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Posts posted by lindab12

  1. Glad it over. It was by far worst drama I seen so far.

    I have no comment drama was joke.

    They should take time develop four friends more.

    110 episode was all About GS and YS through out whole drama. Ys never love JH. Last 9 episode the writer switch it to make JH and YS romance happen. Wow. They still dont make good couple.


    Ys doesnt love him at what waste of romance. She was force to married a man that she doesnt love.


    This is only korean drama that didnt teach me lesson. I watch mostly all korean drama even classic old school one. Let me tell A good supper  first drama I seen worst. I seen parents arrange marriage. But i never see A man like GS forcing another man to married a woman who they dont love.

    Usually First main lead girl always get the man who they love.


    This one only drama I seen that Main lead Girl didn't fight for her love or used backbone to pursue the man she dream about.  This drama writing message and time spend to develop JH And YS was waste of time.

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  2. It happen she will end up with JH how terrible is that. He yelling at her and she give in.

    Based on preview GS push her away. Now summary had lie.

    GS will die alone and no happy ending at all.


    Ys will marry that abuser who beg her taken him. What type of romance is that when woman who married a man not for love. Lol terrible drama


    Writer lie to us saying GS cared. He cared so much to push Jh with YS.

    GS die and Ys and JH married last 4 episode Lol.


    Drama is not good at all.

  3. So I was reading other comment like YouTube etc. Some of people think like us they hated fact Writers trying put JH and YS together and KS dying.


    NO ONE LIKE JH AT ALL. It all about GS and Ys. They also said if they put JH and Ys together Truly not fair.


    Writers totally mess up JH ruin drama  with YS no storytelling between them


    Ys look sad GS look sad. Gs letting go. Truly not fair.


    This drama is laughable Because viewer like us watch it for GS and Ys hoping these two have happy ending. Now it not.


    JH agenda Was keep YS and GS apart. Now he winning her affection by Destroy GS life

    Another thing I see viewers like us been lie to especially when they said GS cared about her. Who Main lead it JH. Jeez watch JH smiling and touching Ys saying he love her. He seem so happy to be with her.


    Predictions Jh will get married. Next couple episode. Probably this week. Writer make GS to give up and tell Ys married Jh. Once she found out his sickness. She will be devastated and still JH will be lucky one.

    Not fair. Not fair at all writers screw this up

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  4. Thank u everyone who agree with I truly happy that we all understand how awful this drama is.

    Thank u once again that A good supper suppose to be about cooking and KS should found love interest.

    Thank u for agree that JH is worst character and truly abuse guy.

    Thank u once again writers want poor KS to be only just to suffer.

    I not YS side either.

    KS side on this. Poor writing poor romance poor drama

    • Like 2
  5. Drama was Fatal promise when girl had high school crush on main guy. But spend 90 episode On second lead guy who she never had feelings with.


    I disappoint because Poster and summary said KS care about her. I thought he was Main lead guy but I doubt it.

    JH is main lead guy and KS is second lead guy. They did it backwards on it.

    I hate JH and disappoint romance area. Terrible drama because for past episode Storyline and Poster I see had KS YS and SJ together. But other poster had group photo.

    Writers had lied to us all. Drama is not good because ratings is low. They did terrible job who YS end up with.


    JH and YS going to end up married because that direction they wanted. Ks end up alone and they didnt bring him no love interest for him at all. Ks will have his mom. The build up With KS and YS was fake and made audiences Believe they will end up together. Not going to happen. Congrat JH for winning YS

    26 minutes ago, bluesappir said:

    After the latest bombshell plus one page of the script I saw by chance (and they humored me later on and showed the part that was blurry and hard to read)… I can only say I’m beyond devastated by the new turn of events. I even updated my blog to comment that I’ll be pausing my usual reviews because there’s only so much I can handle. 

    Young Shin’s feelings for Kyung Soo haven’t changed, and whatever Jung Hoon is currently playing at, to be honest, it feels like he’s only changed tactics but is far from having given up on getting her. His behavior change in the past couple days plus the preview made me somehow hate him even more.


    It looks like the angst will keep for a while as well. 


    Sorry, guys. I don’t remember the last time I got this heartbroken over a fictional character.

    I hate JH even more to. Not good pairing. Writers lies to us

    • Like 1
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  6. 22 hours ago, marrez1 said:



    I told u guys JH and YS going out. I hate it.

    Chairman father and JH father are good friends. Look like I was right.

    They will end up with each other

    I told u guys JH and YS going out. I hate it.

    Chairman father and JH father are good friends. Look like I was right.

    They will end up with each other


    Guess what they getting married lol writer plan it stupid. Arrange marriage.

    • Sad 1
  7. Saw preview with english ssubtitlesIt official JH and Ys hooking up. I done.


    He stay not going to medical school. What type of romance is this.

    YS spend more time with GS now it officially Ended. I upset.


    Writers didnt do no good at Ys romancing JH. What is that. No holding hand no kissing none. Now last 14 episode writer trying to get YS and JH together .  Unbelievable

    This is why I quit watching romance on show especially long drama. I was disappointed in last three drama.




    • Confused 2
  8. Today scene JH seem like child. he hate the fact GS and YS are living together again. That their dinner what do u expect.


    Jh problem is he miserable from his mom from his dad from YS from GS from DJ and Oh Bok. He never smile since day he grew up.

    I like Oh Bok better than him. He show good friends to YS and help GS recover His memory. Also he funny nice guy unlike JH.


    Ys never into him since beginning Because she will choose GS first. Remember he Was sick. She was devastated. JH personality and connection doesnt seem right for YS.

    • Like 6
  9. JH want YS so bad. If they end up together last 18 episode  out of 100 episode that stupid.

    JH for me is selfish I dont like how things are going. KS almost die and all JH want to do be with YS.


    This drama is about YS GS and evil lady. I just want romance on show with two lead. Step sibling. Ys know not blood related.

    For me seeing KS and YS they are perfect match. See YS and Jh boring. BESIDE WRITER haven't gave JH no storyline.

    Storyline mainly about KS YS evil lady family. DJ and her family and her boyfriend family.

    JH not focus. He they trying to separate KS and YS and find truth out. So that YS go back to him.

    Do u think so

    JH character is boring miserable and flat

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  10. Saw preview JH want YS now. It boring. Ys will end up with JH. What point Confess your love for GS.


    I hate direction it going. No romance  so boring and I see more chemistry with GS and YS  then JH.


    JH is boring too demanding and he doesnt have storyline. But writers choose him as main lead to be with Ys. These two will end up together. So boring.

    Speaking GS I feel writers no intention give him new love interest He will remain single and old. I thought from interview and summary. It said GS really cared about her  more than that. I figure it lie.


    Main lead of drama is JH and YS. Because GS and Ys will end up as brother and sister. No comment because they should end 100 episode. It worst drama love interest on show is super boring.

  11. So yesterday I was on twitter with Siwon posted sorry gorgeous I taken. Everyone was quite shocked think he might has a girlfriend.So then today I went back to twitter he posted he been taken by elf. He was joking with everyone. Some of elf were shocked some knew he was joking.
    I dont know what to do when he announced he has a real girlfriend.  I didnt know some elf called him derpking on sns

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