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Posts posted by mudaepo

  1. 32 minutes ago, homura said:

    Today, I felt Bidam (Queen Seondeok's character) from Ha Ryun's way of speaking.
    It is hard to explain to non-Koreans, but Ha Ryun's weird way of speaking was quite similar to that of Bidam in bloodshed who came to kill Yeom-Jong in the middle of the series.

    Overall, Ep 23 was a nice episode. I love it.


    Speaking of Yeom Jong, I really hope that Ha Ryun/Bang Won won't be modeled after Yeom Jong/Bidam in the last episodes of Queen Seon Deok. I want Bang Won to go against Jeong Do Jeon for the right reasons, and not just because Ha Ryun manipulated him to do so. Actually, the "right reasons" do not need to be right. It can be because Bang Won believes in a different Joseon, or because he's greedy for that Joseon, or because he's pushed away by his father and JDJ and he decides to fight back... I don't really care as long as Bang Won is the one making the decision and no one is clouding his judgement.

    So far, Ha Ryun is an incredibly fun character. I was worried the show wouldn't find a villain as entertaining as Gil Tae Mi, clearIy I was wrong! Some of Ha Ryun's lines were pure gold in this episode: "YIG couldn't come. So here is the question: "How is it that he wasn't able to come?" (Take a guess. :p)"

    • Like 9
  2. @MiAmour, Temporary marriage does not exist in the history of Korea. If you marry someone, the marriage lasts for your entire life until you or your partner dies.

    It did not exist, even during the Three Kingdoms era? Mishil (in Queen Seon Deok) had multiple children from multiple fathers. Does it mean that some of her children were born out of wedlock, and everyone in Silla was okay with it?


    Speaking of QSD, you can see that SFD is written by the same team; there are so many parallels between the two dramas.

    For example, the way BW thinks like HIB in this episode reminds me of the way Bidam was thinking like Mishil in QSD. Or the way HIB turns the situation around, by causing the death of one of his men, reminds me of the way Mishil engineered Sejong's injury in QSD.

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  3. During the last scene, after the competition, the King thanks WSR and all the nobles who helped with the competition, and he says he sill never forget what they did for him. :D
    And he says he has one more person to thank, and he brings SY in. He tells her he heard she is a good businesswoman, with great instincts, so he asks her who does she think will be the next king. She has figured out since the beginning of the competition that the King wants her dead, so shes gives him a smart answer that means the next king could be anyone.  But the King doesn't let her get away with it, and he asks her why she gave the princes those clothes for free. She tells him it's a business strategy: the princes used those clothes today, and tomorrow tens of people will be ready to pay to but the same clothes. But the King tells her it isn't her real intention, and he accuses her of comploting with other princes to usurp his throne.

    Obviously, SY manages to get away safely, since we see her in the preview telling her people about So So being royalty. What worries me, is WS might have to defend SY before the King. And since the King is slowly becoming crazy and is fixated on SY, what if he thinks that SY joined hands with WS to take his throne? After all, WS won the competition that SY financed. It would be really tragic for WS if his only family member who really treats him like family turns on him suddenly...

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