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Posts posted by craptelly

  1. @klent

    well it certainly ain't leessang lol... especially with gil highly against jiwon joining the first movement concert.

    Oh... so they are focusing on the Chinese market now? Well money-wise it would probably be great for them if the show actually takes off with good ratings. But then again, shouldn't they also give focus on the Korean Running Man especially with the ratings continuing to go down.. T__T

    The members really work so hard doing whatever they could for the laughs..

    But I agree with what was said that they lack the connection with the Korean viewers... it's just something that's much harder to achieve now especially with other shows going for the reality stuff that viewers will be able to relate to. Like with Real Man.. they make the celebs experience the military life which is really a big deal for the Korean people.. Running Man's concept's restricted to just the games.. so while it may provide the laughs.. the viewers also now look for really heartwarming scenes that the other shows provide..  I guess it's a huge factor with their ratings..

  2. @ErikaJ Well... I think the Line concept isn't anything strict... but it's some sort of a rivalry between the two highly popular MCs in the country. It isn't anything serious, more like a healthy rivalry between Kang Hodong and Yoo Jaesuk (both are really, really awesome in their own ways). Now with this rivalry, lots of celebs are asked as to which line do they belong... it isn't anything set in stone. But people do have their own pick.
    Celebs can join any show they want, it really doesn't matter. But with Jiwon he's worked so closely with Kang Hodong most especially with 1N2D so he has created a bond with KHD.. It's more out of loyalty than anything. Though of course Jiwon is still absolutely free to work anytime with YJS. Although I don't think it would be something like a primetime variety show like Running Man (as a permanent member).. That's just me though... My take on how I see things based on reading and watching stuff.. :D

    If I remember correctly, Jiwon became a part of The Movement because of Bobby Kim. Jiwon has known Bobby Kim since he was in Sechskies and Bobby Kim also wrote songs for them while Jiwon did a featuring for one of his songs back in the 90s. These two have always been good friends and Bobby Kim has always supported Jiwon as a hiphop artist right at the get go.

    I used to watch Running Man before whoever their guest may be. As I've said, it's my first encounter to Korean variety.. but as time went on, it just doesn't give me the laughs that I used to get when I started watching. So now, I just watch when the guest/s interest me enough to watch it.
    I remember it's always been the running that excited me the most. For me, I used to consider it as the main highlight of the show.. especially that bell hide and seek.. 
    I just don't see the point in these big sets and complicated props when they hardly bring the laugh... perhaps, it's just really not my thing. Cos I'm the viewer who prefers the interaction and the humor of the players.

  3. @klent 

    considering Jiwon's haircut from the link, that's around the time he became part of The Movement. :) But yeah, these guys are good friends that perhaps even go way back than that. I'm just saying how he's somehow connected with the members and how he has worked with the guys. You're right.. that reminds me, Jiwon hates running the most and he's known to be the least athletic out of the 1N2D members.

    klentsaid: I think 1N2D (season 1) is second only to Infinity Challenge in being the best variety show to have ever come out of Korea. 
    I think it's the other way around. :)) But then again it's subjective.  Ratings wise, 1N2D S1 was always mostly leading, averaging at 30%.. It only gets lowered down to around 27% cos they take the average with the other Happy Sunday show.

    I think one thing that could help Running Man is to keep things simple. I feel like they're trying their best, spending their time on these extravagant sets and games but then it doesn't always deliver.
    Anyways... Running Man, fighting!

  4. Hello again!!! :D
    I think what RM lacks at this point is the ability to be spontaneous and be able to do something unexpected. This is the first ever K-variety that I have ever encountered and at the time it got me so excited because I didn't know what was the next thing that would happen.. but now, things come off as very easy to predict and so the games have become boring and the reactions sometimes appear forced.

    Eun Jiwon once said that what real variety needs is spontaneity. The thing though is RM is limited to the games given to them by the PDs. They don't have the space to explore the possibilities. Also when some guests aren't that into variety and aren't active... it ends up boring. :( 
    @ErikaJ Hi! I'm so glad you're starting to like him! He's really an awesome person.. :D I enjoy watching Jiwon coming in as a guest from time to time and I would love it if he could come more often.. The thing though is I doubt he will ever join the show as a permanent member. After all, he originally came from 1N2D and is mostly involved in the Kang Line.
    He was asked once in a talk show why he doesn't do outdoor variety anymore and if he would ever go back to 1N2D. And he answered that, "It's because the person who once led me isn't there anymore."
    Jiwon is pretty close to the RM members however. :) He has worked with them a lot previously so there isn't any awkward moment with him there.
    Jaesuk - Come to PlayJongkook - Escape from Crisis No. 1Gary - The MovementSukjin - Star Golden BellHaha - I don't recall these two directly working with one another but I know they are good friends
    He hasn't worked with Jihyo and Gwangsoo yet.. but in that safari episode, he worked nicely with Gwangsoo that he didn't even hold back back then. XD

    A lot of PDs acknowledge his variety skills.

    :D He wasn't just known as the nation's choding but as a genius too. He's the only one that Kang Hodong feared in 1N2D cos Jiwon fights back to him and he is way too unpredictable. And he thinks so fast too. That's why in the RM E141, Jaesuk was teasing Jiwon cos Jiwon used to claim he has an IQ of 160. LOL He doesn't care much about consequences too so he does whatever he wants and doesn't mind his image too much. That's why he got the nickname Eun Choding. Cos his personality truly is child-like.

    I wish Jiwon could come and join again with fewer to no other guests... And though I don't see it anymore.. with more than 1 episode. :)


  5. I just finished watching the raw ep 26.. and I liked it. Because it had lots of cute moments from my bias, Eun jiwon... hehe
    And when he saw those pretty dogs! He was just so happy and squealing his feels for the dogs. Too bad they didn't show him playing with the dogs. :( I was actually wondering if he was stopped from playing with the dogs and was asked to focus on filming.. Because... as I said on twitter, one moment, you could hear him saying "Aww you're really pretty..." and he has no one else to say that to but the dogs, but next cut you'd see him back filming. Normally, when there were dogs in 1N2D, especially Sanggeun, he forgets about filming altogether and just goes on to play with the dogs. So many times he wasn't onscreen simply because he was so absorbed fighting/playing with Sanggeun. They should've let that be with those dogs! I would've loved to see more of those cutie dogs!! 

    2.jpg Him with his old dog, Tori...It's just magic when you combine Eun Jiwon and dogs because he totally loves them and he enjoys playing with them.. The only time I see him use his aegyo mode to the fullest is when he's with dogs, especially puppies/ small ones.

    It's probably because the ep has no subs yet, but Brian scared me a bit in this ep. The aura just seemed different and I he looked like he was annoyed at some parts of the ep. Hopefully, I'm mistaken when I get to see the ep with subs.
    Brian calling out to Bada was a really nice surprise.. I really love her! Probably because they're both doing musicals. I understood that part when she said that she just finished her musical and she's so tired and hungry. I've been secretly shipping Bada and EJW ever since her appearance in 20thCHB XD
    I really LOL'd at Eun Jiwon and Kang Hodong's continuous comebacks. Kang Hodong trying to feed Jiwon everything he doesn't like and Jiwon trying to retaliate... with pepper & rice hahahahahaha XD Eun Choding and his elementary kid's tastebud forever! :D
    The person whom they visited for today's ep.. was really adorable. She kept singing at every moment possible! <3
    Eun Jiwon wasn't the main chef in the recent episode but it's cute how he's helping out the others in the background.

  6. ^Is this the one with K Will? I read a news that they will visit K Will's house next. My computer's lagging rn... hehehe
    It's pretty obvious that the food eating concept is their official thing now. Hmm... each episode has its fun moments. But not enough to get a stable viewership. There was so much potential for this show. 

    Btw... I'm not really sure about this, this is just based on the schedule posted by Jiwon's agency. But his final filming for Barefoot Friends would be on October 12.

  7. @shoyunnie here you go! :D
    tumblr_mtx7bsYovT1qm73qio1_250.gif tumblr_mtx7bsYovT1qm73qio3_250.gif
    tumblr_mtx7bsYovT1qm73qio2_250.gif tumblr_mtx7bsYovT1qm73qio4_250.gif

    This guy has just the most infectious laughter! LOL That's why when I'm sad I just go off to watch this

    He laughs so randomly at things. Actually, just say the word fart to him and he won't be able to stop his laughter. And he laughs the best at Sugeun's gags. 

    Channel M used to sub it but they've cancelled the show here. Bummer. I really like that show! Now I can't watch it without subs! Yeah, he cares for his hyungs a lot even if some would say he's irresponsible! And he said he did that so his dongsaengs, Seunggi and Mong would look up to him. hahahaha This kid loves being doted on by the hyungs but he also likes the power of being a hyung!

  8. @shoyunnie okay, I think I already know what that part is! :D GIF will be coming right up! For Hyunmoo and Jiwon fans it was a fantastic night for them.. Because after Barefoot Friends, there's a live episode for Three Idiots where both guys are in together.
    And those glasses that Hyunmoo has in his apartment! (GAH! HOW COME HIS PLACE IS SO EMPTY!? It's as if he just moved in but the rotten food in his apartment says otherwise!) Anywho, back to the glasses, those glasses were featured in 3 Idiots. They have this thing called the Idiot Awards where they will list top 7 of any random stuff per week, like Top 7 Best Smartphone Apps... and then people would vote for the best one out of those.
    And those glasses were included in one of the episodes. It was so funny when they were trying it on. Hyunmoo always make me feel bad for him! I just want to hug him! First when he couldn't dance to save his life and had to slip and fall down on-stage in the midst of performace. X_X I just like him a lot! And seeing his apartment so empty... oh man~ 
    Yeah, they are both similar and yet still very different. First, Eun Choding is Eun Choding. Hyunjoong has a more mature feel to me while watching the show.
    And speaking of Seunggi admiring Jiwon a lot. I don't know but I'm slightly getting that vibe with Siyoon. Especially when Sayuri wasn't confident about the curry while Jiwon was cooking and Siyoon was the first to defend him.. saying JW is really good and a genius when it comes to what he's doing.

    ME TOO! Hahahaha!!! He's always the first person to say that he wants to team up with Jiwon because he's really smart and won't betray him. But we all know Jiwon easily betrays at the speed of light when the need arises! And LOL at that episode when Jiwon didn't sleep the whole night just so he would win the morning mission and won't have to carry the heavy equipments on the way home. And Sugeun and MC Mong felt so betrayed.. but Seunggi was just all like, "From now on, I will now always team up with Jiwon Hyung no matter what!"

    edit: now I'm sure of the laughing part you were talking about! hahhaha I've been repeating that last night as well a lot.. XD

  9. @shoyunnie which episode is it? And like what time? I haven't seen 23 & 24 in full yet but yeah! would really like to see that part! hehehe and would totally gif it!
    BTW, I saw this on twitter which was further linked to facebook. A news article from yesterday's episode..
    Eun Ji Won - Kim Hyun Joong 100% consistent with the idea creepy "Dumb and Dumber"

    Eun Ji Won and Kim Hyun Joong turned "Dumb and Dumber."

    The 29th broadcast of MBC "Sunday nice - barefoot friends", the members visited the cooking master Zhao Jia Qing and Hong Ruifan home. Zhao Jia Qing prepared many delicious dishes, while "barefoot" The players also started a quiz.

    The first problem is instant noodles and coffee have in common. At this time, Eun Ji Won shouted: "fast food" while Kim Hyun Joong also stood up and said: "I have just had the same idea, too creepy, and scary ah!" Triggered a laugh.

    In this regard, the players went on to say: "kinda like two people." Two people are the same men's team captain, also has a lot in common, so we were surprised.

    Two people in the guessing process, always say the same answer, so the screen reads "terrible Dumb and Dumber" subtitles, so funny to see people are triggered.

    Cr : KpopStarz中文版 + Henecia Morocco - 헤네치아 모로코

    I like the idea that Hyunjoong and Jiwon are similar with one another, but I don't like the "Dumb and Dumber" concept which has been used so many times before. X_X And Jiwon may not be the booksmart sort of person, but he definitely isn't dumb. 
    puh-lease he has an IQ of 160 :)) And 1n2d members were all scared of him, and that includes Kang Hodong. Even Seunggi insists Jiwon should be in the CIA! 
    And as for the similarities of Hyunjoong and Jiwon..
    1. both are tanned hehe2. both from DSP (debut timeline would be Sechskies -> Click-B --> SS501)3. both were the leaders of their respective groups (Sechskies and SS501.. which hey, come to think of it, start with the same letter!)4. both were asked to do growling raps by their agency :))5. both have big eyes6. 4D thinking7. and the caps.

  10. @Fly-Vhi I download them via torrent and use the softsubs from dramafever. I download from asiatorrents. :)
    Speaking of Brian being a guest soon in BFF, here's a funny clip of him and Jiwon from an old variety in SBS, Jihwaza

    @princessviolet IKR? 
    One thing I've noticed is that SBS has always been guest-oriented when it comes to their variety shows. Their purpose is to show off their guests and hopefully get good ratings. I wish they would for once focus on just the members but tough luck, it ain't happening. The members would never be able to focus on their chemistry as a team and to actually become family-members like with guests coming in and out. 
    I know it really sounds harsh, but if this would keep on going, this show isn't far from getting cancelled. Everybody finds their recent episodes boring. Everywhere I read, it's all the same comments. I don't know why they are being so stubborn and don't want to wake themselves up. 
  11. @fenchfries hohoho also that Beyonce horse dance.. I don't know if I could look at it or not.. but it was funny! All he has to do is open his mouth and do his thing and he can make me so giddy all the way. I just really wish they'd stop that fist sized food thing they do.. it was amazing at first but now... sigh. Yep, I've read it also last Sunday that Jiwon didn't go to the bachelor's house. I'm actually not sure why hehehe it's either he had another schedule or he got sick?
    @Littlezaznangel yeah, that's what my theory is as well. That this is now their official concept. But seriously, they still have a lot to work on this concept if they want it to last. And it's ironic how they chose this concept to do healthy eating.. and while what they're eating is really healthy, that stuffing huge amount of food in your mouth at a time is pretty much not healthy at all. 
    @czakhareina thanks for the photos! Ohh so they're visiting jun hyunmoo's house for the bachelor visit.. I REALLY LOVE Hyunmoo! his Lucifer dance.. and ever since he lead those babies in the 1n2d viewers trip and now hosting 3 Idiots~ There are times Jiwon would bully Hyunmoo even if Hyunmoo's one year older.

    Aaaackk but seriously? The pds have no more plans for this show except this?
    This is the lineup of what happens in the show:1. Introduction.. whose house they're visiting.2. The members would have a tour of the house with the owner.3. tasting the rice craver food4. Cooking time, a game for a taste5. taste and KHD trying to stuff huge amount of food in his mouth.. it gets bigger every ep *cringes*6. Choosing rice craver7. visiting the loner celeb (tour, tasting, etc)8. cook for him or her (one with the mother's traditional recipe next is more of an experimental approach)9. loner celeb would call a friend10. they'd eat together
    and the episode ends.

    It makes me feel like it's okay to miss an entire episode cos I'd pretty much know what's gonna happen. I get they're now trying this format as the exact concept of the show. But it's just the same thing over and over, they don't inject things that would make it either exciting or heart warming or anything. Just a bunch of people eating delicious food.

  12. Littlezaznangel said: We cant see anything yet since we're not paid subscribers ;(

    Content Name : Barefoot Friends (24 votes) icon_uci.gif View metadata
    icon_rect_01.gif Genre : Performing Arts
    icon_rect_01.gif Guest Stars : Unlimited
    icon_rect_01.gif Broadcast Date : 2013-04-21
    icon_rect_01.gif Terms and Conditions : unlimited, minutes, seconds screened
                      General quality ₩ 700, ₩ 1,000 high-quality, HD high-definition 1,000 won, 700 won downloads 
                      free pass S of the subscription period by
































































































































    i know.. sayuri was so funny and crazy at the same time! i find her quite relatable, she‘s lovely.
































































    As for jiwon, he didn‘t use to cook much in 1n2d before, but when he does it turns out good. but the resident cook back then was mc mong.
































































    I think the reason why he‘s so good at it stems from the fact that he‘s very picky with what he eats and has a very childish taste. so he knows what he wants.. and perhaps he has a certain standard on how his food should taste. no matter how unconventional that might be.

































  14. I'm watching the latest ep now w/ eng subs.. Jiwon totally does this thing in which he asks what the food is if he wants to get a taste. Like just what he did with Jongshin.. so he could sneak a taste he would pretend to ask what that food is even if he already knows it. I just remembered a somewhat similar thing that he once did. In 1n2d, he failed the morning mission so he's not supposed to eat breakfast. Kim C was the one who won but he would rather sleep. Jiwon was so close to taking Kim C's spot when Kim C decided to eat anyways... so when Kim C was breaking his fast, he'd ask Kim C... "what's that? what's that?" while pointing at this and that.. and mama bear would end up feeding him. :D
    too bad, the trick doesn't work with jongshin :))
































































































































































































    This is getting tiring already. I'm afraid that this is now the final concept for the show. That this is now their new aim...!

































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