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Posts posted by pinpxx

  1. KES's acting in this episode is really good. I love how he is be able to show the father role and then, next second, he's that freaking murderer.

    Today's episode is surely sad. I cried so hard especially at the OYJ and OSM scene. It's sad that the daughter has to see her father ends up with that kind of situation.

    As well as the taking ring off scene, OYJ asking 'why do you do this' and her teary eyes have me choke so much. It's so sad... really really sad.

    I don't like watching something sad. I always have hard time to digest all of the sad feeling I have when watching something sad.
    (Oh man... I write too many sad word LOL.)

    But cheer up guys! I know many of you might get upset after this episode but we still have one more episode including the long-awaited 'I love you' scene (HOW DARE YOU KANG CHULLLLLLL T-T) next week.

    And thanks to all of our recappers, giffer here. I love youuuuuu~

    • Like 13
  2. Hmmm I found this interesting. I don't know if it's a spoiler or not, so, for the best, I will put it under the spoiler tag.



    I think it's quite wonderful that just watching one drama/series can make you notice every single little thing in that drama/series and it makes you enjoying it even more. Oh man, I'm gonna miss this drama so freaking much once it's finished ;-;

    • Like 12

    For tonight episode, I had no words to express my thought except awwww and what why and whatttttt!

    For the first half of this episode, I went awwwwww~ like almost every seconds
    and then the latter half I went like:
    - DAMN IT I can't keep up anymore!
    - WHATEVER!!!!
    - KC is so freaking hot here I'm dying ;-;
    and I went awwwwwwwwwwwwww again for the last minute of this episode.

    Holy moly! This episode made me feel like I was riding a roller coaster for the whole time and that was really gooooooooood!

    • Like 19
  4. Shout out to all of wordies here(again)! If you are interested in getting W dvd or Blu-ray, you can sign for pre-order survey on http://cafe.daum.net/Wdvd


    I'm going to drop the-how-to-register-on-daum here and if you don't understand or have any problem, you can let me know via pm and I will try to answer you as soon as possible.
    (Since I have a lot of pictures, I will put them on spoiler tag)
    Here you are, sweety @maryofbethany



    1. Go to http://www.daum.net/ and you will see the box that I marked in red there. Then click 회원가입.

    2. Click the right box to register it by email.

    3. You will see these two boxes. Write your email on the first box. (I recommend you to use gmail)

    4. Then click 인증번호 받기.

    5. This pop-up will show up as to inform that they have sent the confirmation numbers via email.

    6. Go check your email and copy/remember your six confirmation numbers.

    7. Enter your confirmation numbers on the second box.
    8. Click
    9. After you click 학인, It will show
    the third box for entering your name there (You can enter anything you want)
    10. Tick those 2 boxes.
    11. Then click

    12. Write your wanted Daum ID (I'm not sure whether it has the character limit or not, so, to be on the safe side, you should go with the simple one).
    13. Write
    your password (Minimum length – 8 characters).
    And here is the hardest part. You have to type Korean characters here. For those of you who do not have a Korean keyboard, you can use this site http://gate2home.com/Korean-Keyboard and try to type it. In case you really can't type it, you can capture your captcha code and send it to me via pm. (I'm always online here around 12.00 - 14.00 pm -Korea time zone-)
    15. Then click 가입완료.

    16. It will show your email and your Daum ID on this page. Click 서비스로 돌아가기 to return to daum.

    17. Go to http://cafe.daum.net/Wdvd and you will see this tab on the left side then click 카메 가입하기

    18. Tick on the agreement box.
    19. Write
    your nickname on the first box (Mininmum length – 17 characters). On the 수신여부 topic, tick on the first box.
    Enter the security code.
    21. Then click
    And if there are any errors at this step, it's most likely because of your nickname. So if you can't get through this step, please try changing your nickname.

    22. It will bring you to this page and you have to click 학인.

    23. On this step, you have to enter your Daum ID (your daum ID is from No12. Since there has name, nickname, and ID for you to fill, so it might get you confused) and 24. password here.
    25. Then click

    26. Then it will bring you back to Wdvd daum cafe. Now it's up to you to choose what type of W set you want. If you want a DVD one, you have to click [DVD] 가수요 조사. And if you want Blu-ray, you have to click [Blu-ray] 가수요 조사.

    27. When you click one of those two options, it will bring you to this page. All you have to do here is enter your name(I think it would be better to go with your real name), your wanted number of DVD or Blu-ray, and your contact number.
    Here is the format: Your name/Your wanted number of DVD or Blu-ray/Your contact number
    28. If you don't want anyone else (except the staffs) to see your information, you can click on the lock icon to keep your information in secret.
    29. Then click
    등록 to submit your information.

    And that's it! I'm really sorry if you don't understand my tutorial. If you have any problem, please feel free to let me know! I will try to help you as soon as possible. Thank you so much:)


    • Like 12
  5. 19 minutes ago, maryofbethany said:

    @pinpxx if you try later on and is successful. can tag me? i was waiting for THIS for so long,since the 4th ep when i was addicted to it. if u made it, allow me to know. somewhat when nonski and the rest post the MBC site for Worldiz fans here to sign up, i keep on cannot sign into MBC. i given up, so i hope this pre-order site also not as tricky to sign in as that MBC site. because i have try signning up for cafe-daum for Yoo Seungho's stuff, and i jsut can't make head to tail about the whole site. i will try tonight to try sign up using email.


    Sure! I was thinking of doing the tutorial on how to register daum,
    so I will let you know asap when I finish it:)
    (And believe me, sign in on daum cafe is much more tricky than MBC LOL but I will try to explain it step by step so don't worry!)

    • Like 6
  6. 26 minutes ago, Rania Zeid said:

    [”W” BlueRay DVD] Try harder => email MBCWDVD@gmail.com ------ just for the demand survey

    Can only email 1, asking for promotion to everyone.@mbcwdvd try promoting in different languages, japanese, chinese and english.

    Cr:  12midnyt ‏@odeball


    So we can sign for pre-order via email? I thought that we can only sign it via daum cafe.

    By the way, shout out to all of you guys here, if you are interested in getting W dvd or Blue-ray you can sign for pre-order survey at http://cafe.daum.net/Wdvd
    (And yes you have to register to go through the website... it's not hard to register but the thing is it's all in korean so it might get you confused a bit)
    And I'm not sure whether we can sign it via email as @Rania Zeid posted. (which I hope we can since it's much more easier than register on daum;-;)


    Cr.Wdvd daum cafe

    • Like 9
  7. OMG this is way toooooooo beyond any of my imagination and it's way too complicated right now!


    1. Another SM becomes to be real murderer.
    2. Real SM doesn't have a face anymore.
    3. YJ is still getting dragged into the manhwa world.
    4. KC doesn't remember YJ. (it's the worstT_____T)

    Damn! It's like we got a plot twist then another plot twist then another plot twist so on and on and on. It's extremely excited and terrified at the same time.

    And GODDDD we have to wait for another 6 days! THIS IS SO TORTURED!!!!!!!!

    • Like 22
  8. 22 minutes ago, camichi said:

    Someone help me please, there is something about ep 9 preview that I can’t   understand.  Obviously she is at a hospital but, what hospital? What world  ? Is she in the manhwa’s world? or,  Is he  in the real world? 
    It is suppose that she returned to her world, then why are they at the same place ?

    I am Going crazy   yellow-hair-girl-emoticon-23.gif?1301940166



    At the end of the preview where KC grabs YJ's hand and says her name, I think that they are in the manhwa world.

    But other than that, I really have no clue LOL. We will have to find it out on today's episode /stare at MBC; DONT YOU DARE PLAYING WITH US AGAIN!

    Can someone teach me how to embed twitter ;-; Oh, I already did it!

    • Like 10
  9. Okay. I think I've managed to calm down enough to gather my thoughts.

    1. I love this episode. I think I could count it as my best episode so far (I'm sorry. I'm a little bit masochism LOL). I love how our KC and YJ are mature enough to accept the fact that they cannot be together.Of course, they are hurt (AND SO DO I T____T) but they can do nothing except force themselves to accept it or else people around them (YJ's parents, SH, DY, KC's uncle and even SB) are going to be in a dangerous situation and KC+YJ might not be able to help them. And if that ever happens, I'm sure KC and YJ are going to blame themselves to death.

    2. The drawing scene made me cry so hard. It broke my heart to see that YJ had to draw it by herself. It broke my heart how KC and YJ looked at their left hands with/without ring.

    3. I think the biggest plot twist of today's episode is that the black-faceless-hoodded-creepy guy doesn't know his identity (HOW COME YOU DONT KNOWWWWW THATS FREAKING FREAK!). So my question is what if SM gives that creepy guy an identity, is that going to solve everything?

    4. And the last one, how the hell is KC in the real world? SERIOUSLY! MBC better gives us episode 9 tomorrow! Or else I'm going to spam their twitter account with that black-faceless-hooded-creepy guy! (I'm joking).
    /oh I just saw someone posts on twitter that maybe KC is not in the real world but YJ herself is in the manhwa world (she captured the hospital logo in the preview and it looks like they are at the manhwa hospital).

    PS. Argh.. I mean at last scene of the preview where KC grabs YJ's hand. But I don't know about the picking up the ring scene... I'm so confused right now LOL

    The writernim is really genius. I love how she writes the story that is so freaking unpredictable! You can do nothing but want to know about it more and more. (I have never watched her other works before except The Three Musketeers which was not about the traveling across the universe at all so I'm so new to her and this kind of genre as well).

    And thanks to all of the recappers, translators, and giffer here:)

    • Like 19
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