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Posts posted by littlex2000

  1. Hi everyone,

    Are there any international fans who will be in Korea in June. There's a volunteer opportunity on June 9 at the Star of the Sea Children Orphanage.  I'm going to be in Korea during that time and is planning to volunteer.  If anyone is planning to go too, let's meet up.  Contact me.  Thanks.

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  2. On Thursday, March 03, 2016 at 5:04 AM, tilac said:

    @Juni Asat @littlex2000 Count me in on that one Ji Woo and Yu Ji Tae in Star's Lover ... great chemistry ... I cried buckets. She and KSW were also a good pair in Temptation. 

    @tilac  I lost count of the many times that I watched Star Lover.  Never faild, every time I cried like a baby, haha.  Temptation was great too.  Ji Woo and KSW were great.  They look so good together.  

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  3. OMG..According to Choi Ji Woo Facebook International, our Ji Woo will starred in a new drama in August.  I hope this is true.  Miss her so much.  I can't wait to see her face and hear her voice again.  I'm in cloud nine right now.

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    @littlex2000 I am planning to change my job this year but is pretty serious in planning a trip to Korea nxt June. How did you know the event is full? Perhaps we could ask and plan ahead to avoid missing the event nxt year?

    @BLUFEATHERS I was able to get the contact info through Chrc, a long time fan of Ji Woo.  She knew people over in South Korea.  

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  5. ​And it still boggles my mind that neither of them ever said that they're just friends to end the speculation once and for all. The marriage question was brought up a couple of times and they said nothing. She could have said that they're not even dating. So I guess something is really going on. Haha.

    So okay, I have plans to go to Korea this year. I hope I get to stalk meet Jiwoo at least once in my life LOL. If the filming of the movie starts this summer, how soon will that appear on the big screen? 

    @scullaaay  Let me know when you're going.  Maybe I can join you :)  

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  6. @littlex2000, @tilac, maybe if you want to go this year, when cjw is confirmed in the movie and during the movie release (if it happen this year) you all can go and supported her...my friends had been supported her movie once during 2006 now and forever and got to meet jiwoo but of course need to consult with starjiwoo webmaster first


    p/s: jiwoo truly appreciate her international fans who came supported her..you can get her autograph and whatever things that she has at that moment provided that her schedule permit her to do so and meet all of her international fans..hehe

    @jas  Thanks for the info.  That would be cool.  Yeah I would love to do that too, hehe.  However, it has to depends on when it is and that I have time to plan.  With this last minute, I was getting so stressed out trying to find people to switch with me at work :)   

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