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    You can watch the livestream for Barefoot Friends every Sunday at 4:50 pm Korean time through this link! 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    I wish Eun Ji Won is just a regular in Barefoot Friends... Eh but it seems like it's happening unless they extend his stay.. According to his schedule this month, yesterday would be his last Barefoot Friends appearance.. :( And @traciecullen thanks for more pics!!! Kang Ho Dong looks so adorable in the last one! ahahaha 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  11. Ooh!! Here's a pic from the Masters Diving Competition (I think being held today?) Good luck to Barefoot Friends! :D


    Yep, you're right.. I was just being so frustrated.. sigh. Because I know they have it in them...
    Episode 12 is really good. It really had me laughing and even showed a few clips to my cousin. But a friend of mine noticed (she watches Barefoot Friends from time to time) and made her watch some 1n2d episodes and she told me that KHD is not as lively as he used to be.. and I somehow noticed it as well. He was so energetic and full of life.. I wish the bad comments being thrown at him won't put him down.
    -- editing needs to do a better job because there are clips that are better off being cut away. I hope it's not due to them having not enough clips.

  12. @meisaeteurn Ah, is that so? My bad, I didn't know that part!  ;)) Are they joining an actual competition? Or is the one with the idols?Nevertheless, I feel like this is not enough. Of course, let's be honest, the main goal of these shows is to gain good ratings. And with how they've been doing, they're just not doing it. Others have done the heartwarming, slice of life moments without missing the actual fun for the viewers. 
    Joining a diving contest is a pretty good idea... it's really good for them. And yet I feel like they have drifted quite a bit from their original aim which is to conquer their fears. And this is the part where I worry for the show. They still don't have the exact foundation of what they are to do. You'd really see that when they pitched this show, they didn't think of long-term. 
    Shouldn't these staff members start having an actual meeting and talk about it? Like, say... let's make a show that does things in impulse! Something like that... with a creative team, it wouldn't be that hard. 
    But still... T_T Why baby why do they have to keep on dragging and dragging and dragging things? They should know that there are limitations and that they're doing this to entertain the audience. I feel that the reason it's boring at some parts is because it's all the footage that they have... that's just me. 
    Likewise, I wish nothing but the best for this show. I actually just started watching when Eun Ji Won came in and I can't help but feel sympathy for the other members who have been working so, so hard and yet they still get blamed.
    This show needs to step things up because they are pretty much behind. Because for the love of God! I don't want this show to be cancelled!
    On another note, I think the softsubs for Ep 12 is here courtesy of adskingofbeer :)

  13. Thanks for sharing @traciecullen :)
    But what on earth?!?! THEY ARE STILL FREAKING DIVING?!?! Are they planning to join the Olympics or something? I thought it's about conquering your fears and going for the jump and they've already done that!!! WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT??? I'm so disappointed with Barefoot Friends' production team. Very, very disappointed. Has SBS lost their hope for their show that they just decided to rent this diving place for a year and turn it into a diving reality program??
    I just so want this show to do soooo well, and to BFF's PD, writers, editors... 

    I feel so bad for the members for getting all the blame because this show is not doing well with the ratings... but what can they do but follow the PD! UGH! This is supposed to be KHD's big comeback to real variety and this is what SBS gives him? 

  14. I wish this show would finally find what their concept really is. What their aim really is. They've been floating here and there with different stuff without a basic foundation on what they really want to do. I just started watching with the diving episode and while it is funny and amazing, I feel like they have been dragging the diving thing a little too long. 
    They've had 12 episodes now and I'm still confused on what they really want to offer to the viewers. The production team really has to be more creative and stand by what their goal is. They need to do it real soon before SBS decides to cancel the show altogether. 
    They can really do it! I suppose the cast still needs more time to form the actual chemistry, but they'll get there. They just need to have that 'something' that would make them stand out among the many variety shows out there.

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