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    Is she worth laying down your life for?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If yes, stay, if no, leave her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ever seen married couples? Do you think they jump in the bed every night to have sex?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Unfortunately, longer a relationship lasts, the more factors come into play in that relationship.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As a suggestion, if she's cheating on you, let her cheat on you. You are only making the situation worst by arguing at this point. If she does not feel bad about cheating on you.. well there's your answer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm telling you to give more room for freedom in your relationship. I used to send my girlfriend to go to clubs and all I said was "have fun". You will gain benefits from that rather than trying to keep her on a leash- which only complicates things. Your girlfriend is a human, not a dog.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The ones that cheated on me are literally the ones that want to date me again, because I was respecting the fact that she has her own life as well. Very hard to find in guys, and you are definitely the one I would hate to marry if I was a girl. It is not your responsibilty to keep her from cheating.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'll say this again, it is not your responsibility to keep her from cheating. It is hers.




























































































































































































































































































    The problem with depression is not the depression itself but how it creeps back into your life after you've gotten over it.




















    Remember the cliche "if you want to be happy, then be." While this maybe difficult to pull off, it will help. Your environment should not affect your mood nor should it let you get the worst of you.




















    When I had depression because of my first love, I didn't mind being depressed. It was a great route to learn the realities of life and really had valuable time alone that otherwise I would never have. It creeps back from time to time, but only for few moments. I just know that being depressed ain't it for me anymore and it goes away.




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think most men are okay with paying it's just that it becomes a standard everytime we go out. The girl argument is that "if you take me to the movies ill buy the coffee after" Why can't men buy the coffee and the girl pay for the movie? And when we do bring it up some people think it's cheap.
































































































































































































































































    But it's really not, it's actually logical but that's normally not how it's observed.
































































































































































































































































    Now a days when I take a girl out for dinner and when it's time to pay, they just stand there without saying anything expecting me to pay. I'm okay with paying, but girls take it as a norm which is what I don't like. If any women is willing to pay, I'd say no and be happy with paying but that's rarely there anymore. Show some respect when men are paying because men will respect a women when she pays
































































































































































































































































    Hope this made sense to you, we're not ATM machines. Show a bit more than just a light "thanks"
































































































































































































































































































































































    That was almost funny





































    It's starting to get a little creepy because she seems to be able to find me even if I'm off in a corner behind a lot of other people. This means she is actively looking for me every time I go out to a party or any other social event.

    I've also tried just walking away whenever she walks up to me. The problem is she becomes more persistent the more I ignore her, and she hasn't said directly she has a thing for me, so there's no point in a talk.




    I'll keep ignoring her, or maybe I'll tease her a bit for chasing me around, perhaps that will make her self conscious and go away.







    I just gave you the solution though





  7. I can give you very good advice on this because when I was young, about at your age, I confessed to my first love, even though she already had a boyfriend at the time.
    Here is what you want to hear, i confessed because I could not wait any longer, just like you.What I got in return was unrequited love, which lead me into depression about 5-6 years and I'm not lying about that span.She knew that I liked her, but she switched boyfriend's about 3-5 times even then.I can safely say, no, for sure say that it changed who I am dramatically. There were good and bad sides to my decision, but mostly bad sides.The good side is that it really made me mature and open my eyes into reality really really fast.
    With that being said, as for this guy that you like, if you don't mind unrequited love, if you don't mind suffering, if you don't mind unnecessary drama, if you don't mind wasting time because he's worth it, then go ahead and confess. Be careful though, after you confess it might turn into love. (Happened to me)On the other hand, if you are not prepared to accept these kind of circumstances, don't do it. If I had a chance to go back now, I would not have done it, but at the time I was thinking "I only have one life" and I thought I had a shot. Don't let this fool you though, life is reality, it is not your typical korean drama. The guy will not break up with his girlfriend and start dating you. It just does not work like that.
































































































    I don't understand what options you are looking for, you said you already decided that you will end the relationship if you have no choice.Like I said, just talk to her about it and see where you're both at

































  9. When you go talk to her, you should let her know exactly how you feel about her if you have not done so already.From there, it is up to her to make the call.
    That's the thing about this type of relationship, you are not in control
    Perhaps you might want to stay away from this one, if she was really into you, she would not let her parents to get involved in your relationship. Maybe more information? From what you've wrote I'd stay away from this one

  10. Oh my god she's one of those
    I'd probably suggest that you don't develop further relationship with this girl, because you are going to end up with nothingI say this because I had first hand experience of the same situtationYou can keep doing what you are doing, but she is always going to have some sort of back up/excuse when needed and bring up her parents everytime she does so. If she is really into you, she would have more likely replied "It does not matter"

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