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Posts posted by oyeleyeolusina

  1. 17 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

    so BS didn't get amnesia??? waaaah, here I thought everyone in dramaland gets it when their head is hurt!

    HeyHeyPig Emoticons 31

    The bump on the head seemed to have the opposite effect on BS, it seemed that he had a boost to his IQ , he was very fast in figuring out and put the pieces together to know that the attacker lured him out and was after him instead of HG because of the court case and rightfully tells MTS when he wanted to blame the kid for trying to hurt HG and BS by mistake became the victim not to blame the kid as BS tells MTS that he believes the company was involved and MTS was the person at the company who gave the instruction to have him attacked.

    • Like 14
  2. 3 hours ago, deandraluv said:

    The office scene.  It was HG who initiated the conversation about their sweet past.  Both of them wanted to kiss so badly, but they restrained themselves from doing it.  (Sigh!)  

    It was JE that restrained himself from kissing HG as she was willing to be kissed by him at that moment but I guess the shock and guilt after investigating HG's dad death and confronting his dad since all the evidence points to his dad been responsible for the death of HG death although as expected his dad denied JE accusation of causing the death of HG dad and maintains that his friend gave him permission to change the patent of ownership of the deal to himself.

    JE under such a situation especially with his personality where JE even tells his dad that the only way to make up for the wrong his dad did is for JE to die, he would be unwilling to be intimate with HG for a while.  

    • Like 13
  3. 36 minutes ago, myonenonly said:

    Geeez! SR needs to grow up! She really have to blame HK for not warning her about the drug, she claims HG knew it all along. Even if HG knew it or remembered it, why would HG tell her? Hell no! I wouldn't! At that time HG was so mad at her for stealing her husband. Pudoxin's toxic effect probably didn't even enter her mind when she saw SR taking the drug. Now she wants revenge. TS would be glad to let her think he would help her but I think she'll end up in the dumpster too. In his mind, "nobody blackmails MTS". 

    JE can't see SR being a manipulative b***h! Does he? In his eyes she is a victim? That's why he was mad at HG for a while? Uhmm... You're minus 5 points JE. :) I thought your loyalty wavered at that moment. 

    MTS wants to eliminate JE and HG, so he has no reason to refuse SR offer but what she is not counting on is that MTS would reserve an extra cadaver bag for SR because she dared to blackmail him. 

    If she thinks she can still stay safe after threatening to reveal the content of the recording to either JE and HK if MTS doesn't cooperate, then I think an unknown side effect of pudoxin is that it affects the takers ability to reason. 

    • Like 13
  4. 3 hours ago, trust71 said:

    even after she kick JE on his shin ..when she's on her office you can see her reaction that her heart was saying THUMP..THUMP...THUMP...... Whenever JE teasing her ,she was like a teenager that  denying it was nothing but inside her heart she feel lovestruck:heart:

    The reason she had that reaction in her office after kicking JE on the shin is because HW spilled the beans about JE Christmas eve plans and that was after JE teased her, so she is happy that even though he rejected her offer for a one night stand, he had previous made plans to spend the night with her on that day instead of him rejecting her like JE claimed because he feels no attraction to her at the inn which must have made a massive dent on HG pride and confidence because she was so sure that JE was going to jump on her offer to have sex with her.

    • Like 12
  5. 2 hours ago, koreanczazzy said:

    Her love for JE is all fake .. how come you love some one yet you want to destroy that person at the same time?

    In yesterday's episode, she told JE how she came to have her crush on him, she says that when she saw JE been sad,in a depressed state, she was the person that wanted to help him get out of that state and that was how her love for JE started and then claimed that her love for JE would have remained a crush if not for HG provoking her by coming to meet her the next day after JE borrowed his sneakers to her with new sneakers and stepping all over her pride.

    Like you said, she really is dumb, she has not only heard TS talk about fabricating the clinical trials from pudoxin, she also has a recording of that conservation plus that conservation already in her memory since we are shown flash back of her remember what was said but even after hearing TS talk about pudoxin, it doesn't send alarm bells ringing in her head despite her using said drug but it is only after she gets her test result does she get angry and directs that angry towards HG and JE, if she wasn't affected, she wouldn't have cared that the drug has harmful side effects and was causing damages to other users of the drug despite her blaming HG for trying to take revenge on her by not giving her  a warning about the harmful nature of the drug.

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  6. HW had to spoil everything for JE by revealing to HG that he had a good time thanks to her on Christmas eve and enjoyed the hotel and wine meant for her and JE,making her aware that JE has already made plans to spend the night with her despite ignoring her for most of that day at work, now JE wouldn't be as effective as he would have if HG didn't know that JE was deliberately been this way with her on purpose.

    No wonder JE smacked HW on his butt for messing up his plans and revealing them to HG.

    • Like 12
  7. 2 minutes ago, andy78 said:


    She has that victim mentality, whatever goes wrong in her life is someone else's fault.

    Also in that preview, she is asking JE why she is the only one been punished, she says that JE and HG should be punished too, that was after JE refused her suggestion to abandon someone(it is most likely HG) and JE then tells SR, it is she that will be abandoned instead.  

    • Like 12
  8. 7 minutes ago, Kehinde said:

    She probably will....she'll blame everyone but herself which doesn't make sense since it was her choice to take the drug.

    SR is such a drama queen, telling HG that she did it for revenge in the preview, when HG asked her if she is feeling that she has been wronged, she claims that HG ruined her life as if HG was the person that force fed her the drugs and she wasn't taking it by her free will.

    I wonder if JE will confront SR in tomorrow's episode because he has the evidence of her sending the pictures that she and JR framed HG as the one who sent them or maybe he would give her a free pass because of her physical test result.

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  9. JE is now at the master's level at the art of pull and push of the relationship plus he can mess with her head, he now knows begging HK to do what he wants is pretty much pointless as it takes too much time and effort to get her to respond so  he is now using reverse psychology on HG as this is the only way to get through to her.

    I loved when he asked HG in the car whether she emptied the fuel tank of her car on purpose so that they would be stuck at the outskirt of town, then in the inn after he takes his shower, he tells HG that he doesn't know what she is expecting, she should rest assured as he is not going to touch her, they are just in a boss, subordinate relationship and to him she is like a doll, plastic, he basically tells HG that he feels no attraction to her.

    • Like 16
  10. 36 minutes ago, DelroyB said:

    I think it better to see that BS was selfish and did not tell the mom because he wanted YK2 to stay with him.  

    BS not only selfish, he is very selfish and was going to try his best to hang onto HG by any means possible, if not that other people learnt of HK existence, he was so far gone in his lala land than he couldn't even recognize YK when he saw her and she had to tell him about their shared past before he recognized her.

    Then the was the scene at the hospital after HK was stabbed that got me laughing, JE shows him the DNA proof that YK2 is indeed HK and he is not crazy like BS suggested when JE says he recognizes YK2 as HK and BS tears the DNA result into shreds like if he buries his head in sand and refuses to acknowledge YK2 as HK, then she remains YK2.

    • Like 15
  11. 21 minutes ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

    JE was and is in love with HIMSELF...

    That is the right way to love, you start by loving yourself as how can someone who doesn't love themselves be able to love another people and by someone loving themselves they will have a better way of showing their love and is most likely going to follow one of the basic common sense in life which is treat others as you treat yourself which basically means don't do unto others people things you can't tolerate.

    Besides it is a better way than the method HK chose to adopt after the death of their daughter where she was punishing herself and in the process directly punishing her loved ones.

    • Like 14
  12. 3 hours ago, mdj101 said:

    Why did HK erase those old photos in the camera!  So cruel! And it was JE's camera, NOT hers!

    HK told JE the reason why she deleted those photos, she said those photos are lies as people taking pictures always depict happiness, gladness and such emotions, she tells JE that if someone sees her in those picture and see how she is currently behaving, they would be shocked and speechless, right. she tells JE that she used to be very happy in tears, such happiness that she wouldn't exchange it with anything else in the world, she thanked JE for giving her such happiness as without JE in her life, she wouldn't have experienced such happiness but the photos in the camera are not showing her painful moments, she asked JE does he know the reason why he and her can't get back together, the reason is because JE only remembers the her in the photos(she was hinting that JE only remembers the happy moments) but she only remembers the her that isn't in the camera(HK was hinting that she only remembers the bad moments).
    That JE doesn't know that, while he is asleep, she has looked at him serval time imagining hitting him, imagined herself hurting JE, she tells JE that she has done so and did the same while they were married, they is no way for them to return to been a couple and those photos are from a long time ago, that she is not like JE that could see themselves in the photo from a long time ago but is what those photos are(past memories), she tells him that she would delete those pictures,JE asked what about her that she has forgotten the past, that she can fearlessly go back to work at the company, what about her, JE tells HG not to start working at the company again, then he would stop bothering her, HG tells him that she would decide she wants, JE tells her she was regretting her decisions not long ago, she was fearful of what she could have done, HG says she doesn't have such memories, no it is herself that she couldn't recognise and because she didn't know herself then.
    So JE asked her if she has decided to become the hunting dog for the company again, she replied no, she plans to become the owner of the company, JE tells her no, she asked why, JE says it is him that would become the company owner, HG laughs and asked if he believe he can win over her, JE replies yes and tells her he is going to win, she says ok and tells him to have a go, JE tells her to return the evidence she stole from YK, she asked who he heard that from, JE tells her he heard from the doctor, he tells HG that if she continues holding onto the evidence, she would be in danger, she should give him as he would protect the evidence, HG says she has given the evidence to MS on the condition that he would remove JE from his position which shocked JE.
    • Like 16
  13. 5 hours ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

    @oyeleyeolusina.JE knew HK has moles here and there, don't eat this and that except her inner feelings.

    This argument has been had several times in this forum that JE should have understood HK inner feelings so instead of repeating the same things, I would just use an analogy of driving a car to demonstrate my point.

    When someone is driving, how does the person know the intention of the driver in front of the person's car, by seeing the driver's trafficator and obeying it as when not obeyed it would normally lead to an accident.

    The same applies to four years ago with HK, HK showed JE that she wasn't sad at their daughter's death and said words to that effect, wouldn't JE truly be a crazy man as he is regularly called by some on this forum if he ignores what he is told and see with HK and acts contrary to the signals sent by HK and understood her true intentions that HK was really sad but instead pretending to be ok.

    • Like 11
  14. Preview translation for episode 33
    HK's mom: Our HK, you will continue waiting for her.
    JE: What that person sincerely wants, I do not know, the DHK without memories of starting to love me again.
    JE:Sorry for not been able to keep my promise, I got tired/exhausted, am going to let you go, am going to give you up, be happy HK, see you at the company, director HK.
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  15. BS has to be in a relationship with HK to break out of his delusions of her as you need to have a high tolerance for pain to be in a relationship as she can make her partner suffer when she intends to, even though he knows HK asked for his help to act for in front of JE, BS is instead not acting but living out his romantic fantasies, you see brief moments when his heart desires shows, he did it twice in today's episode

    1) The first time was when he was drinking with JE at bar and JE tells him about how HK is acting strangely, he must have one again come to the realisation that JE knows HK very well as his facial expression showed he was sad by how well JE knows HK.

    2)The second time was when he returns home from the bar and hears someone in the kitchen, since he saw it was a woman, thinking that was HK, he is initially over excited until she turns around and sees that the woman is SR, for a few seconds, he couldn't even hid his disappointed face and his disappointed face is not because of what HK told him about the drug test that SR participated in,even SR notices this and calls him out for him which BS denies.

     When this fake act stops next week after JE has realised HK's intention and stops pursuing her, BS is bound to be disappointed.  

    @DelroyB, I agree with the points you made above especially point 3, BS was talking to JE like someone who knew the ins and out of HK and JE's relationship but from his chat with JE, he realises that JE knows a lot more about HK than he does.

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  16. I loved the conservation between BS and JE at the bar.
    BS's part of the conservation
    BS says even if it is for HG case, he likes JE to help HG get away from this situation and her pain from the past,HK has made her choice and if HK abandons him, that JE would stop his pursuit of her, BS reminds JE that was what JE told him,that is not them that make the choice of who HK dates but HK,BS tells JE that he knows it is hard for JE to accept as it was the same for him but JE must accept it, that JE should keep his word, BS tells JE that he is not alone as he has the company,his father, brother in law and in JE's household, he should think about how HG would feel, how can HG go back to the people trying to kill her younger sister, how can HG be a family with those kind of people, does JE really think that is possible, for once JE should get rid of his greed and just think of HK happiness, can't he do that and doesn't JE think he is too shameless in this situation.   
    JE's part of the conservation
    JE says that HG is behaving strangely, she is someone that never acts in a hurry but is acting in a hurry right now,HK is someone that never over reacts but whenever she meets JE, she is over reacting, JE continues that HG is not emotional but has been showing emotions lately, is HG doing this to get revenge or to break up with him to take revenge, JE says he has to know why HG is acting this way, he will keep watcing HG closely until he finds out her intentions, once his solves that problem, then he would back down and if HG really is abandoning him and she is sincerly choosing BS and not him, he would let go of HG but until that point, he would do his best in pursuit HG even if he has to act crazy in the process as he can't just stay still, doing nothing.   
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  17. 3 hours ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

    ...The elevator scene with JE's friend standing uncomfortably between them and JE ignoring HK.. This behaviour is very expected.

    Obsessive Lovers are extremely jealous of people sharing close relationship with their 'loved' ones. JE casually/jokingly addressed BS as that 'JERK' when HK told him she learnt this and that from BS.

    My colleague wld often come to the office with bruises, abused by hubby. Just for simple insane reasons...husband caught her chatting and laughing with another male colleague..he don't like that..

    So JE going into HK's hotel room with HK n BS drinking wine, flowers, BS grabbing HK's hands infront of him is somethg obsessive 'people' will never accept! Ego damaged!

    You will have a point when HK is abused physically by JE but as of yet nothing like that has happened in their relationship but lets face the truth, a woman like HK would never be battered in a relationship instead it is her that would do the battering.

    We will see JE reaction when he sees BS and HK holding hands but JE has never resulted to physical violence at any point towards any woman most especially HK as it is not in his nature.

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  18. Can't wait to see JE's transformation as the people around JE are stupid if they believe a tiger like MH wouldn't bore a tiger too and mistakenly still see JE as a kitten, so can't wait for people to realise JE can just be as scary as MH if he is motivated and for the first time he is extra motivation to take that CEO position at the company and I don't MH changed his mind regarding handing the company over to JE, that was his plans all along, that was why HK knowing this as HK1 was doing everything in her power to rise to the top and prove her competence to MH. 

    HG has another thing coming to her, she is still underestimating JE in the preview and challenging him as if she sees him as no competition, she would be surprise when she see what JE has planned as he fights to take over the company and now that he has the reason to protect HG from causing further harm to herself, he is motivated to take that top position. 

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  19. That conservation between JE and TS was very interesting towards the end of yesterday's episode, JE tells TS that he doesn't know why him and HG are underestimating him, why does TS feel he would just do nothing while he is been chased out of his position, why doesn't TS think he wouldn't be getting rid of TS first, TS doesn't believe and says you get rid of me, with what method and how will he do it, JE shows TS the report title resource and investment, JE said he would not be sending the report to the audit office but instead he plans to send that report to the prosecutor's office, TS asked JE how he got the report, JE tells TS that he hacked his computer, JE tells TS that the person he should be watchful of is not HG but him, JE tells TS that he can destroy TS with his hand and can do it so easily, JE then says if he makes up his mind, it is the end for TS and says he would protect his position in the company and has no plans to leave the company to either TS or HG, JE says he would be the person running the company and tells TS to keep HG away from the company, that TS should stop HG from getting a position in the company, if TS does as JE ask of him then JE said he wouldn't make TS be embarrassed by been dragged away by the prosecutors and TS can keep  his position at the company, JE says that TS has too many things to lose so he doesn't have a way to stop him.

    TS was totally speechless after JE finishes with him.

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  20. 2 hours ago, iamtaken said:

    In some ways, if JE had not been the son of a pharma magnate, HG and JE would have lived happily because the stresses that came into their marriage came from HG having access to the power and status that CYP brings but not having them because JE does not care about them. She genuinely does not get that he is capable of but does not want the power of being the head honcho at CYP. She thinks that if she can get it for him, he will of course want it.

    I very much doubt that she would have been happy with JE if he wasn't the son of a pharma magnate, she probably would have long broken up with him if he had nothing to offer to satisfy her hunger for power and i feel HK is too much like GN and when GN discussed her relationship with HK's dad, It felt her parents had exactly the same relationship as JE and HK.

    One of HK's biggest flaws is that she didn't listen to JE and just did what she wanted, maybe their life together would have be more happy if only HK listened to JE, JE made it clear to her that he wanted nothing to do with the company but using the excuse that if was for his sake while fulfilling her greed to own the company as if JE would gladly receive the company when she gets the company, of course JE is a grown man and already knows what he wants and needs so he was never going to appreciate HK efforts in trying to own the company as he never wanted it in the first place.

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  21. 38 minutes ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

    @lenet..loss of a child in whatever ways can be traumatic and may destroy a marriage. I have a friend very in love, 6yr old son died of luekemia and soon after due to unbearable grieving, the couple broke off. Her husband did the same, took a younger girl just like JE.

    For a married woman aborted featus of 3 months (natural) can be as traumatic emotionally what more loosing a child of say 4-5yrs old. If JE is someone so in love and is more "involved" with HK's feelings (instead of only himself) he should have not "misunderstood her ways of grieving". JE is not a supportive husband, emotionally and this the reason why we see YK2, HK always going to BS for this.

    JE is in love with HK? All along I feel JE is in love with HIMSELF. His sacrificing and doing things for HK is all about HIMSELF ie win the attention and love of a woman he is terribly in love with to be HIS. (Left the comfort of family, struggled to pay for her studies n her mum's debts etc).

    I know that loss of a child can be traumatic but I don't know how you seem to only blame JE for the break down of their marriage when they are both of fault, after all a marriage involves two people and HK was just begging to be misunderstood as her words and actions four years ago were of someone who was unaffected and has moved on as if the death of her daughter was some else's business.

    The HK before the accident has given no signal of how she felt so they is no way JE would have understood her feelings since he is no mind reader and they was nothing indicating that she felt sad at the loss of their daughter as everything, she did seemed to indicate the opposite of what she actually felt.

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  22. 2 hours ago, DRamaMistress said:

    And BK has a proper chance. I loved how he introduced himself again.I don't know but i think he might be back in the game. He brought out her best self

    Expect if he wants to end up truly miserable, BS needs to be sharp and on his toes as today's version of HK is ready to do what JE did four years ago, using SR as an excuse to end things with HK, with JE begging her and refusing to let go, HK can use BS one side love as an excuse to stop JE from chasing after her.

    Common sense should tell BS that HK as YK2 and today's version are two completely different people, if HK as YK2 was the sweetest version of HK, then today version of HK is her in her cruelest form as everyone in the sight of today's version is an enemy and she is truly on the warpath, destroying everybody in sight.

    BS can handle  HK as YK2 but can't handle this cruel HK as not only is she materialistic, he has no nothing to offer her to fulfil her ambitions which is a priority of this HK so if HK tries to seduce BS and he falls for her, he would only have himself to blame as it is only a matter of time before she comes to her right senses and dumps him.  

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