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  1. My cube is clear, it is on the ground and it is a medium size. The flowers are daisies and they are uh.. now in my cube. It's just a handful of them. The ladder is large and on the left wall. The horse is on the opposite side. The horse is happy, smart, and active. The thunderstorm covers the whole room - its floating at the top.

    o_o ooh cool
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm in Limbo! ... but then after that I guess it would have been Level 6, The City of Dis.. :x
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOL'ed at most of those except the dog one...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I put almost anything o_o; I mean everything* Like... tomatoes, pickles, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, bell peppers, olives, ...what else is there? I usually say "I'll have everything, except can you leave the banana peppers and the jalapenos on the side for me?" XD I love veggies. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love rules 3 & 4! Haha! My dad isn't as difficult/scary or at least he doesn't really tell me about it...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    XD I thought "purple hammer" sooo I guess Im part of the 2%?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Haha I got 6, but I am really NOT a genius... That was cool though!

































































































































































































































































  8. Yeah! On a college student's budget, it's pretty hard to buy lots of new clothes, so I tend to try to mix an match as much as I can, but I'm sure I do repeat a few combos. Of course, I try to space out what I wear so I also don't excessively wash my clothes and fade them... especially because they're on the darker/richer color side. So I agree with @green papaya. ALSO,  
    green papaya said:I read in a fashion book that the lighter color the jeans the more casual

    the darker color jeans are more dressy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think I enjoyed being a kid.. but the first job I wanted to have was to be a "video game maker" lol or a designer, if you will. Ah that would still be super fun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "You are a tiny salesman who likes to write to loaves of bread" I'm crying from laughing so hard at everyone's results!

































































































































































































































































  11. I tend to go for a more natural look unless I feel like adding more color or spending more time with colors.. So after my moisturizer...
    - I use a concealer.- BB cream - Powder- Eye shadow. I have this brown palette from Avon that my mom gave to me. It works well with my skin tone for a more "natural" look.- Eye liner. If not sometimes I just get lazy and use black eye shadow as a liner instead.- Mascara.- Lip balm! 
    I feel weird using lip stain or lip stick unless I'm going somewhere fancy haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My name means... 1) Actually an alien. 2) Posing in front of the mirror.  o_o I'm an alien and I pose in front of my mirror so I can practice how to blend in with "earthlings" >_>  D: How did it know! The secret is out!

































































































































































































































































  13. I often find myself wanting to change my style too, so we're kind of in the same boat. I should mention I'm not in high school, but I'm in college... Anyway, I get a lot of inspiration from different magazines and other photo sources online etc.  Personally, I find that Forever21 is kind of a good place to start if you're on a bit of a budget. Oh, but for photo sources, I mean I look at places like Yesstyle.com ...and since shipping sucks for me, I try to make do and find something locally that looks similar to the look I like. :D
    Umm... I'm not too sure what kind of skirts you're thinking of (flowy? pencil? etc etc...) but if you ever find they are too short, you can try to pair them with tights/leggings...o_o; I think that's a legging/skirt combo like.. they're sewn together or something.. that's new to me.. images werent working so here's the direct link  from yesstyle.

    Flats would also look nice with some skirts and dresses. Personally, I'm going to attempt to learn how to wear heels since I'm pretty short and idk, I've always wanted to try heels and not fall. XD  Sorry, hope I was a little helpful?
    Atm, I'm pretty into the layering thing with tops like this... also from yesstyle.

  14. >_< my food choices today weren't that great... I ate a fiber one brownie for breakfast which wasn't so bad, but I had some salad and Chinese spare ribs for lunch... and I feel like I over ate just a little bit hehe. It's been a really long time since I had it! Then dinner was a small salad, shrimp, and half brown half white rice. 
    ^ @bakane18 In a way, you're lucky! I've been craving pasta for ..idk nearly a week! I'm just too lazy to make it or find a good pasta place XD

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