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Posts posted by sky5joyous

  1. Hello “Dimples” !

    I complete my precedent post :

    (http://youtu.be/gfx8-D3ROdk 0:22 – 0:47) on the red carpet of APAN, 10 october 2011, Sora gives a red rose to her fans (the flower is given to every actress by the organizers of gala evening), because this rose isn’t a message for his lover ! But (BIFF 2012), this red rose is very special … 


    ... and the dress is black like the dress of first episode WGM, the tuxedo of PJS and the true color of his hair (http://youtu.be/d_7yFh-SCH8  0:16, like her, he gives the white rose –given by organizers- http://youtu.be/cE-YvSqFUyA 0.30, he does the V sign 1:53), this beautiful dress is like the wedding dress in the episode 24 (http://youtu.be/wI-2noMfkOM 5:07 – 5:30). In this episode (http://youtu.be/ZKREtlWR2VQ 1:14 - 1:40), Sora is the Little Red Riding Hood with a red cape and red shoes ; PJS gives her a bouquet with red roses and Sora has 2 red roses in her hair. This flower and this color are very important for our couple !   :x 



    For “Dining table my soul” (11 february 2013), “Chef Sora” is wearing white and red (= ruby = july = PJS) and she does the V-sign on a photo http://wgmleeteukandkangsora.wordpress.com/2013/03/01/news-130209-actress-kang-sora-stepped-out-as-a-warmhearted-soul-food-messenger/  In the video, she does the “2 thumbs”  :-bd , waves to the viewers  :-h  and the heart http://youtu.be/vPimttuhQr4 (0:05, 0:10 and 0:11) ! Sora cooks french toasts and speak about her grandmother ( http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xxg5fm_130211-kang-sora-dining-table-of-my-soul-part-1_people?search_algo=2 2:35 – 3:24), I remember burnt toasts (for Dong Hae)  =))  in the episode 16 (http://youtu.be/64e9PYznMIk 0:00 – 6:18 and http://youtu.be/yMc-M4UUJFI 2:02 – 2:12) and PJS speak about her grandmother in the second bonus WGM (http://vimeo.com/49366440#at=0 0:00 – 0:10).  In the first bonus WGM http://vimeo.com/48958953#at=0 , “Chef Sora” loves “Chef Teuk” !

    Is it a simple coincidence ? :-/  After “Dining table my soul” and Valentine’s day, 15 february 2013, at the end of “The Promise” http://youtu.be/lt3TQ6HHGbE , PJS does the double V-sign (0 :58), waves to the members of the audience (2:36)  :-h  and the “2 thumbs”  :-bd  (2:44).

    Their hints are cute !   :\">

    High five !     :)>-    

  2. Hello “Dimples” !

    @shymaldita28 I think too that the red pen symbolizes the love (page 1234 –photo- and page 1235), it reminds us the red rose (WGM episode 10 -during the concert- ; episode 20 and 21 – above on the left with the program logo - ; episode 21 – first dance of Sora and PJS) ; the heart-pillow (WGM episode 16, 21, 22 and final episode) ; the red ribbon (WGM episode 21, 22 and final episode) ; the red headband (WGM episode 23) ; the ruby, Sora’s present is a pair of earrings in the final episode (1 ruby = stone of birth = july = PJS ; 1 amethyst = february = Sora).

    121005_506edae1e4803.jpg    rubis1.jpg


    I think that maybe Sora was wearing the red ruby dress for PJS (4 october 2012, BIFF).

    PJS has a red rose and gives a kiss (look the next photo "V-kiss" ? ) with a big smile in the end of “The Promise” ( http://youtu.be/EChMEwZ1uKE [0:54 – 1:07] 28 february 2013) and he doesn’t give the flower, Sora doesn’t give her red rose on the red carpet of BIFF 2012 : “The red rose is just for my lover”, they are cute ! During an other red carpet (BIFF, 4 october 2012), every actress had a white rose, she give the white rose to her fans (0:16 http://youtu.be/d_7yFh-SCH8 ) because the flower wasn’t a sign for PJS.



    @shymaldita28 (page 1235) you’re right for the interview of PJS (7 February 2013) ! From the second episode WGM (1:19 – 2:03 http://youtu.be/IwE30G0zwqc ), he like her hands. I think too that the woman of his dream is Sora, he is a true genius, he says her : “I think to you, you’re the lady of my dreams !”   :\">

    7 days after this interview of PJS, 14 February, it’s Valentine’s Day.

    In “The Promise”, 15 February, PJS do the double V-sign (0:56 – 1:01 http://youtu.be/lt3TQ6HHGbE ) ; 16 February, PJS does the “batman” V-sign, the double V-sign and the heart (0:54 – 1:00, 3:36 – 3:46, 5:07 – 5:21 http://youtu.be/PIpHI1w7SFQ ).

    17 February, PJS does the double V-sign and the kiss maybe a present for Sora (0:58 – 1:03 and 3:32 – 3:37 http://youtu.be/9Q4JUpZn4bk ), she has her fan meeting for her birthday, where she announces that she’ll go and see him ; 18 February (PJS’s day off), it’s Sora’s birthday !

    19 February, PJS does the heart (0:53 – 1:02 http://youtu.be/NUdG_EXCcFw ) and he was wearing a mask with a heart (page 1101, post’s @tweetiaa http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/370394/official-leeteuk-suju-sora-couple-we-got-married/p1101 ). 20 February, PJS dances “Sorry, sorry” (or “Sora, Sora” –look my post page 1233), he does 2 hearts, the V-sign and the kiss for Sora ! (0:52 – 1:02 and 2:37, 3:39 – 3:46 and 5:13 – 5:18 http://youtu.be/SOUEZMy0GyI ).

    21 February, Sora comes to see PJS in “The Promise” and he touches his heart, his lips, he does the V-sign and the double V-sign (0:54 – 1:02 and 2 :24 http://youtu.be/nyo43_ut6J4 ). On his heart, he has the  badge of his fans  because they gave him presents, I agree with @lolowaw and @shymaldita28 (page 1108 http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/370394/official-leeteuk-suju-sora-couple-we-got-married/p1108 and page 1111 http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/370394/official-leeteuk-suju-sora-couple-we-got-married/p1111 ) because in the episode 10 (0:37 http://youtu.be/LC4D5JSn-Xk ), PJS was wearing on his heart a sticter-heart of the hamburgers that Sora gives to Super Junior in the episode 9 (1:37 http://youtu.be/bbFjuSJmLms ). He put up only one performance, Sora and him had more time, I hope.

    On his cyworld, “love” is written all over his third tab (diary) in a heart (on his previous cyworld, “love” was present too, on the skin). PJS referes to the favorite ice cream of Sora and maybe to his song “Ice cream” with Joo ( http://youtu.be/WwTdVCg5i9A ) [the soft toys, (0:29 and 1:09) in the MV, remind me the 2 soft toys in the final episode (1:27 http://youtu.be/9VXRWQswwAI )]. I think he says us that their relationship is a real love and they are happy. He hasn’t changed his cyworld because again today their love is similar to the song. It’s my hope !   [-O<

    Just for laughs !  in the MV “I’m sorry” http://youtu.be/EeNcKla1SZg  (0.35 – 0.46 ; 2.23 – 3.38), CNBlue (her friends of “Bang Bang”) has the red rose… of Sora !!!  ;))



    Just an old and french song !  Edith Piaf, “La vie en rose” (1947) http://youtu.be/sHLfhjGPcak  8->

    Love, love, love !

      :x   :)>- 
  3. Hello “Dimples” !

    Thank you @viyra you encourage me to do as best I can. I read the posts since june 2012 and I archive the pages that I love in my computer. I’m “Ugly Alert”’s fan and I look “our house”, the “Kang Sora International Fanclub (http://kangsora.wordpress.com/  ), the “Sup3rjunior.com” (http://sup3rjunior.com/  ) and the page Facebook “WGM Leeteuk and Kang Sora” (https://www.facebook.com/pages/WGM-Leeteuk-SJ-Kang-Sora/147643228664598  ) : these are my secrets Aaaaah ! I write my ideas in French. I post my observations in English (of course !) when I can … In love, the time doesn’t count. Aaaah !!!

    Thank you @lolowaw for your support ! I’m little sad because I love Sora and her wired style (her fashion designer works very good), but she works hard, she must take a rest. You’re right in an interview (2012), Sora said she want to appear with a handsome man on the red carpet for BIFF 2013 (http://kangsora.wordpress.com/2012/10/11/interview-biff-kang-sora-kang-sora-kim-ah-jung-unnie-congratulation-for-being-crowned-with-the-best-dress-title-interview-second-time-walking-on-a-red-carpet-kang-sora-stated-nex/  ). I think she joked with the journalist but she can refer to PJS because he’s going to be  in the section “celebrity” of army maybe he could to represent the army in BIFF 2013 : PJS with his uniform and KSR with a beautiful dress… (a funny moment in the episode 20 WGM, http://youtu.be/BRlmkEOxmVs 0:02 – 1:52 [1:08 – 1:26, PJS loves the dress and thinks Sora’s dresses on the red carpet] ) But, after the scandal (look page 1206 the posts of @akunohana , @viyra and @kulot http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/370394/official-leeteuk-suju-sora-couple-we-got-married/p1206 ) and the dissolution of the section “celebrity” (look page 1218 post’s @qlae http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/370394/official-leeteuk-suju-sora-couple-we-got-married/p1218 ), my dream vanished. I hope in 2014 PJS (tuxedo) and KSR (blue sapphire dress).

    @mywebfoot  I like your post (page 1232). During the BIFF 2012, the red rose is the hint, it very important for me with Sora’s smile when she has the flower near her lips because the day where I see it : I said I’m sure they very very closer, they are “a couple”. Maybe PJS offered her a bouquet of de roses and Sora took a rose to say him “I’m happy, I love you” or it’s a couple’s mission : because the dress is a wedding dress tinted in black –see Sora’s interview- and the bride has always a bouquet and no bag ! Aaaah ! The hints (the red rose with her smile and the wedding dress in black for Sora and the V-sign on the stage after the WGM’s end for PJS) are, for me, the first proofs of their strong relationship.  :x

    I saw @qlae ’s post (page 1234) about PJS’s ring on “All the Kpop” in MBC Music broadcast 26 October 2012, Shin Dong and PJS are wearing ring and their costume of stage. During my search, I looked their performances. On a first video, I see Ye Sung (4:52) and Shin Dong (5:26) were wearing a ring, not PJS but 2 bracelets. In this video, Super Junior sing « Sexy, free and single » (and “SPY” with V-sign PJS 6:48 – 6:53), I remember @shymaldita28 ’s post (page 1230) about a V signal do by PJS in their MV ( http://youtu.be/gWIkiI_UmeE 0:18). I look the end’s performance and … AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh !   :-bd   PJS ! He do it on the stage !!!   =D>  ( http://youtu.be/py2E5jG-43A 7:23 – 7:25) I looked performances but PJS was often hidden from view by the Super Junior ! ( http://youtu.be/AUCMUdWLWtc 0:23 [20 July 2012] ;  http://youtu.be/imHyIwXvu0E 0:19 [22 July 2012] ; http://youtu.be/BInMeX3Jt-w  2:10 [2 August 2012] ;  http://youtu.be/ToB1LVwM3ng 0:08 [21 October 2012] ).   O:-)  

    Just a little thought : The love isn’t a scandal. The scandal, it’s the lack of love.

    Look my favorite fan art video : http://youtu.be/77sGetTgrLc   :x

    Peace and Love ! 

       :)>-          :x   

  4. Hello “Dimples” !

    Thank you @tweetiaa and @shymaldita28 ! I’m happy that you like my posts. 

    @shymaldita28 you too, you see the pens… I agree with you, Sora don’t post the picture for drama promotion, it’s a good hint. In one photo, I think that Sora says us : “I think about my lover Park Jung Soo !” or “I’m Mrs Park, ex-virtual wife but true girlfriend !” or “We’re madly in love”. The episode’s end (n°88, Ugly Alert) is very funny because Dr Park get so confused when Na Do Hee (Sora’s character) come in his laboratory. Leader Park Jung Soo is shy too when he sees Sora…   :\">


    Good memory  ;))    

    Everyone high five !   

  5. Hello “Dimples” !

    Look yesterday in Ugly Alert episode 88 (28:58 - 31:34) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x151z0u_130923-ugly-alert-e088_people , “Dr Park” has a crush for Sora’s character (30:42 – 31:05) ! Oh, I remember in the episode 5 WGM (0:35 – 1:13) http://youtu.be/8KnD_JsgFw0 .

    You’re thinking what I’m thinking ?   HAPPY DAY !!!!  <:-P

    We’re thinking about the same thing : KSR love PSJ !!!     :x

    For everyone V-sign !


  6. Hello « Dimples » !

    @qlae yes I’m French … (maybe PJS thinks “Sora, Sora, Sora” when he dances ! ;)).

    I see cutes rabbits everywhere :

    in the episodes 10 and 16 –WGM- ( http://youtu.be/RiWqbYRIovk 0:56 – 1:02 ; http://youtu.be/R3MqI0Xl5yA 1:53 – 2:40)

    and PJS’s cyworld …


    or his cell phone (look page 871 @gdara123's second post http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/370394/official-leeteuk-suju-sora-couple-we-got-married/p871 ) ... maybe because our lovely couple met in 2011, the year of rabbit ?!  :-?

    In his cyworld, PJS never changes “…SJ…” (to the right of his photo and written in red) since 12 October 2011 ...


     (look page 1065 with shymaldita28’s two posts http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/370394/official-leeteuk-suju-sora-couple-we-got-married/p1065 ) and today the two capital letters are there ...


    I looked the pictures of his cyworld before Sora because I believe that “…SJ…” is “SORA-JUNGSU”  B-)    

    ... he never write “SJ” for Super Junior in this place (to the right of his photo), I’m right or not ?

    My hope : PJS thinks that his cyworld is a tree where he can engrave their initiales !  :x  :\">

    So romantic !!! (in the episode 17 –WGM- http://youtu.be/RTgjAr7Hv1o 2:00 – 3:05, our couple is below a “tree” with a heart -2:05).

    I love his wedding’s photo and I smile because PJS don’t cut Sora’s forehead where he kissed her (look :-*  episode n°24  http://youtu.be/4gGX5dLQ7qU ).    :))  

    In his interview (26 march 2013 http://youtu.be/QTSm8TAmTRU 0:45 - 0:49), PJS said Sora miss him and his cyworld (29 march 2013) says us that Prince PJS want to give a kiss to Baby Princess KSR below the love's tree where live a white rabbit ! [-O<


    Everyone Peace and Love !   :)>-  

  7. Hello ! During the GS concert (21 october 2013), PJS did the same V-sign close to his face :
    one V-sign during “Spy” (2:14 – 2:20) of course ! http://youtu.be/cFXKjqkCJcY   when he sing “I feel it when it leaves my calm hands and hits the target ” (in the MV "Spy” http://youtu.be/A8x3nO6Tfcc  3:05 – 3:07).
    one short V-sign during “Sorry,sorry” (1:10)  http://youtu.be/iRGpLEGvtG0  when he sing “shawty” (in the MV "Sorry, sorry" http://youtu.be/_l7tslwcPzw 1:05 - 1:13) ; it complete my post (19/09/2013 - page 1233) : just like  on “The Promise” (20 February 2013) his movements did for Sora (0:09 - 0:11) http://youtu.be/0j4UcJ_-76Y . 
    one short  V-sign during “Miracle” (1:27 – 1:28) http://youtu.be/aqusWuVLOuM  when he sing “Open your heart, take my hand” (in the MV “Miracle”  http://youtu.be/HG_tITRxRYY 1:14 – 1:22). 
    3 V-sign on the center stage !!!  YES !  Super cool, PJS !
    He express his love with the V-sign, he emphasize the importance of lyrics with his V-sign for Sora !?  
    3 lyrics = 1 message for Sora : “I feel it when it leaves my calm hands and hits the target (her lips in the final episode -WGM- ? =)) ). Shawty, open your heart, take my hand”. It’s possible, right ?    :\">
    I believe in their love ! :x
    For everyone V-kiss !
    :)>- :-*
  8. Hello Happy Family !

    Thank you, shymaldita28 for your welcome  :)   

    Not video letter from soldier PJS to Sora during his first recording of “Music Town” (19 april 2013) ?

      http://youtu.be/HSg9m-uSsFY      Are you sure ?

    … but look, PJS announced this   http://youtu.be/hSALmVlRGbQ   (09:55 – 13:17) !!!

    Yes !!! “SPY” MV !!!

    Why « Spy » and not « Sexy, free and single » his recent MV ?

    … because on the stage, Prince PJS always did the V-sign/touch his lips or kiss to his Baby Princess !!!

    Look a best memory (1er september 2013, Music Core, “Spy”) … http://youtu.be/d9socOfiCZA

    Aaaaah ! Love is wonderfull ! and PJS is a « genius » !!! “Spy” is his video letter !!!  ;)

    Be happy everyone !  

  9. Hello ! I’m new ! It’s my first time in a forum !  

    I love so much Baby Princess KSR and Prince PJS so I’m here ! I love your family too !   :x

    My english is bad (I’m very sorry) but thankfully the love do miracles… I hope… 

    I believe that the 20 February 2013, to the musical’s end (“The Promise”) PJS announced the Sora’s visit (she came the 21) because he danced “Sorry,sorry” (0:09 – 0:10), a big smile and did a “heart” (0:11) 


    and in the episode 22 –WGM-, he called Sora, “SORI” (0:19 – 0:20) (when she shouted because Sungmin phoned but PJS said “Sorara” (0:28 – 0:29) when he spoke to N°1).


    “SORI” is the replacement for “Baby Princess” and “Sora-ya” because they are closer ???

    In the MV "sorry, sorry", his dance's mouvement is doing when they sing "sorry, sorry,sorry" and "shawty, shawty, shawty" (1:00 - 1:13)... it's true, our princess "Sori" is a very beautiful lady !!!



    dance "Sorry, sorry" + little heart = SORI = His lover KSR !?   It's my hope !!!!   :\">

    The 20 february, I think that he was so happy and he would say her : “Tomorrow, you come for me ! thank you, Sora ! I love you !”    

    It’s my imagination ? Do you think that’s possible ? 

    Good dream and V-sign everyone !

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