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Posts posted by oryxncrake

  1. If a girl takes over a day to respond to your messages, would you take that as a indication that she's not interested in you?

    I would, but to be honest, girls are thickle. They can take forever to respond simply because they lack the words to say something meaningful, they're afraid to hurt you and you take it the wrong way or they simply forgot about it.
    If you REALLY want your answer: call or talk to her in person. That will force her to answer you. Be sure you've got something meaningful to talk about though. You simply can't call just to ask if she saw your text. You can do that once, but never more than that.


    "thing" as in relationship or exclusive? 




    oh thats not okay!! but thats just my perspective. Initiate stage, he should put in more effort to get and keep you. 

    I completely disagree. There are 24 hours to a day. That means he would have to talk to you at least 12 hours and 1 second per day to make sure you're the one he talks to the most. That's kinda insane.

    If you want to talk to him so badly, talk to him. But considering you're calling the relationship a "thing" isn't a good sign either. Are you taking this seriously?

    I am taking it seriously. I only called it a "thing" because I feel that HE isn't taking it seriously and that's how he views our relationship. I don't know where I stand with him anymore. We've had talks about him not talking or spending enough time with me, and he says he's sorry, that he will try harder, but then it's back at the beginning a few days later. 

  2. If you became very close with a woman (say, you love one another) but were not officially a couple because she lived too far away from you and/or you didn't think it was the "right" time to be with this particular woman, would you still pursue other women that lived closer to you while you still kept in contact with the one that lived farther away?

  3. cristolephe said: oryxncrake said: What are some of the things you do to let someone who is interested in you know that you're not interested in them back? 
    For example, if you were texting or talking to this person, would the conversation be very one-sided? Like them asking you a lot of questions while you don't really ask them anything back?

  4. What are some of the things you do to let someone who is interested in you know that you're not interested in them back? 
    For example, if you were texting or talking to this person, would the conversation be very one-sided? Like them asking you a lot of questions while you don't really ask them anything back?

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