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    I sewed some pillows back when I was in 5th grade. It was a class requirement. I was the best one in there! haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just the other day I sewed my ripped umbrella back together. Does that count?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Everyone has such nice bags. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I usually use this one since it cost so much compared to everything else I've ever had in my whole life. (Yeah. I'm not rich or well off. deal with it).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But since the weather is bad lately, I don't want to ruin my Coach bag in the rain. So I use the VS Pink messenger bag that my boyfriend got me for Christmas. It can be used as a shoulder bag also. I was originally just going to use this for school.








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Since my last post in... July (I think?) I've done better at saving money. :) But that doesn't mean I've done better at resisting shopping. I think I still shop the same amount as before, but I'm able to find more coupons, use cashback, get free gifts with purchase, and stuff like that. This past semester of college was really time consuming for me also. It was probably the hardest I've ever worked in school, which kept me busy and distracted from shopping. I haven't spent too much money, but I'm putting myself on a ban anyways. My mom wants me to save up for a car. So no shopping for unnecessary things until end of January for my boyfriend's birthday.








    I'm sure there's a lot of cute things that my boyfriend has done, but lat night was the most recetn.





    We went to Macaroni Grill yesterday with 2 other guys and 2 other girls. One of the girls was trying to make one of the guys feel unmanly by saying that she never had to cut her own bread when she went out cus her boyfriend (who wasn't there) always did it for her. And she also said she didn't even have to pick up a fork at all just to exaggerate. Then my boyfriend did just that. He cut up my bread and fed me, and told me not to touch my fork. I thought it was cute.. even though the girl was just kidding.








    I think the snow was only in Roseville.





    I'm glad it wasn't in north sac. I hate the cold and wind.





    I hate any weather that's not sunny and is too cold to wear summer clothes.





    I just hate heavy clothes cus i'm too lazy to pile on layers and coats are heavy and hurt my back.





    Anyways, I'm going to try Oz next week. I hope it's good, cus $20 is a lot. I saw some other people commenting earlier how it wasn't that great.


  13. I have a...dilemma, I suppose. Any input appreciated. First time asking something in here, so here it goes:

    My boyfriend and I have been dating since December 2008. Not quite a year. We really love each other, but I feel like he keeps betraying me. There's this girl that's sort of an ex, quite the loose one, and my boyfriend has never met her in person (internet only).

    I feel like he cheats on me at times, and I feel extremely hurt. He's not really cheating on me, like having sex with other girls or anything, but he's talking to them (and I mean her), behind my back. She always talks crap about me and tells him to find someone else, but he NEVER defends me.

    I try to tell him that he's hurting me, and I that I cry a LOT over the things that he does, but he never listens. He thinks I'm joking and that he's the "sweetest guy ever." His friends also defend him, which doesn't help, because I don't have anyone to defend me.

    I've tried to break up with him multiple times, but he always claims to make things better, so I give him more chances. Even with those chances, he doesn't change. I feel like nothing is getting through to him, and I want to break up, again. I'm afraid that he's going to do the same thing to make me stay with him again.

    How do I really get through to him and tell him how I feel if he's not willing to understand it?

    How do I make him realize that I will leave him this time after hurting me for the 100th time?

  14. OMFG! Why the hell was I EVER friends with you? Why was I ever best friends with you?

    You're so immature and you disrespect people who have done a lot for you.

    You're already 19, and you keep acting like you're 9. Put away the walt disney crap already.

    Stop thinking of a "fantasy" and start thinking "real life."

    You need to get your priorities straight, cus you're going to take 5 years just to finish your GE in college, idiot.

    And what the freak is up with you being hella rude to me when I was trying to help you?

    I comment you asking you you're applying soon, since I'm sure a lot of people forget that apps are due soon, even for transfers.

    Then you say "No, I can't afford it. You and your boyfriend have hella more money than me and if you have trouble paying for it, so I will too." (This is actually my version since her version had SO many spelling and grammar mistakes).

    And when I asked you how you know, saying "Because you two do" isn't a valid excuse.

    Well, guess what beeezyyy.

    You don't know what the john tesh you're talking about, ever!

    So shut the hell up about me, cus you don't know anything.








    I really can't believe this. I read the headline for allkpop hoping it was another one of their misleading headlines to draw in readers, but it wasn't.






    I wasn't a full blown fan of 2PM yet, but Jay was my favorite out of the group. Watching Wild Bunny and seeing him was so great.






    I wish JYP could get on twitter and tweet something about how it's untrue and that an anti meanly hacked Jay's account to hurt fans.








































    i received my zipper hairmaker magazine today and there was this nice tutorial inside

    the left one is for monolids and the one on the right side is for those with a inner lid (?...i don`t know how it is called :P)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Omg.. thanks for this. I never what what kind of eyes I had since I knew they weren't double, but they weren't single either. I'm gonna so search how to do makeup with "inner lids" now. :)




































































    Today, I failed to do my homework and eat. I slept too much.




























    Good thing I don't have school tomorrow.




























    I still need to shoot one roll of film for photography, critical thinking homework, and graphic design assignments.




































    I hate when people's lip liner is wayyyy too dark. I also hate it when the line is very "broken" looking.
























    I don't know if it's still a "trend" but I hated when people wore a thong then some lowcut jeans to show off the thong. EWW!




































    I can't wait for my Moo business card sampler to come in the mail.
























    I wanna see people's faces/reactions when I hand them a card that says "[insert my name here] - SONE since 2009."
























    *SONE refers to a hardcore SNSD fan.






    I don't like the state fair =____= overpriced everything lol.

    I was at Sac State today and I was like "I want to drop out now" because it was too much walking for me haha.















    Haha. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. I was the same way, but after about one week I was fine. I actually leave my books in my car so I get more exercise walking back and forth across campus.


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