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Posts posted by only1khj

  1. LG is at mom's restaurant with gifts.  He's on a mission to make her accept him.  First attempt fails.
    Omma volunteers to take care of LG if he gets sick because she thinks of him as a son, but she doesn't want that fate for KMY.  (Makes ZERO sense to me, but we need to lengthen the story, I guess.)
    "Can you let Mi Young go?  I can't allow it." Ok, Omma.  You're going to be taking care of LG if he gets sick and KMY is just going to go on with her life not paying a bit of mind that the one she loves fatefully is being taken care of by her mom.  Will that make the loss of LG, should that happen any less because she's not there taking care of him.  Wouldn't that make it even more painful for KMY?  Yearning to take care of him and be with him in his suffering but blocked by her loving, caring mother?  See, this makes no sense (to me).

  2. Another improvement in LG's character from the K-FtLY is his forthrightness with SR.  In the TW version JCX never even tries to tell Anna about CXY and the pregnancy.  He tries to hide it from her as long as he can.  That is so cowardly.  While in the K-version, LG tries to contact SR more than once to tell her what's happened.  When LG does tell her in episode 8, he buries his past with SR in the mancave and without regret, without wavering, with steadfastness he sets his course toward KMY and GD. That is so manly! 
    It's been interesting to see how the K-FtLY re-worked and re-imagined the scenes from TW-FtLY.  The first 10 episodes share many similarities.  The essence of TW-FtLY is there, but the embodiment certainly belongs to K-FtLY alone.  Brilliant screenwriting! Or would that be brilliant screen re-writing?  Whatever it is I appreciate both very much.  It's probably my favorite Asian drama story.  How 2 distinctly different individuals in character, background, family, and social status are thrown together by such bizarre circumstances and seeing what fate and the choices made within that bring about in their lives.  There's another good story currently working out these themes in the drama Love Cheque Charge.  It's a daily from TW, so it's LONG, but it would be worth a marathon if you can stand the slower pace of a daily and TW-style storytelling. The quandry of fate and freewill are getting a new twist and it's an interesting thing to ponder.
    Thank you FtLY teams for two entertaining dramas that make my heart swoon, break, and sing!

  3. Did a mini re-watch of TW-FtLY today and one thing I noticed was JCX tried to deny his feelings for CXY while in the K-FtLY remake LG keeps giving into his feelings for KMY. Whenever the TW male lead would notice growing goodwill toward CXY, he would suppress it, deny it, and fight against it. Whereas LG in the K-version kept going toward his growing romantic feelings for KMY. The only time he hardened his heart (which didn't last long) in Act 1 was episode 5 when he thought he had been deceived by KMY and the island residents. If I got the initials wrong for the TW-version, I apologize. I've never really gotten their names even after re-watching so many times. It all sounds the same to my Western ears and subtitles don't help for some reason.

  4. Sorry, chingus.  Didn't get to watch with you today.  Looking forward to @sooyoungdaebak's hs/ss.  
    I'm glad my first introduction as an actor to JH was FtLY.  I had never seen any of his other works.  So, my first impression set the bar high.  It seems he has an undercurrent of danger in all of his works that I've seen since.  Maybe it's because he chooses those kinds of roles.  I don't know, but I never quite trust his character in the other dramas I've seen, even though he's turned out to be trustworthy.  He also has those killer stares that pierce through a person. His eyes can express any emotion he chooses to display, just the eyes.  You can watch the thoughts change as you watch his eyes.  Amazing.
    Some things I appreciate about our beloved Lee Gun are his sense of responsibility, decisiveness, trustworthiness, loyalty, and extravagance. Oh, yeah, and the suits!  Marvelous, dahling, marvelous! 

  5. That was my worst recapping efforts ever.  There's just too much that happens in this episode!  I can't keep up. 
    This episode was hard to get through like episode 12.  These two episodes get my vote as most heart-wrenching, hand-wringing, tear-spilling, tummy-turning, gut-punching, brain-freezing, and yet, I wouldn't want it any other way.  The masterpiece that is FtLY.  
    Thanks to all who re-watched and recapped today. 

  6. KMY and the lawyer meet after and he leaves the recorder in her purse.  That's not quite ethical, Mr. Hong.  But we the viewers are oh-so-happy you did it. 
    Step-mom tells the elder about LG's disease.  
    SR and KMY meet again.  Why? Can KMY not say no still? Anyway, SR doesn't apologize for her actions, she just informs KMY of what she did.  She doesn't regret it or show remorse about it.  Why even meet?  

  7. SR spilled the truth about LG, the disease and the break-up 3 years ago to DP.  What will he do with the info?
    LG's in his mancave looking over his last will wearing a black and white sweater.  I think the clothing choice is a reflection of LG's mind.  Good choice by the stylist.
    KMY finds the note LG tucked into GD's painting. He uses her words back to her about it being the brightest and most beautiful memory of his life, of course, he's writing it undercover as Unnie LYJ.  Too bad he got caught at the studio.  Too bad KMY forgot something and had to come back and catch him there.  But then again...

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