Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by andrelle


    I'm very proud of Big Bang and VIPs around the world! This is phenomenal! VIPs have worked so hard to make this as our special gift to the boys and to Tabi for his birthday. I'm so happy seeing their expressions when they were called as winners! They were all smiling and very much happy being the winner! THOSE SMILES SPECIALLY FROM DAE AND GD!!!!!

    GDYB!!!! I love how GD, our KWON LEADER, spoke like a BOSS in Korean!!! and the boys fanboying for all major stars, Queen, Katy Perry then Jessie J!!!

    Thank you to all the amazing pictures, fanaccounts and videos. This EMA Belfast adventure is so precious and memorable not just for them but also for VIPs. A big hug to all amazing VIPs around the world! BEST FANDOM EVER!

    Shoutout to all KPop fans and to other fandoms who supported us as well!

    Don't forget to vote for Big Bang at the MAMAs!!!


    Third thread for Big Bang! Yay! I would like to thank all the Soompi VIPs, specially to all the mods! Kudos to all your hard work and for always sharing all these amazing Big Bang news, videos, pictures and links! First page was awesome!

    The Big Bang Soompi Interview was so awesome. The boys really took the time to answer the questions. Shoutout to juang and kc for having their questions answered by Dae! that was just pure awesomeness!

    BB is busy with their Love and Hope Tour.... hope we can see them again soon... Get well soon GD!

    YB's birthday is coming and I'm just wondering if VIPs have decided what to trend on his birthday. I've been seeing lots of recommendations. Hopefully, we can choose one and have a successful trending project on his birthday. I know he'll be busy at the time but I'm hoping he'll tweet on that day! ;)

    Again, thanks to all Soompi VIPs! Fighting!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    it's been a while since the last time I posted here... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAESUNG!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Dae at MCD - Very happy and excited for his performance! I'm very thankful for those who shared fancams for his performance during the Big Show but watching him at MCD will be so much better!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Goodbye Stages - SO FAST!!! I can still remember waiting for the teasers for Love Song but now, they're doing their goodbye stages already. I will definitely miss having weekly, almost daily updates about Big Bang. I am hoping that they'll come back again before the year ends for another album.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Japanese Tour - I understand that they have a contract to follow and that they don't want to disappoint all the J-VIPs who have always supported them. I wish them all the best for these series of concerts.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To all VIPs, thanks for sharing pictures, links and videos! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Big Bang will be very busy this week with music shows, radio guestings and concerts. Stay strong and be healthy! FIGHTING!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    20110326_롯데면세점 패밀리콘서트_YB_Somebody to love_www.sol-mate.co.kr.wmv
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Source: www.sol-mate.co.kr
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Taken from: Big Bang Updates
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Teen Top member Ricky reading the March issue of Inkigayo Magazine with BIGBANG on the cover.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sources: Inki PD + kouichijun @ YOZM
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks to DCGD and Happyrichlife for the links!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Posted by: Vic @ Big Bang Updates
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Taken from: Big Bang Updates
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Triple crown for just one performance this week! They are killing all the charts so hopefully more awards! Love the outfits too!

































  6. 【MUSIC】본능적으로 (By Instinct)/Swing feat. Taeyang ♪♪ Digital Single.3/9 Release!


    Taeyang & Swing come together again after Swing collaborated with Taeyang’s Solar in “After You Fall Asleep”.Mark you calendar for the release!

    Via VIPZ

    Taken from: TeamBIGBANG


    Swings to remake "By Instinct" featuring Taeyang [NEWS]

    Digital Single out on March 9. Swings originally sang this with Yoon Jong Shin:

    윤종신- 본능적으로(Feat. Swings)

    Credits: Bestiz via bbvipz / ybmania.com

    Source: greenpig77 @ YT

    Posted by: vic @ Big Bang Updates
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Taken from: Big Bang Updates
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [NEWS] 110224 BIGBANG COMEBACK @ MBC 6 시뉴스매거진
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Source: MBC 6 via nyxtim3@yt
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Posted by: sfuza_14 @ Big Bang Updates
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Taken from: Big Bang Updates
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Big Bang's new mini album contains music, fashion and style [NEWS]
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The idol group, Big Bang, has returned after 2 years and 3 months and have revealed new songs where the quality of the songs are higher than what we expected and we mean every word. Actually, after the album was revealed, positive feedback by the fans were left on various online community boards.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Big Bang has returned to the music industry on the 24th with a 4th mini album. They have past the stage of idol and have become an icon where their new songs would become international songs and at the same time include Big Bang’s personality and capture the hearts of listeners with these two ideas.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    They still have a bit of the style that could be seen when they were promoting “Lies” but instead of repeating it, they included emotional lyrics and melody that doesn’t irritate the listener’s ears.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The title song of their mini album is “Tonight” and once you hear it for the first time, you’ll know it’s their song because of Big Bang’s music style and it includes Big Bang’s personality but it’s a song that has a change from their past songs. The song makes the listeners feel comfortable and relaxes the atmosphere with Big Bang’s special electronica rhythm and emotional melodies.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The part where Taeyang sings, “I will find you oh eh oh I will find her under the moonlight that’s shining down on me oh eh oh oh oh although I don’t where the end is. Tonight tonight tonight tonight I still don’t know what love is and I’m still lonely on this night” tickles the ears with the soft and yet comfortable lyrics of the chorus and with Daesung’s clean and appealing voice and with Seungri’s vocal skills that’s good at delivering the feeling, it makes the listeners relax.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Almost as if the ballad and dance was mixed into one body, it has a strange mix where it gives the heart a warm and comfortable feeling and at the same time become a popular song by including electronica sound, acoustic guitar, digital and analogue sounds. The song becomes more fun as it has a sorrowful feeling and then changes to a spirited atmosphere and the sound of the wolf howling is very witty, bringing out the fun in the song even more.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The song, “Intro-Thank You & You” begins with Taeyang’s voice and it delivers each other member’s feelings through their character. “What Is Right” and “Cafe” is mostly played with an acoustic performance instead of an electronic sound making it seem like they’re whispering the songs and at the same time tell the listeners about their feelings, making the song seem more alive and fresh.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Source: Osen































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Translated By: solshin3 @ 21BANGS.com































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Posted by: sfuza_14 @ Big Bang Updates































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Read more: http://www.bigbangupdates.com/2011/02/big-bang-new-album-contains-passion-and.html#ixzz1Es52Q1vn
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOVE LOVE LOVE this mini so much! i'm just a proud VIP right now! we have been waiting for this for such a long time and these songs are so amazingly good! i can't stop replaying Tonight, What's Up, Cafe and even the Intro!!! STL and HU came out great as well in Korean. This mini is just so full of awesome stuff! i can't wait to get my copy, pre-ordered mine already!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    AND THEY ARE KILLING ALL THE CHARTS!!! it will be available in itunes as well! SUPPORT!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    *so good to be back in Soompi and to see so many VIPs here in BB's thread! it will be another awesome journey with Big Bang as they start their promos for this mini. Big Bang and VIPs FIGHTING!
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































    posted? Big Bang back in the days!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    (English Subbed) Big Bang BBBud Promo (05.29.07)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Subbed by: Vicky @ HQBB































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Taken from: Big Bang Haven
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































    20101205_YG Family concert_2회_Hot뜨거 YB.wmv
































































































































































































































































































































































































    20101205_YG Family concert_2회_Hands up YB.wmv
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credit: sol-mate































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credit: juckdo @ YT

















  13. i have never ever heard anyone calling Taeyang as the genius of Big Bang. only GD was called by that but he doesn't even like it. all my co-VIPs here have said everything about your concern but i just need to point out that it is really very insulting for us, VIPs and for all the members of Big Bang when you consider them lazy when you clearly have no idea what have they been doing these days. Peace.
























































































































































































    Big Bang Times Magazine Volume 02 Q&A [NEWS]
























































































































































































    Q1. What do you when want to feel refreshed?
































































































































































































    G-Dragon: Drive. I feel refreshed when I drive while looking at Hangang (Park) in Seoul.
































































































































































































    T.O.P: ?
































































































































































































    SOL: Drive & sleep.
































































































































































































    D-LITE: Listen to music and watch a movie
































































































































































































    V.I: I feel happy when listening to music
































































































































































































    Q2. Complete: ______ is my greatest weakness.
































































































































































































    G-Dragon: Love
































































































































































































    T.O.P: Actually, I'm very weak in Japanese.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    D-LITE: Turn VIP away...
































































































































































































    V.I: Cooking! I don't have (cooking) sense. I should marry a woman who can cook by all means...
































































































































































































    Q3. What's a job that you want to try other than being an artist?
































































































































































































    G-Dragon: I want to make clothes.
































































































































































































    T.O.P: I want to study interior design.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    D-LITE: The president of a very big company.
































































































































































































    V.I: Race car driver because I want to feel such speed that looks crazy. CEO because I want to work with a lot of employees led by me.
































































































































































































    Q4: Please tell us if you have a habit
































































































































































































    G-Dragon: I bite my nails. I really want to overcome it but it can't just be be cured right away
































































































































































































    T.O.P: My character which gets angry immediately...
































































































































































































    SOL: Turning my ring.
































































































































































































    D-LITE: Purururururu~ (Lip exercise)
































































































































































































    V.I: My habit of blinking my eyes. My eyes always get dry.
































































































































































































    Q5: Favorite part about yourself? (Can be looks, character, action, etc.)
































































































































































































    G-Dragon: My character. I think that I'm suitable for this kind of work because my character is simple.
































































































































































































    T.O.P: Eyes...?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    D-LITE: My character..... is good. I'm an interesting person.
































































































































































































    V.I.: My warm and bright character. Positive thinker and challenging! Sexy! I also like the dark circles under my eyes. My charming points!
































































































































































































    Q6: Please talk about looking back to 2010 and a goal for 2011.
































































































































































































    G-Dragon: I polished a sword in 2010... I'm no good unless I show you something new in 2011...?
































































































































































































    T.O.P: To develop more and always live in peace. I wish you a happy Christmas.
































































































































































































    SOL: Let's do it again... I can do better...
































































































































































































    D-LITE: Lot of solo activities. Fighting for BIGBANG's activity in 2011!
































































































































































































    V.I: I know that fans waited and were starving for our music in 2010. Please look forward to us as we give back double in 2011.
































































































































































































    Translations and scans by Tisya @ bigbangupdates































































































































































































































































































































































































    Posted by: Tisya @ Big Bang Updates































































































































































































































































































































































































    Taken from: Big Bang Updates































































































































































































































































































































































































    Read more: http://www.bigbangupdates.com/2011/01/big-bang-times-magazine-volume-02-q.html#ixzz1Ak7qRsLp
































































































































































































  15. ^

    i think he's referring to this video??? Jeka posted this.

    Slo-mo. Double double forearm. @Realtaeyang @shaunevaristo @KeoneMadrid --> http://www.twitvid.com/PZXTL

    Posted by: Jeka Kalotkin of Movement Lifestyle in Twitter

    Via Taeyang_heaven @ Facebook
























































































































































































    Fans outraged over ‘Hot Topic’ selling K-pop music
























































































































































































    International K-pop fans have been in an uproar over the alleged ‘unauthorized’ sales of various K-pop albums through the American retail chain, ‘Hot Topic‘.
































































































































































































    ‘Hot Topic’ is an American clothing chain that specializes in ‘punk rock’, ‘hipster’, and ‘geek chic’ fashion. Though the store’s main focus is on novelty clothing and accessories, they also vend ‘licensed music’ in the form of either CDs or individual downloadable tracks.
































































































































































































    Recently, however, the legitimacy of their music department’s practices and products has come under fire, as K-pop fans have discovered that the retail chain is selling music that may not be entirely authentic.
































































































































































































    The site boasts albums from ‘SHIN LEE‘ [sic], Big Bang, and 2NE1, just to name a few. From these artists, Hot Topic advertises that they’re selling a ‘2NE1 Acapella’ album, the ‘Big Bang 2010 Big Show’ album, and a ‘SHIN HEE Lucifer Tribute’ album.
































































































































































































    Of course, there is no ‘2NE1 Acapella’ album, and Big Bang’s ‘BIG SHOW 2010 BIGBANG LIVE CONCERT’ doesn’t have that cover. The ‘Label’ information for both the 2NE1 and Big Bang albums also point out a glaring disparity, since the label has been listed as ‘2NE1′ and ‘Robert Blackwell’, instead of ‘YG Entertainment‘.
































































































































































































    Hot Topic also has K-Pop compilation albums available for purchase, which features mixes from ‘Baek Ji Young‘ (pictured as Lee Hyori), ‘SHIN HEE’ (pictured as TVXQ), and ‘Rainbow‘ (pictured as ‘SNSD‘).
































































































































































































    What’s interesting to note here is that the ‘Label’ information is incorrect once again, and on top of it all, the covers used for these albums appear to be fan-made wallpapers, which were then matched inaccurately.
































































































































































































    Due to such striking errors, international K-pop fans have become concerned about the overall legitimacy of these items. Did they pay for the rights to the music, and if so, how much of those proceeds did the K-pop artists and their agencies receive from the sales?
































































































































































































    allkpop has contacted the administrators of Hot Topic’s official website, and we plan on following up on this recent development.
































































































































































































    Posted by: asphodel @ AKP































































































































































































































































































































































































    Taken from: AllKpop























































































































































































































































































































































































    Big Bang's Taeyang makes a splash in Hollywood
























































































































































































    Famous K-Pop artist Taeyang of the group Big Bang recently arrived in Los Angeles to hone in on his dancing craft by taking various dance classes. Before focusing on the classes, Taeyang was given a bit of the Hollywood treatment by dining out with Shaun Evaristo, Aimee Lucas and the Movement Lifestyle family at the famous Nobu Restaurant on Saturday.
































































































































































































    Last night, Yang was able to take in a little of the Hollywood nightclub scene as promoter TK Nguyen personally escorted Taeyang to Drai's Hollywood at the W Hotel. For one of the hottest music artist in Asia, this was a great start for Taeyang to learn from the best as he shared the dance floor with celebrity hip hop dancers from the web series "The LXD" and Lindsey Blaufarb of the female b-girl group The Beat Freaks.
































































































































































































    Taeyang stood on the sidelines of the cypher (dance circle) for a moment observing the flips, tricks and moves that one would see at the best b-boy competition in the world before joining in.
































































































































































































    Taeyang is definitely on a good start with his drive to polish his moves learning from the best dancers and choreographers in Hollywood.
































































































































































































    Posted by: Peter Gonzaga (LA Red Carpet Examiner)































































































































































































































































































































































































    Continue reading on Examiner.com: http://www.examiner.com/red-carpet-in-los-angeles/tae-yang-makes-a-splash-hollywood#ixzz1Ah0i1KAK































































































































































































































































































































































































    Via bluemaid @ Always Taeyang















































































































































































































































































































































































































    Finally!!! Maknae is looking so hot with that teaser picture! I'm super excited for his album. I didn't know he would be so hands on in this album by composing almost all the songs. Good job maknae!!! i can't wait to hear your wonderful songs. the song with IU is so unexpected but i'm very excited to hear it. even though once again YG moved the release date, i'm still happy with his two title songs plus 2 mvs(?) and the tracklist.
































































































































































































    i really love the styling and color of his hair in his teaser picture! looking so gorgeous as ever! :wub:
































































































































































































    thanks for sharing!









  19. So, is it confirmed that he's in L.A. or is it based on assumption? If he is indeed in L.A., I will def. take a trip there and hunt him down. ^^

    it's confirmed that he's in the US, not sure exactly where.

    here are some airport fantaken pictures... (shinhdeplol also posted them at BB's Thread)



    Source: via Bestiz

    Taken from: Big Bang Updates

  20. Guerrilla Date translations

    TOP: Hello Entertainment Relay viewers. We are GD...

    GD: and TOP

    Subtitle: Thoughts (on today's Guerrilla Date)

    GD: It's been a long time since I've been out on the streets like this. I hope we can have a good time.

    MC: and TOP

    TOP: Since we're having a date anyway, I hope we can go dutch..

    MC: hahaha

    (Preview of things to come)

    MC: It's a bit late but happy New Year.

    GD&TOP: Yes happy New Year.

    Subtitle: GD&TOP's album

    TOP: We wanted to give a present to all those fans waiting for Big Bang to comeback

    Subtitle: Unique hairstyles

    GD: We changed our hairstyles a lot, but now there aren't a lot of hairstyles left

    MC: haha, Since you've done pretty much everything?

    GD: So it became like this

    TOP: We messed with our hair too much

    MC: For the people at Kangnam seeing these two people was a pleasant surprise that caused their eyes to open like a rabbit's. The sighs of the women wouldn't end.

    Subtitle: Reactions of the other members

    GD: I think it's 50/50

    TOP: Yeah. They burden us by saying that if Big Bang isn't successful it's all our fault.

    MC: With the fans.......... (interrupted by screams)

    MC (to 2 fangirls): What makes GD&TOP so great?

    Right fangirl: ............... They're good looking!!!!!

    TOP: Don't be like that! It makes you look insincere!

    Fangirls: (scream)

    Left fangirl: If they would greet us better I think they'd be even greater

    MC: If they would greet you better?

    Left fangirl: Yeah they always just fly by

    GD: I'm sorry. I'll be good.

    MC: Try apologizing

    GD&TOP: (wave)

    Right fangirl: Oppa see you tomorrow

    GD&TOP: (hug)

    MC to fanboy: TOP has very strong looking eyes. Do you think you'll be able to beat him in a staring contest?

    TOP: I'm not very good haha

    (staring contest start)

    MC: LOL they're not going easy on each other. Alright that's it, it's a tie.

    MC: You must have been surprised

    TOP: Yeah I was

    (little girl comes in)

    MC: Do you know who these oppas are?

    Little girl: Yes

    MC: Who are they?

    Little girl: Jiyong oppa

    MC: Jiyong oppa!

    Little girl: TOP ahjusshi

    TOP: Did she call me ahjusshi? Why am I an ahjusshi haha?

    MC: Can you give oppas a kiss?


    MC: You have more than 3 title tracks?

    TOP: Our album was made with a lot of effort, so instead of just singing one song, we wanted to show a lot of sides to us.

    MC: Let's go somewhere quiet now and go dutch afterwards.

    GD&TOP: Yeah

    MC: Say your last farewells to the fans

    GD&TOP: Happy new year

    MC: What's the secret to your music?

    TOP: A lot of people like and sing along with our songs and they expect a lot from us and I think it's because a lot of people spend most of their time dealing with the feelings associated with love and I think our music taps into that.

    Subtitle: Ideal types

    GD: My ideal type as of now in 2011 is a girl that has a happy New Year

    MC: hahaha, and TOP?

    TOP: All the viewers watching Entertainment Relay right now are my ideal types.

    MC: Which member has the least dating experience?

    GD: Taeyang, as most people know he has never dated anyone before.

    TOP: And unexpectedly the most active one is our maknae Seungri.

    MC: And yet Seungri has never had a scandal before right?

    GD: Ermmm ye..

    TOP: He has very secretive meetings

    MC: In order to play with friends have you ever lied to your parents or the company?

    GD: When I was playing games everyday I think I used to lie a lot. I'll stop lying now mom.

    MC: And you must have some experiences as well TOP?

    TOP: I'm just a liar.

    GD: LOL

    TOP: At the time I thought everyone believed me, but I used to tell so many obvious lies that they were just pretending to believe me. So now I try to be a more honest and sincere person.

    (Taeyang's looks ranking)

    MC: How do you think you rank among your members in looks GD?

    GD: 4th

    MC: Who's 5th?

    GD: I'll leave it to the viewer's imaginations

    MC: and TOP?

    TOP: I'm 4th

    MC: Aren't you being a little too modest?

    TOP: I wanted to appear modest

    Subtitle: Yang Hyun Suk

    GD: When we're with him there are times when we watch old footage of him. YG is usually shy while watching it, but he always says "Isn't it awesome? I'm so good at dancing".

    MC: If we gave you a mic and had a freestyle rap battle against him?

    TOP: We'd win

    MC: Recommend me some good songs that came out recently

    TOP: The GD&TOP album

    GD: Yeah those guys are pretty good

    TOP: Yeah I'm a fan of them, but I don't think they're normal

    GD: (turns around and laughs)

    Subtitle: Banned on broadcasts

    TOP: Phrases that had no problem airing on dramas don't seem to work for music.

    MC: It must have been a shame

    GD: Yeah it's less about being unfair, and more that it's a bit of a shame. We want to show a lot of sides to us, but we can't.. (looks at camera) Give us permission!

    MC: When is Big Bang's album coming out?

    GD: On February 26,27,28 we have our Big Show concert, so we think we'll be able to greet fans with a Big Bang album before the concert.

    Subtitle: Guerrilla Date

    TOP: It was a fresh experience and meeting so many people face to face was a very special time.

    GD: For me, when I opened the door and saw the fans and hyung (points at MC) I was really happy.

    MC: Aw thanks..

    Translated and Posted by: Flibbertigibbet

    Taken from: Big Bang Thread 6Theory Forums

  21. ^

    yeah, saw the typo error too... i'm not sure about that. yesasia has now preorders also but so expensive

    DVDHEAVEN: [DVD] TAE YANG - 2010 TAE YANG CONCERT [sOLAR] (2 DISC) + Poster - http://dvdheaven.com/product/product_detail_music.php?idx=31994

    YESASIA: Tae Yang - 2010 Tae Yang Solar Concert (DVD) (2-DVD + CD + Poster in Tube) (First Press Limited Edition) (Korea Version) - http://www.yesasia.com/us/tae-yang-2010-tae-yang-solar-concert-dvd-2-disc-1cd-poster-in-tube/1023929053-0-0-0-en/info.html

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