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Posts posted by avidneri1003

  1. Welcome to there thread!~ It's good to have another fan of Lee Bo Young from the same country. Her three dramas (Save The Last Dance For Me (she was the second lead but she married the male lead there, kkk), The Equator Man, and My Daughter Seo Young) were actually aired in our country, right? Kkk!~ If I'm not mistaken, "I Hear Your Voice" will also be dubbed soon. 

    Thank you so much everyone for replying to my queries :D

    I noticed that most of LBY fans I see in sns are from Thailand. She must be really popular there.

    Wow. MDSY was aired here? GMA? IHYV will be aired starting August 11. I'm so excited to let my family watch it :x

    I know a lot about Yoon Eun Hye now because I've been a fan for four years. Kekeke. I wish to know more about Lee Bo Young that are not readily known to non-fans. I wish to know more about her as a person. kekeke. Btw, I like her eyes the most. It's very expressive. Then next is how feminine her voice is lol....

    I like the atmosphere in this thread :) Very friendly and welcoming :) Sorry for talking non sense tho. X_X

  2. @avidneri1003 oh you can try finding it on youtube for Happy Together. You can find the vidoes at this


    You are not the only one waiting for her next drama, but we also understand that it's about time she gets ready to be a mom too.

    Thank you so much for the links :) I will definitely watch MDSY but that would be after my graduation because of the number of episodes :(( I also finished watching More than blue with Kwon Sang woo right after I finished IHYV... then after, I watched her in Running Man~ hahaha... Btw, did she ever had a fan meeting before?

    and last question, did she not attend Good Friend's VIP premiere? Why?

    Thank you so much :D I am from Philippines :)

  3. Hi :-h I miss YEH so much too :(( I watched the vineyard man episode 16 tonight because that's my favorite episode of the drama and it's the only thing I can remember  haha ;)) I'd like to post my favorite lines from the drama :) I'd be very happy if YEH dates or marries a guy like the guy in this drama.... :x :x 

    JTG: I want to become to you a man who is like the earth. After you marry me, you can't give up on your dream of becoming a fashion designer. I don't like girls who when they get married, their lives revolve around their husbands. Just like me, who holds the dream of becoming an outstanding vineyard farmer, you too must fulfill your dream of becoming an outstanding fashion designer. I'll be by your side, and will do all I can to help you. I will be like the earth who will sturdily back you up. You can leave your roots with me to take in nutrients, produce the prettiest flowers and then bear sweet fruits. Grow very tall and become a huge tree.

    LJH: Thank you. What can I do for you then?

    JTG: eeyyyy ... Don't do anything. I'm already thankful for you coming to my side. I feel happy and blessed. Is this a dream, or is it real? It's very difficult to believe that it's true...... I will treat you well forever.

  4. Lhay


    Hello, can i ask if anyone here know who is the admin of Yoon Eun Hye's Facebook Fanpage with 420+ K Likes?This one? https://www.facebook.com/FansYoonEunHyeI mean that fanpage can help a lot if she/he can post this voting poll. The admin only posts updates about YEH but never about voting polls.


    I really love her relationship with her fans. I don't think it's an actress-fan relationship but more like family or bestfriends :(( It's really really cute :(( crying because of cuteness :((

    Ha Ji Won is like the only korean actress that gets more blooming and younger looking as she age :* There was never a time I saw HJW having a haggard face and that's what I like about her :\"> but most importantly, I love her personality the most. Full of confidence but very humble~ I can sense that she loves herself and she's also amazed by herself but she never have a tiny bit of boastfulness~ That's her aura...confident, vibrant and humble.

    I admire this amazing yeoja =P~

  6. tieuyeunu


    Really? YEH in CoBM? She'll play 2nd fiddle to HJW then, since HJW's character is definitely main girl, any other female character appeared for every little.

    If she does appear it'll be a cameo. Isn't that beneath her? I thought YEH was too big for that.

    Anyway, I thought CoBM was already filming, someone said HJWoo was already filming and HJW will start on June 10. Now it seems it hasn't started at all. I hope the delay doesn't affect the release date. Especially their chance of going to Cannes.

    And HJW's US debut.

    Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye ‏@HallyuYEH  2m

    Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 will do Chronicle of a Blood Merchant for free. Ha Jung Woo asked her to be in the movie. They r friends she said yes.

    =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

    Who else does this?

  8. LhenyR

    said: I got mixed emotions a part of me is happy cuz I will see her in a movie but a part of me is sad cuz she's not the lead star. Can't figure out my feelings why I can't be fully happy knowing that she's making a movie. Maybe love her so much and I always want her to be on the top all the time. Call me greedy, yes when it comes to YEH. Can somebody light me up, why our princess taking up this role even she's not the main lead. I hope her role make the important part in the movie.

  9. From what I have read so far, tbh I don't see anything interesting yet :) I kind of overreacted yesterday because I was already sad with the news when nothing has been decided yet lol :)) I worried too much because I'm afraid I can't bear another bad drama... but today I decided to just wait without having any feelings for it.... Our opinions might be different from now but for sure if YEH takes this, we will all be united in supporting uri princess :DWe all have each other's back..  anyways, 
    Will we see this pairing in Temptation? Or will we see them next time in something better? Or will we never see them at all ? :D The answer lies in Yoon Eun Hye's future choice hahahaha ..  

  10. HIIIIII :-h I just watched IHYV last week and after finishing it I spent the rest of my days watching BTS of her and Lee Jung Suk or anything related to IHYV couple... I love them so much :x :x IHYV is the first work I have seen from LBY. I love her eyes! She got the best eyes from all the actresses I have followed. Based from what I have seen so far from her, she is also full of lovable charisma. i love Jang Byun's personality and like she wants to hear "Jang Byun you did well!" :x :x :x

    Other YEH fans already recommended me God's Gift, is it good like IHYV? :D

  11. This is not really important but please rate uri princess in Asian Wiki so that she'll move up to a higher spot in Asian Wiki's Top 15 User Rated South Korean actresses ^_^  Her rating as of now is only 91% .  http://asianwiki.com/Yoon_Eun-Hye

    Just move your cursor to 100% (danghyunhaji! :P) Notice that it if you haven't rated yet, it says "You didn't vote on this yet" but right after voting it will say "You voted 100%" :D

    8-|  YEH's listed awards in Asian Wiki is only her most recent award in MBC female popularity. seriously :-L how de we modify that.


  12. imageimagetumblr_inline_mmlammYL8i1qz4rgp.gif

    By the way, anybody know how we can rich the owner of this fanpage? https://www.facebook.com/FansYoonEunHye ... That fanpage will be of big help when it comes to disseminating informations like polls. 
    Also, please like and promote different fanpages in facebook.. it will help ^_^ 
    Vietnam: https://www.facebook.com/NeriVietnam
    China: https://www.facebook.com/TaiwanloveYooneunhyePhilippines: https://www.facebook.com/OneneriphilippinesThailand: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Yoon-eun-hye-Fan-club-Thailand/245205378954636Arabs: https://www.facebook.com/YEHArabfansPeru: https://www.facebook.com/YoonEunHyeFansClubPeruIndonesia: https://www.facebook.com/r1004angel
    I think there are still more :D 
    reposting from the 1st page: YEH's Cyworld minihompy : http://minihp.cyworld.com/pims/main/pims_main.asp?tid=41631118
    YEH's Twitter : http://twitter.com/1003Grace/
    Company’s website : http://www.thehousecompany.co.kr/
    Korean official fan club – Neri : http://www.eunhye1003.com/
    English site : http://yooneunhye.net
    Japan site : 
    Chinese site : http://www.yooneunhye.cn/bbs/
    Taiwanese site : http://www.yooneunhye-tw.net/
    Thai site : http://www.eunhyeclub.com/
    Chat with other warriors : http://yooneunhye.net/chatroom/ and http://yehouse.chatango.com/

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