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Posts posted by diana

  1. Aigoio..still cant let go of dalpengie kongjunim n goennie wangjanim....

    @kdrama lovers ..thx so much..always like your posts..

    @gumi..thx for the dvd info.. hope we can buy it soon..you have amazing skill in sketching and also you can translate korean language...kamsahamida..

    And for mbc...i will be upset if dont see the jjangs..the drama...the ost win some awards... they really deserves it after all their greate efforts..

  2. Awww Twins!   Can you image how overprotective Gun will be with his daughter?   

    Let me imagine the scenes....

    oke...he will becomes "goennie bond"

    he will ordered sec tak ..dragon..hamo hamo duo to investigate the boyfriend..and will personally stalking them wherever they go..just like he did in the arboretum...

    and if he sees any form of skinship about to happen..he will do anything to prevent it from happening..

    Can you guys imagine it ???


    This drama has so many memorable moments than any other drama i ever watch..

    If i have to choose...hmm..hmm...

    1. When lee gun say (with sexy voice and looks) K I Double S ..that word still ringing in my head and never stop smiling..

    2. The kiss at press con..when he kissed her...we all can see it is a kiss that worth 3 hell year in waiting....

    3. When he became MY stalker..everrything he did hillarious..

    4. .......

    In total.? Countless memorable moments...

    gosh..cant believe its over....

    but chingus..pls stay with this thread ..until we celebrate 1000 pages..or maybe 10000...1000000 ????

  4. Just watch ep 20 in raw...cant help to feel happy and sad at the same time.happy coz it has happy ending the way we all wish for and feel sad coz we have to say goodbye my lovely snail couple..sec tak..halmoni..omma..dragon..hamo hamo and all the cast.. i gonna miss all of you too...faters on soompi..hopefully we will meet again .... soon....

    Weekend marathon with ep 1-20 will start soon....who wants to join me???

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