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Posts posted by XlYesterdaYlX
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't listen to Dir En Grey. But just letting you fans know that they will be having a show in San Francisco soon. Just search online and i'm sure you will find more information about it. just a heads up. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i r hunter. moar lewt = more deeps. i also like to roll on 2h str maces...wait wat.

































































































































































































































































    OK, I found something disappointing. Most of the community lots don't allow you to interact inside. :/ And the play speeds are way too slow.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    that was the first thing i noticed. such a disappointment. Ok, so they put exterior play. big whoop. But they take out the interior aspect of it...SO retarded. hopefully expansions will fix this.

































































































































































































































































    My sister's friend has connections.

    Or he said he has his ways...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hopefully it's not a torrent.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    XlYesterdaYlX, wanna post some SS?! =D































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm not at liberty to post such diabolical things. :) Still looking forward to 6/2 though.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm pretty disappointed at it. But i guess it's not really fun until the expansions and mods start coming out.

































































































































































































































































    I just figure it out .... in the Space Version.... in the beginning....we can see on se CL head phone..... "BEATS BY DR.DRE" !!!!

    Is it true??????? Really DR DRE??????
































































































































































































































































































































































































    If it is... i think it's really Impressive and cool ... wow ... somebody can tell me if it's true????
































































































































































































































































































































































































    edit: Oh i top the page lol !!!! 2NE1 Fighting !































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i truly hope you don't think that the song was produced by Dr. Dre.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    damn this site is soooo funny.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You: never gonna give you up!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: good
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You: please dont leave me
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You: ill die
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You: ill do it
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: ok ok ok
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: i promise not to leave u
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You: i thought we had something special
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: we did
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: i am sorry
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: i'll never leave you again baby
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You: you love me too. you just...dont know it yet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: of course i do baby
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: i love u more than anything eve
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You: i was thinking we should have 10 kids. all girls. ok maybe 1 boy for you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: *ever
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: how about 2 boys?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You: 2.......?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You: you've changed....
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: wow is it too much?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You: this is too much pressure.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: ok ok ok how about we make 10 kids, till we are 100 yrs old, then adopt another one to change our diapers
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: well?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: answer me now god damnit
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You: .....i must leave. i cant take this mental abuse!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stranger: i dont want to waste my time with someone that doesnt want kids
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Mass effect, fallout 3?
































































































































































































    can PC players play L4D with 360 users?



















    My friends call me asian wash, mainly because I like asian things (ex. sushi)...and the asian girls

    (I'm black, but I do got some chinese in my fam, that count?)












    And at times i listen to some azn hip hop







    that's cause FM is the BOMB -high five- B)







    I need an opinion on DMC4 - if I haven't played the first three, so would I be lost/confused?

    Hooked on COD4, though. ^-^ Great shooter game for online.























    DMC series is never too deep on the story. So no you wouldn't be confused....cause DMC is all about the action! :ph34r:
















    i'm hooked on GT5 prologue. it's pretty fun.



















    online play is crazy especially when it starts tweaking. haha it looks so funny.























    but the game is awesome. can't wait until the whole game comes out.























    i was playing prolouge last night. cant believe how many times i lost because someone deliberately rams into me.





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