me down on twitter and found a random tweet where Zhouzhou wasnt even mentioned! it was solely about Dayu. Newsflash...I dont even care about your idols...neither did I mention his name (look at the tweet and tell me why that person would know it has Zhouzhou unless that person is my hater and stalker :P), cuz I dont feel the need to badmouth him. lol. But seems some people need to go and stalk me and track all my tweets. and make it about themselves. Ugh haters!! I tell you. lol

    You guys say a lot of things about me and my idols, dun think i dunno that, I am jealous of your idols and insecure blah blah. Hahaha. If that was so, i would hashtag zhou and openly badmouth. But, no. That tweet had neither. I jsut wanted to show how amazing and proud I am of my idol. But seems you have to go and stalk me and make it look like it is all about you.  sorry, but you are hugely mistaken or bored!!

    And criticism is part of any fandom. I dont mind someone criticizing Dayu's singing so long as they dont assassinated Yuyu's character.We just need to suck it up and keep supporting our idols, and hopefully, enjoy their music. That is all.



  3. 2 hours ago, crystalclear18 said:


    So i'll amend my previous post. But i kind of want to take the chance to point out, every time i find that i am actually incorrect because there is proof,  i'll correct myself and admit that i was wrong. 

    What i find a bit irritating is sometimes when ppl outright reject what i'm saying before even considering it just because they didn't hear the same thing somewhere else. .......

    I asked sina people myself, on weibo, long time ago. If I am wrong, or someone proves me wrong, and they are right, I admit it too. I dont know why you are getting so irritated cuz someone refuted what you are saying. I just dont want wrong info to be spread to fans when I know for sure that it is wrong. That is all..

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  4. 14 hours ago, crystalclear18 said:

    Omg.. So excited after seeing ZZ's concept video.. :Dmb_org.gif *crazy..* 

    If you up the bass a little bit, it sounds even better. For basically all of his songs.

    Edit: About the pic that ZZ reposted and everything, we've known for a while that the both of them come to the YZ weibo topic pretty often.. First JY showed up as a visitor on the weibo icon thingy that shows who else is looking at the topic, then ZZ showed up lol. Like i kind of already think that they both probably see the posts on the topic,...

    In weibo topics, you cannot know who is browsing the topics unless they post into the topic. You can go to their profile follower list to see if they follow the topic, but even then you will not know if they are currently browsing the topic. Only other feature is when a person  or a hashtag is hot in teh topic, i.e. others in that topic are discussing that celeb or hashtag, then it sometimes shows up at the top. That means people in that were posting a lot about both Johnny and Weizhou at that time. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, sohocomo said:

    @Angrybird62 This wasn't a TV show, it was a web program and JY wasn't cut from it. There is a full version of the show on youtube IIRC, but I don't believe it has been translated and subbed, so it's not as widely known among international fans.

    The only shows either JY or ZZ were supposed to be in that were scheduled for broadcast TV were Happy Camp & Run For Time 2, if I remember right. (Oh, and a music program that ZZ was promoted to be a part of, but they cut him out. I never remember the name of that one.)


    Super Big Premeire is a TV show that is broadcasted on anhui tv


    Here is the video list from the official you tube channel of the tv network

    That first episode had Jingyu and it was indeed broadcasted on anhui TV.

    Here is the baike baidu site of the show that you can google translate to see that it is broadcasted every sunday 10 p.m. china time on Anhui television: https://baike.baidu.com/item/超级大首映/19455866

    Thank you. 



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  6. Look. I sincerely apologize to every one in this thread for hurting them. But rest assured, it was never my intention. Not saying I was wrong in my action, neither am I saying I was right. but, I understand that it hurt many in this forum. I only wanted to share some thoughts since I have been through the same situation many times in my own fandom. So, I felt my words might help you cope with the situation and see light in pressing times. Other times I do not comment here only because I have nothing to add other than what you already know.

    But, I did not realize that my words will end up hurting you. I am apologizing not only because I hurt many here in this thread uniintentionally but also because I do not want any negativity with anyone anywhere, and just want to bury the hatchet, because this is not useful for anyone. 

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  7. 7 hours ago, abhishikta said:


    I don't know why my name came up suddenly but I guess I have to clear some things once again. About the answer I once gave @swong2330 was that she expressed that I was being bullied here with which I did not agree with. Because NOBODY EVER BULLIED ME HERE. We are not as A, B, C here, we are YuZhou CPFs! We have a common goal here and that's to protect, love and cherish ZZ and JY together and individually. Yes, I am connected to you (and some other members and I'm sorry I don't go to FB anymore :( ) through FB and we talked more about Agatha Christie and LGBTQ rights than our fandoms. You have your own fandom, I have mine. You are not YuZhou, I am not QingYu. I don't compare them and I like to keep it that way. And I will also never forget that you urged me to write my YuZhou fics. 



    Thank you so much Abhi for clearing it up. I appreciate. Also I just wondered, but never once I doubted your love for this fandom, or I would have told so. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, crystalclear18 said:

    I see that your thread is instead ruled by incredibly rude and obnoxious people who are easily jealous of others' success. Inserting themselves where they are not wanted and creepily watching a thread to which they are not a fan. You make all fans of your fandom look bad by behaving in a childish way and harassing others whenever they see there is a problem going on. I actually don't even understand how you can even ship your couple, there is no significant chemistry at all and appear to act like a couple purely for the sake of fan service, for attention. In fact, I have so little interest in your fandom, i couldn't even be bothered to watch more than 1 episode.

    The fact that you exist on this thread causes me even more disinterest in your fandom because of your hateful and petty behaviour.   

    Hahaha. Okay. I dont mind to be honest. I will take this as your opinion of my CP. and would even more appreciate if you could post this on the right thread, cuz i am sure you are aware that this is not the right thread to talk about a different CP right? haha :blush:

    However, just to be clear, not even in a million years I would even for one second think about trading places with you. Touchwood. Boring, fake , whatever it is, I feel 1000 times secure as a fan than I would if I were you. Touchwood. :blush: and thats not because we havent been through anything, but because we have been through far far far more worse thing than you are going through. :blush:

  9. 47 minutes ago, crystalclear18 said:


    Sorry to say @swong2330 that i don't think @abhishikta is as friendly as with you as you think, especially over those comments you made about the editor and ZZ recently. Once again, you are not a real fan here, you admitted that yourself. Unless you want us to go over to your CP forum and also try to give unwanted opinions there, please respect the posts and opinions of the fans who have been consistently supporting the both of them here. Don't try and increase the problems in this fandom with your 2 cents which we have told you before is not appreciated.

    You are always welcome to comment on our thread. You see, our thread is not ruled by parochial but by broad minded fans, who can think rationally and have and even encourage civil conversation, 2 cents and what not. That's the best part of having a forum in the first place. Thanks. :blush:

  10. 7 hours ago, psychology92 said:

    I am CPF,i don't regret to say this.It doesn't means that if one of them come out one day with a girlfriend and say in public that she is his gf,i won't love them.I love YuZhou individually too. Many CPF said this already in many times and i don't find any CPF said here that they love YuZhou just as a Couple not individually.We just said if one of them said they have a girlfriend then yes,we will feel sad because we love to see them as a couple and it doesn't means we will leave this fandom because they're not real couple.We love them individually and selflessly.I respect their privacy and i think everyone here respect their privacy a lot.When someone or any Paparazzi create rumours about them or enters their private life or try to destroy their career then i think it's very much important to say in publicly that the rumours are true or not.It's very important for their career and YuZhou did that in the past.When ZZ's first rumour with Chai JiDan came out then they both said it publicly that this was not true.When someone created bad rumours about JY then he posted a long post about it in his Studio account that that was not true.It is not my fantasy or delusion that i believe them.Everyone should respect everyone's believe.I'm not trying to force them and i think every CPF here also not trying to force them and anyone didn't say anything here.everyone here want to see their movie/drama/music.I still think that that rumour of ZZ on 30th November, it's just their plan and ZZ looked at the camera when he hugs and kiss on the cheek.So he knew about the camera.ZZ is a very private person so when he knew there was a camera then why he have to kiss on the cheek looking at the camera.JY was also looking at the camera in this video so he knew there was a camera.I also want to mention that JY wore the same shoes which he wore in Shangyin.He wore this shoes in Shangyin and after that he wore it again after filming "Guns and Kidneys".I think it was after his fanmeeting which fanmeeting i don't remember.He was seeing Jiujitsu to wear this shoes.He wore this shoes again in this new video when he was walking with two Dogs wearing a hoodie.

    I think JY's Broker Sun Fei already said all on her Weibo.Her caption said that all.I really want to thank her for taking a big step.ZZ's assistant or Li Hao also said on Weibo after 30th November when they're going back in China from Paris (I don't remember correctly),"3 single person is gong back to their home".It's something like that.She posted a photo where that lady (ZZ's assistant may be),Li Hao and just ZZ sat on the car.Then Fans knew that ZZ was going back in China.Before that any fans didn't know when ZZ will go back in China from Paris. I also think JY will not say anything about it now like ZZ because JY was looking at the camera straight like ZZ.He don't want to say anything.But one thing i want to say that F2F post he posted on 20th October which was ZZ's Birthday.Okay it may be just a coincidence but what was 16th October?On 16th October he posted a photo with caption Moonshine which may be a song, a very romantic song and also moon means JY and sun means ZZ.That day was ZZ's Lunar Birthday.It also made me thinking if that women is really JY's girlfriend then why she deleted every pics?What are they afraid of?Like ZZ,JY don't say anything yet about it that's why I'm feeling suspicious.She may be like JY as a brother and JY also like her as a sister because she is a single Mom and JY respects her a lot.It's just my thinking.If they are really in a love relationship then what are they afraid of?Like other couple in the world, they can say that they are in a love relationship.Why they don't say anything yet when this is a hot topic right now?YuZhou can't say about their relationship because they are both men and it's not allowed. But what about that lady and JY?


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    Are you talking about this video?If you are talking about this then you can watch 3:04-3:13 and 4:59-5:13.Chai JiDan said about it here.

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    But Chai JiDan and all staffs said this to JY that 20000yuan.She said,"think about your girlfriend" because JY was confused that if he will act in this drama or not at the beginning.She said,"if you act in this drama then you can earn 200000yuan per month".Then again she said that in other BTS,"remember your girlfriend".Then JY said," someone stabbed my Heart" and ZZ said to JY,"You still remember that peculiar person?"Then I think that JY already broke up that girl before joining Shangyin but he still was in pain and that girl deceived him just for 20000yuan or wanted 20000yuan from him.JY may be can't give her this amount on that time that's why she broke up with him.JY was still in pain so Chai JiDan was trying to remember him that girl so that he become strong and act in this drama.She may be understanding him that that girl left you just for 20000yuan and ZZ said this too.At the end of the filming,JY posted a pic of ZZ and himself on Weibo with a caption,"I don't want to end this".It's all my thinking or opinion about it.


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    If you don't see the videos or any photos then how can you say that this may be true when JY didn't say anything or confirm about it.We're not against if it's really true that she is his girlfriend.I don't understand and many fans here don't understand Chinese at all that's why we're in this fandom.This fandom has been going through in many difficulties in the past and we're still here because we love them.We already know that if YuZhou are in a love relationship with each other but they don't say it in public because they live in China.I live in a Asian Country and this type of relationship is not allowed in my Country and i also don't know before that it's exist in the world but i still here to support them because i feel that kind of relationship between them.Any CPF didn't say anything here that made you angry as long as i know.You should respect their beleive.If it's really true that she is JY's girlfriend then I'm ok because it's his life and his happiness matters a lot for me.Although i will feel sad but it doesn't means i will hate him and don't support him in the future.I supported him before and still now and will support in the future too.You should know that they have been going though many difficulties already and till now.They are not allowed to say anything about each other in public.Their chemistry amused me on screen or off screen.After 17th April,their situation and their affection made me think that they are real couple.Last year on 9th April,when they're still trying to look at each other from distance and that interview with that lady MC,JY was sneakily looking at ZZ and ZZ too.Their stare made me think that they love each other.


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    You support other CP and you don't stay in this fandom when YuZhou gives us sugar and when we're happy here.I noticed that when we went through in difficult situation or unhappy and when anyone here said something about CP matter  then you came out and increase our problem.When one mags Editor said something about ZZ and his ex-girlfriend create bad rumours about ZZ then you came out here.If you support ZZ or JY individually then why you are not here always to support them?When they won any award then you are not here.You said that girl is not ZZ's ex-girlfriend who create bad rumours about ZZ on Weibo but it's actually his ex-girlfriend who create bad rumours about him.You always come in this fandom when there has any rumour about YuZhou.You came here when @bearology said that girl was ZZ's ex-girlfriend and when @abhishikta misunderstood about something here and was angry.I like @abhishikta's statement when she said back then.She gave you right answer back then.She is still here to support YuZhou individually or as a couple.I don't want to know this.It's her thinking or believe.I respect everyone's believe here.


    Please dont create misuderstandings by writing whatever you want. If possible, tag the very comment or quote of Abhishikta that you are talking about. FAct is there is no such comment cuz Abhishikta never gave me any answer back.  Infact, she is one of the few people here who understand what I am saying instead of misinterpreting it cuz they have personal beef with me. We are still very good friends on facebook. 

    Also. none of the stuff you said @ingme has anything to do with my comment here. You are just using it as a context to settle personal scores with me, which i have no idea why because I don't remember ever making any personal comment on you. I never said I support or not support YuZhou. THis is a public forum. Please do not forget that. You don't have to be a vouched devotee of YuZhou to come here and comment. I just commented here to say that personal matters of any idol should stay personal. What has that to do with anything you said about me. <_< I never said if the rumors of JY are true or not. I just said it doesnt matter either way. My comment is a general comment and I do not have to be anyone's fan or hater to say that. 

  11. 36 minutes ago, SatiKaotika said:

    Aha, JY has a girlfriend

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    I have neither seen a clip nor pictures and do not find it on Weibo or elsewhere (simply because I do not speak the language).

    Once again an excitement because JY is supposed to have a girlfriend. So what? I do not mind, I'm not disappointed or sad because It was bound to happen sooner or later and I do not care.

    I'm angry with the reaction of some CP's. I find one should not transfer his fantasies, expectations and hopes to the two guys. What is in her private life should be her private life (also a reason why I hate paparazzi) They have given us countless hours of pleasure with their hard work and actually should only count this.

    Whether the two are a couple or not, I'm not sure. Some things hit me like a lightning other things are torn out of context and give me a different picture.

    As for my part, I love and support the two, not because they may have a love relationship (but I believe that JY and ZZ are close friends), but because I appreciate their work. I can not wait to see JY's films and series or ZZ new album and I hope he can finally show his talent in films or series. In my opinion, modeling is a waste of talent but it is a good thing to stay in public.

    Some will ask why I am here in the forum when I support both as individuals. For me it is the easiest way to keep up with both, because I can not speak Chinese and for me as well, a romatic relationship between the two would be an enjoyable bonus. I love to see and interact with each other and how you enjoy the company of the other as they form an unbeatable unity. How these men are on the stage so much better than alone.

    Unfortunately this will never be seen again.

    Oh, and I am angry again, on the injustice that was committed. :angry:

    Sorry for the turmoil. So much I do not talk normally the whole week, but sometimes it has to go out. :flushed:



    You have the right attitude. What does it matter, that's the main point. Either way, JY is still JY. Loving him only if he is gay or trying to forcefully impose on him one's delusions or expectations is setting a set of conditions. That love is not the love of a good fan. If one cannot love them unconditionally, then it's better to look for their set conditions somewhere else. I mean whatever the nature of situation or facts are, 10 years from now, you all will reminisce this and be happy that YuZhou were able to inspire you in some way. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, tea4two said:

    @swong2330 Many of us have been in this fandom a lot longer than you and we've followed JY and ZZ closely.  I know that you followed another CP pair so you probably don't keep up with the the inner goings of Yuzhou, so please verify your information before posting it.  There are still many old timers lurking here, so we're not afraid to call you out when you try to spread misinformations in this thread.  

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    @bearology is correct.  The blogger who forwarded the post is definitely ZZ's ex.  Many fans (both CPs and ZZ only fans) are aware of her presences and her attempts to slander him.




    I didnt even bring up the topic, you guys did. If you want to stop spreading misinformation, then start with your own. I dont have to be a fan to get inside or verified info. I know my info is verified cuz i dont post anything that's not verified or  that's utter imagination. I am not the one who is saying that's his ex. cuz there is no verified info that that's his ex. You guys are saying that like it's the ultimate truth when you have no solid proof. That 's how misinformation is spread. If she is indeed his ex and wanted to slander him, she would post something compromising like pics. She wouldnt just comment and repost controversial things. What she is doing is typical of bad slanderous bloggers, it's very common in idol culture prevalent entertainment industry. including chinese entertainment industry. They even have a term for this, it's called black bloggers. and Good healthy fans religiously avoid these blogs cuz they know they are no good and only exist to get attention and traffic.  


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  13. 26 minutes ago, bearology said:

    @swong2330 I did not say that ZZ's ex posted that. If you read my post, I said his ex reposted that post about ZZ. I also didn't say Ellemen guy mentioned ZZ, they are just speculations from the one who wrote that post. 



    You didnt understand my point. The girl who reposted it is not ZZ's ex. She is just a blogger. She has 100k fans from posting video blogs. Most bloggers are looking for controversial posts to repost to get traffic. That's what she did. 

    @crystaclear18 not sure why you quoted me, but if you are the one who said it's a marketing guy, I think that's a wrong term to use. Marketing people have a have a purpose who post about upcoming shows etc and are usually employed by a company. This blogger seems like a slanderous blogger who mostly posts about gossips. His post had no marketing purpose whatsoever, unless you think that creating a controversy is a good way of marketing (some people do use that though). 


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  14. 17 hours ago, bearology said:

    Translated by Ryokise "………it's not easy for everyone OT-ing at night, adding a drumstick for you :drumstick emoji:"


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    Again I don't really know what happened between Ellemen and Vogue but this post stated that because Zhangyu (Vogue Editor) - the lady who ZZ had photos with at Moncler and LV fashion show, because she brought ZZ to LV fashion show, causing his Ellemen resources to be cancelled (not sure if they cancelled on him or ZZ cancelled).

    The marketing guy said the guy from Ellemen called Zhangyu an idiot and some people speculated that it's because zhangyu brought ZZ to LV show. Inviting ZZ to LV Fashion Show is an example of her degrading. This post also attached photos of people guessing that ZZ must have slept with her. **I feel disgusted even when I'm just typing this! People are just horrible, horrible!!!!** 

    ZZ's ex also reposted it or something IIRC. That heartless b***h, sorry I hardly use this word to describe someone but she deserves it! Can't she just live her own life??? Why keep attacking ZZ?? Every freaking time when she has a chance.....

    Haiz, poor ZZ! This boy has a special skill. Even when he's just staying at home, scandals still happen! I just said yesterday about passerby and other producers/directors/mags etc may not want to corporate with ZZ if he has so many scandals and today this happens....Then when he doesn't have any drama/movie work, they will also bash him for being lazy and doesn't want to work hard! I just can't with these antis and his ex. Fans even believe that these people get paid to bash/slander him. Who did ZZ pi/ss off anyway??? Why all these constant attacks!!!!!!

    I don't know what/how ZZ felt when he left this comment at 3 in the morning... I like his comment but I'm worried things may get bigger because ZZ commented :( ...... I am sure what we know is only a tip of an iceberg, I don't know how many things these boys have been going through. My heart when I saw JY and ZZ online together today. They always online together whenever ZZ is in trouble. Why can't people just leave our boys alone!!!!! This is between Ellemen and Vogue, ZZ do have lots of photoshoots with both mags so I'm worried when he gets stuck in this fight :(






    That girl is not ZZ's ex. She is a random blogger, who usually posts live videos and they are always looking for controversial topics to go comment on. The original post, that someone here is saying from a marketing guy, is actually from another entertainment blogger. They always look to post controversial stuff to create controversy around current idols, so that they get traffic to their blog. The Elle man guy that is involved actually never posted in his weibo about ZZ, he only posted about Zhang Yu, with whom he seems to have a personal problem . But that blogger made it about ZZ by adding screencaps of some other comments from some antis, to create controversy. Unfortunately, ZZ took the bait, maybe cuz he is indeed still naive and excitable, ultimately giving that bad blogger what he was looking for. You are right about his assistant crying while cleaning the mess. I dont think he will find this funny. 


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  15. 15 hours ago, crystalclear18 said:


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    . I think the first time i heard a song that was produced/composed by a mainland chinese singer that i thought was actually good, that shut me up a little bit, was ZZ's song on the radio. I didn't know it was ZZ that sang it at the time, i didn't even know who ZZ was, since that was before i watched shangyin. But yeah that was ZZ. Even hong kong is really lacking in good original music now too.




    I will be honest I am surprised when you said you thought ZZ's song was the only creative one and China lacks creativity. If you find ZZ song creative, that means China does have creativity. I am not talking about Kpop but chinese music. I religiously follow all the charts, vchart, weibo pop chart etc. and I have to say, some songs are so awesome (even if they dont belong to my idols or not even any other idol, jsut normal singers or lesser known singers) and those songs are doing very well. That shows that unlike KPOP, CPOP is more free of idol culture.I am sharing a link of a recent song that I liked below this video that is original and was in top 10 in v-chart. Listen to it and tell me that you still think China is lagging creativity wise. 


    And here, listen to this, umm yes this is Adele's song but you have to be creative to even think of singing it this way. This video clip of this guy singing this song went viral not only in China but all over the world, and this singer went on to win the competition. He is the best I have ever ever ever heard in my life. The format of the show is singing competition, so ofc all songs were previously sung, but all the singers gave the songs a new color which is nothing but creativity.


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  16. 12 hours ago, abhishikta said:


    Thanks for the moral support. But I must say that nobody bullied me. They expressed what they felt wrong. I just feel that all of these could have been avoided if someone told to put my ask in a spoiler. 


    Happy to hear that. I usually dont like posting on other threads. But, I hate internet aggression and dictatorship even more. Bullying word itself is quite subjective and it's good that you didn't feel that bad. But, it is always better to get an early intervention before things get worse. Bullying is far more common than we think it is. It takes seconds for an argument to deteriorate and someone getting bullied, especially when everyone is on one side and giving advices to that person and no one willing to see the other person's point of view or taking on the role of conflict resolution.

    I will tell you one thing, if you have a thought or question, it's very like there are many like you who have the same thought or question. You cannot be completely wrong. It's just a matter of perspective.

    So, whenever you are not happy with something, make it known cuz these things add up if you keep it in. Take care. 


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  17. 11 hours ago, migdy05 said:
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    how they define what those corruption are..(.is dependent upon who's in control at the moment in the ruling party)

    (although China is communist, but it operates on a Capitalist model)

    I present my apologies first but.... I Have to say: As accountant , there is an inconsistency.....As a human  WTF is this
    sorry for my wild thoughts....


    Amazing analysis and theories. I think your views are the closest to truth that i have read till now. I will just add that SARFT does hold considerable command on what programs to be telecasted content wise. But it doesnt necessarily ban anyone. eg. one half of a CP can easily appear on TV show, other half of the same CP can appear on the same show later, without being with each other. They can do non-BL web shows together or concerts together. These are not necessarily under SARFT 's control or supervision. However, a lot depends on the discretion of the producers of the show too. But, as you pointed out the commodity and commercialization factors, producers are smart enuf to know how much command the BL CPs and idols currently hold over the audience. 

    Another aspect is the latest news that KPOP stuff will get banned too. This is again in accordance to what you said, that Chinese government are trying to hold on to certain principles which put more focus on quality than idol worship and commercialization. On the flip side, overall banning an entire KPOP culture to your own people is like taking away your people's autonomy and freedom of choice.

    Personally, even though I myself am a part of a fandom and my own CP were burnt once due to SARFT rules, I was never too much against SARFT. I dont see them as anti-LGBT but only as conservatives who are trying to uphold cultural values. and I myself am not a big fan of idol worship either cuz i know how these companies are only about selling their own commodities and making profits. So, overall, there are certain aspects of SARFT that I agree, while I don't agree how they are limiting people's freedom of choice. 

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  18. 1. No, i dont like being the bearer of bad news. especially for YuZhou fans. Cuz YuZhou never hurt their fans or lied to their fans. They never faked anything, like many fake BL CPs are doing currently. It's usually the a fangirl's psyche which interprets things that way. They never said they are in a relationship with each other or gonna spend lifetime with each other or staged fake jealousy or staged fake promises about each. Right now, many fake CPs are doing that and I despise them.

    I truly respect YuZhou, especially Timmy. He is a good, fun-loving guy and he works very very hard. I only get positive vibes from Timmy. So, naturally when I heard that they gonna disclose in live news, i had to tell everyone to be strong. 

    2. The way you guys are dealing with this is really amazing. Keep up your spirits.

    I would only just suggest don't actively spread any kind of "delusion", like it's a truth. Just say that "you feel like", don't try to impose your feelings on anyone. Don't bully non-believers. Rumors can go either way. If those spreading rumors that they hv gfs are bad, you being hell-bent on trying to prove that they are real are also not any better or different from them. 

    3. LOVE THEM SELFLESSLY. This is very important. I see many posts trying to insist you will never believe they are straight etc. That's okay. But, you might also wanna say that even if they are, you would support them. That shows your selfless love, which is very important at this stage. Love without expectations. 

    4. Always keep in mind, whoever their personal love is, YuZhou will always love their fans i.e. you guys. And i feel Timmy is a good guy. He will surely never let his fans down. 


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  19. 7 hours ago, bearology said:
    Haiz REPOST and COMMENT if you want to (I did LOL) but ifensi private message a fan
    Rough Trans by Ryo: Hello, thank you for participating in the #you two are the most good looking in the world# activity. Due to yuzhou's special policy reasons, we estimated that yuzhou fansites would not be able to obtain the commercial image rights, to avoid fans hard work going to waste, and feeling disappointed. We advice fansites to not encourage fans to participate in this activity. We recommend that it's best to delete the repost, to avoid more people joining in, and making everyone disappointed. Thank you for your understanding.
    I won't swear here but #@$%$@%^$#^Q#$. OK FINE!!!!! For those who don't believe the bans exist. READ THIS!!!
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    Wow, this is actually sad. But at least now the fans know not to get disappointed even when ifensi cant really make YZ the winner, in case they eventually win. Yes the most you can do is take a stand. 

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  20. 5 hours ago, gesseki said:

    @bearlogy - F2F ....maybe face to face? isnt that a picture of a forest reflecting on the water?

    omgggg....i had to re-edit this...my delulu self had a brain fart! isn't it zz's 22th birthday?...2 is facing 2 .....woooooo.....when two same things or numbers are beside each other...dont they form a mirror or reflection of each other because they are the same? wooooooooooo

    Turn the picture 90 degree, you will get what that pic is. it looks like two people F2F or face to face but it's actually a reflection. but since it looks F2F, he wrote F2F as a conundrum. 






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