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Posts posted by Eng

  1. two composers were tweeting that this plagiarism issue is bs. I dont know korean but google translate basically gave me the general idea




    비밥스윙은 빠른 템포의 곡.그러다 보니 보편적으로 리듬의 형태가 비슷하다.빠른 일렉트로닉 댄스곡의 리듬구성들이 비슷하듯이.그것을 표절이라 보기엔 무리가 있다.코드웍도 다르고...노래는 분홍신이 훨씬 신나고 좋은데?




    아이유 '분홍신'이 표절이라는 분들... 음악에는 쟝르와 클리셰라는 개념이 있답니다. 분홍신이 표절이면 그 많은 스윙재즈 곡들은 거의 전곡이 서로 표절이라고 해야 할 겁니다.

    I hope someone would translate this to eng for us and we can spread it. These composers are professions and i think people would believe professional more rather than random comments

    I feel so sad that IU is being brought down with another stupid controversy. Our baby cant catch a break can she? sigh..... I hope this will blow over soon and won affect her and the drama. ( i would hate it if the drama doesnt do well and they start to blame her)

    I just posted this on youtube. Thanks for sharing it. I read one Korean comment on youtube. He said that defending in english doesn't help because they don't understand english. I really wanna help but don't know how since my Korean is still basic. Can we create good short sentences and posted in many sites to defend her?? T T My poor baby. How come you have to face so many obstacles in such young age?

  2. @eng

    It sounds like you have a very tough job.  One of my co-workers wife is a nurse and the hours that you guys put in are insane.  I have high respect for your dedication.  

    Oh..not really but thanks for saying that. I think every job has its positive and negative sides. It depends on how we look at it. :D

  3. akinahana89 said: Eng said: Oh..wow. This is really cool. I'm really impressed @akinahana89. I work with oncology patients too as I work at Cancer Center in Thailand. Mostly I deal with palliative and end of life patients so it's more like to help them getting the better quality of life. Feeling really good when they feel better and be more active.

  4. @edensor @9jill9 @shabbychic @mumfu
    Thanks guys for supporting me. I'm still feeling a little crazy about going all the way from Thailand to Korea just for concert. This is really not me. Basically, I'm very busy with very tight schedule. What's wrong with me?? Otokke...~~~ Haha. Fortunately, I can manage to get vacation during that time so I decided to travel a little bit in Seoul and the province near by. So excited!
    I'm not a very good reporter but I will definitely do my best to report something from there because I really want you guys to feel like you join me to the concert as well. So be patient if it's too boring. keke.
    @shabbychic I did contact Squishy for a while because of Korean Music Wave concert in Singapore. So we will meet up there first and meet again in Seoul in the following week. Singaporean IU fans are very nice and mature. I think this is IU fans' character like some of us said once. IU's fans are quite mature and I'm happy to be one of them. :)

  5. akinahana89 said: 9jill9 said: Wow!  That's an awesome way to help someone but that takes some patience!  I can never really grow it that long. I generally get it cut slightly below shoulder length.  I've recently got a really short hair cut and noticed the difference right away.  Less hair on the floor, less time to wash, less hair product :P  Just less everything except how often I have to go to the salon.  Now that we're approaching winter, I'm growing it back out and it's in the awkward stage.  :(

  6. She seems to be really stressed out right now. T T My baby... 
    I think she cares her fans so much and worries if her fans don't like it. As Uaenas, we need to support her no matter what. I know I will like her new drama because she is such a good actress. And she will look good in any hair style. IU fighting!!

  7. [FANCAFE] 131022 From. IU - Knock Knock..?


    I actually wanted to tell my fans on Uaena first… to find out from the news articles, you guys must have been in a not very good mood! Firstly, I apologise that you had to find out from the news articles ㅜㅜ Originally, I wanted to drop by around Sunday night to thank everyone and to tell you guys, but from the drama’s perspective, it seemed improper to do so. I was waiting today. They said the news articles would be up at 8:30am, so I woke up at exactly 8:30am.. I thought my fans would have an uproar.. and indeed, since morning there were many posts on it. As active as the day I made my comeback!! Hahaha!!.. I understand all your concerns and I know you’re concerned for me. But you ask me why I hopped into the drama like a green frog, knowing you guys are worried for me! Well.. I’m not sure. I just wanted to do it ㅠ0ㅠ About a week after my album was released, I suddenly received the offer, anyway I still have leftover stamina, the promotions this round were quite short, and there are just 4 rounds of concert, so it would be quite a pity for this year to just end like that.. so umm in the last two months for this year, let’s work blazing hard!! and that’s how it was decided.. Ah I had something to say before that.. Some of you are worried and for some reason, feel betrayed deep inside, but this round of promotions was intended to last only 4 weeks. Not because of the drama or the concert, but other reasons.. But something cropped up with regards to that, so now there’s actually some time until the concert..? What should we do? At that moment! Pretty Man entered my life like that… After Soon Shin, I really wanted to act some more. After debuting for 5 years as singer IU, I came in first place last week (teehee♥)… but actress IU has only acted in two dramas so far, she’s just one among the many rookie actresses. I was glad to receive the offer. I want to work like a cow. Anyway, the album promotions did not get shortened because of the drama, I swear on my glassy vocal chords! Secondly, my stamina! Whether it was during Good Day or You and I, I managed to hang in there~ I’m exercising recently and eating well too, so my stamina is no joke~ Don’t worry!
    Thirdly, concert! Ah.. actually if you’re worried about this, I’ll feel kind of sad.. You still don’t believe in me!! Although I haven’t always been doing well, I’ve always been working hard. I said if I don’t have the confidence to work hard, I won’t even start on it. If you’re actually worried that I’ll neglect my concert preparations.. then okay! I’ll have to work harderㅠ0ㅠ
    There are circumstances that whether my company or me can’t explain, but there’s no need for all of you to be concerned with that. I won’t ask you to support me unconditionally. Just like the side of me that you like. You don’t need to understand everything. The parts that you don’t like, just say, “I don’t like it!!” I’ll just work hard responsibly on what I’ve been tasked with. If you see me working hard and feel like cheering me on, then cheer me on then. It’s okay, you really~~ don’t need to go all out to understand and work hard for me. I’m always sorry that I can’t please all of you. 
    Finally, have a good lunch!!!♥


    Cr. Squishy_blob: IU jjang

  8. Anybody posted this yet? This is a thank to message on her modern times album:

     "Thank you to all the people who have been like family, partners, assistants and nice adults to singer IU, the 21-year-old Lee Jieun, over the course of 2 years during the preparation of this 3rd full-length album. It would be preferable to write down everyone’s names one by one in this “Thanks To”, but the list of people to thank is as long as the time taken to prepare this album, and it’s difficult to decide the order to list everyone’s names too.. Should I just go by alphabetical order..? What if I miss out someone.. I was worried about that, so I decided to just write it like that! This kind of Thanks To would look better if written concisely in two or three lines.. But it’s kind of a pity, so I keep ranting on ㅋㅋㅋ I’ll express all my thanks through my music, but I’m still lacking in many ways, so I keep ranting like that and my actions are becoming more frantic.. I’ll work harder than others in order to express my thanks. Thank you. "

    Thanks To" for IU’s 3rd album,Modern TImes

    Cr. IU jjang: Squishy_blob

  9. http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201310220824131210blockquote class="Quote" rel="edensor">Okayyyy... my guess is right, the announce the news very early in the morning. I already prepare my self but still... cant help but still shocked!!

    IU CONFIRMED for Pretty Man alongside Jang Geun Suk, Lee Jang Woo and Han Chae Young.
    I really don't know what to think XDDDDDDDD

    Oh..I was about to post. You were faster! This is an article.


  10. Hahah... wecome fellow IU appreciator! She is cute and more! Watch the latest episode of IU on running man. She is so funny and xute on that one.

    Welcome!! IU is really amazing. I don't know how she is being cute, beautiful, and amazingly sexy at the same time. This is really weird. Does she have magic or something?? ^^

  11. I've never really been into shipping before JoU but if I were to ship IU with anyone, I would pick the ones with non-crazy fans.  That's another reason why I chose to ship IU with JJS.  Although Hyun Woo and Shinee's Jong Hyun with IU looks promising.  Taemin was a little more difficult to decide but I saw that he had some crazy fans and that is generally not good for IU.

    IU is generally the one to suffer whenever any male idol shows interest in her so I prefer that she date either an actor like JJS or some other profession besides the idol one.  I even ran across a real wacko on akpop who was following IU's article and leaving nasty comments and insinuations from an Eunhyuk fan.  So, no idol boys with crazy fans for IU.  That means no Exo, SuJu, B2st, etc

    I ship her with so many male celebrities. Keke. Now I'm an active member of JoU shipper because I'm still watching YTBLSS. Can't ignore their chemistry. ^^

    HyunU is my second shipper. He seems to be really nice guy from Hwashin show. I think they are really fit.

    Anyway, anybody is good if he is just good with our IU. Just want her to be happy.

  12. Waaaeeeeeee .... IU looked so beautiful and she's always said that she's wanted that long hair for a while now.  It would be a shame if she had to cut all that!

    Couldn't they have found a way to do it without her cutting her hair?!?

    T T I hope this is not true. I love her goddess hair. She has changed too many styles lately. Her hair could turn bad from dye. However as she postponed her Japanese album and definitely did something to her hair, I don't know....It could be for her Japanese album but Drama preparation is most likely.

    BlondeU....I miss you.

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